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Consider trade liberalization between two countries, each of which produces two private goods and provides on a voluntary basis one public good (the common). In these circumstances, what are the consequences of trade liberalization on the production of the public good and on welfare in both countries? Using a Ricardian framework, we first show that the opening of trade increases the opportunity cost of producing the public good in both countries and will therefore reduce the aggregate supply of the public good. On the other hand, at the autarky equilibrium, only one country supplies the public good, the other “free rides”. The analysis of the welfare incidence of the opening of trade then reveals that the country which provides the public good under autarky always enjoys a welfare gain from trade while the free rider under autarky does not unless the terms of trade are sufficiently in its favour to compensate for the reduction in the supply of the common. Finally, if all countries involved in trade liberalization can without cost coordinate their supplies of the common, then the implementation of the first-best outcome is shown to be possible with a conditional Paretian transfer scheme.  相似文献   

The heads of state of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) nations have committed member nations to remove all barriers to trade both among themselves and with respect to the rest of the world by 2020. The present paper uses a simple econometric model of bilateral trade flows based on country size, relative factor endowments, and trade barriers of importing as well as exporting countries to estimate the shares by country of origin in imports of each of the 16 major APEC countries and the rest of the world for each of 45 commodity groups comprising world trade in commodities. The estimates reveal that APEC trade would be expanded by 13% with complete liberalization of tariff barriers, by an additional 5% if nontariff barriers are also removed, and by another 4% if the rest of the world would also remove all barriers to trade. Variants on this base scenario show that such trade expansion could be substantially reduced were trade liberalization, capital growth, or both to be reduced in the countries affected by the Asian financial crisis. ( JEL Fl, F17)  相似文献   

Deindustrialization and Trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper extends the Dornbusch–Fisher–Samuelson (1977) model to explain deindustrialization and trade; this extension follows Baumol's (1967) observation on the negative correlation between the size of the service sector and growth. It is shown that trade improves welfare through the exploitation of comparative advantages but accelerates the shift toward services, slowing down the rate of growth. Trade can decrease welfare if manufacturing activities with learning-by-doing move abroad. In this case, some experience is lost and all countries lose.  相似文献   

We propose a North-South model that reconciles trade and production strategies, flows of innovators and the path of economic divergence, or convergence, between countries. We explain the mechanisms behind these forces and show how the technological and economic gaps can be reversed if southern countries stop imitating northern goods and, instead, produce complementary goods. Such a strategy of complementarity on production yields the necessary incentives to innovators to engage in research in southern countries, which enhances the catching-up process between countries. It is also shown that migratory movements of unskilled labor between countries are also relevant to understand the dangers and benefits of different trade strategies for economic growth. This paper suggests a positive (negative) correlation between technological innovation in the North (South) and the level of substitutability in production, while under complementarity, technological innovation catches up in the South, therefore fostering the economic catching up process. A positive correlation between inflows of skilled and unskilled labor and substitutability of production between countries is also verified.  相似文献   

"This paper examines the economic effects of emigration in a source country producing both traded and non-traded commodities. It is shown that, even if the economy faces fixed terms of trade, emigration can still affect the welfare of the non-migrants, and the direction of the effect in this context will always be negative." The focus is on migration from developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper considers a trade situation where the production activities of potentially heterogeneous countries generate pollution which can cross borders and harm the well-being of all the countries involved. In each of those countries the policy maker levies pollution taxes on the polluting firms and a tariff on imports in order to correct that distortion. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the effect of a reduction in the tariff on equilibrium pollution taxes and welfare. The existing literature has investigated this problem for trade between two identical countries. This paper analyzes the problem in the more realistic context where countries are not necessarily identical and trade can be multilateral. It becomes possible to show what bias is introduced when those two realities are neglected. I find that a tariff reduction can actually lower output; it can also lower welfare even if pollution is purely local.  相似文献   

