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实行股份合作制是党中央、国务院提倡的深化企业改革的有效形式,是贯彻落实“抓大放小”方针,搞好搞活国有和集体小型企业的重要举措。股份合作制是采取股份制某些方法的合作经济,是公有制的一种实现形式,股份合作制企业是适应社会主义市场经济要求的一种新的企业组织制度,其基础特征是:劳动合作与资本合作相结合,  相似文献   

肖莹 《中国纺织》2021,(5):97-100
品牌是企业发展水平的全方位凝聚与展现,是国家经济和科技发展、文化和社会进步的重要标志与组成,是国家参与国际分工与合作的制高点.在新发展格局中,品牌建设在参与市场竞争与分工合作中的地位更加凸显.  相似文献   

混合型非地勘企业是指地勘单位与社会企业合作,联营或用国有资产兴办的集体企业。本文分析了混合型非地勘企业资产权界定的难点,提出了操作程序和计算公式,较好地解决 各所有者对资产所有权所占份额的问题。  相似文献   

甘肃送变电公司进行股份合作制改造,始于公司的多经企业,在近5年的探索中,我们的体会是:●股份合作制企业应保留一定比例的集体股。一定比例的集体资产能为劳动合作提供物质保证,保持一定比例的集体资产还有利于保障企业的稳定和发展。●由优惠政策形成的企业产权归...  相似文献   

本文将企业的形成视为利益相关者集体选择的结果,由两个层次的集体选择决定。第一层次是所有可能的利益相关者对企业契约和交易契约的选择,企业契约的选择者将构建企业并拥有企业所有权。第二层次是拥有企业所有权的利益相关者对企业控制权和合作剩余分享方案的选择。第二层次集体选择的可能集是第一层次集体选择中个体理性的约束条件,本文借助不等式组推导了第二层次集体选择的可行集。在对企业形成逻辑进行分析的基础上,本文结合实例探讨了企业的所有权边界和经营边界。最后,总结提出了"利益相关者集体选择的企业观",并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

加加速企业发展、全面提高航空产品的开发和制造水平,昌河飞机工业集团公司积极参与国际航空产业分工合作,走出了一条具有特色的发展之路。昌飞公司认为,对外合作和转包生产是开发民用航空产品,适应市场经济发展的战略举措;是提高抗市场风险能力、提升国际形象和培育新的经济增长点的有效手段。  相似文献   

国有纺织企业与非国有企业经营状况比较分析顾强国有企业,即财产所有权为国家所有的那些企业。非国有企业包括城乡集体合作经济(包括原来形成的集体经济)、外资、合资、联营、股份制经济和私人、个体经济等与传统的国有制有不同产权关系,并与旧体制不同的方式运行的经...  相似文献   

本文基于内容分析法以三家企业(海尔、中国宝洁和四川新希望)为案例,研究了提升企业经营合法性的非市场策略与行为。研究结果表明.尽管不同企业采取了差异化的非市场策略.但这些策略和行为均有助于提升企业的经营合法性;将企业与已经获得合法性的事项(例如,政治事项等)、组织(例如,行业协会、政府等)或人员(例如,专家学者等)联系起来,是提升企业经营合法性的重要策略和途径:高管人员作为企业的代言人频繁参与非市场活动,则是企业提升经营合法性的普遍做法。最后。本文提出了相应的理论推断并为现实中企业的经营管理提出了可操作性建议。  相似文献   

11月3日,德力西集团第三次职工代表大会通过了一项重要的“企业法规”———《德力西集团有限公司推行工资集体协商工作方案》,同时选举产生了职工方的10名协商代表,他们将代表德力西万余名员工与企业方进行工资集体协商。这是新《工会法》颁布后我国首家实行工资集体协商制度的企业。工资集体协商,是指企业员工代表与企业代表依法就企业内部工资分配制度、工资分配方式、工资收入水平等事项进行平等协商,在协商一致的基础上签订工资协议的行为,是新《工会法》中关于“工会通过平等协商和集体合同制度协调劳动关系,维护企业职工…  相似文献   

11月3日,德力西集团第三次职工代表大会通过了一项重要的“企业法规”———《德力西集团有限公司推行工资集体协商工作方案》,同时选举产生了职工方的10名协商代表,他们将代表德力西万余名员工与企业方进行工资集体协商。这是新《工会法》颁布后我国首家实行工资集体协商制度的企业。工资集体协商,是指企业员工代表与企业代表依法就企业内部工资分配制度、工资分配方式、工资收入水平等事项进行平等协商,在协商一致的基础上签订工资协议的行为,是新《工会法》中关于“工会通过平等协商和集体合同制度协调劳动关系,维护企业职工…  相似文献   

针对当前各大城市出现的个人集资合作建房现象,分析了个人集资合作建房遇到的困难,提出了相应的对策。从合作建房的具体流程上分析了合作建房的可行性,并提出发展合作建房的对策。  相似文献   

