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基于家庭纽带的代际传承形成的消费者文化价值观深刻影响着消费者行为,使消费者品牌认知、品牌信任的形成无不带有代际影响的烙印。回族老字号的消费者受到民族、宗教、地域的影响表现出独特的消费特征,代际传承在回族老字号消费群体更为突出。从实证角度深入研究回族老字号消费者代际传承对品牌认知、品牌信任以及品牌忠诚的影响,呈现出显著的正相关关系。基于代际传承视角提升消费者品牌忠诚度对推动老字号品牌发展和传统文化的传承和推广以及自有品牌竞争力的提升都具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

品牌关系是关系营销在品牌层面的运用。从顾客行为表现视角把食品老字号企业品牌关系的动态层级划分为注意、了解、满意与信任、重购、忠诚以及各阶段可能出现的关系分裂等五个阶段。自我认同、品牌个性、消费情境和品牌体验等四个因素会影响食品老字号企业品牌关系的动态发展。  相似文献   

通过创新重获顾客喜爱是解决餐饮老字号品牌衰退问题的有效策略。构建餐饮老字号消费情境下由感知创新到品牌至爱的理论模型,基于餐饮老字号顾客问卷数据进行实证检验。结果表明:新消费情境下,感知创新对餐饮老字号顾客品牌至爱具有显著的促进作用;在感知创新对顾客品牌至爱的影响过程中,兴趣唤醒、文化认同和品牌共鸣起到多重链式中介作用;品牌真实性在感知创新与品牌至爱的过程机制中具有正向调节作用。建议通过多维创新手段转化文化资源,打造具有创意、技术和口碑的产品服务,坚持守正创新,深入挖掘品牌真实性的文化价值,唤醒消费者的兴趣,得到消费者的认同。  相似文献   

旅游虚拟社区是顾客参与价值共创活动的重要平台。文章以旅游虚拟社区为研究背景,探究顾客参与价值共创的行为与顾客品牌信任的关系以及体验对该关系的中介作用,以在线旅游网站的使用者为研究对象,通过数据分析发现:价值共创对品牌信任具有积极影响,体验在其中起了部分中介作用。  相似文献   

品牌基因是附着在产品上的、在品牌经营中具有显著的文化表征的具有遗传特征的知识体系,携带有包含产品基因和文化基因的多种遗传信息,是决定品牌进化的基本依据。品牌通过产品基因表现为产品功能和产品结构,并表达自己的个性和价值理念,通过文化基因表现为品牌文化的独特性,最终给消费者带来品牌归属感。回族老字号是中华老字号中具有鲜明民族、区域特色的品牌,基于基因理论来分析回族老字号的品牌基因的构成,为进一步开发相应的结构化量表提供了理论依据,对于国内相关企业的成长具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

家族企业传承者与继任者间的信任关系是影响家族企业传承乃至家族企业持续成长的重要因素.从信任关系的成因、信任关系对家族企业成长的影响、培育信任关系的管理策略三个角度,文献梳理后得出:社会文化、组织情境、个人特征是家族企业传承者与继任者间信任关系形成与发展(谋算型→了解型→认同型)的原因,传承者与继任者间的信任关系又会影响企业成长质量、传承过程、知识分享,同时社会文化是全过程的基础,而构建家族企业传承中传接双方间的信任关系可以通过制度变迁、组织变迁、管理重心变迁三条培育路径进行.最后,文章对家族企业传承者与继任者间信任关系研究的发展方向作出预测.  相似文献   

在北京建设世界城市过程中,城市文化软实力建设是一个不可缺少的重要方面。文章从世界城市指标体系解读入手,分析老字号的贡献指数;以西城区众多知名老字号为例,论证老字号品牌建设与塑造北京"世界城市"形象的关系;以问卷调查和统计分析的方法,分析西城区老字号品牌认知情况及品牌建设的优势和劣势,提出相应的策略分析。以期充分发挥西城区老字号的资源优势,加强西城区老字号的品牌建设,在推动北京建设世界城市的过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

以旅游消费者为对象,分析顾客价值与关系质量和品牌忠诚度的结构关系。研究发现,实用性价值对享乐性价值有正向影响;实用性价值对关系质量的信任、满意、承诺都有正向影响;但享乐性价值只对信任、满意有正向影响;满意和承诺对品牌忠诚度有正向影响;享乐性价值在实用性价值与关系质量之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

随着数字经济快速发展,平台经济模式逐渐融入人们的社交与生活。消费者逐渐成为市场行为的中心。随着顾客角色中心化,顾客参与网络平台的价值共创行为备受平台企业与理论界的关注。首先,评述平台经济、价值共创的相关研究动态。基于此,确定在平台经济背景下研究顾客参与对价值共创行为的影响是可行和必要的。其次,对影响共创行为的顾客参与进一步研究,并发现平台声誉信任、平台品牌信任、顾客期望等影响因素通过不同路径对价值共创产生影响。最后,构建影响机理模型,并对研究进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

顾客忠诚在营销管理的研究中日趋成熟,随着网络购物的兴起,学者们将顾客忠诚的概念引入电子零售环境中研究E忠诚。由于网络的特性,信任成为网络商店E忠诚的重要影响因素,网络品牌建设、网络技术、转移成本等因素都对其有影响。文章通过对E忠诚概念的阐述以及E忠诚的影响因素的研究,为广大网络店主在今后的建设与管理上提供参考意见。  相似文献   