Free Trade, Growth, and Convergence   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Can trade liberalization have a permanent affect on output levels, and more important, does it have an impact on steady-state growth rates? The model emphasizes the role that knowledge spillovers emanating from heightened trade can have on income convergence and growth rates during transition and over the long run. Among the results of the model, unilateral liberalization by one country reduces the income gap between the liberalizing country and other, wealthier countries. From the long-run growth perspective, unilateral (and multilateral) liberalization generates a positive impact on the steady-state growth of all the trading countries.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the impact of growth on terms of trade, absolute prices and welfare using a two-country, monetary model. Under flexible exchange rates export-biased growth would lead to a decline in the terms of trade if the two countries are ‘similar’. Under fixed exchange rates a weaker condition than the barter condition of export-biased growth is sufficient, namely, for the import commodity the demand creating effect of growth dominates the supply effect while for the exported commodity the opposite holds. Secondly, substitutability between money and commodities indicates that no necessary relation holds between the terms of trade and the trade balance. Thirdly, the introduction of money creates a real balance effect so that decline in terms of trade is no longer a necessary (or sufficient) condition for immiserization. Finally, the paper concludes by questioning two policy conclusions drawn in earlier models: one, that the declining terms of trade of less developed countries was due to a bias in the growth strategy and, two, that monetary models of trade support the ‘monetarist’ proposition that growth and a deteriorating trade balance can only co-exist if the domestic monetary policy is nonneutral.  相似文献   

Open economy extensions of real business cycle models, even if generally successful, have met some difficulties replicating a few important stylized facts. In particular, these models tend to predict excessive consumption smoothing and consumption correlations across countries. The observed negative correlation between the trade balance and output in developing countries, the variability of the trade balance and its correlation with the terms of trade have also proven difficult to reproduce. This paper considers how introduction of incomplete markets in the form of liquidity constraints can alleviate these problems. This analysis suggests that adding liquidity constraints helps predict the variability of consumption relative to output. It also improves our estimate of the correlation between the trade balance and output. The model correctly replicates the small positive correlation between the terms of trade and the trade balance. However, it slightly underpredicts the variability of the trade balance when 50% of the consumers are assumed to be liquidity constrained.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: E13, E32, E44.  相似文献   

This paper examines how trade liberalization affects the growth rate of sectoral employment in developed and developing countries. The estimation results imply that trade openness in the form of higher trade volumes has not been successful in generating jobs in developing countries. The overall weak, negative employment response to trade volumes may be explained by the negative output response to trade openness in these countries. Our estimates also indicate that higher trade volumes have adverse effect on industrial employment in developed countries. Moreover, while they have positive effect on employment in industry and services in developing countries, trade barriers have adverse effect on employment growth in services for developed countries. Our overall results imply that while trade barriers have relatively little adverse effects and/or in some case a positive effect on employment both in developing and developed countries, higher trade volumes have an adverse effect on industrial employment in developed economies. Thus, trade openness is not in itself a solution to the unemployment problems of developing countries and yet it has not been the prime factor to blame for the lower employment levels in developed countries.  相似文献   

It is usually recommended that countries diversify their economies to guard against any negative shocks that might impact on one industry. However, previous research has not identified how concentration can impact on the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies. This paper attempts to evaluate the relationship between industrial concentration, policies and economic volatility for a sample of 147 countries for the period 1970 to 2005. The study reports that less concentrated countries tend to have lower rates of output, consumption and investment growth volatility. In addition, while trade and capital account openness variables alone tend to diminish economic volatility, in concentrated economies opening both the capital and trade account can increase economic volatility.  相似文献   

Most macroeconomic models imply that faster income growth tends either to lower a country’s trade balance by raising its imports with little change to its exports or to reduce its terms of trade in order to maintain balanced trade. Krugman (1989 ) proposed a model in which countries grow by producing new varieties of goods. In his model, faster‐growing countries are able to export these new goods and maintain balanced trade without suffering any deterioration in their terms of trade. This paper analyzes the growth of US imports from different source countries and finds strong support for Krugman’s model.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate how supply and demand shocks in one country affect output volatility in other countries. While the evidence for cross‐country transmission of demand shocks is mixed, we find that volatile supply in one country leads to larger imports and output volatility in other countries. As a result, the effect of trade openness on output volatility is highly heterogeneous across countries and depends on the composition of their trade. Those countries whose imports originate in economies with volatile supply experience a greater impact of trade on output volatility.  相似文献   

