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ISO14001是目前应用最为广泛的环境管理体系标准,而EMAS是欧盟法令发布的自愿性环境管理工具。本文围绕环境绩效、环境评审、环境因素、信息公开、全面合规性、员工参与等方面,分析ISO14001和EMAS两种环境管理工具的相关性和主要差异,为组织从ISO14001升级至EMAS提供参考。  相似文献   

一些发达国家在二十世纪中期发生的一系列公害事件,使人们开始认识到环境问题的严重性以及预防环境污染和治理环境的重要性.环境污染与公害事件的产生使人们从治理污染的过程中逐渐认识到:要有效地保护环境,人类社会必须对自身的经济发展行为加强管理,提倡和追求人与自然的和谐.  相似文献   

从ISO14001:2004再看EMS文件要求   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文件,即信息及其承载媒体(见ISO14001∶2004标准第3.4条)。ISO14001∶2004标准“4.4.4文件”一条给出了环境管理体系文件的原则范围:“环境管理体系文件应包括:a)环境方针、目标和指标;b)对环境管理体系的覆盖范围的描述;c)对环境管理体系的主要要素及其相互作用的描述,以及相关文件的查询途径;d)本标准要求的文件,包括记录;e)组织为确保对涉及重大环境因素的过程进行有效策划、运行和控制所需的文件,包括记录。”而一个充分、适宜、有效的环境管理体系所需文件的多少与详尽程度决定于其他的因素。ISO14001∶2004标准“引言”指出:“环…  相似文献   

1标准修订背景 为了保证ISO标准内容始终能够适应时代的变化,ISO要求各技术委员会在标准颁布后5年对标准进行审定,以决定是否进行修改、保留或撤回。所以,环境管理体系标准ISO14001(环境管理体系规范及使用说明)和ISO14004(环境管理体系原则、体系和支持技术通用指南)也不例外,当时制定  相似文献   

The main aim of this research is to find the most relevant factors for a successful ISO 14001 implementation in the construction industry. Thousands of companies, including those in the construction industry, are interested in an ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Italy holds one of the largest databases of ISO 14001 certified organisations; in this database, the construction industry represents the second largest sector. Using a questionnaire, the research tested six potential factors that affect the success of an ISO 14001 EMS implementation. Moreover, the quantitative results were discussed together with qualitative notes left by respondents. The results showed that only three out of the six factors really affect ISO 14001 EMS implementation in the construction industry: involvement of employees, top management commitment, and development of environmental technical skills. It seems that the respondents perceived that economic and financial results, identification of environmental aspects and impacts, and the involvement of stakeholders have a limited or null effect on ISO 14001 implementation. Particular issues concerning developing workers' awareness, evaluating all the environmental impacts, and obtaining real economic advantages were raised in the respondents' comments. Conclusions highlight specific contributions for practitioners and other stakeholders involved in EMS.  相似文献   

从环境管理体系主要要素、相互作用及相关文件的查询途径三个方面对ISO14001:2004标准中4.4.4条款的要求进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

环境保护是我国的一项基本国策,国有企业适应经济体制与经济增长方式两个根本性转变,走集约型和可持续发展道路是必然的选择。当前,保护生态环境、治理环境污染已经成为我国经济能否快速发展的关键所在。《国有大中型企业建立现代企业制度和加强管理的基本规范 (试行 )》第六十一条大力推行清洁生产,明确规定大中型企业或产品出口企业应努力贯彻 ISO14000环境管理系列标准,提倡企业开展环境管理体系认证。大力推行 ISO14000环境管理系列标准,实施清洁生产,创建绿色企业,已经成为现代企业的重要目标。  下面就我厂宣贯 ISO1400…  相似文献   

Formally adopted in 1996 by the International Organization of Standardization, ISO 14001 represents a voluntary international environmental standard, which will likely be adopted by a vast majority of corporations. Its major focus is on the structure, implementation and maintenance of a formal environmental management system. Despite its international acceptance, ISO 14001 is surrounded by controversy and criticism. The literature is clearly divided in its assessment of ISO 14001, which is viewed as a variant of total quality environmental management or a paper‐driven process of limited value. In this study, case‐based research is used to address the competing views of the standard to show that ISO 14001 registration can be leveraged across the supply chain into a competitive advantage. By looking at ISO 14001 registered firms, we compare different amounts of integration and sustainability in the supply chain. We then posit several research propositions to provide an empirical framework for the impacts of ISO 14001 on supply chain design and how it will evolve in the future. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

