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本文以2010—2012年中国大陆省级行政区的宏观经济数据和企业家能力的微观数据为研究样本,通过理论模型与实证检验分析企业家能力与经济增长的关系,以及不同市场化进程下企业家能力对经济增长的差异化贡献。研究发现,企业家人力资本水平越高,社会责任能力越强,越不利于经济增长;相反,企业家关系网络能力和战略领导能力越强,越有利于经济增长。在不同市场化水平下,企业家能力对经济增长的影响也有所不同。市场化水平越高,人力资本水平和社会责任能力对经济增长的负面影响越弱,关系网络能力对经济增长的促进作用也将有所减弱。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how SMEs support investments in intangible assets. Using a multivariate framework that controls for a range of industry- and firm-level characteristics, we examine whether patterns of investment financing are associated with an SME’s past growth history and future growth expectations. We base our analysis on proportionately weighted, stratified survey data from 2960 Canadian firms. Our results suggest that SME growth history is positively related to investments in intangible assets. This finding was observed in both debt-financed investments as well as those supported by equity.  相似文献   

创业学习对创业企业成长具有积极的作用。本研究通过对上海市浦东新区新创企业的跟踪调研资料,运用学习理论和企业成长理论,结合具体案例信息,区别分析了创业者个人学习、组织学习同创业企业成长之间的关系。本文认为创业企业中,创业者更为注重个人学习,并且创业者个人学习同企业成长之间表现出更为显性的相关关系;而组织学习在创业企业中的受重视程度低于创业者个人学习,同时对创业企业成长的贡献并不显著。因此,本文建议创业企业需要重视组织学习,实现创业企业从生存到持续发展的转变。  相似文献   

Abstract . Alvin H. Hansen was one of the leading American economists from the 1930s to the 1960s. He was largely responsible for the popularization of Keynesian economics in the United States and Canada. He was responsible for the development of the secular stagnation thesis which explained 19th century American economic growth in terms of population growth, the frontier, and technology. The diminishing of these factors explained the decrease in the American economic growth rate in the 20th Century. Hansen's policy conclusions to prevent stagnation were Keynesian in nature and, as a result, Hansen was an early advocate of active fiscal policy in the United States. He differed with Terborgh.  相似文献   

在山西经济转型时期,非资源型创业企业对当地经济发展的作用日益凸显.本文从创业学习视角出发,通过对山西非资源型创业企业的多案例分析,探究创业企业的成长机理.研究结果表明,创业学习通过创业战略推动创业企业成长;并发现创业企业处于不同的发展阶段,选择的创业学习方式也存在一定的差异;在企业创建阶段,主要表现为知识导向的创业学习;在企业成长阶段、发展瓶颈阶段和转型升级阶段,主要表现为问题导向的创业学习和目标导向的创业学习.  相似文献   

在大学生就业形势日益严峻的背景下,加强高校创业文化建设进而提升创业教育质量,促进"创业带动就业"具有重要意义。本文从高校创业文化的内涵着手,结合西部地区特点,剖析了影响西部高校创业文化构建的因素,并进一步论述了西部高校创业文化的遵循原则和构建思考。  相似文献   

Phillips and Sul (Journal of Applied Econometrics 2009, 24 , 1153–1185) provide an algorithm to identify convergence clubs in a dynamic factor model of economic transition and growth. We provide a narrow replication of their key results, using the open source R software instead of the original GAUSS routines. We are able to exactly replicate their results on convergence clubs, corresponding point estimates and standard errors. We comment on minor differences between their reported results and their clustering algorithm. We propose simple adjustments of the original algorithm to make manual intervention unnecessary. The adjustments allow automated application of the algorithm to other data. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A bstract .   Applying a cluster analysis to the results of the World Value Study, this article shows that the OECD nations have five distinct patterns of cultural characteristics. Moreover, these five cultural systems are almost the same as a classification of economic systems that have been derived from a cluster analysis of their economic institutions. A comparison of the cultural characteristics of East and West Germany suggests that the economic system has relatively little influence on the cultural systems. Instead, in a democracy, where the economic system is not imposed by force, the cultural characteristics are more likely to determine the economic system, rather than the reverse.  相似文献   

本文以经济收敛模型为视角,利用中国各省市面板数据,在传统的解释框架基础上增加社会信任的角度,实证检验了社会信任与经济增长的关系,并给出相关的政策建议。结果表明,信任能显著地促进经济增长,信任程度每提高1个百分点,经济增长率将提高0.064个百分点。稳健性检验表明,信任对经济增长的显著影响不依赖于额外控制变量的加入,研究结果基本上与经济收敛模型的预期相符。  相似文献   

最优税率、政府转移支付与经济增长   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文推广了Barro(1990)和Gong-Zou(1999)关于政府税收与经济增长的模型,讨论了多级政府下的政府花费,税收和政府间的转移支付对经济增长的影响;就特殊形式的生产函数和效用函数,导出了经济增长率与政府税收和政府转移支付的关系;通过数值方法讨论了政府税收和政府转移支付对经济增长的影响。  相似文献   

