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Depending on one’s vision as to the inherent stability or instability of a market economy, credit either enhances stability or promotes instability. As such, credit either supports or retards social provisioning. Two representative approaches to the role of credit are compared: a DSGE framework and a modern variation of classical political economy. The implications of vision for methodological features are traced. The paper discusses empirical patterns for the American experience since the mid-1970s with respect to their consistency with the visions. If a market economy is inherently unstable, economic and financial stability requires more than monetary policy.  相似文献   

本文将市场化报刊时评视为一种利益表达的象征行动,并将其置于20世纪90年代后期以来社会利益分化的背景中进行阐释。研究发现:时评通过正当化的话语建构,使公众利益表达在局部范围成为可能;内含信任危机的公共事件是公众利益表达的焦点,权力一利益的逻辑与正当程序的逻辑交织在话语表达当中。目前的民意传输机制是不透明的,言论的作用是随机的,但其仍在象征层面具有话语抗争的社会与政治意义。  相似文献   

Experiments with various techniques of teaching have generally not permitted students to elect the combination of techniques they most prefer. Gordon discusses preliminary results that contrast with some of the findings reported to date.  相似文献   

以提出“品牌形象论”著称的广告大师大卫·奥格威从创意入手提出了广告三原则(beautiful——美女、beast——动物、ba-by——婴儿,通称“3B”),并解释说以此为表现手段的广告符合人类关注自身生命的天性,最容易赢得消费者的注意和喜欢,以展示美女形象或特写肢体部位的性诉求方式作为最易调用的资源很自然地被广泛使用。如果说在奥格威抱怨广告效果和提起暗示之前,广告中性诉求手段的使用还有些羞羞答答的话,那么此后便泛滥而一发难收了。与文化比较开放的美国相比,我国广告传播的情况也差不多。据统计,遭投诉和查处最多的两类广告,一类是…  相似文献   

企业文化既是科学管理理论的创新和发展,又是东方管理理念和西方管理实践的结晶。但企业文化主要体现的是东方管理文化的精髓,是管理的人性化回归。随着管理理论的发展,企业文化理论必将带动东方管理理论的兴起。  相似文献   

Indian censuses provide useful data on livelihood. These data give a picture of the distribution of population deriving their living from different economic activities. According to the 1951 census, 73 cities in the country had a population over 1 lakh. These cities were, more or less, evenly distributed in the different States of the Union. Of the populations in these cities combined, nearly 40% derived its livelihood from the services and miscellaneous sources, approximately 1/4 from production other than cultivation, 1/4 from commerce, and the remaining few from transport and agriculture. These averages were fairly similar for large and small cities. Of the 32 largest cities which showed predominance of their population in 1 or more livelihood, there were about 10 in industrial-manufacturing, 6 in commerce, 9 in transport, and 10 in services. 2 of the 3 port cities, Bombay and Madras, were broad-based in employment while Calcutta was predominant in commerce. There was little uniformity in the livelihood patterns of capital cities.  相似文献   

Financing Public Goods by Means of Lotteries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When viewed as taxes, lotteries are routinely criticized as being both inequitable and inefficient. But is this an entirely fair comparison? Frequently lotteries are used in lieu of voluntary contributions by private charities and governments when taxes are not feasible. When heterogeneous individuals with quasi-linear preferences participate in lotteries whose proceeds will be used to fund a public good, we find that, relative to voluntary contributions, wagers in the unique lottery equilibrium (a) increase the provision of the public good, (b) are welfare improving, and (c) provide levels of the public good close to first-best as the lottery prize increases.  相似文献   

科学发展观要求建立绿色经济核算体系,进行煤炭绿色GDP核算是客观评价煤矿经济效益的基础.本文论述了煤矿绿色GDP核算的内容和方法,总结出实行煤矿绿色核算的保障措施.  相似文献   

科学发展观要求建立绿色经济核算体系,进行煤炭绿色GDP核算是客观评价煤矿经济效益的基础。本文论述了煤矿绿色GDP核算的内容和方法,总结出实行煤矿绿色核算的保障措施。  相似文献   

