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This paper presents evidence from two surveys to help explain the poor ratings consistently given to the teaching of economics at Australian universities. The evidence suggests that the poor ratings of economics teaching can be attributed to two related factors: inappropriate pedagogical practices and lack of rewards for allocating additional time to teaching. The survey data on pedagogy in economics consist of 205 responses from graduates from two Queensland universities. The time elapsed since graduation ranges from 1 to 10 years. The survey data on academics' time allocation consist of 290 responses from academic economists across a wide range of Australian universities.  相似文献   

This introduction to the special issue of the Forum for Social Economics on teaching heterodox economics provides an overview of the papers in this volume. The papers demonstrate that heterodox economists are particularly gifted at explaining the dynamics of the real world economy; therefore, heterodox economics instruction often specializes in, and benefits from, immersing students into real world situations. Heterodox economists push pedagogic boundaries by directly confronting students with real-world data and situations. In the process, students achieve a rich understanding of the world as it is and not as a hypothetical myth. The overview of papers is followed by suggestions for future work on teaching heterodox economics, and acknowledgments of those who made this special issue possible.  相似文献   

Survey data from PhD-granting economics departments are used to assess the teaching preparation of graduate students in economics. The results show that relatively few departments require graduate student instructors to take a credit course in teaching before teaching their own course or leading a recitation section. Although more graduate student instructors are required to take a noncredit course in teaching before serving as an instructor or recitation leader, the value of such noncredit courses may be limited. The assessment of teaching preparation by department chairs shows mixed responses, with about three-fifths rating it as very good or good and about two-fifths considering it to be only adequate or poor. Recommendations are offered for improving the teaching preparation of graduate student instructors in economics.  相似文献   

Based on results from a 1999 national survey, William Becker and Michael Watts found that student evaluations of teaching were by far the most widely used, and often the only method used by economics departments, to evaluate teaching in undergraduate economics courses. To investigate whether departments of economics have moved beyond the use of student evaluations of teaching, in 2011 the current authors conducted a national survey of departments based largely on questions used in the 1999 survey. The surveys included items on how courses and teaching are evaluated, and on how that information is used in departmental promotion and salary decisions.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors use a large, recent, and accessible data set to examine the effect of economics major on individual earnings. They find a significant positive earnings gain for economics majors relative to other majors, and this advantage increases with the level of education. Their findings are consistent with Black, Sanders, and Taylor (2003), documenting that about two-thirds of the bachelor's degree premium for economics majors can be attributed to the type of job economics majors perform, and about one-third is a premium that economics majors earn over other workers within the same job.  相似文献   

西方经济学本科教学改革探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方经济学是经济管理类本科专业的基础性必修课程,其教学效果的好坏直接影响学生对其他相关课程的掌握程度。然而当前一些本科院校西方经济学课程的教学效果并不理想。如何对该课程进行科学革新,更好地发挥其基础性地位,进而帮助学生更好地掌握专业知识,是本课程教学改革的主要目标。  相似文献   

案例教学法在理论经济学教学中的探索与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在马克思主义理论经济学教学中引入案例教学法是符合教学改革的趋势的,能有效调动学生学习的积极性,提高学生的综合素质。理论经济学中采用案例教学,要求精心选择教材,精心选择案例,精心组织分析及总结等。加强对案例教学的教师培训教育,与其他教学方法相配合,能更好地搞好理论经济学教学工作。  相似文献   

A survey of recent economics PhDs who graduated from U.S. PhD programs and are now teaching in either the United States or Canada revealed that only half of the respondents who taught a stand-alone course during their doctoral program had any teacher preparation training. Those who did have training only felt “adequately” prepared for teaching. However, as a general rule, the respondents felt that they were well-prepared for teaching at the completion of their graduate program. The authors did not find significant differences in the responses of those who did complete formal pedagogical training during their doctoral program and those who did not. Those who completed training during their doctoral program appear to currently be more enthusiastic about training.  相似文献   

The teaching of economics at the pre-college level in Britain has been increasing rapidly, a fact that is viewed with alarm by university teachers who feel that more harm than good is done in the process. Harbury and Szreter compare the performance of students who studied economics before coming to the university with those who did not, concluding that prior study of economics does not “… appear to inhibit the success of the future undergraduate.” They discuss several factors, such as age, sex, and mathematics background, which seem to be associated with above-average marks in university economics.  相似文献   

An honors program fits the current passion for active, in-depth learning and “capstone experiences.” Principles that guide a successful undergraduate economics honors program include simplicity, accessibility, skill development, risk minimization, and incentives to combat procrastination. The model program specifies three of the usual six electives and requires a senior thesis that makes an original contribution to economics understanding. It can be started as late as the middle of the junior year, providing accessibility and limiting student risk. A required econometrics course and a policy seminar prepare students to write a thesis. A series of short-term deadlines helps combat procrastination. Although an honors program is not for everyone, its emphasis on quality rather than quantity can add a valuable dimension to most economics degree programs.  相似文献   

