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采用问卷法对10个高校与工程院所联合培养博士生项目的175名博士生进行调查,分析了两类校所组织邻近性、合作程度对联培博士生社会资本的影响。结构方程模型分析表明,制度邻近性对博士生的高校社会资本产生正向直接效应,认知邻近性对校所双方的合作程度、联培博士生的高校社会资本、院所社会资本皆存在显著的正向效应,而合作程度在认知邻近性与院所社会资本关系中具有中介作用。基于此,提出相应建议和措施以推进校所联培项目的完善与发展。  相似文献   

Everyone involved in the teaching of economics (but particularly program advisers, thesis sponsors and departmental administrators) would benefit from a greater knowledge of the factors associated with success on the part of students. Robert L. Decker, Executive Director of the Economics Department at the University of California in Berkeley, reports on a study of success and attrition characteristics of economics students entering the Ph.D. program. Among the factors considered are the overall Ph.D. completion rate, median time spent in the program, class size, the nature and quality of the candidate's undergraduate institution, sex, and time elapsed between completion of the baccalaureate and entry into the Ph.D. program. Decker concludes his paper with a discussion of the policy implications of his findings.  相似文献   

Gibbard–Satterthwaite analysis is extended by examining the size of the potential gains that can be achieved from manipulation. The authors are grateful for an invitation from the University of Athens to visit their Ph D program where some of this work was done.  相似文献   

The projected oversupply of new economics Ph.D.'s and its implications for college and university programs are explored. The authors discuss under-graduate enrollments, the emergence of business schools as a growth market for economists, relative salary movements, “field switching,” and shifts in the kinds of doctoral degrees that faculties have. Their findings are important both to those planning to earn Ph.D.'s in economics and to universities that train economists.  相似文献   

Professor Sun concludes that publishing performance, adjusted for differences in the number of Ph.D.'s granted, is not a function of the quality of graduate schools. Larger institutions appear to have an advantage by turning out a larger number of Ph.D.'s, but no correlation was found when the number of contributors to the AER from a school was compared with the rating of its graduate programs.

Economics departments may hope to improve their rating in doctoral programs by producing more Ph.D.'s and encouraging them to contribute to the AER, Professor Sun concludes.  相似文献   

Of late, over half the Ph.D.'s awarded in economics in the United States have gone to foreigners. At the same time, time-to-completion of a Ph.D. has risen. The presence of many foreign students in graduate economics programs may provide some insight for this longer duration. This article explores this relationship and offers an explanation for the large number of foreign students studying in the United States.  相似文献   

"In this paper, we consider the brain drain problem arising from the possibility of signaling and individual's two-stage decision procedures within an asymmetric information framework. Where the ranking of the universities provides a signal to domestic employers, our results indicate that, at rational expectations equilibrium, there is an association between students of a particular quality and corresponding qualities of universities they will choose to attend to attain Ph.D.'s. Moreover, we can predict whether these graduating Ph.D.'s choose to return home or remain abroad."  相似文献   

This study of Ph.D. economists' careers during the period 1960–1989 examines both initial and current employment and explicitly accounts for the joint relationship between choosing an employment sector and placement within the academic sector. Initial placement and market conditions create effects that tend to persist throughout an isndividual's career. With the exception of the labor and welfare fields, women are not less likely than men either to enter or to persist in academia. But significant evidence shows that in the past, women have placed in lower-ranked departments. Among recent degree recipients, however, underplacement of women as a general phenomenon apparently has disappeared .  相似文献   

Summary. Using the savers-spenders theory developed by Mankiw (2000, AER), we propose microfoundations to the existence of rentiers in macroeconomic growth models. From an OLG model which acknowledges the great heterogeneity of consumer behavior apparent in the data, we capture the dynamic considerations of potential rentiers as a natural consequence of intertemporal utility maximization and we analyze realistic characteristics (proportion, wealth, propensity to save) of rentiers.JEL Classification Numbers: E13, D64, J22.This paper is adapted from the fourth chapter of my Ph.D Thesis. Then, I thank Alain VENDITTI, my Ph.D Supervisor and Antoine dAUTUME and Pierre PESTIEAU my Ph.D Referees. Earlier version of this paper were presented at the International conference: New perspectives on (un)stability: the role of heterogeneity at Marseille, June 7-9, 2001 and at the X-th Spring School of the Associated European Laboratory (CNRS-FNRS/CORE-GREC-GREQAM) at Aix, 2001. I thank conference participants, in particular Olivier CHARLOT, Christian GHIGLINO, Kiminori MATSUYAMA and Philippe MICHEL for suggestions, helpful comments and discussions. I also thank a referee of this journal for his constructive comments.  相似文献   

The sex, race, and undergraduate composition of newly minted Ph.D.s in economics is analyzed. Liberal arts colleges are shown to yield a disproportionate number of female economists while economists of color tend to come from comprehensive universities.  相似文献   

