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在分析天津本土百货商场市场状况和竞争态势的基础上,提出一些国外大型百货商场进入后的客户调查与市场定位。这些知名的大型百货商场目标市场针对的都是中高档顾客群,并以此目标市场为基础,我们关注一下它们的经营理念、经营模式、产品特色、优化服务、心理定价、产品保证、购物环境等,并且从我们随机的商场消费者调查中得到一些最为客观、真实的情感反应。结合企业本身优势与客户调查的结果,使其更加完善在天津地区的市场地位和发展策略。  相似文献   

企业市场定位策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
面对此起彼伏的“洗衣机大战”“空调大战”、“VCD大战”,许多企业不是抱怨对手的奸诈,就是哀叹顾客的不忠,很少有人从消费者的立场出发来榫一下自己的所作所为,结果是:雷同的产品、雷同的功能、雷同的价格、雷同的广告,使得消费者无所适从,不知道到底是谁的“功夫”更真、更好,到头来,市场被人们看作是竞争对手之间的游戏,离消费者却越来越远了,要医治这些病症,用好“市场定位理论”是最好的药方。  相似文献   

我国城市商业银行的市场定位及发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业银行的市场定位是商业银行对其主要经营区域、主要客户群体以及核心业务或产品的确定和选择。我国城市商业银行应立足本地经营,积极谋求区域化经营(经营区域定位),为城市居民和中小企业(客户定位)提供以中间业务和零售业务为主的优质金融服务(产品定位)。我国城市商业银行要实现持续、快速、健康发展,应积极实施品牌战略、成本领先战略、差异化战略、科技战略和区域化发展战略。  相似文献   

中小银行是大多数国家金融体系不可或缺的重要组成部分,它们与大型银行机构互为补充,是银行业体系健康发展的基础。然而,我国中小银行的发展目前却面临着严峻的生存压力,它们无论是在资本规模、网点设置、电子网络化水平方面,还是在资金来源,资金配置以及信用保证等方面,与大型银行相比都处在不利的地位。因此,中小银行必须立足于自己的机制所长,制定和实施明确的市场定位策略,才有可能确立自己的市场竞争优势,形成可持续发展的核心能力,在竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

胡忆 《企业导报》2014,(6):66-66
随着新经济浪潮的推动,企业不仅仅要以消费者需求为核心,在市场方面也要找准自身定位,树立正确的营销策略以助企业开发市场,从而为其带来更多的优势以提高竞争力。企业光明的前途和巨大的经济效益背后离不开准确的市场定位,同时也需要拥有灵活的应用定位策略,深入市场,知彼知己,本文结合实际探讨企业的市场定位及营销策略。  相似文献   

影响大型百货商店空间布局的因素是多方面的,本文从城市规划与建设、经济发展因素、政策因素、消费者因素、历史因素等五方面入手,探讨这些因素对大型百货商店空间布局的影响。  相似文献   

很多企业都密切地注意着市场领导者,尽可能地仿效,总希望通过对市场领导者战略和策略的模仿,实现自身的目标。然而,在现实中,复制成功的企图往往达不到理想的市场销售份额。市场挑战者要想成功地与市场领导者展开竞争,一个可取的做法就是站在市场领导者的对立面,向顾客提供不同甚至是相反的产品或服务。  相似文献   

肖哲  崔金江 《企业导报》2012,(16):80-82
本文通过对旅游地产市场定位的作用、步骤及策略的分析与阐述,提出了旅游地产如何打造真正卖点的策略与方法。对开发建设旅游地产具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,成功的关键在于企业的产品市场定位是否准确,营销策略是否实用有效.作为房地产开发企业,项目的市场定位和营销策略,简单地说即开发商想生产什么样的产品,卖给谁,怎样尽快卖出等.本文就房地产项目市场定位的内容、基本原则、存在问题及原因等方面探讨了对房地产项目定位和市场营销策略的问题.  相似文献   

<正>1969年,艾·里斯(Al Ries)和杰克·特劳特(Jack Trout)在美国营销杂志《广告时代》和《工业营销》上发表了一系列文章,首次提出了定位这一概念。此举在营销广告界引起热烈反响,甚至掀起了一场思想论战。从此,一个理  相似文献   

