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The authors tested whether student performance in the principles of economics course is affected by the use of graphs as part of a lecture. They conducted two experiments at the University of South Carolina, one in spring 1995 and another in spring 1997. Students were randomly assigned to either a nographs lecture or a lecture with graphs. The main hypothesis was that students in the lectures with graphs would show higher gain scores than those in the nograph lectures (both lectures were videotaped). The authors found that students in the lecture with graphs in 1995 had significantly lower gain scores than those in the no-graphs lecture. For 1997, they found no significant differences in student performance between the two groups.  相似文献   

Home and foreign duopolists collude in the absence of an antidumping (AD) law because competition law makes renegotiation of collusion more costly than imposition of punishment for defection. Introduction of an AD law with a weak injury standard can undermine collusion by providing a low-cost mechanism for renegotiation. This induces dumping by the foreign firm and defection by the home firm. An AD law can be procompetitive, in contrast to recent literature suggesting that an AD law can facilitate collusion. The law is asymmetric, providing a greater incentive for home-firm than foreign-firm deviation.  相似文献   

Parents and policy‐makers often wonder whether and how the choice of a tracked or mixed educational system affects the equality of opportunity. I answer this question by analyzing the influence of peers on future educational results. I define an equal opportunity policy as one that maximizes the average lifetime income of the worst‐off type of individuals in society (i.e., students from disadvantaged backgrounds). I find that tracking maximizes average lifetime income if the opportunity cost of college attendance is sufficiently high.  相似文献   

目前,在社会主义劳动和劳动价值论研究中,经营管理、科技工作、服务业劳动都创造价值,而且经营管理和科技工作甚至是百倍、千倍于简单劳动的复杂劳动,创造更多的价值。对于这些看法,学术界已经基本达成共识。现在主要的争论焦点是,除了劳动以外的其他要素创不创造价值,本将这方面问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

There is a long history of analyzing the workability of markets regarding concentration ratios as indicators of workability. In this paper, we discuss a comparatively new concept, the Coordination Failure Diagnostics (CFD) Concept, introduced by Grossekettler (1982, 1999, 2005, 2008). The CFD-concept analyzes real market processes by means of time series analysis and investigates whether they operate efficiently or not. Furthermore, the concept can be used as a tool for detecting cartels. Therefore, we develop a System of Cartel Markers which can be used to analyze real markets. We analyze the German cement industry as an example of a cartel and find significant differences to the competitive benchmark.  相似文献   

This article considers the evolution of Europe's monetary union over the next five to ten years, concentrating on the most important likely change, namely the increased number and heterogeneity of participating states.  相似文献   

股份制能够解决什么问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对我国国有企业股份制改造过程中的特殊问题进行了分析,指出股东民主制度实质是上一个保证企业决策尽可能正确的“求真”的制度,国有股东和其他国有股东、非国有股东之间的冲突除了信息冲突的因素外,还有与企业经营绩效基本无关的利益冲突的问题,国有独资公司、几个国有股东组建的股份制公司、国有股东占支配地位的股份制公司难以起到转变企业经营机制、政企分开的作用,把希望股份制解决的问题视为股份制真正能够解决的问题,只能是事倍功半。  相似文献   

品牌营销:农产品拓展市场的利器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当今社会已进入了品牌营销时代。相对工业品而言,我国农产品品牌营销较为落后。市场销售困难。要转变我国农产品品牌营销落后的状况,必须转变现念、加快农产品品牌化进程,大力推行农业产业化,加强农业科技成果转化,实现农产品生产标准化、优化品种。加强农产品营销网络建设,强化农产品品牌的培育、宣传、推广等。  相似文献   

Because Nobel Prize economics lectures are written for various purposes and cover a range of topics at different levels of difficulty, the author uses them to add rigor and relevancy to an economics course.  相似文献   

祝宝良  赵坤 《发展研究》2009,(10):26-28
今年二季度以来,在世界各国大规模经济刺激措施下,发达国家金融体系出.观趋稳迹象,房地产市场触底企稳,实体经济渐趋触底,世界经济衰退趋势开始放缓,并有望在今年年底结束衰退。但全球金融体系尚未稳固;美国的消费模式仍处于调整之中,消费难以明显增长;全球产能严重过剩将抑制圉定设备更新,阻碍世界经济复苏;各国大规模救市政策造成通胀预期,也不利于世界经济的复苏。因此,全球经济复苏将比较缓慢。  相似文献   

投资者关系管理:改善公司治理提升公司价值的有效工具   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
投资者关系管理通过充分的信息披露,促进投资者对公司的了解和认同,以求保持公司经营的透明度、强化在资本市场的良好形象,实现公司价值最大化的战略管理行为。随着我国证券市场的日益成熟和规范,加强投资者关系管理,必将成为改善我国公司治理结构、提升上市公司价值的有效工具。  相似文献   

高效课堂教学策略探究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
课堂教学是学校教育的主阵地,是学生获取信息、提高能力和养成思想观念的主渠道,提高课堂效率是一个深刻的问题,高效课堂教学以其独特的魅力进入了课堂,高效课堂教学的实施策略成为教师面对的必然课题。为了提高课堂教学效果,需要从学案导学、课前准备、学习方法、教学方法、督促机制等几个方面对课堂教学进行改革,使课堂教学效应最大化。  相似文献   

陈志强 《资本市场》2014,(8):126-128
<正>希尔德斯海姆教堂的创建不仅对中世纪德意志的政治生活产生了极大的影响,而且为德意志雕刻、绘画、建筑、装饰艺术的发展提供了明媚的园地。她的艺术特点与宗教信仰有着密切的关系。有人欣赏她的端庄典雅,有人非议她的简朴抽象,而问题只有一个:真理是否可以演绎为艺术?  相似文献   

The privatisation of social services is being increasingly discussed. The social services market is characterised by multiple market failures, including informational asymmetries, agency problems, externalities, and distributional concerns. Consumers may care as much or more about quality of services than about price. If quality is readily observable, the government can regulate private providers to assure standards are met. But when standards are difficult to observe or when the recipient is not the agent who makes the decisions, government ownership may be preferable. This paper categorises the market situations in which government provision of social services is likely to be most versus least attractive.  相似文献   

本文从教师自身情感修养、语言表达能力及电化教学手段的运用等方面论述了情感在语文教学中的作用.  相似文献   

对不同类型、不同尺度生态系统的服务功能进行的经济价值估算的结果表明,生态系统服务的经济价值是巨大的,如果将各种服务功能通过一定的形式“包装”成为可以在市场上销售的“商品”,那么这种具有巨大经济价值的特殊的“商品”将带来一种新的生态产业的发展。本文初步提出了生态系统服务形成生态产业的模式,并对其进行一定的阐述,以期为生态系统的可持续管理提供一种新的模式。  相似文献   

International Advances in Economic Research - Contemporaries tend to question certain belief systems including academic systems of knowledge. Paradigms evolve to become a subject of inquiry. The...  相似文献   

有学者依据费雪效应而提出名义利率是通货膨胀理想的指示器,但也有学者对此提出质疑,认为随着通货膨胀的变化,真实利率并不是固定的.因此通货膨胀的变化并不一一对应地反映在名义利率的变化上.笔者则认为,即使通货膨胀和名义利率之间的关系不是固定的,只要两个序列是协整的,二者之间存在长期均衡关系,通货膨胀的变化就会以某个比例反映在名义利率的变化中,名义利率就依然是通货膨胀理想的指示器.研究表明,名义利率适合作为我国通货膨胀的指示器.  相似文献   

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