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20世纪80年代以来,英国高等教育系统的知识产权管理与转化工作在国家管理层面和机构执行层面不断强化。为使高等教育机构知识产出实现收益最大化,政府采取了积极激励政策,并对高等教育机构的知识转化工作进行监督与反馈。目前,绝大多数英国高等教育机构都建立了较为清晰的知识产权管理制度,其管理的知识产权包括专利、著作权、设计权、商标权、保密信息等各种法定或非法定类型。通过对英国高等教育系统知识产权管理的整体梳理,可以看到,英国高等教育系统的知识产权管理及转化均积累了较为成熟的经验,各项工作能够做到有章可循、责任明确、执行到位、全程管理。  相似文献   

知识产权密集型产业不仅是数量密集,更重要的是知识产权制度的高度依赖,而专利、版权和商标成为能够带来经济收益的条件和机理是不一样的。完全照搬国外的研究方法与中国目前的发展阶段和技术水平不相适应,中国更适合利用模糊优选法综合考虑发明申请、有效发明、研发强度和研发人力投入以确定产业专利密集度;对于商标密集型产业,在估算商标密集度的基础上考虑产业特性差异;最后,基于上述方法给出了知识产权密集型产业分类,并测算了其对中国经济的贡献率。  相似文献   

Since the arrival of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 a number of side agreements have also been negotiated that seek further rationalization of the emerging global economy. Prominent among these is the agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights, or TRIPS. Enforcement of the TRIPS agreement would involve the multilateral trade sanctions mechanism of the WTO. This paper examines justificatory arguments for the defense of intellectual property rights in the international economy. These arguments are based on the "classic" philosophic writings of Locke, Hegel, and Bentham. It is found that these well-known philosophic defenses for exclusive property rights do not hold up well when applied to intellectual property.  相似文献   

Asian developing economies are both the greatest target of pressure for stronger intellectual property rights (IPRs) and the region of most significant change. These countries have enacted numerous improvements in their laws. I discuss how higher standards might affect economic activity in East Asia and Australia and the importance of adopting mechanisms for ensuring that they promote effective competition.
Stronger standards in the region could affect the Australian economy in a number of ways. More rapid Asian growth should increase the demand for Australian exports, perhaps by as much as $350 million per year. Further, Australian consumers could gain from imports of higher-quality Asian products. Australian firms also have an emerging comparative advantage in supplying technologies, designs, and services to Asian partners.
However, there may be some costs as well, including higher regional prices of protected products and additional competition for inward foreign direct investment. Thus, Australia would be advised to improve its attractiveness as a location for investors. Australia also has an interest in maintaining effective competition in its own market as IPRs are strengthened regionally. Australia could take a leading role in countering attempts by the United States and Europe to erect excessively protectionist new standards.  相似文献   

知识产权保护不但受制于立法的完善和执法的力度,而且取决于自觉维权的意识和守法的环境。我国企业和科研机构知识产权保护意识薄弱,缺乏维护自身合法权益的能力,尊重他人知识产权的观念尚未形成社会主流。本文运用博弈论方法,分析了一个知识产权保护博弈案例中的混合策略纳什均衡解,得出从增加知识产权主体自觉维权意识和加大侵权者成本两方面实现知识产权有效保护的结论。  相似文献   

以知识创新为典型特征的创意产业应当受到知识产权法律制度的保护,但现行知识产权制度对“创意”的保护在著作权、专利权、商标法等方面有诸多局限。创意应回归到知识产权范畴才能得到有效保护,而其他法律制度的构建也能为创意提供有力保护。  相似文献   

基于知识产权制度的企业技术创新动力系统研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
简要回顾了知识产权制度在国家创新体系中的地位与作用,知识产权制度对技术创新的作用以及企业技术创新动力系统模型与其构成要素的研究。在国家创新系统理论框架下,分析了知识产权制度与技术创新各动力要素的协同作用,认为知识产权制度是技术创新动力系统的重要构成,对技术创新动力系统的其它构成要素有积极的引导与促进作用,并在此基础上提出基于知识产权制度的企业技术创新动力系统模型。  相似文献   

提高知识产权的利用、保护与管理能力,已成为维护国家利益和经济安全的战略性武器。知识产权制度的非理性扩张,使得政府作用的介入成为一种必然。当前我国正处于紧锣密鼓的知识产权战略制定过程中,政府的角色定位宜比拟为孵化器,通过培育私权精神和促进经济效益,从国内、国际两个层面作出合理选择和战略安排,才能更好地促进我国知识产权战略的运用。  相似文献   

企业知识产权统计指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
立足我国知识产权战略的实施,从知识产权的创造、运用、保护和管理4个方面,构建了由4个一级指标、25个二级指标组成的企业知识产权统计指标体系;在梳理企业知识产权数据流的基础上,提出了企业知识产权统计指标体系的实施方案。  相似文献   

适格资产的选择是知识产权证券化的起点。与传统的证券化资产相比,知识产权资产具有其自身的特点,并不是所有的知识产权资产都适合证券化。除了具备可证券化资产的一般特征外,拟证券化的知识产权资产,必须具有权利归属主体明确、权利清晰、具有可转让性和可估价性等特征。对于知识产权资产优劣的判断,重在考察其权利状态和质量状况。知识产权资产的评估需要科学合理的方法。  相似文献   

