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古代韩国旱田耕作法和农耕制度的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔德卿 《中国农史》2003,22(3):15-20
由于高丽时代以前的农书尚未发现,我们几乎不可能确切了解朝鲜半岛三国时代的农业技术和农业状态;但是从朝鲜时代的农书可以看出,当时受中国农书《齐民要术》和《农桑辑要》等的影响很大。本文研究了在朝鲜半岛中部出土的刻有农耕图像的农耕文青铜器,进而考察了南江流域大坪里和汉江流域漠沙里的青铜时代农田遗址,认为三国时代的农业发展相当迅速,从而进一步考证了古代韩国的传统旱田耕作法和农耕制度。  相似文献   

陈少华 《中国农史》1998,17(4):97-100
本文通过对太湖地区农书传承的研究,表明太湖地区的农书传承为《齐民要术》的传世、区种法的总结和蚕桑业的推广等,起到了积极的作用,促进了太湖地区的农业发展;同时太湖地区较为先进的农业发展,也为此地人士总结农作经验,撰写各类农书提供了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

《王祯农书》(亦作《农书》),是我国古代农书中价值较高的一部。作者王祯,字伯善,元腹里东平(今山东东平)人,为当时名儒。王祯生前曾游宦于南北,对南方和北方农业生产条件、技术的异同颇为注意。为官期间,勤向当地人民传授农业生产技术,并开始撰写这部长达十三万余言和有二百八十余幅农用器物插图的农书。关于这部农书的成书年代,通常见诸有关著述及工具书中,均以《农书》中作者自序的  相似文献   

评《〈授时通考〉校注》游修龄马宗申校注、姜义安参校的《授时通考》校注本共四册,由农业出版社于最近出齐了,初初翻检之下,围绕校注和有关事项产生了一些读后感,现分述如次。《授时通考》是我国历史上四大综合性农书中的最后一部农书。成书于乾隆七年(1742),...  相似文献   

《会津农书》是日本江户前期的农业技术著作。成书于1684年(贞享元年),大约与我国的《补农书》同时问世。日本历史上,晚至十七世纪初期,才出现农书类的著作,因此,《会津农书》作为一部早期的大型的综合性农书而受到广泛的注意,成为农学史和经济史研究中的重要资料参考书。近年来,学者们对它作了不少整理、校释和研究。小野武夫氏在  相似文献   

《三农纪》所引《图经》为《图经本草》说质疑闵宗殿(中国农业博物馆农史室)《三农纪》是清乾隆时四川什邡县人张宗法所编写的一部农书。全书24卷,约30万字,书中论述了185种栽培植物,18种家养动物,内容丰富,是清代较重要的地区性农书。张宗法在编写《三农...  相似文献   

<正>王毓瑚氏《中国农学书录》(农业出版社,1964年)温雅翔实,与天野元之助《中国古农书考》、胡道静《稀见古农书录》、石声汉《中国古代农书评介》堪称传统农学入门必读之四大名著,嘉惠后学多矣,  相似文献   

本文分析了探讨了《补农书》在农业经营计划、决策、成本计量、人力管理等方面的思想和见解,以及它在中国古代农业经营管理史中的成就和价值。  相似文献   

文章对《浦泖农咨》一书作者、书名作了考证性的介绍,对全书内容,从社会因素、自然环境、农业经济、技术等方面进行分析,表明该书是继宋《陈旉农书》、明《农政全书》、《沈氏农书》之后,又一部具有独特见解的农业专著,为研究太湖地区、上海郊区从古代农业经济和技术向近代化的转变,提供了重要材料和依据。  相似文献   

关于“畎亩法”的辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国在西周至春秋战国时期,在农业耕作上普遍采用“畎亩法”。三国韦昭在为《国语》作注;西晋司马彪在为《庄子》作疏时,都把“畎亩”解作“垄作法”。到了现代农史界和史学界的许多研究者,却把畎亩法”解作“畦种法”。究竟“畎亩法”,是“垄作法”?还是“畦种法”?这是一个关系到对当时的耕作水平和生产力水平作出正确估价的问题,因此,有必要把它探讨明白。我们在本文中根据《吕氏春秋》任地和辩土两篇农业论文中有关“畎亩法”的多方面的阐述;西周至春秋战国时代的生产力水平,特别是耕作工具和农耕动力等条件;以及农业技术的传承关系等,认为“畎亩法”确系“垄作法”,而非“畦种法”。  相似文献   

Institutions of higher education and work–study abroad programmes have been instrumental in internationalizing sustainable agriculture education. Informal educational opportunities in the form of internships and apprenticeships have become relatively common features of the organic agriculture landscape in the USA. This research examines an international agricultural exchange programme that effectively combines these two emerging fields of study exploring how exchange participants perceive the transferability of their organic farming experience in the USA, to their home countries in Peru and Ecuador. Learning experiences and host farms vary considerably, with some participants being more optimistic than others about how well organic farming practices on their respective farms could be adopted to their home country contexts. While the cross-border/transnational nature of the exchange programme examined is not unique, the inverse flow of people in the exchange (from South to North) examined in this study allows for a new perspective on the value of agricultural exchanges and the perceived transferability of organic farming ideas and practices. Ultimately, this study suggests that the most valuable elements of international agricultural exchange reside not with the diffusion of agricultural innovations, but with how cross-cultural experiential learning promotes critical reflection on place-appropriate production.  相似文献   