在推进主体功能区建设中增强区域可持续发展能力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作为促进区域协调发展的一项重要措施,十六届五中全会提出,要明确不同区域的功能定位,这预示着主体功能区划和主体功能区建设即将成为我国经济生活中的热点。本文在构建区域可持续发展能力分析框架和区域主体功能区划模型的基础上,分析了各类主体功能区的建设重点,最终得出主体功能区建设有利于增强区域可持续发展能力的结论。  相似文献   

马晓芳 《当代财经》2007,(5):108-111
按照经济性质股东可以分为:控股股东,流动股东以及员工股东.其中,控股股东也有很多类型,每种类型有独特性质.每种类型股东在投资目的、持股稳定性以及决策参与积极性上都有自身特点,因此对待会计监管就存在不同动力、欲望以及方式.控股股东会选择直接参与监督;流动性股东选择查阅相关会议记录,对财务会计报表进行监督;职工股东会根据自身特点,采用多种方式进行参与.这些活动的目的都是为了提高会计信息质量.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the second 'Community Innovation Survey', from the 'New Cronos' database, to analyse a range of determinants and outcomes of innovation in Europe, across 13 countries and a range of industries. Regression and cluster analysis are used to test for the significance of the various relationships. National Systems of Innovation are found to be of continued importance. Even when the performance of a firm is more likely to be linked to the performance of the sector in which it is operating, its strategies--such as over cooperation with other companies--are influenced more by the national system of innovation within which it operates, than any 'sectoral' system.  相似文献   

Several studies of the teaching of economics in two-year colleges have concluded that students in these institutions learn less than those in the four-year schools. Labinski comments on some of these pieces of research, and then reports his own findings which raise doubts about the hypothesis that inadequate instruction explains the relatively poor performance by junior college students. He discusses four alternative hypotheses, considering the different objectives in two-year colleges, inadequate sampling in the earlier studies, and the possibility that the TUCE has a cultural bias.  相似文献   

差异化:高新区增强国际竞争力的关键   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
著名的管理学教授德鲁克、迈克尔·波特指出,从某种意义上讲,创造产品和创造产业就是创造差异.有差异才能有市场,才能在强手如林的同行业竞争中立于不败之地.企业竞争战略大师布鲁斯·享德森在他的<公司竞争战略>一书中指出,任何想要长期生存下去的竞争性企业,都必须通过差异化竞争战略而形成压倒所有其他竞争对手的独特优势.而勉力维持这种差异化正是企业长期战略的精髓所在.  相似文献   

环境保护经济手段的国际比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、环境保护的经济手段及其在中国的运用 (一)环境保护经济手段的定义和分类 环境保护的经济手段是为达到环境保护和经济发展相协调的目标,利用经济利益关系,对环境经济活动进行调节的政策措施.狭义的经济手段,指运用税收、价格、成本和利润等经济刺激形式对环境经济活动进行调节的政策措施.广义的经济手段,指在所有有利于环境保护的政策和法规中,利用经济手段进行调节的措施,也称为环境经济政策.它是环境工作与经济工作及其他工作相互交叉、渗透和结合的产物,反映了环境保护与经济发展之间的联系.  相似文献   

本文运用网络分析技术对宏观经济管理手段进行了分析。作者认为,经济手段、法律手段和行政手段均为独立的网络结构,宏观经济管理手段是由这三种管理手段构成的一个系统网络。为有效进行宏观经济管理,必须形成经济手段、法律手段和行政手段三位一体、协调运作的格局。  相似文献   

对于一个企业来说,采用何种经营战略的考虑基点当然应该是盈利。而根据对国内外许多企业的统计资料来看,集中经营核心产品的企业盈利最高,其次是相关多元化经营企业,最低的是不相关多元化经营企业。 企业要进入一个新的行业,需要具备一系列条件:需要掌握与这行业相关的基本知识、基本经验和基本操作技巧;需要了解与这一行业相关的最新信息;需  相似文献   

知识和创新都是企业核心能力的基础。企业为保持持续的竞争优势,就必须不断发展自身的核心能力。合作创新为企业提供了知识交流和融合的平台,且创新过程中的知识转移还为企业核心能力的发展提供了传动支持,通过知识转移、合作创新为企业提升核心能力提供便捷途径。  相似文献   

未成年人思想道德建设的载体是指为增强未成年人道德意识自觉、道德行为规范、道德综合素质所采取的教育方式和手段,包括开展道德教育、组织道德实践、营造道德环境、设置道德阵地和建立道德机制等内容。  相似文献   

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