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付虹 《大经贸》2001,(8):83-85
美林公司:对全球经济前景依然乐观美林公司国际业务部的总裁雅各布·弗伦克尔日前称,美国和世界其他经济体并没有走向衰退。雅各布·弗伦克尔在国际金融学院的春季成员会议上强调,尽管许多经济指标一直在下滑,但是推动经济增长的主要因素如消费支出和借贷等仍保持正常。弗伦克尔补充说,美国联邦储备委员会已经表明它将不会允许衰退的出现,而且所有其他基本面都表明经济正处于增长状态。这些基本面因素包括竞争性的环境、放松管制的市场、健全的金融体系、良好的生产效率、较低的通货膨胀、不成问题的预算、以及实实在在的技术和信息革命。  相似文献   

The USA and Japan have been in recession since last spring, and the events of September 11 have further intensified the global downturn. How quickly can the USA s keenly expansive economic policy succeed in overcoming the paralysing effects of the terrorist attacks? Is the euro area sliding into recession or will we soon see a return to economic expansion here?  相似文献   

随着社会的不断进步,经济的高速发展,构建社会主义和谐社会的最艰巨、最繁重任务落在了乡镇,乡镇是构建社会主义和谐社会的最艰巨的任务,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重点和难点,乡镇经济与城市经济的差距也是至关重要的问题.本文就繁荣乡镇经济、壮大财政实力这一问题进行浅议.  相似文献   

This article suggests that under weak institutional arrangements, adverse economic conditions, and institutional voids in a late liberalizing economy, local firms that are part of the global value chains of multinational enterprises develop international networks as a balancing strategy to engage in exploratory innovations. We argue that local firms do so in order to counter the negative influences of local institutions on exploratory innovations. Using exploratory in-depth qualitative analysis, we study the suppliers of motorcycle parts in Pakistan that are working with leading Japanese and Chinese motorcycle assemblers. The results suggest that in adverse economic situations local institutional factors can sustain only the development of exploitative innovations. As a balancing strategy, motorcycle part suppliers develop international networks with global Tier 1 suppliers, international trade fairs, and international institutions. This strategy helps circumvent the negative influence of home institutional factors on developing exploratory innovations. Our study highlights the importance of global networks as a balancing strategy for creating exploratory innovations by firms in a late liberalizing economy.  相似文献   

如果说有什么能够清晰地透视中国广告主的话,在2007年无疑就是奥运营销。北京奥运就像一块试金石,广告主的品牌价值、营销理念和营销技巧在奥运蛋糕面前展现得淋漓尽致。  相似文献   

Social economy: a responsible people-oriented economy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

This paper analyzes business people's attitudes towards the tactics used for gathering competitive corporate intelligence both within their own and their competitors' corporations. Business people in large corporations are highly motivated to gather such intelligence. Their attitudes towards the ethicality of specific practices, however, are influenced by the corporate culture, their perceived effectiveness of the techniques, and their perception of the competitors' tactics. Interestingly enough, the most popular technique for securing information is socializing with competitors in nonbusiness settings. Business people generally view their competitors negatively, believing that they go to much further lengths than does their own corporation in gathering competitive intelligence. William Cohen is Professor and Chairman of the Marketing Department at California State University, Los Angeles. He has won the Outstanding Professor Award 1982–83 and Freedom Foundation of Valley Forge Medal for Excellence in Economic Education 1985. He is the author of some 15 books in marketing and business of which the most recent is Developing a Winning Marketing Plan.Helena Czepiec is Associate Professor at California State University, Hayward. She is the author of several articles which appeared in various journals on marketing and advertising.  相似文献   

World economy     

Export economy     

World economy     

Competitor intelligence, information that helps managers understand their competitors, is highly valued in today's marketplace. Firms, large and small, are taking a more systematic approach to competitor intelligence collection. At the same time, information crimes and litigation over information disputes appear to be on the rise, and survey data show widespread approval of unethical and questionable intelligence-gathering methods. Despite these developments, few corporations address the ethics of intelligence gathering in their corporate codes of conduct. Neither managers nor management educators have paid sufficient attention to this topic. From a review of questionable intelligence-gathering practices reported in various literatures, the author identifies some important ethical principles to help managers draw the line between legitimate and illegitimate methods of information acquisition. The paper also discusses the costs of failure to heed these principles and suggests steps managers can take to provide ethical leadership in this area.Lynn Sharp Paine is an Associate Professor at the Harvard Business School. A former lawyer and occasional consultant in business ethics, she has published articles on business ethics, moral philosophy, and jurisprudence. Her current research focuses on ethical questions related to the flow of information and ideas.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the European Business Ethics Network conference held in Barcelona in September 1989. The author is grateful to members of that group for their criticisms and suggestions. She also wishes to thank Professor J. Ron Fox for his detailed comments on a version of the paper and Gary Edwards, Executive Director of The Ethics Resource Center, for discussions of intelligence-gathering practices and for making the Center's resources available for research. In addition, the staff at the Defense Industry Initiative Clearing House were most helpful.  相似文献   

通过对雅克拉集气处理站260×104 Nm3/d轻烃回收装置的现状分析,研究了影响该装置轻烃收率的因素以及提高轻烃收率的对策.为提高装置的产品收率,在装置陆续投运后,通过解决越站分离器压力调节阀内漏、启运稳定气压缩机,避免凝析油闪蒸气放空以及提高膨胀机的膨胀比这些措施使收率提高到95%左右,达到并超过了设计值.  相似文献   

公有制与市场经济的关系经历了一个从对立到统一的发展过程。马克思从纯公有制经济关系和社会化大生产出发,得出了公有制与市场经济相对立的结论。西方学者也对此褒贬不一。邓小平在中国社会主义的实践中创立了社会主义市场经济的全新理论,实现了公有制与市场经济的统一。本市场经济和公有制的兼容问题是随着马克思主义实践的发展而不断发展的,具有与时俱进的实践意义。  相似文献   

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