面对国内市场出现的国货老品牌的回归潮,研究老品牌的信任机制对于促进其可持续发展意义重大.结合相关理论和消费者访谈结果,构建国货老品牌信任的影响机制模型,分析结果表明:怀旧、消费者民族中心主义和市场中品牌负面事件感知通过感知诚实友善影响老品牌信任;传统型产品感知通过感知能力影响老品牌信任;品牌长寿性和消费者品牌经验同时通...  相似文献   

跨文化广告传播的本土化策略已成为品牌全球化经营过程中行之有效的营销传播策略。洋品牌在向我国进行跨文化广告传播实践中常会遭遇各种文化困境,从精神文化、制度文化、物质文化三大层面制订和实施跨文化广告传播的中国化策略,是洋品牌获得中国消费者信赖和忠诚的法宝。  相似文献   

浅谈品牌形象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
每一个品牌都有一个产品,但不是所有的产品都可以成为品牌。一个产品要成为一个品牌,不是一个自然简单的过程,它需要企业与消费者在时间等多方面锤炼与打造。消费者经过一定时间的认识、感觉、使用,形成经验后,形成对产品的感受与印象,并对围绕产品的附加信息产生认同、信赖、荣辱与共等方面的认识态度与行为,产品才真正成为一个品牌。  相似文献   

Many studies have proposed the use of the relationship metaphor to enhance the understanding of the relationship between consumers and brands. However, few studies have empirically tested consumer–brand relationship models. In this paper, the authors argue that the success of developing empirical models of consumer–brand relationships depends on the adequacy of the metaphoric transfer. The authors compare two models of consumer–brand relationships—the brand relationship quality (BRQ) model and the relationship investment (RI) model on the basis of empirical fit and model interpretation. They modify both models to better accommodate less involving relationships and test them in two studies. The findings suggest that the modified RI model offers a straightforward interpretation of consumer–brand relationships that vary in intensity. The results from the BRQ model are less clear, though further refinements of the model demonstrates the increased potential of the BRQ model compared with traditional attitude models to explain relationships between consumers and brands.  相似文献   

当前多数老字号品牌发展停滞,品牌资产不断流失,维护与提升老字号品牌资产变得迫切而且必要。文章结合老字号品牌复兴的创新和怀旧理论,分析了王老吉品牌资产增值的策略选择和启示。通过个案研究发现,王老吉在传承品牌精髓和其他独特品牌元素的基础上,运用营销创新获得品牌经营的成功,这对其他老字号品牌复兴具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A new measure of brand loyalty was constructed which reflected the amount of brand deliberation as well as whether the old brand was repurchased. The new measure was found to be superior to brand repurchase information alone in multivariate analyses of brand loyalty for automobiles. The findings emphasized that brand loyalty is a matter of degree and that the majority of car buyers are open to inducements to change brands. Brand loyalty was found to vary with occupation, optimism about future business conditions, the number of cars bought in the last 10 years, education and satisfaction with the old car.  相似文献   

文章在简要回顾和综述独立学院品牌研究现状的基础上,构建了独立学院品牌形成的影响因素模型和研究假设,运用实证研究的方法探讨独立学院品牌形成的影响因素.实证结果显示,独立学院品牌的形成受两方面因素的影响,一方面,独立学院品牌受院长品牌、师资品牌、学生品牌、学科品牌、校园文化品牌等一系列内部品牌影响,是这些内部品牌支撑的结果;另一方面,独立学院品牌存在于其利益相关者的内心当中,利益相关者对独立学院的满意度和美誉度,直接影响他们对独立学院积极参与和支持的程度,这是塑造独立学院及其内部品牌形象的基础.假设得到验证.  相似文献   

Managers increasingly seek to develop brand loyalty through sponsorship activities, though this relationship has not been solidly established. This article models and demonstrates the impact of sponsorship on brand loyalty. The studied concepts and relationships emerge from both the sponsorship and consumer-brand relationship literature. The experimental design relies on before and after measurements and multiple exposures to the sponsorship. Thus this study demonstrates that sponsorship exposure has a positive impact on brand affect, brand trust, and brand loyalty. The change in brand loyalty from before to after sponsorship exposure reflects two persuasion processes. First, self-congruity with an event enhances brand loyalty through event and brand affect. Second, perceived fit between the event and the brand has a positive effect on brand affect, through attitude toward the sponsorship, and on brand trust, such that it ultimately influences brand loyalty. Brand affect is identified as an important mediator of sponsorship effects.  相似文献   

This article examines the historical evolution of the relationships among brands, consumers, and resellers in a world increasingly dominated by very large retail organizations with substantial power within the marketing channel. It is widely believed that manufacturers' brands are becoming less important as major retailers are becoming more powerful. This view is based on the mistaken assumption that brands are relationships with consumers, not resellers. Arguments about the decline of brands are often confused with arguments about changes in the brand management function. As major firms redefine their customer as the reseller, not the consumer, there are substantial implications for brand management and the role of the brand manager. Marketing strategy implementation will require increasingly careful coordination of marketing programs with sales strategy to achieve the necessary coordination of reseller- and consumer-targeted communications to maximize the value of the brand to both the retailer and the end user. The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. —Mark Twain, cablegram, 1897 Frederick E. Webster, Jr., is the Charles Henry Jones Third Century Professor of Management in the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College. He is a past executive director of the Marketing Science Institute. He is the author ofMarket-Driven Management and Industrial Marketing Strategy and has contributed a chapter on “The Future Role of Marketing in the Organization” inReflections on the Futures of Marketing, published by the Marketing Science Institute in 1997. He earned his Ph.D. at Stanford University.  相似文献   

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