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Diversified Portfolios with Jumps in a Benchmark Framework   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper considers diversified portfolios in a sequence of jump diffusion market models. Conditions for the approximation of the growth optimal portfolio (GOP) by diversified portfolios are provided. Under realistic assumptions, it is shown that diversified portfolios approximate the GOP without requiring any major model specifications. This provides a basis for systematic use of diversified stock indices as proxies for the GOP in derivative pricing, risk management and portfolio optimization. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 90A12; secondary 60G30; 62P20 JEL Classification: G10, G13  相似文献   

Power and Bipower Variation with Stochastic Volatility and Jumps   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
This article shows that realized power variation and its extension,realized bipower variation, which we introduce here, are somewhatrobust to rare jumps. We demonstrate that in special cases,realized bipower variation estimates integrated variance instochastic volatility models, thus providing a model-free andconsistent alternative to realized variance. Its robustnessproperty means that if we have a stochastic volatility plusinfrequent jumps process, then the difference between realizedvariance and realized bipower variation estimates the quadraticvariation of the jump component. This seems to be the firstmethod that can separate quadratic variation into its continuousand jump components. Various extensions are given, togetherwith proofs of special cases of these results. Detailed mathematicalresults are reported in Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2003a).  相似文献   

Risk-sensitive asset management problems, both those with a finite horizon and those with an infinite horizon, are studied in a financial market model that has a Wishart autoregressive-type jump-diffusion factor, which is a positive-definite symmetric matrix-valued process. The model describes the stochasticity of the market covariance structure, the interest rates, and the risk-premium of the risky assets. We obtain explicit representations of the solutions to the problems.  相似文献   

We develop a model in which the volatility of risky assets is subject to random and discontinuous shifts over time. We derive prices of claims contingent on such assets and analyze options-based trading strategies to hedge against the risk of jumps in the return volatility. Unsystematic and systematic events such as takeovers, major changes in business plans, or shifts in economic policy regimes may drastically alter firms' risk profiles. Our model captures the effect of such events on options markets.  相似文献   

The Impact of Jumps in Volatility and Returns   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
This paper examines continuous‐time stochastic volatility models incorporating jumps in returns and volatility. We develop a likelihood‐based estimation strategy and provide estimates of parameters, spot volatility, jump times, and jump sizes using S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 index returns. Estimates of jump times, jump sizes, and volatility are particularly useful for identifying the effects of these factors during periods of market stress, such as those in 1987, 1997, and 1998. Using formal and informal diagnostics, we find strong evidence for jumps in volatility and jumps in returns. Finally, we study how these factors and estimation risk impact option pricing.  相似文献   

We give characterizations of asymptotic arbitrage of the first and second kind and of strong asymptotic arbitrage for a sequence of financial markets with small proportional transaction costs λ n on market n, in terms of contiguity properties of sequences of equivalent probability measures induced by λ n -consistent price systems. These results are analogous to the frictionless case; compare (Kabanov and Kramkov in Finance Stoch. 2:143–172, 1998; Klein and Schachermayer in Theory Probab. Appl. 41:927–934, 1996). Our setting is simple, each market n contains two assets. The proofs use quantitative versions of the Halmos–Savage theorem (see Klein and Schachermayer in Ann. Probab. 24:867–881, 1996) and a monotone convergence result for nonnegative local martingales. Moreover, we study examples of models which admit a strong asymptotic arbitrage without transaction costs, but with transaction costs λ n >0 on market n; there does not exist any form of asymptotic arbitrage. In one case, (λ n ) can even converge to 0, but not too fast.  相似文献   

We analyze the determinants of expansions and contractions of shopping centers using a unique dataset of property level data for shopping centers in eleven metropolitan areas over the period from 1995 through 2005. We find that shopping centers with large operating costs are less likely to expand and are more likely to contract. Higher expected revenue per square foot increases the likelihood of expansion and decreases the likelihood of contraction. For small shopping centers the decision to change gross leasable area (GLA) is largely driven by potential revenue, while the decision to change the number of stores is largely a function of cost. We find some support for Grenadier’s theory that a larger number of competitors reduces the value of option to wait and increases the likelihood of both expansion and contraction. The market share of competitors reduces the likelihood of increasing the number of stores as suggested by the theory of strategic positioning. Our hypotheses best explain contraction decisions of large shopping centers and expansion decisions of small shopping centers. We find that both expansions and contractions of GLA are less likely for large shopping centers in MSAs with greater uncertainty about real estate prices, indicating that the option to delay has value. Moreover, small centers are significantly less sensitive to cost and revenue; since small centers are likely to have greater idiosyncratic risk than large; this provides indirect evidence for a significant delay option.  相似文献   