The scope of this research is to evaluate whether ISO 14001 certification could be used as a strategic vehicle for achieving objectives that are not strictly linked to a technical and operative perspective, and to determine what these objectives are. In order to find these objectives, a review of the literature was first conducted to determine what they were and seven hypotheses emerged. The hypotheses concerned the possibility of using ISO 14001 as a strategy for achieving objectives related to finance and turnover, customer satisfaction, community satisfaction, employee satisfaction, health and safety in the workplace, and growth and skills of employees. The validity of each hypothesis was tested via a survey of 164 managers of European manufacturing companies. This research produced interesting findings, some of which contradicted the findings of other research, in particular for financial and turnover objectives. In addition, the research revealed interesting relationships between employees' skills and issues such as Design for the Environment and Sustainability. Furthermore, some limitations of ISO 14001 with respect to the Eco‐Management and Audit Scheme regulation emerged. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

实施ISO14001标准促进中小企业可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了ISO14001的主要特点,论述了中小企业实施ISO14001的必要性和可行性。以及优势和困难,并就中小企业实施ISO14001的必要性和可行性,以及优势和困难,并就中小企业实施ISO14001应采取的对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Environmental policy in the UK has tended to reflect orthodox textbook responses, focusing upon standard setting and taxation, both impacting upon the supply side of the economy. In addition, economic agents have the option of legal recourse to settle environmental disputes. Complementing this command and control framework is a growing tendency for firms to subscribe to additional voluntary environmental standards by, for example, registering with an appropriate agency, thereby signalling to others that they have adopted a particular scheme. This growing trend has far reaching consequences for future policy decisions and for financial and environmental performance of the firms. We aim here to identify the attributes of many firms which participate in ISO 14001. We use a probit model to determine, from a vector of firm and industry characteristics at one point in time, what factors influence the probability of firms registering with ISO 14001. We then utilize survival analysis to analyse how these characteristics impact upon the ‘hazard’ of accreditation over time. If significant differences exist between 14001 firms and others, important questions arise for academics and practitioners alike. Are certain types of firm hindered by their firm characteristics? Does the scheme favour larger firms over smaller firms, or high tech firms over low tech? Why do some industries have many accreditations whilst others have none? The analysis of such issues is not only an under‐developed area of academic debate, but also of direct relevance to practitioners within the field of environmental management and policy. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

The adoption of voluntary environmental certifications such as ISO 14001 and Eco‐Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) has gained momentum in the last two decades. The scholarly literature has analyzed in depth the performance implications of the adoption of these certificates. Yet the findings are scattered and inconclusive. This article aims to shed light on this issue by meta‐analyzing the influence of the adoption of voluntary environmental certifications on corporate environmental performance, drawing on a sample of 53 scholarly studies analyzing a total of 182,926 companies. The findings show a positive influence of ISO 14001 and EMAS certifications on corporate environmental performance. A set of underlying moderating effects are also identified, such as a more pronounced positive effect for adoptions based on environmental innovation and for firms with a more mature certification. Implications for scholars, managers, and other stakeholders are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to understand what factors contribute to voluntary adoption of the ISO 14001 environmental management system by private sector facilities in Japan. A model based on regulatory, competitiveness, social responsibility and organization theory is applied to 1999 survey data. Analysis shows systematically different factors to be important indicators of voluntarism in different industries and for facilities at different stages of certification. First adopters and second adopters appear to be fundamentally different types of organizations driven by different internal and external factors. Although results do not indicate a clear causal linkage between ISO adoption and greening activity, evidence shows that at least two different stages of adoption have taken place in Japan and that ISO adoption is associated with environmental action. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the current state of specific corporate responsibility practices in the global forest sector. We compare the motivations for the leading forest industry companies to invest in certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), and in the ISO 14001 environmental management system. For the empirical investigation, we use quantitative survey data collected from 60 of the world's leading forestry companies. This study's empirical results indicate that incentives for adopting forest certification are more often external rather than internal, and more market driven than regulation driven, which would suggest the dominance of extrinsic motivation. The results also indicate that the adoption of ISO 14001 certification represents a reactive strategic approach, emphasizing customer satisfaction as a key motivation. Motivations differ depending on the firm's business sector and the geographical location of its headquarters. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

