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随着消费市场的日益成熟,商业零售企业不得不变大量销售为多品种、小量销售以满足顾客个性化、多样化的需求。许多商业企业的进销一体的经营管理模式开始面临严峻的考验,管理人员迫切要求实现单品管理,但是实现的过程却困难重重,究其原因,有在经营管理模式转型的认知... 相似文献
通过对零售业王国美国沃尔·马特公司成功之道的分析,阐述了电脑空间市场和国际商业网络的建立是零售业的一场革命。日益激烈的市场竞争迫使零售商运用现代信息技术为顾客服务,抢占市场份额,发展壮大自己。 相似文献
中国零售业的全面开放日益临近,面对实力雄厚的跨国零售集团的大举进入,国内零售商在短期的规模扩张中显得力不从心,且联合做大的效果欠佳。因此,要想在当前激烈的竞争中生存和发展,国内零售商应采取避强定位,走差异经营之路。 相似文献
近年来,随着社会经济的发展及互联网技术的提高,人们购物的渠道更趋多元化,然而,这也给传统零售业带来了巨大的冲击。本文通过分析传统零售业的发展现状和传统零售业受到冲击的原因,对网络零售与传统零售进行了对比分析,为我国电子商务环境下传统零售业的发展提出了建议。 相似文献
日本商业统计调查是经济产业省政策局调查统计部每隔五年对批发与零售业进行的一项全国性调查。该数据准确、翔实、丰富,是了解、研究日本流通业的第一手资料,本文使用了其中的十组数据对日本零售业现状进行了分析。 相似文献
本文从分析我国零售业超市价格战的两种形式入手,说明价格战对超市、消费者、供应商和制造商的利益损害,指出价格战仅是一种初级的促销手段,只有构建现代服务理念和不断创新营销方式,为顾客提供符合需要的高质量商品,才能使零售业超市从容应对激烈的行业竞争和外来挑战。 相似文献
本文从分析我国零售业超市价格战的两种形式入手,说明价格战对超市、消费者、供应商和制造商的利益损害,指出价格战仅是一种初级的促销手段,只有构建现代服务理念和不断创新营销方式,为顾客提供符合需要的高质量商品,才能使零售业超市从容应对激烈的行业竞争和外来挑战. 相似文献
This article reviews retail change in Europe over the past 20 years. The sociocultural context of retailing in Europe is briefly discussed before macro level changes in the relative scale of Europe's largest retail organizations over this period are explored. Three underlying themes to retail change are then discussed – the emergence of new markets, in relation to geographical, product, service and channel diversity; the evolution of the retailer as a brand, encompassing an holistic multifaceted conceptualization involving product, store and organizational dimensions; and the role of time as a competitive element through consumer and business behaviours, and in terms of the pace of strategy implementation. Finally, looking forward the study concludes with a number of underlying themes in the approaches taken by European retail organizations 相似文献
《Journal of East-West Business》2013,19(1):83-100
Abstract Relatively little is known about consumer perceptions of retailers in Central and Eastern Europe. What store attributes do consumers in these markets emphasize? Do these attributes reflect the culture of the region? These questions are addressed in the case of Estonia. However our main objective is to contrast the Estonian situation with that of a typical Western country, Canada. Two key shopping experience constructs are selected, namely merchandise selection and the interactivity between the store and the consumer. To make the comparison meaningful we have chosen a single retail category, namely discount or low-price department stores. In both countries there were two stores that dominated their respective market, so this facilitates the collection of consumer perceptions. Structural equation modeling using AMOS software has been used to test the equivalence of the constructs across cultures. Our main findings are that (1) both merchandise selection and store-customer interaction are valid constructs across both countries, (2) that the factor patterns have configural invariance or equivalence for each construct across the two cultures and (3) that the factor patterns do not have weak factor invariance across the cultures. In short, we conclude that there are major differences in consumer's discount store shopping experiences across the two cultures. 相似文献
The charity retail sector has seen unprecedented growth in the UK over the past ten years. Alongside this growth charities have become progressively professionalised and commercialised and have begun to adopt strategies developed in commercial retail contexts. This paper unpacks this process of professionalisation examining exactly what it constitutes on the ground. It then goes on to consider in turn how this new professionalism has impacted on store managers. The paper closes in considering the challenges represented by these requirements and offers some suggestions for future research. 相似文献
《Journal of East-West Business》2013,19(4):37-52
