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加拿大是世界上面积第二大的国家,国土面积997万平方公里,人口三千多万,城市化率83%,绝大部分人口居住在靠近美国的南部地区,是世界上平均人口密度最低的国家之一。加拿大风光迤逦而又壮美,建筑设计讲求与自然风光相结合,因此经常可以发现,哪怕是一幢孤立的房子,在深远的天地间也有着甜美和谐的家的感觉。加拿大人很重视自己的房子,因为在寒冷的气候条件下,一幢温馨宽敞的房子就是加拿大人生活的中心。房子在加拿大人的心目中不仅是休息睡觉的地方,更是家人朋友聚会欢闹的娱乐场所。 相似文献
“金屋藏娇”这个词,其“屋”倘是别墅,则益显其“藏”之娇,北京人谓之“小蜜”,上海人称为“金丝鸟”,而广州则相当实在,叫做“二奶”。 相似文献
去年3月份始,中央和上海陆续出台了一系列对房地产市场宏观调控政策,上海别墅市场在宏观调控的影响下,也逐渐转向以自住型消费为主,由此带动了经济型别墅的供求市场。1需求分析近两年来,别墅物业的本地需求者大幅增多,表明上海别墅市场不再主要依靠外来购买力,但对高档别墅的购 相似文献
“各大开发商纷纷进驻花都,足以证明花都别墅的市场前景会越来越好。但从整个中国别墅市场来看,广州花都山前大道一带(广州北部主要别墅区)的别墅价值却被低估了。”广州碧花园房地产开发有限公司董事长助理黄克佳认为。 相似文献
2010年春天,中国诞生了第一家专业团购网站。中国的团购网络行业从此得到了快速的发展。目前,保守地估计,较为稳定的团购消费者在500万以上;参与过团购的消费者则在千万人之上;每月登陆团购网站的用户已达5000万人左右的规模。而专业团购网站已经发展到了1700家左右,很多大型零售网站,如京东商城等也开始涉足团购业务,在包括团购业务的快速发展下,我国网络购物整体规模已经超过2000亿元。而从团购产品来看,小至洗发水、卫生纸,大到 相似文献
This paper examines whether limits to arbitrage (LA) affect analysts' earnings forecast accuracy. Using the LA index, which is constructed from unique trading constraints in the Chinese stock market and other commonly used measures, we find that forecast accuracy is much lower for stocks with high LA. Moreover, our results are more suited to explanations of cognitive bias that turn to investor sentiment or limited attention and cannot be fully explained by more objective factors, including analyst ability, broker size, broker experience, and commission pressure. We also find that LA amplifies analyst forecast dispersion. Such results indicate that LA distorts analysts’ earnings expectations and provides new insight into how LA affects anomaly returns. 相似文献
Charles E. Hegji 《Managerial and Decision Economics》2004,25(3):137-140
The paper builds a formal model of the costs and benefits of producing intermediate goods internally as compared to buying partially produced inputs on the open market. The model centers on the link between the purchase of assets specific to a production process and the mean and variance of profits from the purchase. The central point of the paper is that even though purchases of assets specific to a production process can have an ambiguous impact on profits of the decision to make, the purchase of such assets has a tendency to reduce the variability of profits. This trade‐off is at the heart of decision to buy or make. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
《Economic Outlook》2015,39(1):20-28
- In this article, I reflect on the darkest days of the Eurocrisis. Between 2010 and 2012 one half‐baked policy initiative after another provided no more than a temporary respite. Every action had been some weighted average of the optimal and the agreeable. The consistent crisis‐related irony was that the more Germany complained, the bigger the potential bill got, as capital fled from stricken economies, further fuelling fears of euro exit.
- The solution was stumbled upon mostly by accident. Eventually it dawned on markets that the exit bill was so big that northern Europe could no longer afford to pull the plug.
- Once the Greek elections were out of the way in mid‐2012, the Eurocrisis turned into a get rich quick moral hazard festival for asset managers, even as unemployment still soared in Europe.
- Everything became too something to fail. Spain and Italy were too big to fail; Spanish regions were too politically connected to fail; senior bondholders of distressed European banks were too systemic to fail; Ireland and Portugal were too virtuous to fail. And given the disastrous social consequences that would have been faced by Greece, it was simply too disgraceful for Europe to let Greece fail.
- In July 2012 Mario Draghi delivered his iconic and extremely helpful “whatever it takes” statement. But to me it was a symptom of the change in tides, rather than being the source of improvement in itself.
- The problem with moral hazard trades collectively is that they depended upon someone being willing to pick up the bill because it is in the collective interest to do so. In mid‐2012, it appeared like Cyprus was too unfair and geopolitically sensitive to fail (given ties with Russia). And as Greece showed in January 2015, the scope for political brinksmanship and crisis‐resurgence is not necessarily eliminated.
We argue that econometric analyses of post-communist countries are vulnerable to structural breaks across time and/or countries. We demonstrate this by identifying structural breaks in growth regressions estimated for 25 countries over 18 years. The method we use allows identification of structural breaks at a priori unknown points in space or time. The only prior assumption is that breaks occur in relation to progress in implementing market-oriented reforms. We find that the pattern of growth in transition has changed at least three times, yielding four different models of growth. The speed with which individual countries progress through these stages differs considerably. 相似文献
《Labour economics》2001,8(2):181-202
This paper seeks to explain the greater hours worked by Americans compared to Germans in terms of forward-looking labor supply responses to differences in earnings inequality between the countries. We argue that workers choose current hours of work to gain promotions and advance in the distribution of earnings. Since US earnings are more unequally distributed than German earnings, the same extra work pays off more in the US, generating more hours worked. Supporting this inequality–hours hypothesis, we show that in both countries hours worked is positively related to earnings inequality in cross-section occupational contrasts and that hours worked raises future wages and promotion prospects in longitudinal data. 相似文献
跨国公司在中国的一举一动无不涉及与中国方方面面的关系问题。因此,公关本土化就成了美国跨国公司在中国本土化战略的重中之重,成了本土化战略的核心问题。美国跨国公司公关本土化主要分为三个方面。◆ 主动与中国政府合作在中国,跨国公司只有同政府配合,保持沟通,才能争取主动和谋求发展。美国跨国公司当然深谙其中道理。1995年,江泽民主席赴纽约参加联合国成立50周年特别纪念活动,IBM公司董事长兼首席执行官郭士纳发起美国最大的20余家公司总裁为江泽民主席举办特别宴会。此举向美国朝野表明了美国企业界对发展中美经贸合作、促进中美… 相似文献
Stefan Remhof Christopher Schlaegel 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2013,24(16):2319-2343
The demand for internationally mobile employees is increasing with globalization. Being able to assess an employee's intention to work abroad already at the stage of hiring becomes an important criteria for employee selection. Cognitions specified by the theory of planned behavior (TPB) were examined as mediators of the relationship between individuals' personality traits and the intention to work abroad. Utilizing a sample of 518 German business students, mediation analysis suggests that the cognitive constructs contained within the TPB fully mediate the relationships between the personality traits of openness to experience and extraversions and the intention to work abroad. 相似文献