This study explores whether the association between the aggregate level of ISO 14001 adoption in a country and the reduction of its CO2 emissions differs across national settings. We analyze potential variations in three country features: intensity of competition, inclination of firms to behave ethically, and the importance that firms attach to relationships with stakeholders. Based on a sample of 53 countries for the period 2007–2017, our results show that the connection between the aggregate level of ISO 14001 adoption and lower levels of CO2 emissions is stronger in countries where firms tend to behave ethically but is weaker in countries where there is intense competition or where firms place high emphasis on relationships with stakeholders. These findings expand our understanding about the macrolevel consequences of ISO 14001 adoption.  相似文献   

Institutional theories and resource‐based views have suggested that, although they appear similar externally, standardized management systems may be implemented very differently in different organizations. This variability in implementation may be responsible for the heterogeneous performance of these standardized management systems. The current literature on the environmental impacts of ISO 14001 certification has largely neglected this phenomenon. Drawing on our survey of all US 14001 certificate holders, this study finds that great variability does exist in facilities' implementation of ISO 14001 standards. This heterogeneity has a significant impact on the linkage between ISO 14001 certification and facilities' environmental performance. In particular, we find that facilities that integrate ISO 14001 standards into their daily operations are more likely to report improvements in environmental performance. Environmental improvements are also more likely to occur in facilities that include performance management elements in their ISO 14001 standards. Furthermore, both types of facility are more likely to report that ISO certification contributes to this improvement. Neglecting the heterogeneity in facilities' implementation of ISO 14001 standards may explain the instability of findings from the empirical literature investigating the impacts of ISO 14001 certification. Theoretically, this paper informs the understanding of heterogeneous organizational behavior under isomorphic pressures. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

I draw upon the dynamic capability model to explore how new process standards influence the ability of manufacturing facilities to improve environmental performance by reducing toxic emissions. The process standards studied are the ISO 14001 environmental management standards, in use since 1996. Hypotheses are developed to account for how early adoption of ISO 14001 and experience with the standards influence emission levels. These hypotheses are tested using a large sample of electronics manufacturing facilities and data from 1996 through 2001. Consistent with theoretical expectations, analyses show that being one of the first facilities to adopt ISO 14001 was associated with lower emissions. Further, a separate effect is due to experience: the longer a facility operated under ISO 14001, the lower its emissions. The paper discusses the implications of these results for theory and policy development. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

More than 60000 organizations worldwide have implemented environmental management systems (EMSs). About 800 of them are located in Austria. As Austria was one of the leading countries in promoting the EU scheme EMAS, and as there has been no specific study on Austrian experiences with ISO 14001, the purpose of this study is to describe the experiences with and effects of ISO 14001 in Austria. The results show that ISO 14001 often leads to reduced environmental impact, especially in the area of waste. A strong driving force behind implementation is the expected improvement of an organization's image. The average repayment time on an investment in an EMS is less than two years. Legal compliance tends to be difficult to implement, but on the other hand it works well in daily practice. To develop an EMS into a sustainability management system, the two most important challenges are to improve coordination between the EMS and the organization's strategies and to synchronize the EMS with central value chains. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of adopting the ISO 14001 standard on firm environmental and economic performance. In particular, it is argued that the degree of environmental awareness of the society (EAS) and firm size are two factors moderating the effect of ISO 14001 on firm performance. A number of hypotheses are formulated and empirically tested on an international sample of 583 listed companies in 46 countries over the period of 2009–2018. The findings show that (i) ISO 14001 adoption contributes to reducing firm carbon emission intensity and increasing firm profitability; (ii) the impact of ISO14001 on profitability is greater for companies from countries with high EAS and for larger firms; and (iii) the impact of ISO 14001 on carbon intensity is greater for headquartered in countries with low EAS. Managerial and policy implications resulting from the widespread adoption of certifiable environmental standards are also discussed.  相似文献   

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