Abstract .  We study a two-country endogenous growth model where the utility of agents in developing countries is affected by consumption gaps with advanced economies. International status seeking tends to revert growth differentials in favour of the developing country. Preferences with endogenous status desire generate convergence in growth rates in the presence of structural gaps and convergence in income levels if productivity differences disappear. This process is driven by declining terms of trade and faster capital accumulation of the status seeker. The model predictions are shown to be consistent with the stylized facts that characterized the growth performance of East Asian economies.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse, through a theoretical model, the effects that the trade integration of two countries may have on industrial location, growth and welfare.The conclusions reached finally depend both on whether the import or the export costs are affected by the trade policies on which the integration process is based and on whether the rich or the poor country introduces them. In general, when integration leads to an increase of industrial concentration in the rich country, the growth rate increases and welfare improves in both countries. If integration means that industry moves to the poor country, the growth rate decreases; in spite of this, in this case the poor country can also improve its welfare.  相似文献   

This study estimates an econometric panel-data model, in order to explore the capacity of some of the hypotheses formulated in recent dynamic models of trade and economic growth to explain the bilateral trade of OECD countries. The study suggests that the larger a country's endowment of both tangible and intangible (human and technological) capital in relation to that of its trade partners, the higher the export/import ratio of its bilateral trade. It also shows that direct investment enhances the export/import ratio with the host country. The former communist countries reflect only minor differences from the other OECD members.  相似文献   

The paper studies the conditions for the neutrality of money under flexible exchange rates in an extended real-wage Mundell–Fleming model, with special emphasis on the specification of the behavior functions to correspond to their foundations in closed-economy macrotheory.It is shown that monetary expansion causes output first to decline, to eventually rise above its original level. However, if interest earnings on foreign securities dominate the trade balance in the expression for the exchange rate, monetary expansion leads to an appreciation of the exchange rate, while having an expansionary output effect. Money is neutral in the long run if either the wealth effect or foreign interest payments are abstracted from; if both are abstracted from, it is neutral also in the short run. Short and long-run neutrality results also if wealth consists only of foreign securities. The above responses hold both for net creditors and – with a minor qualification – debtors.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interaction between relative resource abundance and resource management regimes in determining trade patterns and gains from trade in a two-country model with a renewable resource. A model developed by Brander and Taylor [Brander JA, Taylor MS (1997b) Resour Energy Econ 19:267–297] is extended. It is shown that relative resource abundance determines trade patterns if resource abundance is similar in both countries and the relative demand for the resource good is moderate, or if resource abundance is sufficiently different and the relative demand is not so high. Otherwise, a difference in resource management regimes determines trade patterns. Even under an open-access regime, the resource-scarce country gains from trade unless resource abundance is similar and the relative demand is low.   相似文献   

This paper examines the argument that uniform indirect tax rates are necessary to remove trade distortions for participating countries in economic integration. In a simple goods mobile, factor immobile international trade model it is shown that uniformity of tax rates is not necessary with either a general origin or destination based tax. Under a restricted origin basis, absence of distortion is only possible if trade is bilaterally balanced, in which case uniform or nonuniform rates across countries serve equally well.  相似文献   

An endogenous growth model of three countries is used to investigate the dynamic effects of deeper economic integration between two countries in the presence of an outside world. The paper looks at the long-run effects of inner-union trade liberalization, the union's external trade policy, and of the relaxation of the inner-union barriers to migration. It is shown that regional integration via inner-union trade liberalization can lead very well to a decline of the steady-state growth rates.  相似文献   

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