实证经济学与规范经济学: 科学标准的辨析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杜金沛  邢祖礼 《财经研究》2005,31(12):41-53
经济学研究中的实证方法和规范方法的运用历来都存在争议.文章在对实证经济学和规范经济学区分的缘起、内容和产生后果的分析基础上,对经济学的"科学性"标准进行了较详细的分析,对经济学研究中忽视甚至无视价值判断等一系列规范性问题带来的严重后果进行了阐述.文章认为,经济学作为社会科学,规范方法的运用是不可避免的,这是由经济学本身的学科属性决定的.实证主义经济学和规范主义经济学之间并没有不可逾越的鸿沟.  相似文献   

This study analyses the increasingly non‐plural nature of the Australian economics curriculum. The main explanation for this narrowing is that the social science wing of economics is having increasing difficulty in reproducing itself within traditional centres of economics teaching. Evidence suggests the best response to this problem is greater differentiation and institutional independence for economics as a social science. Specifically, the social science wing should differentiate itself as the discipline of ‘political economy’ within faculties of social science. This strategy of differentiation and independence can potentially bring about the revitalisation of the social science wing of the discipline. This would be to the benefit of economics education as a whole.  相似文献   

During the spring of 1999, the authors completed a benchmarking survey of 15 economics departments in private universities as part of a strategic planning exercise. All are selective medium-sized institutions that experience roughly the same types of market pressures and compete for the same types of students. The authors report the information gleaned from the survey concerning such items as departmental resources, teaching loads, class sizes, departmental research expectations, and weights given to research, teaching, and service in salary determination and promotion. The authors believe that their results and methods might be useful to other economics departments engaging in bench-marking exercises.  相似文献   

An examination of George Stigler's teaching career clarifies the requirements for an effective teacher of graduate economics and especially sheds light on the nature of the supervision of doctoral candidates. The heterogeneous composition of graduate students in aggregate means that quite distinct approaches can prove to be equally successful.  相似文献   


In this paper, we report the findings from the data we collected from a survey in order to measure how common research ethics education in economics is. We have found out that (1) research ethics is taught in only a very few economics departments around the globe; (2) topics related to research ethics are not taught in courses on economics and ethics; and (3) the number of papers published in specialised peer-reviewed journals on economics education is only a tiny fraction of the number of papers published in these journals. There has been no evidence in economics showing that economics departments have taken strong initiative on teaching research ethics to undergraduate and graduate students.  相似文献   

This article differs from those usually found in this journal, but it was felt that it would be of interest to most college teachers of economics. Professor Brazelton has systematically compared early and recent editions of Paul Samuelson's famous textbook, noting how Samuelson has substantially changed over a period of 25 years. Because Samuelson's text has had a profound influence on the content and approach to the introductory course, the changes that have occurred in that book should be noted by everyone responsible for teaching principles of economics.  相似文献   

Asserting that the basic problem in high school economics is that we have not identified “what high school economics ought to be,” Warmke proceeds to spell out some of the specific obstacles hindering the development of more and better secondary level courses. He then discusses some of the more encouraging trends in research, teaching, teacher-training, materials development, and the like, and makes some cautious projections for the future.  相似文献   

This review describes the conditions for teaching economics in the kindergarten through twelfth grade (K–12) curriculum in U.S. schools. The first section presents data on course-taking in economics in high schools and state mandates for economics instruction. It discusses the value of the infusion approach to teaching economics either in place of a separate course or as a complement to it. The second section describes the economic content that is taught to students as presented in content guides and standards. The final section presents research findings on (1) test instruments for measuring outcomes from economics instruction, (2) the effect of teacher coursework and training on the student economic understanding, and (3) how instructional materials complement or substitute for instructor selection and training.  相似文献   

While economists of all persuasions undoubtedly agree that universal economic literacy would be desirable, there appears to be substantial disagreement over what economic literacy is, what problems most need to be addressed, and how they can best be solved. These differences are clearly reflected in their diverse views as to what the goals should be for teaching economics in secondary schools. This paper specifically examines the recommendations offered in a paper on economic content standards by leaders of the economic education movement in the U.S. and finds them seriously wanting.  相似文献   

A review of the development of economics, and of university teaching and research in economics since the foundation of the Scottish Economic Society a century ago. Contrasts the Victorian world of do-it-yourself economics with no economic journals or societies and university teaching in the hands of the professor of moral philosophy with the current situation with 12 Scottish universities in place of 4 and a staff of over 240 in Scotland compared with a total of 30 in the United Kingdom in 1890. Economists have multiplied, new branches of the discipline have developed, the subject has been revolutionised.  相似文献   

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