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The changing scope and approaches in the public finance courses as reflected in a spectrum of undergraduate texts are reviewed. The major texts are examined for content, difficulty, and ideology.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国宪法》中的政治权利及其社会学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郎友兴 《开放时代》2001,(11):23-33
本文通过对中华人民共和国成立后所颁布实施的四部宪法中的政治权利状况及其演变的描述,归纳出四个结论,进而结合美国宪法来分析中国宪法中政治权利之特征,最后从社会学的角度分析了政治权利所具有的两个主要的社会内涵。  相似文献   

新中国成立60年来,在中国经济学界的不断努力下,中国社会主义市场经济理论经历了萌芽、形成和发展阶段,取得了丰硕的理论成果,成为中国特色社会主义经济理论的最重要组成部分。本文梳理了60年来社会主义市场经济理论的发展脉络及各时期对市场(商品)经济理论的研究主题和特点,根据理论发展的自身规律及中国经济的未来走向,展望了中国社会主义市场经济理论的发展前景。  相似文献   

微观经济学是经管类专业的专业基础课,在实际的教学中,教学效果并不理想。究其原因,主要是由于授课方式、授课主体和授课对象等多方面的配合不当。因此,增加案例式教学、提倡教师参加社会生产实践锻炼、调动学生学习的主动性、引入先进的教学方式的教学手段是提升微观经济学教学有效性的重要途径。  相似文献   

李泉 《经济与管理》2007,21(12):19-23
发展经济学与区域经济学整合为发展区域经济学,它把发展中区域的特征分析作为其研究起点,把结构调整与战略规划的编制作为其研究主体,把区域经济政策制定和区域经济管理的实施作为其研究归宿。在深入分析与研究区域发展实际、发展战略和发展规划中,引导区域经济更加科学地发展。  相似文献   

This study uses survival analysis to examine the factors determining the decision of a foreign bank to establish a branch in the PRC. Bank size and international diversification are found to have a significant positive impact on the probability of entry. Banks from Asia have particular cultural and locational advantages in this context and are found to be more likely to enter this market. Market conditions in the host economy, exemplified by an improved political environment and increasing levels of international trade, are also found to be significant determinants of the timing of entry. Access to China's banking sector will increase upon entry to the WTO and again cultural links and location are likely to play a key role for foreign entrants, particularly for those operating in local currency markets.  相似文献   

讨论式教学和填鸭式教学的经济学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对于填鸭式教学和讨论式教学两种教学模式的效果,目前的研究大多是从教学经验出发进行总结。或者从心理学或哲学的角度进行分析。运用新古典经济学、制度经济学的理论对填鸭式教学和讨论式教学的绩效进行分析,通过比较可以发现:讨论式教学无论在教学绩效还是在教育绩效方面都要远远优于填鸭式教学,从而为讨论式教学提供了经济学的理论支撑。  相似文献   

以我国改革开放为标志,中国旅游产业发展可划分为前29年与后31年两个时期。前29年旅游产业的发展可分为两个阶段:1949年10月~1964年5月为拓荒阶段,1964年6月~1978年12月为雏形阶段。后31年旅游产业的发展可分为三个阶段:1978年12月~1984年9月为旅游产业的计划机制与市场机制同时并存的"双轨制阶段",1984年10月~1999年底为旅游产业的市场化阶段,2000年至今为旅游产业的规范与完善阶段。  相似文献   

The amount and type of economic-education training teachers receive have predictable effects on the teachers' optimism about the future of the American economic system.  相似文献   

The authors examine whether the administrative location of an economics department in a business versus liberal arts school alters the character of the economics program provided to undergraduate majors. To test this hypothesis, they constructed a curricular character index (CCI) based on a detailed accounting of assorted dimensions of an economics major. The CCI served as the dependent variable in a regression model that controlled for other institutional attributes that could influence curricular character. The sample of 148 primarily undergraduate institutions was selected to impose some semblance of a ceteris paribus environment. Contrary to earlier findings, the empirical results strongly indicate that the administrative location of an economics department in business versus liberal arts schools significantly changes the character of the program offered to majors.  相似文献   

