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过去的十年是中国零售业快速变化的十年,是传统零售不断向新零售升级蜕变的十年,伴随着中国经济的高速崛起,人们的物质生活水平不断提升,越来越多的新鲜事物涌入平常的生活中,互联网技术的广泛应用对传统零售的模式提出了现实的挑战,同时也为新零售的发展插上了腾飞的翅膀。传统零售的传统是相对于新零售的新而言的,本质上没有好坏的区别,在面对新课题、新的市场环境下,传统零售向新零售的升级,是一个不断创新的过程,即面对挑战,也将收获机遇。  相似文献   

现阶段,在互联网和移动互联网的共同推动下,各行业均进入到一个全新的业务形态:互联网化。在此背景下,我国零售业尝试在电子商务与传统零售业之间找到一个"平衡点",促使我国零售业可持续健康发展。本文通过对我国网络零售与传统零售的现状分析,指出了我国网络零售与传统零售业融合发展的必要性。在此视角下,提出整合渠道,线上线下融合发展,丰富体验式消费,构建现代化物流配送体系以及实施精细化管理等几点对策建议。  相似文献   

传统零售企业因为受到网络零售的不断冲击,销售与利润下滑严重。为了更好发展,很多传统零售企业选择开展网络零售,但在经营模式转变的过程中遇到了资源投入不足、商品品类配置有限、网络零售管理人员缺乏、管理模式落后等诸多问题,成为发展网络零售的绊脚石。本文从传统企业开展网络零售遇到的问题入手,提出了有效开展网络零售的对策和建议。  相似文献   

论文基于网络零售市场的兴起,以提升传统零售企业在线商业竞争力为目标,对于传统零售企业实施网络零售的电子商务模式创新进行研究,具体包括基于传统商业与网络商业相互整合的“O2O”模式、基于网络商业生态系统的“协同生态”模式、基于第三方网络零售平台的“全网营销”和基于破坏性创新理念的“网络商务技术导向”等模式创新.  相似文献   

网络经济时代的到来,人们赖以生存的经济环境发生了深刻的变化,带给传统零售连锁企业机遇的同时,又使传统零售企业面临着严峻的挑战,传统连锁企业如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战,笔者从分析网络经济下传统零售连锁企业的现状入手,分析了传统零售连锁企业相对于纯粹网络零售企业的优势与劣势,提出了传统连锁企业抓住机遇,迎接挑战的策略及做法。  相似文献   

传统零售企业进军网络销售的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年一些纯粹的互联网零售企业接连倒闭,这一现象促使不少人相信,互联网零售业中的赢家将是那些把网上虚拟商店和传统实地商店有机结合到一起的企业,而不是那些纯粹的网络企业。新兴电子商务与传统的零售企业之间的的关系问题成为研究的焦点。  相似文献   

传统零售与电子商务的融合探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文腾 《现代商贸工业》2008,20(5):312-313
如今传统零售业竞争激烈,已经进入"微利时代"。传统零售业必须利用信息化手段才能立于不败之地。那么从传统零售业与电子商务的融合的角度进行探讨,通过融合的意义、两者不能相互替代的原因及融合的对策三个层面的进一步分析,旨在指出当前传统零售业信息化存在的问题并提出解决方案。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的不断发展,网络的应用已深入到社会生活的各个方面,对各个产业都造成了一定的影响.本文详细陈述了传统零售业和网络零售业的优势与不足,根据传统零售业与网络零售业各自的特点,得出了二者融合的必然性结论.  相似文献   

传统零售企业开展网上零售业务的模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经历了上百年发展的传统零售企业面临着网上零售的冲击,传统零售企业该如何开展网上零售业务?本文在分析传统零售企业业务优势与困惑,以及网上零售方式的优势与制约因素的基础上,提出了传统零售企业开展网上零售的三种模式,并对其具体实施进行了剖析.  相似文献   

近年来,中国网络购物发展迅猛,传统零售企业线下业务面临巨大挑战。传统零售企业必须加快线上和线下业务融合的步伐,借助O2O业务模式谋求转型升级。传统零售企业在品牌、资源、体验性、及时性等方面拥有绝对的优势,这些优势是传统零售企业绝地反击电商的利器。电商虽然代表未来商业发展新的方向,但不可能取代传统零售渠道,电商与传统零售是渐进融合关系,而非替代关系。  相似文献   

王旭丹 《商业研究》2002,(8):149-150
在知识经济时代 ,网络银行将成为世界金融业的主导模式。无论是出于与国际金融接轨的要求 ,还是就自身发展而言 ,利用高科技 ,改造传统银行业 ,发展商业银行网络业务 ,以优质的服务满足客户需求 ,是商业银行制胜的必经之路。  相似文献   


