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The past decade has seen a proliferation of writing by feminist economists. Feminist economists are not identified with one particular economic paradigm, yet some common methodological points seem to be emerging. I propose making these starting points more explicit so that they can be examined, critiqued, and built upon. I use the term “social provisioning” to describe this emerging methodology. Its five main components are: incorporation of caring and unpaid labor as fundamental economic activities; use of well-being as a measure of economic success; analysis of economic, political, and social processes and power relations; inclusion of ethical goals and values as an intrinsic part of the analysis; and interrogation of differences by class, race-ethnicity, and other factors. The paper then provides brief illustrations of the use of this methodology in analyses of US welfare reform, gender and development, and feminist ecological economics.  相似文献   

Generative learning provides students with opportunities to organize course content, integrate new content with students' current knowledge, and elaborate on course content by making connections to real-world events. These opportunities promote less reliance on professors' lectures and simultaneously create more self-reliance among students. The authors offer categories of generative learning strategies and briefly discuss their merits. They offer ideas for implementing generative strategies into the day-to-day events of an economics course. Although the authors use a survey of international economics course as their example, the ideas in this article could be applied in a variety of economics courses.  相似文献   

知识管理中人力资本定价的逻辑起点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了人力资本定价的几个前提性问题。给付人力资本报酬并不是给人力资本进行定价;人力资本定价应该“向后看”,即采用历史成本法;人力资本具有复杂性和相对性,要精确量化是十分困难的。  相似文献   

Based on results from a 1999 national survey, William Becker and Michael Watts found that student evaluations of teaching were by far the most widely used, and often the only method used by economics departments, to evaluate teaching in undergraduate economics courses. To investigate whether departments of economics have moved beyond the use of student evaluations of teaching, in 2011 the current authors conducted a national survey of departments based largely on questions used in the 1999 survey. The surveys included items on how courses and teaching are evaluated, and on how that information is used in departmental promotion and salary decisions.  相似文献   

改革开放的实践告诉我们,不搞市场经济,中国无法提高生产力水平;不坚持社会主义方向,中国无法消除两极分化、达到共同富裕。高校如何开好马克思主义政治经济学和西方经济学这两门课,关系到中国特色社会主义事业的接班人和建设者综合素质,关系到国家的命运和前途。为此,笔者认为,首先要准确把握好这两门课的性质和功能,摆正二者的位置,处理好二者的关系;然后要对教学内容、教学环节、教学方法作一些大胆的改进。最重要的一点,是对担任这两门课的教师,要实行"准入制"。  相似文献   

针对学生经常反映《产业经济学》理论性太强、比较难理解的现状,在重新修订课程教学大纲、培养目标的基础上,我们选定了合适的教材,重点对课程内容进行了甄选。同时,在教学过程中突出重点、讲透难点,以案例讲解、产经新闻解读方式,使课程主要理论内容与现实产业发展紧密结合,有效地提高了学生学习兴趣,改善了教学效果。  相似文献   

The authors report on the results of a telephone survey of 1,001 employees of seven large corporations conducted for the Business Roundtable as part of its public policy program. A set of 20 questions keyed to the Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics was embedded in the survey. A measure of economic literacy was constructed from the survey results. Greater economic literacy was associated with more overall education, more college economics coursework, high incomes, and being male. An examination of individual test questions revealed that previous college economics had substantial effects on employees' current economic literacy.  相似文献   

潘洪 《经济研究导刊》2011,(22):323-325
近年来,随着语料库语言学的发展,词块的学习显得越来越重要。通过分析中国韩语教学中出现的问题,试将英语中词块教学法运用于韩语教学,并且试着提供几种有效地途径来解决这些问题,从而帮助学习者提高韩语能力,帮助教学者更加有效地教授韩语。  相似文献   

西方经济学本科教学改革探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方经济学是经济管理类本科专业的基础性必修课程,其教学效果的好坏直接影响学生对其他相关课程的掌握程度。然而当前一些本科院校西方经济学课程的教学效果并不理想。如何对该课程进行科学革新,更好地发挥其基础性地位,进而帮助学生更好地掌握专业知识,是本课程教学改革的主要目标。  相似文献   

The structure and contents of undergraduate programs in economics and management sciences differ among the major European universities. Based on analyses of curriculums, course syllabuses, and adopted textbooks, the author looks at how much time is spent in pertinent programs, how time is allocated among different courses within programs, what common thematic denominators exist, and finally and most importantly, whether and in what way content taught in micro and macro courses differs. Based on examinations of how the coverage in major textbooks has evolved through successive editions, he also looks for trends and cycles in what is taught in undergraduate micro and macroeconomics.  相似文献   