民国30年代,江宁实验县开展了一场经济改良运动,具体举措包括救济农村金融以及蚕桑业和农林业的改良。在这一改良中,政府、大学、银行都发挥了重要的力量。然而,民众的主动性没有得到足够的重视,这场变革的内生动力始终没有得到有效的激发。因此这一改良最终所能达到的深度和广度必然受限。  相似文献   

作为致用之学的经济学理论在中国已经形成了西方经济学、马克思经济学、马克思主义经济学、发展经济学、制度经济学等流派,从而打破了20世纪80年代以前马克思主义经济学一统天下的格局,实现了经济学理论的多元化。但是,由于中国具体的经济实践和制度环境上的原因,西方经济学、马克思主义经济学和发展经济学三大经济学理论的中国化具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

改革开放特别是西部大开发以来,四川省在金融、经济增长方面都取得了重大成就.基于内生经济增长模型对四川金融发展与经济增长的关系的实证分析表明:四川省经济增长与金融发展存在正向关系且经济增长是金融发展的Granger原因;但储蓄转向于投资的比例与四川省经济增长之间是负相关关系且不存在Granger原因,这可以得出四川省金融发展滞后于经济增长的结论.因而四川省应大力发展金融产业,将成都建成西南金融中心.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors are the first to describe the core economics curriculum requirements for economics majors at all American colleges and universities, as opposed to a sample of institutions. Not surprisingly, principles of economics is nearly universally required and implemented as a two-semester course in 85 percent of economics major programs. Most schools do not prescribe the order in which the principles sequence is taken. The intermediate courses are commonly required, although variation exists across institution types. While the quantitative requirement for the major has increased since 1980, significant differences exist among institutions and by academic rankings. As compared to 1950, there has been an increase in the number of required economics credit hours for the major.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors describe the place of econometrics in undergraduate economics curricula in all American colleges and universities that offer economics majors as listed in the U.S. News & World Report “Best Colleges 2010” guide (U.S. News & World Report 2009). Data come from online catalogs, departmental Web sites, and online course syllabi. About one-third of the schools require econometrics of all students majoring in economics, about half require it of none, and a sixth require it of some, but not all, economics majors. Among universities with economics PhD programs and liberal arts colleges, almost all those ranked in the top 10 require it. Below the top 10, there is little correlation between ranking and econometrics requirements. Liberal arts econometrics classes are much more likely to require research projects than their counterparts in universities.  相似文献   

论我国民营经济的可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民营经济的发展为我国经济社会的发展做出了巨大的贡献。充分、正确地认识民营经济,有利于促经济民营经济的可持续发展。我国民营经济形成于特定的环境和原因,在发展中存在着瓶颈的制约,这些瓶颈制约严重影响了民营经济的可持续发展。解决好这些瓶颈是我国民营经济保持可持续发展的重要路径。  相似文献   

To realize the sustainable development of the economy of West China is not merely a great economic problem, but also a great national problem and political issue. The economic activity is a practical activity for the economic subject. The economic development view, values, and the natural view of the economic subject determine the choice of the behavior of the main body in the economic activity. Only the behavior of the economic subject according with its demands could make the economy of west China have a sustainable development. Therefore, establishing the development view, the values and natural view of the economic subject for sustainable development becomes a realistic problem that is worth of thinking.  相似文献   

I. IntroductionExploiting western regions in China is to develop theeconomy of the west, narrow the disparity of the westand the east, make the west and the east realize thecommon prosperity and keep the nation's prosperity andstability. The development of western regions is not merelya great economic issue, but also a great national problem(the ethnic minority of our country occupies more west)and a political issue. If the development of the east andthe west were not balanced, it will likely…  相似文献   

鸦片种植与饥荒问题--以民国时期关中地区为个案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2 0世纪 2 0、30年代 ,由于中央政府和各地军阀的放纵和诱导 ,鸦片种植在陕西关中地区达到顶峰 ,占据了原来用以栽种粮食作物的大量耕地 ,使关中地区的粮食供应出现紧张 ,结果在1 92 8— 1 930年大旱灾的冲击之下 ,造成了关中地区前所未有的人口和财产损失。出于各种原因 ,灾后的关中地区仍然广泛种植鸦片 ,直到抗战爆发前后 ,中央政府考虑到自身利益而严令禁烟 ,并采取了行之有效的手段 ,关中地区的烟毒才逐步被彻底肃清。  相似文献   

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