Research summary: This article studies strategic interactions between firms that form alliances to exploit synergistic benefits. Firms cooperate to create value, but they can also compete to capture value. Fundamental questions rarely addressed by strategy scholars relate to how the configuration of control over resources influences firms' strategies, the potential for termination, and the emergence of cooperation and trust. The formal results reveal crucial aspects of the interorganizational rent‐generating process and yield testable implications. With greater synergistic benefits, firms invest more, but they also compete more intensively to capture more value. With symmetric control, more value gets created, which limits the potential for termination, but also exacerbates the competition for value; from a relational perspective, this form of control augments the calculative rationale of cooperation and trust . Managerial summary: When forming an alliance to exploit synergies, firms engage in a complicated strategic interaction that is part cooperation and part competition. What happens when partner firms cooperate and invest to create value while competing and using costly adversarial tactics to capture value? The analysis reveals that with greater synergistic benefits, firms invest more in value creation, but the fear of opportunism pushes them to waste more resources on value capture tactics. The balance between value creation and value capture, and the possibility that the alliance is terminated depend on the configuration of control over resources. The analysis further reveals under what conditions there can be trust between the partners, such that they focus on value creation and avoid wasting resources in the competition for value . Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Win-Win situations are used and also created by companies which cooperate with each other, complement each other on a synergy basis and work together fairly and competently. Today, business partnering has therefore become a key qualification for companies. This should not depend alone on the commitment of individual persons.This article describes how Siemens has organized its company, services and products using partnering solutions and how it has installed this concept as an intrinsically dynamic process. Thanks to institutionalized partnering, B2B interfaces have been established to form a rational alliance, offering benefits to all involved, and can be used regardless of the size of the company. These offerings generate Win-Win situations themselves—and provide individual employees in large companies with a structural framework for a personal partnering initiative.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that setting industry-wide standards of uniformity for technological products hastens their diffusion. In this article, Barry Rosen, Steven Schnaars and David Shani examine whether standards merely make markets less competitive, or whether they promote economic growth through the accelerated diffusion of certain new products. The authors also examine conditions which are most conducive to setting standards and reflect on alternative approaches to achieving technical standards. Finally, they ask who should set industry standards? The article presents opposing arguments for allowing industry to cooperate in the setting of standards and for letting the marketplace be the ultimate arbiter of standards—acting to weed out the weak and promote the strongest technological entry.  相似文献   

2003年欧盟颁布WEEE指令,彻底引爆了废弃电子产品循环再利用问题,对全球电子制造业带来革命性的影响。为应对这一指令,我国电子制造业需遵循闭环供应链管理的思想,通过整个行业内供应商、制造商、零售商,以及产品回收商和再处理商等众多企业的相互合作来共同攻关。为此,本文就闭环供应链管理进行了详细介绍,并深入分析了这种管理所面临的问题和机遇,最后就我国电子制造业如何成功实施闭环供应链管理提出相应建议。  相似文献   

环境群体性事件可分为事后救济型和事先预防型两种.环境群体性事件发生的诱因与一般群体性事件不同.文章利用重叠利益的解释模式来解释环境群体性事件发生的原因,认为环境群体性事件发生的直接诱因是政企合谋或民众对政企合谋的恐惧.为了预防环境群体性事件的发生,应抑制地方政府自利性的发展经济行为,企业应履行环境社会责任,民众依托环境NGO组织进行理性维权.  相似文献   

This article examines the direct and indirect effects of work–life balance (WLB) practices on multiple stakeholder outcomes in hospitals. The authors examine the direct and indirect effects of WLB practices in 173 hospitals in the United Kingdom on organizational, patient care and employee outcomes. The article proposes a model in which the effects of WLB practices on patient care outcomes and financial performance are mediated by employee turnover intentions. The authors provide strong support for the potential vested in WLB practices in the healthcare setting. Results indicate that greater use of WLB practices enhances outcomes for hospitals, their employees and the patients they care for.  相似文献   

慎重看待大用户直供电问题   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
论述了在电力市场初期我国缺少实施大用户直供电所必须具备的若干条件,分析了当前开展大用户直供电存在的问题及可能造成的影响,指出开展直供是改革的趋势但不可急于求成.  相似文献   

This article addresses the lack of quantitative research on industrial services marketing communications by providing a quantitative study of a direct mail promotion for an industrial service. Prenotification, the structure of the letter, the ethnic background of the signatory, personalization, and prequalifying the respondent were tested as factors influencing the response rate in the direct mail promotion. The results are useful as baseline information for current practitioners and to provide insights for the future development of theories of marketing communications for industrial services.  相似文献   

Although coopetition (simultaneous cooperation and competition) should positively affect company performance, it is unclear how implementation of these business-to-business marketing strategies can take place during large-scale emergencies. Therefore, guided by resource-based theory and the relational view, this investigation examines how organisations have used coopetition to cope with the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Key examples include retailers sharing information about stock levels, pharmaceutical organisations working together to develop a vaccine, technological giants collaborating for the greater good, and charities forming alliances for a joint cause. This paper strengthens the extant literature by highlighting the heterogeneity of coopetition strategies that firms can use within a global crisis. Practitioners must balance the risks and rewards of coopetition activities. In turn, they should decide whether to continue to cooperate with their competitors once the pandemic has ended, or resume operating under individualistic business models. This article ends with some future research directions.  相似文献   

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