The claims made by Griffin et al. for the impact of land reform in China are unconvincing. The land reform of 1947–52 did not lead to a pronounced increase in agricultural output. Nor was it egalitarian; indeed, but for the deliberate preservation of the rich peasant economy, growth might have been non-existent. The second land reform of 1981–3 was equally ineffectual. Agricultural growth had shifted on to a faster growth path before decol-lectivization, and the surge of 1980–4 was little more than a temporary response to decent weather, procurement price rises, the abandonment of the Dazhai system and a reduction in output under-reporting. Rural income inequality has been held in check since 1984 because of local government intervention, not because family farming is intrinsically egalitarian. China's experience of land reform is mirrored by those of other East Asian countries. A century of land reform has not resolved Japan's deep-seated agricultural problems, nor those of Taiwan and South Korea.  相似文献   

流域立体型现代农业处于受河流冲积而形成的山地、谷地、盆地以及平原地带,具有立体多样和无污染的特点,是建设生态文明的重要区域。该文在实地调查、文献研究的基础上,运用科学思维,定性分析流域立体型现代农业的内涵与主要特征,以此为基础评价台州市现代农业。指出该市农业区域化布局初具规模,农业龙头企业、社会化服务、农产品质量安全、农产品品牌、农业科技、职业农民、农业基础设施等各个方面都有坚实的现实基础,但立体型现代农业发展仍然受制于地域环境、管理体制、生产方式、市场环境等制约因素,提出"用绿色主线贯穿流域立体型现代农业功能开发与集约经营,建设生态文明"的发展思路。根据该思路,提出四大支撑体系、二大建设平台、四大类型农业产业区域布局的推进路径明,最后,有针对性地提出了注重规划、提升农业产业层次、保护生态资源、改善基础设施条件、加强组织保障等5点发展台州流域立体型现代农业的对策措施。  相似文献   

An important literature has established that participation in contract farming leads to higher incomes and has a number of other beneficial effects on the welfare of participating households. Yet no one has looked at the opportunity cost of and the various trade‐offs involved in participating in contract farming. I look at the relationship between participation in contract farming and income from (i) livestock, (ii) labor markets, (iii) nonfarm businesses, and (iv) agricultural sources other than livestock and contract farming and (v) unearned income. Using data from Madagascar, I find that participation in contract farming is associated with a 79% decrease in how much income per capita the average household derives from labor markets and a 47% decrease in how much income per capita it derives from nonfarm businesses, but also with a 51% increase in how much income per capita the average household derives from agricultural sources other than livestock and contract farming, possibly due to technological spillovers. Thus, even though contract farming has been shown to improve welfare in multiple ways in this context, it looks as though those gains come at the cost of an “agricultural involution” on the part of participating households, who seem to turn away from non‐agricultural activities. This has important implications for structural transformation narratives.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates how Tibetan farming communities choose between two methods of livelihood production: working as labourers on vineyard land they have leased to a French winery or collecting valuable fungi. I argue new transnational land and labour management, as part of institutional rearrangements in land tenure, are leading to significant changes with mixed benefits for rural farming communities. These communities respond by seasonally seeking freedom from capitalist labour and returning to communal forms of income production based around community land tenure and common‐pool resources. Although villagers have become contracted labour, they choose to escape this new agricultural work in the mountains, collecting fungi together as a community. The common‐pool land on which fungi are collected is also managed for access in a specific way by and for the community. Contrary to agricultural labour for the winery, fungi collection creates a chance for people to interact once again more as a cohesive community as they once did in their fields by collecting a commodity from land controlled by the community. The disembedding of one section of the economy has thus in a way reinforced the embeddedness of social relations in another as a coping mechanism for the former.  相似文献   

民国时期,甘孜州农业垦殖得到发展,方式多样,耕作农业区和半农半牧区均有所扩展。有无水利设施的分界线基本与农牧分界线吻合。农业近代化在局部地点出现,总体仍停留在传统农业阶段,且农耕技术的地域差异较为显著。农作物单产较低,以青稞为主的生产格局没有发生根本变化,商品化程度有所提高。农业生产经历了较大波折,局部地区的过度垦伐产生了环境灾难。  相似文献   