Because of the recent public concern over the brain drain, this study attempts to measure the U.S. gain of highly skilled manpower. The paper discusses the serious short-comings of the data on gross immigration of scientists and engineers provided by the U.S. immigration authorities as a measure of true U.S. gains. In a case study of Swedish scientists and engineers it was found, for example, that whereas the U.S. data showed a gain of 106 Swedish scientists and engineers over a number of years, the net figure was only 26 after adjustment for remigration and the application of the proper OECD education criteria. The paper then reports the findings of a statistical study which uses the stock data on U.S. scientists in the National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel to estimate the number of foreign born in this stock and analyse their characteristics with respect to age, educational attainment, and employment preferences. It was found that nearly 7 percent of all U.S. scientists are of foreign origin (foreign born and foreign secondary education), whereas 11.5 percent of all scientists with a Ph.D. are of foreign origin. The percentage among Ph.D. holders is highest in meteorology (22.3), followed by linguistics (18.7), physics (17.1) and statistics (14.6). The greatest percentage of scientists comes from Canada (10.4 per thousand), followed by Germany (8.3 per thousand) and the United Kingdom (6.7 per thousand). However, after adjustment of these data for the different sizes of the total foreign born population from each country in the U.S., it turns out that by this measure the greatest shares of scientists are supplied by the Japanese, followed by the Austrian-Swiss, Benelux and Canadians. The analysis of the age composition of all foreign born reveals that in the age groups that were 20–29, 45–54, and 65 and over in 1964 foreigners represent a smaller than average share, probably reflecting war casualties and education completed at a later age. Germans and Austrians are heavily concentrated in the group 55–64 years old in 1964, suggesting that a great share of scientists from these countries may have been victims of a brain push.  相似文献   

I study the institution of avoiding hiring one’s own Ph.D. graduates for assistant professorships. I argue that this institution is necessary to create better incentives for researchers to incorporate new information in studies, facilitating the convergence to asymptotic learning of the studied fundamentals.  相似文献   

科技计划是支持研发的重要手段。美国政府科技计划分布在不同的联邦部门和单位,其经费来源于研发预算,主要以资助、合作协议的形式支持不同领域、不同类别的研发活动,少部分科技计划向国外机构开放。同时,美国还通过合同采购以及税收优惠政策等方式支持企业的研发。项目申请单位一旦获得科技计划立项通知,将由美国财政部直接将经费划拨至项目承担单位,该单位需要按照要求就科研经费使用及项目进展等情况向科技计划管理部门进行汇报。  相似文献   

John F. Nash, Jr., submitted his Ph.D. Dissertation entitled Non-cooperative games to Princeton University in 1950. Read it 58 years later, and you will find the germs of various later developments in game theory. Some of these are presented below, followed by a discussion concerning dynamic aspects of equilibrium.  相似文献   

美国国立科研机构主要是由政府出资设立的科研机构,包括国有国营和国有民营两种。美国国立科研机构是政府研发经费配置的重要载体,得到政府稳定的机构性经费支持,还得到科技计划的经费支持。我国应充分借鉴美国国立科研机构的运作及经费配置方式,在建立较为完善的国立科研机构体系基础上,加强宏观科技资源的统筹协调配置。  相似文献   

Summary. This paper presents a discrete time version of the Romer 1986 model of endogenous growth. The purpose of this work is to propose detailed and simple proofs of existence of optimal solutions and of a competitive equilibrium. The framework implemented here reduces the complexity of the proofs given by Romer (1983) in his Ph.D dissertation in a continuous time framework. Received: March 7, 2000; revised version: April 25, 2001  相似文献   

Summary The paper introduces some simplifying tools and methods for studying Rational Beliefs and for proving existence of Rational Belief Equilibria. We identify a set of stable non-stationary stochastic processes, named SIDS processes. Furthermore we introduce the concept of a Rational Belief Structure, which formulates the Rational Beliefs of the agents as beliefs about the distribution of exogenous variables and the beliefs of other agents. The use of the developed apparatus is demonstrated by showing existence of a set of Rational Belief Equilibria in an Overlapping Generations Model with money and one commodity.The results presented in this paper are taken from my Ph.D. thesis from Stanford University ([13]). The dissertation is devoted to the study of the theory of Rational Beliefs as developed by Mordecai Kurz. I gratefully acknowledge the inspiration obtained from innumerable discussions with him over the years about this subject. His suggestions were instrumental for writing the thesis and this paper. The paper benefited much from a thorough reading by Trinidad Casasus, Mordecai Kurz and Ho-Mou Wu. Financial support from The Academy for Research (Forskerakademiet), Aarhus, Denmark and The University of Copenhagen, during my time as a Ph.D. student and from Danish Social Science Research Council thereafter and in addition from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei of Milan, Italy is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This paper is Chapter II of the author's Ph. D. thesis, being written at the University of Illinois. The author is indebted to M. Ali Kahn for his guidance, to R. Vohra for a valuable conversation and to an ananonymous referee for comments. The author was informed by M. Ali Khan that, subsequent to the submission of this paper, a similar example was independently announced by B. Cornet. — As usual, all remaining errors are the author's.  相似文献   

This paper explains the reasons that led Don Patinkin to interpret the Keynesian theory in a disequilibrium perspective. We claim that the author adopted this position because he believed that the assumption of wage rigidity misrepresented the concept of involuntary unemployment and that, consequently, it had to be rejected. It is shown that this conclusion resulted from the confrontation of Patinkin, during the writing of his Ph.D. thesis, with the interpretations of the Keynesian theory argued respectively by Lange, Klein and Modigliani.  相似文献   

Summary We extend the notion of the inner core of a finite economy to a large economy. We prove that competitive allocations and the core coincide with the inner core.This is based on Chapter 5 of my Ph.D thesis. I am indebted to my thesis advisor, Lloyd S. Shapley, for his guidance. Discussions with Michael Balch are gratefully acknowledged. I also thank Charles Stuart, Nicholas C. Yannelis and an anonymous referee for comments and suggestions that greatly improved the paper.  相似文献   

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