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中国内资企业“离岸化”经营是近些年才出现的一种经济现象,其发展很快。企业的“离岸化”经营给中国的宏观经济带来了诸多影响。但总体来看,其负面效应大于正面效应。在目前有关的法律法规还比较欠缺的情况下,应以监管为主,监管重于发展。  相似文献   

名牌产品是衡量一个国家、一个地区、一个企业竞争能力高低的主要标志。随着经济全球化和我国加入WTO,实施名牌战略已成为发展广州工业企业的当务之急。这是一项系统工程,也是一项长期、艰苦的工作,需要在意识、理论、战略和运作等几个方面同时推进。  相似文献   

品牌战略是企业为了提高产品竞争力而进行的围绕着企业及其产品而开展的形象塑造活动,它是企业整体发展战略的重要内容。本文着重从品牌的研究和开发、品牌名称、品牌的营销、品牌的创新以及品牌的国际化和人力资源等方面全方位地介绍了现代企业实施品牌战略的必要性,并结合国产品牌手机的现状,提出实施品牌战略的方案。  相似文献   

品牌战略是现代企业竞争致胜的法宝 ,国有外贸企业要在中国加入WTO后的国际经济舞台上有所作为 ,再创新的辉煌 ,必须推行品牌战略 ,走品牌发展之路。  相似文献   

The relationship between product price and perceived product quality has been developed extensively in the literature. Less work has been done to investigate the possible effects of other variables in combination with price as perceived-quality influentials. This paper examines the effect on perceived product quality of price, brand name and store name. The results tend to confirm the hypothesis that consumer quality perception is dependent on a combination of controllable marketing attributes, but that not all classes of products are subject to the same type of interaction.  相似文献   

本文通过对品牌利润链模型的分析,阐述了创建饭店企业品牌应当关注的主要因素及其相关关系,并提出了构建我国饭店企业品牌利润链的三个突破口。  相似文献   

文中对域名与商标的冲突进行了简要分析,并提出三条对策,即加快立法步伐,尽早建立和完善适应于互联网时代的知识产权法律制度;采取司法解释的方法扩大现行法律的适用范围及行政与司法解决并用.  相似文献   

利用上市公司资源,加快重庆资本市场发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对重庆市上市公司最新基本情况、统计数据、市场表现等资料的整理,及与兄弟省市市场的对比,剖析了重庆资本市场落后的根源,探索了加快重庆资本市场发展的途径.  相似文献   

Delivering quality products requires an understanding of the critical dimensions and cues that consumers use to judge quality. To that end, this article addresses two fundamental research issues. Using a qualitative study, the authors first develop a generalizable typology of quality dimensions for durable goods that includes ease of use, versatility, durability, serviceability, performance, and prestige. Second, the authors conduct a process-tracing laboratory experiment to examine how key marketing variables—price, brand name, and product attributes—affect consumers’ judgment processes and inferences about how products perform on the six quality dimensions. Results of the experiment indicate that consumers use price and brand name differently to judge the quality dimensions, searching for price and brand name much more frequently when evaluating prestige than when evaluating any other quality dimension. Results suggest that managers must determine the relevant quality dimensions for a product category and the cues that are salient for judging those dimensions. Merrie Brucks is a professor of marketing at the University of Arizona, where she also holds a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology. She received her Ph. D. in marketing from Carnegie Mellon University. Her research first received scholarly recognition in 1984, when she won the Robert Ferber Award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of consumer behavior. Since that time, she has published extensively in consumer psychology, focusing on memory, information search, judgment, and decision-making processes. In other research she has examined a variety of public policy issues related to advertising. Valarie A. Zeithaml is a professor and area chair at the Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She is also a Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Scholar at that institution. She obtained an MBA and doctorate from the University of Maryland and has devoted the past 20 years to researching and teaching the topics of service quality and services management. She is the author ofDelivery Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations and ofServices Marketing, a textbook now in its second edition. She has won numerous teaching and research awards, including the Ferber Award from theJournal of Consumer Research, the Maynard Award from theJournal of Marketing, the Jagdish Sheth Award from theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the O’Dell Award from theJournal of Marketing Research. Gillian Naylor is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. She obtained a doctorate from the University of Arizona in 1996. Her research interests are within the consumer judgment and decision-making domain, with specific interest in postpurchase processes and services marketing.  相似文献   

企业是交易费用节约的产物,是科技产业化的制度产物,是人类文化积累的结晶。企业的发展包括提供产品、提供品牌、提供文化和提供战略等四个阶段。企业必须在面对饱和市场、优势市场、劣势市场和潜在市场等不同的市场时采取不同的策略,这是企业的致胜之道。  相似文献   

论陕西旅游资源开发的融资战略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资金短缺是制约陕西旅游资源开发的重要因素,这与其融资存在诸多障碍因素有关。解决这一问题,在宏观层面上有赖于金融市场的培育和利用外资的发展,在微观层面上有赖于旅游企业制度的创新及其融资技术的提高,关键在于重塑旅游企业融资机制。当前既要陕西政府优化融资环境,又要旅游企业掌握多种融资方式和融资战略。  相似文献   

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