In the Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement of GATT (1 January 1995) it was agreed to harmonise intellectual property rights (IPR) on an international level and to include the option for patent protection for all life forms such as plants and animals (Article 27 (3) b). Patenting, however, leads to considerable conflicts between international trade and protection of biological diversity, which can be illustrated by the example of seed production. We make use of a three-stage game to show the strategic incentives for implementation of two different property rights regimes (patents and farmers' rights) on competition and biodiversity. We show that the Southern government has no incentive to acknowledge international patents, even if farmers' rights do exist. The Northern producer will always dominate in the output market if patents are applied, but without farmers' rights biodiversity will not be maintained by the Southern government. Thus total payoff of the northern firm is maximized, if both IPR regimes are implemented. However, if only farmers' rights are valid, biodiversity will be maximal.  相似文献   

依据《深入实施国家知识产权战略行动计划(2014-2020年)》,探讨影响知识产权发展的5大因素。通过对《中国知识产权指数报告2014》的指标进行分类,计量分析中国内地31省市的截面数据,得出影响中国知识产权发展的主要因素是知识产权创造(创造质量)和运用(技术市场交易),同时,知识产权的保护(司法保护能力)、管理(企业创造潜力)和基础能力建设(创造环境)对知识产权发展有较大影响。构建了以实现知识产权市场价值为目的的知识产权发展概念模型,提出了促进中国知识产权发展的建议。  相似文献   

This paper considers the value of innovation to large Australian firms. Specifically, we investigate how R&D and intellectual property activity influences the market value of firms, using a Tobin's q approach. R&D data are available for the period 1994–96 and data on patent, trade mark and design applications for 1996. The findings suggest that R&D and patent activity are positively and significantly associated with market value. The results also suggest that private returns to R&D in Australia are low by international standards.  相似文献   

在知识经济背景下,知识产权能力是企业发展不可或缺的能力。从创造、运用、管理3个维度剖析了企业知识产权能力,探讨其对企业成长的影响机制,并分析了区域知识产权保护强度在这一过程中的调节作用。通过对计算机应用上市企业数据的实证分析,发现知识产权能力可以有效促进企业成长,企业所在区域知识产权保护强度对这一影响存在显著正向调节作用。  相似文献   

累积创新框架下的知识产权保护研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
董雪兵  史晋川 《经济研究》2006,41(5):97-105
本文通过构建累积创新框架下的拍卖模型来探讨知识产权制度的社会福利效应,比较各种具体制度的效率及在各种特殊的产业中的应用保护。基于存在领先厂商情况下累积创新过程中的创新竞赛问题的分析,可以得到三种不同策略情形下的社会福利函数,并确定知识产权保护程度的适用范围。研究结论的应用扩展表明:以生物技术、电子和医药等为主的行业,适用比较严格的保护制度进行保护,如专利制度;以计算机软件、音乐、书籍和期刊等为主的行业,适用比较宽松的保护制度进行保护,如版权制度。  相似文献   

知识产权是产权的重要组成部分,对于知识的生产、传播和消费,进而对经济的发展具有决定性的作用。创新和技术传播之间存在的知识产权均衡已经得到理论界的广泛认同,但是实际情况比理论研究更加复杂,对于发展中国家尤其如此。  相似文献   

加快实施创新驱动发展战略已成为社会各界重点关注的议题。本文将数字普惠金融、知识产权保护与企业创新置于同一框架下进行分析,研究发现:数字普惠金融与知识产权保护均有利于促进企业创新;知识产权保护对数字普惠金融与企业创新的关系具有负向调节作用。进一步分析发现:数字普惠金融主要通过降低信息不对称、融资约束与财务风险来促进企业创新;数字普惠金融的创新激励作用有利于提高企业的产品与资本市场表现、促进地区经济增长;异质性检验发现,知识产权保护对数字普惠金融与企业创新的调节作用具有“规模效应”“融资依赖效应”和“阶段效应”。研究结论不仅丰富了企业创新的相关文献,还为完善金融监管体系、优化知识产权环境提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

Recent papers show that imperfect property rights to a natural resource  a sector-specific factor–can be a source of comparative advantage. In these models, weaker property rights attract labor–the only mobile factor  to the resource sector, increasing the country's comparative advantage for that sector. If capital in addition to labor is mobile, and if the benefits of capital are non-excludable or if the degree of property rights is endogenous, a deterioration of property rights has ambiguous effects on comparative advantage and on the equilibrium wage/rental ratio.  相似文献   

Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Growth   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Interest in links between protection of intellectual property and growth has been revived by developments in new growth theory and by the WTO’s TRIPS Agreement. The relationship between the strength of a country’s intellectual property rights (IPRs) regime and rate of growth is ambiguous from a theoretical standpoint, reflecting the variety of channels through which technology can be acquired and their differing importance at different stages of development. We investigate the impact of IPR protection on economic growth in a panel of 79 countries using threshold regression analysis. We show that whilst the effect of IPR protection on growth depends upon the level of development, it is positively and significantly related to growth for low‐ and high‐income countries, but not for middle‐income countries. This suggests that, although IPR protection encourages innovation in high‐income countries, and technology flows to low‐income countries, middle‐income countries may have offsetting losses from reduced scope for imitation.  相似文献   

The authors formalize the role of legal infrastructure in economic development in a general‐equilibrium model with endogenously determined property rights enforcement. The mutual importance of property rights protection and market production is illustrated by the model's multiplicity of equilibria. In one equilibrium, property rights are enforced, and market activity unhampered. In the other, property rights are not enforced, discouraging economic activity, which leaves the economy without the resources and the incentives to enforce property rights. Even identically endowed economies may therefore find themselves in very different equilibria.  相似文献   

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