近年来,按照现代企业制度的要求,我国中央企业国有资产管理取得了巨大的成效,但在中央企业的角色定位与功能发挥上仍存在较大的问题。在中央企业国有资产管理和企业发展中,应当建构起既面向市场机制又服务国家战略的中央企业角色定位,对竞争性行业的中央企业和垄断性行业的中央企业区别对待,分别采取不同的管理方式和考核标准,以实现中央企业资源优势和社会责任的统一,进而达到中央企业的发展和社会发展同步。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of small and medium-sized enterprises' (SMEs) proactive environmental strategy on market performance through the mediating mechanism of environmental reputation. In addition, we investigate the potential moderating role of competitive strategies on the environmental reputation-market performance nexus. Data were collected from 223 SMEs. Using the hierarchical multiple regression analysis, the results show that a proactive environmental strategy positively enhances environmental reputation. Also, the influence of proactively environmental strategy on market performance is mediated by environmental reputation. In addition, our findings show the relationship between environmental reputation and market performance is greater for firms that adopt the differentiation strategy but not significant for firms adopting the low-cost and integrated strategies. Our study offers several theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

文章指出,中山市目前处于工业化中后期和实现现代化的关键阶段。通过发展和利用资本市场,加快产业结构的调整和升级,弥补招商引资比较优势的弱化,培育和提高企业自主创新能力,优化企业内部治理结构,拓宽城市基础设施建设融资渠道是十分必要的。充分整合资本市场的元素,按照市场规则建立中山市产权交易所,是中山市积极参与我国多层次资本市场建设的现实选择。  相似文献   

对宁波发展战略的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者认为 ,宁波的发展应该跳出“三江口”范围 ,即余姚江、奉化江、甬江三江交汇相连的目前的城市中心区 ,加快城市东扩 ,形成特大型组团式城市格局。城市建设要根据宁波滨海、跨江、傍河、枕湖的特点 ,展现亲水特色 ,将宁波建成生态城市。  相似文献   

文章通过研究市场竞争和企业创新这两个主要因素对市场占有量的影响,从而得到企业发展战略部署的一般规律,并运用系统动力学模型从市场导向的战略视角来研究企业持续发展的根本动因。  相似文献   

Firms in a variety of manufacturing sectors as well as the software industry have increasingly embraced services alongside their product portfolios in order to improve financial performance. Yet, the key question “How do service market strategy change and the accompanying business model change interact, and how does their interplay affect value creation?” remains open. Relying on twelve case studies of firms that have shifted towards providing highly advanced services (e.g. outcome-based contracts), theoretical propositions concerning the interplay of market strategy and business model on value creation are derived. The firms studied report two interdependent changes: first, they evolve the market strategy from provision of pure products to provision of services and then outcomes, in order to achieve a better fit with customer needs and to grow their service businesses. Second, they rely increasingly on partners and suppliers to provide new activities that are outside their competence base. This 'open business model' allows them to grow their new service businesses effectively and efficiently. At the same time, however, the shift to a service market strategy requires enhanced accountability to customers and increases the threat of penalties in the case of failure, while reliance on partners and suppliers leads to loss of control over the activity system and increases the threat of failure due to third party dependency. Thus, this paper finds that the success of firms that shift to services and outcomes hinges on their ability to balance the trade-off between increased value (i.e. growth, efficiency and effectiveness) and increased uncertainty associated with service market strategy/open business model interplay.  相似文献   

The study seeks to provide a deeper insight and strategies into the carbon trading market, the internal mechanism, and the linkage mechanism for emission reduction in the carbon trading market right from its inception. The study differs from most prior research on carbon trading, as this current paper incorporates the carbon market with the dissipative structure theory. Based on the dissipative structure theory, this study adapts the entropy generation principle as the base for the carbon trading market. The study captures the following key dimensions: the change of carbon market value, the entropy generation principle of carbon quota trading process, and the replacement process involved in production factors in carbon trading. The study revealed that the entropy generation of the carbon trading market is mainly caused by the cost gradient formed as a result of the cost difference of emission reduction and the increase of production factor input required by economic development. Moreover, the study revealed clearly the dynamics of the entropy index and the carbon market emission reduction efficiency. Thus, the lower the entropy value of the carbon market, the higher the emission reduction efficiency.  相似文献   

论跟随型与领先型新产品开发战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张继红 《企业技术开发》2005,24(9):53-54,79
新产品开发战略是新产品开发能否成功的首要前提,企业选用新产品开发战略合理与否关系到企业新产品的竞争力,关系到企业新产品开发能否成功。从企业开发新产品的胆略以及所开发新产品的创新程度考虑,有跟随型新产品开发战略和领先型新产品开发战略,文章通过对这两种开发战略的优缺点、适用条件和应用情况的分析,总结出如何根据企业和市场的具体情况选用合适的新产品开发战略。  相似文献   

朱姝 《物流科技》2003,26(2):19-21
积极发展第三方物流,是加速建设我国现代化物流体系的重要方面,从我国国情出发,依托现有的物流资源,利用我国中、小企业急迫要求提供社会化物流服务的市场需求,策化构建我国的第三方物流产业。  相似文献   

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