Most economics departments use end-of-term student evaluations of teaching, but the relationship between instructors' assessments of their own teaching and their students' assessments is unknown. The background survey for the nationally normed Test of Understanding in College Economics asked students and instructors to evaluate the instructor on five identical items. Using these data, the authors found that for instructors who speak English as their native language, speaking ability and enthusiasm are closely linked to self-ratings of teaching effectiveness. Students also value these traits but care more about instructors' preparation for class. Grading rigor is more important to students of instructors who speak English as a second language.  相似文献   


This paper proposes the use of class debates in an intermediate-level microeconomics course to introduce early to mid-career undergraduate students to socially embedded and pluralist perspectives, political-economic processes, and policy analyses. Using data from three semesters of class debates in an intermediate microeconomics course, we argue that this activity is a beneficial way to stimulate student interest in social economics, especially in the ethical, political economy, and economic justice aspects of economics and policy. We carried out three allied activities: participation in the debate, a learning self-assessment survey, and a five-page memo providing a balanced analysis of the policy conundrums surrounding the issue under discussion. We discuss three aspects of these class debates relevant to social economists: student attention to processes of knowledge construction, cognizance of power in socioeconomic life, and engagement with economic justice and ethics.  相似文献   

Input cost and output value are depicted in a diagram of vertical slices of the production function surface.  相似文献   

The authors present a series of writing assignments that teaches students how to evaluate and critique the written economic work of others. The foundation text is McCloskey's (2000) Economical Writing. The students' dialogues with McCloskey, with each other, and with the authors of the pieces they evaluate sharpen their understanding of, and ability to use, language as an instrument of economic thought. Interviews with former students identify specific benefits from the student perspective of this approach. The authors show how the assignment series can be modified in several ways and how the general approach, as well as the foundation text, can be used in different economics courses.  相似文献   

战略财务计划:现代企业预算编制的起点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王月欣 《现代财经》2004,24(1):37-39
在预算起点问题上,学术界存在不同观点。现代企业应以战略财务计划为起点。这一新观点对于密切预算与战略财务计划的关系,执行战略财务计划,实现财务战略,提升企业管理水平具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

正确理解作为马克思经济学理论体系逻辑起点的商品性质,必须将这个体系的逻辑起点与逻辑终点(归宿)统合起来,才能从整体结构上科学把握。马克思经济学理论体系的构建是有机统合了经济学研究的"两条道路",科学抽象法的应用是这一方法的根基。研究方式和叙述方式不是两个独立的、截然分开的阶段或方式,而是同一研究进程中交互运用的方法。在整个体系的构建过程中,并不是要求逻辑与历史严格一致,而是对历史发展进程进行事后的逻辑分析。按照这一方法论体系,马克思从具有最丰富规定的世界市场的商品出发,抽象出商品一般,以此为逻辑起点,运用抽象上升到具体的方法,最后又回到充满丰富规定的世界市场的作为资本的产品的商品这一逻辑终点,从而揭示了资本主义经济运行规律,得出资本主义必然灭亡和共产主义必然产生的结论。马克思的政治经济学方法及其理论体系建构逻辑,对构建中国特色社会主义政治经济学逻辑体系具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

The authors review and contrast the findings of a 1981 national survey of economic education at the precollege level and 15 state surveys conducted at about the same time. The picture that emerges is disturbing: instruction in economics tends to be minimal (or nonexistent) for many students, and teacher training in economics is limited. Curriculum structure, teacher training, and the development and use of materials are interrelated problems facing economic education.  相似文献   

新的形势下,竞争的激烈,生活节奏的加快,工作、心理压力也日趋增强,不可避免地存在着不和谐因素。有的人谈心能够让人茅塞顿开,越谈感情越密切;而有的人谈心却适得其反。谈心要特别注意"四种方法"的运用,在"要有六心"上下工夫,要防止产生四种倾向,这样就能收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

从拓展学生专业能力的角度而言,财经类本科生《市场营销学》教学改革首先要重视对学生的以“态度”、“细节”和“习惯”为基础的学习规划能力的培养。在此基础上,《营销学》教学内容要适应服务型经济对市场营销人才的要求;教学模式要突出互动性;应从现实可能性出发,切实加强《营销学》教学的实践环节;必须建立和完善本科生《营销学》学习成绩评价系统。  相似文献   

案例教学法在理论经济学教学中的探索与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在马克思主义理论经济学教学中引入案例教学法是符合教学改革的趋势的,能有效调动学生学习的积极性,提高学生的综合素质。理论经济学中采用案例教学,要求精心选择教材,精心选择案例,精心组织分析及总结等。加强对案例教学的教师培训教育,与其他教学方法相配合,能更好地搞好理论经济学教学工作。  相似文献   

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