From the viewpoint of trade leakage for local retailers, Internet shopping bears a similarity to traditional outshopping, in the tendency to shop outside the consumer's immediate shopping areas. Yet, the relationship between consumer outshopping?related characteristics and preference for Internet shopping has received little, if any, research attention. We investigate this relationship using survey data from consumers in three countries—the United States, India, and Korea. According to the results, consumer in-home shopping proneness and perception of time pressure are positively related to consumer preference for Internet shopping mode. In contrast, consumer support for local shopping and orientation toward time management are negatively related to Internet shopping preference. Other findings and managerial implications are also reported.  相似文献   

面对运用现代信息技术而形成的新型商业模式的竞争,传统零售业在经营观念、人才储备、基础设施、创新精神上,都处于不利的位置。传统零售企业可以借助无线互联网技术,借鉴电子商务企业的成功经验,开展营销业务与手段的创新;开展基于LBS服务创新;通过APP占领消费者手机桌面;利用顾客碎片化时间;开设智能商店;提供移动在线客服;加大客户数据挖掘,使无线营销活动更具有针对性。  相似文献   

Much has been written about myth and the marketplace. Consumer research has added immeasurably to academics’ appreciation of the myths that inhere in fabulous flagship stores and experiential retailing more generally. Studies of consumer mythopoeia, however, have tended to muffle the martial side of retailing, the heroic struggles that some customers undergo in-store. This article argues that the epic offers valuable insights into martial matters, and more. Although epic and myth overlap, they are far from identical. The former is characterized by conventions that can help illuminate consumers’ quests, not least their disturbing journeys through the underworld. These are considered in relation to Hollister (HCo), a phenomenally successful retail chain that’s renowned for its antithetical atmospherics and inky interior design. A qualitative study of Hollister lovers and haters casts light on the epic in action and adds to scholars’ understanding of immersive retailing experiences.  相似文献   

Although retail atmospherics has been an active area of study, a glance around a typical mall indicates many retailers still do not actively differentiate their retail environment from competitors. This is likely due to retailers considering the atmospheric elements (lighting, music, etc.) individually and making decisions regarding the elements based on what is “standard” for their customers, merchandise, and format. This approach leads to very little differentiation and fails to consider that today’s consumer is often expecting a more multi-sensory, interactive, and holistic shopping experience. This paper considers an alternative approach, where a brand dictated “theme” is used to guide the manipulation of the atmospheric elements. This allows retail brands to break free from standard design to create a more interactive, immersive, and authentic environment. Outcomes include increases in shopping enjoyment, positive brand attitudes, and brand loyalty. T-tests are utilized to compare the two approaches within both the apparel (Study 1) and restaurant (Study 2) industries.  相似文献   

Retailers' allocation of shelf space as well as the breadth of varietyoffered varies across categories. Many researchers have developedheuristics for determining what retailers should do with regard tothese decisions. We explore how these constructs are actually relatedin practice. We utilize data obtained from Marsh Supermarkets, a largeIndianapolis-based grocery retailer, to explore the relationshipsbetween these variables. The results of this analysis are a set of rawfacts concerning the relationship between some of grocery retailers'more important category-level decisions.  相似文献   


This study examines the factors affecting retailers perceptions of the Internet as a potential retail channel. It examines the environmental factors as well as the organizational factors impacting on the potential of Internet retailing. Results are reported from 102 South African retailing chain organizations across all categories. The authors discuss the results and provide some guiding points for retailers who intend to use the Internet as a retailing channel in the future.  相似文献   

司维 《商业研究》2002,(4):117-119
网上零售作为电子商务的一种方式 ,近几年在国内和国外都发展的很快 ,但它还远不是一个成熟的事物。从事网上零售的企业如何才能推动网上零售整体的发展和自身的发展 ,如运用市场营销的HM理论及保障因素和激励因素理论 ,从网上消费者需求的角度分析判断消费者之所求。  相似文献   


This exploratory study examines relevant factors affecting consumers' evaluation of product and service quality in the context of Internet retail food purchasing. A total of 489 anecdotes, written by online consumers based on their own shopping experience, were collected and content analyzed. In turn, 18 quality dimensions and 58 sub-attributes were identified. The asymmetric effect of positive and negative attribute-level performances on consumer dis/satisfaction was discussed. The impact of two delivery strategies on consumers' perceived quality was also examined. Finally, managerial implications and recommendations were provided in order to pave the way for possible improvement of the quality of Internet retail food purchasing and, in turn, consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

This article assesses the role of multichannel coordination strategy in impacting online performance, and the need for E-commerce functions outsourcing at the initial stages of multichannel integration. Our findings indicate that a higher degree of interchannel coordination increases retailers' online sales. The article also concludes that integrated retailers that outsource more E-commerce functions, such as Web site hosting, site design, content development, order processing, E-mail marketing, Web performance monitoring, and E-logistics, do not show higher online sales performance than those who develop them in-house. Managerial implications of these findings are proposed, and directions for future research are outlined. Based on prior conceptual research, the article develops and empirically tests the construct of multichannel coordination.  相似文献   

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