Several new statistical procedures for high-frequency financial data analysis have been developed to estimate risk quantities and test the presence of jumps in the underlying continuous-time financial processes. Although the role of micro-market noise is important in high-frequency financial data, there are some basic questions on the effects of presence of noise and jump in the underlying stochastic processes. When there can be jumps and (micro-market) noise at the same time, it is not obvious whether the existing statistical methods are reliable for applications in actual data analysis. We investigate the misspecification effects of jumps and noise on some basic statistics and the testing procedures for jumps proposed by Ait-Sahalia and Jacod (Ann Stat 37–1:184–222 2009; 38–5:3093–3123 2010) as an illustration. We find that their first test (testing the presence of jumps as a null-hypothesis) is asymptotically robust in the small-noise asymptotic sense against possible misspecifications while their second test (testing no-jumps as a null-hypothesis) is quite sensitive to the presence of noise.  相似文献   

In this article we provide an asymptotic distribution theoryfor some nonparametric tests of the hypothesis that asset priceshave continuous sample paths. We study the behaviour of thetests using simulated data and see that certain versions ofthe tests have good finite sample behavior. We also apply thetests to exchange rate data and show that the null of a continuoussample path is frequently rejected. Most of the jumps the statisticsidentify are associated with governmental macroeconomic announcements.  相似文献   

We consider the dynamic hedging of a European option under a general local volatility model with small proportional transaction costs. Extending the approach of Leland, we introduce a class of continuous strategies of finite cost that asymptotically (super-)replicate the payoff. An associated central limit theorem for the hedging error is proved. We also obtain an explicit trading strategy minimizing the asymptotic error variance.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of jumps in continuous‐time short rate models. I first develop a test to detect jump‐induced misspecification and, using Treasury bill rates, find evidence for the presence of jumps. Second, I specify and estimate a nonparametric jump‐diffusion model. Results indicate that jumps play an important statistical role. Estimates of jump times and sizes indicate that unexpected news about the macroeconomy generates the jumps. Finally, I investigate the pricing implications of jumps. Jumps generally have a minor impact on yields, but they are important for pricing interest rate options.  相似文献   

We consider an agent who invests in a stock and a money market and consumes in order to maximize the utility of consumption over an infinite planning horizon in the presence of a proportional transaction cost . The utility function is of the form U(c) = c1-p/(1-p) for p > 0, . We provide a heuristic and a rigorous derivation of the asymptotic expansion of the value function in powers of , and we also obtain asymptotic results on the boundary of the no-trade region.Received: July 2003, Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 90A09, 60H30, 60G44JEL Classification: G13Work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants DMS-0103814 and DMS-0139911.  相似文献   

In the context of credit risk, the term structure models that have been studied in the literature are typically models driven by Brownian motion or standard jump diffusions. These models provide coherent modeling that is straightforward to implement. To make these models more flexible, we develop a discrete-time approximation of a continuous-time Vasicek term structure analysis with non-Gaussian and dependent innovations. Higher-order asymptotic theory enables us to evaluate the term structures of defaultable bonds. Numerical examples show that the effects of non-Gaussianity and the dependency of both risk-free rate and default process strongly influence the evaluation of defaultable bonds. As an application, we estimate the parameters of our proposed models for the Japanese corporate credit default swap market.  相似文献   

One measure of market efficiency is the speed with which prices adjust to new information. We develop a simple approach to estimating these price adjustment coefficients by using the information in return processes. This approach is used to estimate the price adjustment coefficients for firms listed on the NYSE and the AMEX as well as for over-the-counter stocks. We find evidence of a lagged adjustment to new information in shorter return intervals for firms in all market value classes, and some support for the proposition that prices adjust much more slowly and with more noise for smaller firms.  相似文献   


The only way to avoid ruin in the classical model of the collective risk theory is that the surplus increases to infinity. We consider a modified model with a dividend barrier that prevents this behavior. It is shown that there is a simple approximation formula for the time of ruin when the level of the dividend barrier is high and the Cramér-Lundberg condition is satisfied. A numerical example is presented in the case when the claims are exponentially distributed. The relation to queuing theory is used to derive the proportion of time the surplus is below some given level.  相似文献   

Asymptotic distribution of law-invariant risk functionals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Law-invariant or version-independent coherent risk or acceptability functionals do not explicitly depend on the underlying probability space and can be considered as functionals of the distribution function. In this paper, we consider estimates of these functionals based on the empirical distribution function and investigate their asymptotic properties.  相似文献   

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