This review examines three recent books that address the relationship between neoliberalism and agribusiness, on the one hand, and the demise of smallholder farming, traditional diets and the rise of diet‐related chronic illness, on the other. The first, by Timothy Wise, adopts what may be characterized as an ‘agrarian populist’ stance, constructing a universal binary between trans‐nationalizing agribusiness and a unified family farm sector. Protagonists from the latter are seen to embody the future, using agroecology to feed the world sustainably in a time of climate crisis. This is not a consistently propeasant stance, however; Wise seems rather to advocate a ‘farmer road’ to national capitalist development. The other two books, by Alyshia Galvez and Gerardo Otero, cover quite similar ground to one another, looking explicitly at the rise of neoliberalism, the decline of traditional farming and diets and the rise of processed food‐related diseases. Unlike ‘agrarian populists’, both authors privilege the state and ‘class struggle’ (sensu lato) in analysing the dynamics of neoliberalism, free trade agreements and food policies. Normatively, both see the state as pivotal in generating policies centred around smaller scale farming and the production of nutritious food for all. For Otero, like Wise, these policies seem to be tied to a form of national developmentalism as an escape route from neoliberalism. For Galvez, the future is less clear‐cut—although by inclination ‘propeasant’, she does not exclude elements of national developmentalism in envisioning a postneoliberal world.  相似文献   

Four books published between 2013 and 2014 make a vital contribution towards understanding the political and ideological tools by which states and employers construct hyper‐exploitable agricultural workers. In this review essay, we provide an assessment of how these books have advanced our understandings of migrant farm labour regimes in local and international perspectives. After presenting a synopsis of each text, we critically reflect on key lessons learned, offer questions that merit further attention, and suggest directions for future research. Our review finds that despite wide differences in geopolitical and legal contexts in which migrant agricultural workers cross borders, live and work, there are remarkable resemblances in the ways in which states use (and abuse) migrant labour. Likewise, there are glaring similarities in the consequent vulnerabilities migrants experience. While each author provides compelling and empirically rich observations based on local fields of study, generally lacking are broader global connections and policy discussions about how the problems raised can be meaningfully addressed. Given the seeming ubiquity of exploitative migrant agricultural worker regimes, the fundamental question left largely unanswered is: Must ‘local’ agricultural systems depend on vulnerable imported workers in order to provide affordable food for consumers, or are there workable alternatives to this arrangement?  相似文献   

Sustainable agricultural development is presented as a diverse and dynamic process through which it copes with agro-ecological and socio-economic diversity at field level and with ever-changing needs and opportunities of (smallholder) farmers. In support, agricultural research—aimed at locally appropriate and environmentally friendly technologies—should contribute to bridging the currently increasing gaps between scientific theories and government agricultural policies as opposed to the practical field realities that farmers are facing.

These gaps are best illustrated by—what in the West is often presumed to be—a stagnant African agricultural (in reality it is not!) in spite of many ambitious policies and projects by national governments and international donors for several decades. Disappointing adoption rates by resource-poor smallholders of the proposed ‘modern’ agricultural technologies have often been blamed. However, the actual local systems are primarily based on ‘ecological’ and ‘organic’ concepts. Localised intensification through recycling of organic by-products is an integral part of such systems. Consequently, these systems are uniquely adapted to the diverse framer needs resulting from widespread variations in soil, climate and socio-economic conditions. By contrast most international R&D support for the African agricultural sector is aimed implicitly at creating a modern conventional system of farming based on external inputs and along a Western industrial model.

To cope with diverse and complex, location specific problems inherent in development, sustainability and poverty alleviation, requires strong national research and development (R&D) institutions that adopt comprehensive, people-centred approaches as opposed to the technocratic nature of most formal international development assistance. The development debate therefore should be turned around. The ‘existing’ smallholder farming systems and their needs should be a point of departure, while the various development initiatives and policies should be handled by including the related institutional aspects.  相似文献   

[目的]基于1984~2014年中国城乡居民食物消费与种养用地面积变化的时间序列数据,通过分析农业种养结构与食物消费之间的互馈机制,从人口与资源维度、 农业维度、 市场维度多视角研究农业种养结构对城乡居民食物消费升级的响应.[方法]通过引进食物消费结构熵与种养结构熵,首先说明了食物消费与种养用地转型的新趋势,然后利用灰色关联分析将诱使各类种养用地面积变化的主导因素提炼出来.[结果](1)城乡居民食物消费结构熵与农业种养结构熵均向多元、 均衡方向发展且年均增长率分别达到3.29%与1.73%,食物消费结构熵变化速度快于种养结构熵;(2)农业种养结构熵与城乡居民食物消费结构熵具有联动增减性.从相关系数看,城镇家庭食物消费对种养结构变化贡献率较农村地区高5.30%;(3)通过灰色分析发现,人口与资源条件、 农业条件、 市场条件中各指标均与种养结构的变化存在极强、 强、 中等关联度.其中,人均水资源量(A1)、 农业机械总动力(B1)、 农林牧渔水利业电力消费量(B2)、CPI(C3)又与种植业(Z)、 畜牧业(X)、 渔业(Y)变化存在r>0.90的极强关联;(4)种植业内部结构也存在粮食作物与菜瓜果、 糖油料等经济作物的不断竞争,1984年菜瓜果、 粮食面积分别占种养用地总面积的2.02%、80.64%,2014年占比变为6.69%、57.47%,表现出菜瓜果缓慢扩张、 粮食剧烈收缩的整体态势.[结论]农业种养结构因中国城乡居民的食物消费增厚而逐渐转型,为寻求农业种养结构调整的改良效应,实现供需相契,必须削减不合时宜的农产品供应、 合理配置粮经饲用地以适应需求升级的情况.  相似文献   

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