ABSTRACT Retailing in Poland after 1989 was privatised rapidly. There was an explosion in the number of small shops and kiosks. By 1996 rationalisation had begun in the store network. By the mid-1990s foreign retailers were perceiving the Polish market as a potentially lucrative one. Several store formats were introduced. Hypermarket operators from Western Europe have moved into the market strongly since the mid-1990s. French and German retailers are making substantial investments in this format. There are notable implications for the supply chain, logistics and the behaviour of manufacturers of fast-moving consumer goods, particularly food. There are implications also for the training and development of a cadre of managers in operational and strategic functions. The development of hypermarkets represents a significant transfer of managerial know-how from Western to Central Europe. There are also implications for the small shopkeeper sector which has already been affected but is likely to be more heavily affected as hypermarket numbers increase. In the process of the modernisation of retailing in Poland foreign hypermarket operators are playing an important role. 相似文献
外商投资我国零售业的动向与思考 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
未来几年,随着外资进入我国零售业,在企业的设立形式,数量,地域,股权比例等方面的限制陆续取消,我国零售业将会形成外商独资、中外合资等各种经济成份相互竞争的局面。认真解读外商投资零售企业的现状,分析其发展动向,这对保护和发展民族商业、规范我国零售市场具有重要的意义。 相似文献
Enrico Colla Professor Research Dean 《International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research》2013,23(1):47-69
This article analyses retail trends in the main European countries, and particularly format evolution and competition amongst retailing firms. On the basis of the existence of European retailing landscapes that are sometimes similar without ever being identical, the article analyses the impact of the main factors of change on different national markets. Whilst retail internationalisation and new entrants, commercial policy, legislative environments, technological innovations, consumers and buying behaviour will have a convergence effect on different countries' retail structures, substantial differences will still exist. European retailing in the coming years will probably be characterized by increasingly less marked differences between countries than one finds today, but market segmentation, variety and differentiation of retailing formats and brand names will be stronger within each country. 相似文献
浅析西部旅游业在新时期面临的机遇和挑战 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国西部地区幅员辽阔,旅游资源丰富。但由于受历史、自然环境和地理位置等诸多因素的影响,其发展水平仍比较落后。当前,国家实施西部大开发战略,国际、国内旅游业突飞猛进,在这一新的形势下,西部旅游业在面临历史性的发展机遇的同时,也将受到严峻的挑战。 相似文献
零售企业自有品牌问题的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
自有品牌,是零售企业通过搜集、整理、分析消费者对于某类商品的需求信息而开发出来的新产品的品牌。零售企业在功能、价格、造型等方面提出设计要求,自设生产基地或者选择合适的生产企业进行加工生产,最终用自己的商标注册该产品,并在本商店销售该品牌。由于自有品牌能够给零售企业带来更多的利润,赢得顾客的忠诚,因而受到越来越多零售企业的青睐,开发、销售自有品牌产品已成为零售企业广泛采用的营销策略。 相似文献
《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(1-2):73-97
Abstract During the last fifteen years there has been a substantial restructuring of retailing in Europe. The implications of this reach beyond Europe. The restructuring involves not only competitive relationships amongst retailers but also involves new forms of relationships with suppliers. A new perspective of the role of retailing is emerging that places retailing in a global framework of international store operations, international sourcing of products, international flows of management and managerial know-how, and international awareness by consumers of the retailers who are becoming international brands. The aim of this paper is to place the restructuring in context, to consider the nature of it and to explore how the new global framework will begin to have effects for distribution industries in Asia. 相似文献
在当今宏观经济环境下,零售企业需要着眼于顾客的购物体验,包括促销体验、价格体验、商品体验、位置体验等,提升客户满意度,激发客户购物热情,从而提高企业绩效。 相似文献