在企业持续成长的过程中,企业家行为是企业经营的决定性因素,而其中企业家社会资本是决定其成功的重要因素。在企业持续成长的不同阶段,企业家社会资本对于把握市场机会、降低经营风险、推动组织创新都起到重要作用。为了培育企业家社会资本,必须提升企业家信用水平,扩大企业家关系网络并构建信任的制度环境。  相似文献   

Taxation and Economic Growth   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A bstract The effects of vorious tax policies on economic growth are recx amined on the basis of the recently developed endogenous growth therory The assertion of Henry George that the structure of taxation is more important than the level of taxation in explaining economic growth is elaborated and verified Annual data for Taiwan from 1954 to 1986 shows that the aggregate tax rate does not have significant effect on the long run growth rates of private ouptup, consumption and production factor inputs This result is due to the poostivie effect of consumption taxation offsetting the negative effect of factor taxation on economic growth  相似文献   


This paper adds a factor of production, land, to the standard core-periphery model of the New Economic Geography to analyse the effect of land rent on the price index and spatial structure. The result indicates that when production of the manufacturing sector has high dependence on land, and high demand elasticity for differentiated goods, the price index of the core region is higher than that of the periphery, and that the price index could rise with a degree of agglomeration. Meanwhile, the market forces cannot generate a core-periphery structure, which indicates the significance of the price effect on spatial structure.  相似文献   

创新发明是科学技术发展的本质,是社会生产力发展的动力,是经济持续增长的基础,是时代前进的灵魂,是人类文明进步的希望。创新发明的不竭潜力与源泉、开发的主观能力与价值效益是衡量一个国家科学技术发达、现代化发展持续、综合国力强大与经济、社会繁荣的重要尺度。本文就创新发明如何对人类社会经济持续增长产生作用的问题加以探究。  相似文献   

基于1960~2010年113个国家的面板数据集,运用系统广义矩动态面板方法和稳健性分析,比较发达国家和发展中国家政府债务经济增长效应的差异,并尝试分析政府债务影响经济增长的渠道。研究结果显示,政府债务对经济增长有非线性影响;发达国家政府债务对经济增长、投资以及全要素生产率均无显著影响;发展中国家对政府债务的直接承受力更弱,但在一个宽松的临界点内,政府债务的增加可以提高投资率。  相似文献   

本文从网络安全问题入手,从经济学角度分析了网络安全问题存在的理论解释,进而探讨了经济增长理论的演变历程,指出技术进步,制度逐步成为经济增长内生因素,最后从制度,制度变迁角度分析了网络安全与经济增长之间的关系。  相似文献   

Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper surveys the literature on fiscal policy and economic growth. We present a unifying framework for the analysis of long run growth implications of government expenditures and revenues. We find that several tax rates and expenditure categories exhibit a direct impact on the growth rate of the economy. In a creative synthesis we have assigned the relevant literature to the twelve introduced policy variables. Due to the equivalence of some policy variables we are left with six degrees of freedom, where we need four to internalize the model's intrinsic externalities, leaving two instruments to conduct short run fiscal policy.  相似文献   


This paper tests how the local economic structure—measured by local sector specialization, competition and diversity—affects growth of manufacturing sectors. Most of the empirical literature assumes that in the long run more productive regions will attract more workers and use employment growth as a measure of local productivity growth. However, this approach is based on strong assumptions, such as those of national labour markets and homogeneous labour. This paper shows that if we relax these assumptions, regional adjusted wage growth is a better measure of productivity growth than employment growth. This measure is used in order to study regional growth in Portuguese regions between 1985 and 1994. Evidence is found of MAR externalities in some sectors and no evidence of Jacobs or Porter externalities in most of the sectors. These results are at odds with the findings for employment-based regressions, which show that regional concentration and the region's size have a negative effect in most of the sectors. It is also shown that simply using regional wage growth would overstate the effect of regional concentration and competition on long-run growth.  相似文献   


In this editorial, we summarise and comment on the five articles published in issue 9.2. The five articles are a selection of papers presented at the ‘Workshop on Inequality and Regional Growth and Cohesion’ organised by the Regional Quantitative Analysis research group (AQR-IREA) of the University of Barcelona in November 2011. The first two articles, by De Dominicis and by Monastiriotis, focus on the analysis of regional growth and examine the influence of agglomeration and national development, respectively. The article by Ezcurra and Rodríguez-Pose looks instead at how trade openness impacts on within-country regional disparities, while the article by Kyriacou and Roca-Sagalés examines in turn how regional disparities impact on the quality of government at the national level. The final article by Sacchi and Salotti examines the impact of different forms of decentralisation on income inequalities at the household level. From our perspective, these articles contribute to a better understanding of the complex link between inequality and economic growth, while they also leave open several questions that could clearly stimulate future research on the topic.  相似文献   

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