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This paper provides evidence on underpricing in Australia using 340 industrial initial public offerings over the period 1980 to 1990. It aims to explain why underpricing is consistent with rational behaviour by focusing on differential information across IPO firms. We measure differential information along two dimensions, the quality and the quantity of information. We propose that the quality of information is reflected in the reputation of independent advisers to the preparation of the issuing firm's prospectus. Three such independent external advisers are examined: the investigating accountant, the underwriter, and the expert. The results provide strong support for the reputation effect of the underwriter on underpricing. Although there is evidence showing a negative relation between underpricing and the reputation of the investigating accountant and the expert, it is not significant. Our results also support the differential quantity of information hypothesis. Firms with more information available are, on average, less underpriced.  相似文献   

In this paper, the pricing of initial public offerings (IPOs) is examined from the underwriter's point of view. It is shown that because of the regulations and procedures governing the underwriting and pricing of IPOs, underwriters can maximize expected income by underpricing IPOs. Thus, it is argued that in addition to other feasible explanations of the underpricing phenomenon (e.g., compensation to uninformed investors, insurance against legal liability, etc.), regulatory and procedural factors contribute to the underpricing of IPOs. This is shown to be true both when uninformed investors are present and absent from the market for IPOs.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders the prediction that the underpricing of IPOs is increasing in ex ante uncertainty by objectively establishing proxies for ex ante uncertainty on definitional grounds rather than by appealing to intuitive arguments. Based on a sample of 420 U.S. IPOs from the period 1976–1985, the results suggest that there is a hierarchy of proxies. The results also support the prediction of a positive relation between underpricing and ex ante uncertainty. Finally, the results suggest that as the effectiveness of a selected proxy as a measure of ex ante uncertainty increases, so does the strength of the relation between the degree of underpricing and ex ante uncertainty as measured by that proxy.  相似文献   

The underpricing of initial public offerings (IPOs) of equity represents a well-documented empirical phenomenon. One prominent explanation for this underpricing relies on the uncertainty investors feel about the value of the issuer. In this paper, this asymmetric information hypothesis is tested by examining the underpricing of IPOs of seventy-four firms for which the uncertainty about the value of the firm is likely to be substantially reduced. These firms were once publicly owned, then taken private, and subsequently returned to public ownership. Findings show that the IPOs of these “reverse leveraged buyouts” are significantly less underpriced than typical IPOs. These results support the asymmetric information hypothesis.  相似文献   

INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERINGS   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

We estimate an accelerated failure time (AFT) model to investigate the effects of several characteristics suggested as indicators of firm survival for initial public offerings (IPOs). The results indicate that the survival time for IPOs increases with size, age of the firm at the offering, the initial return, IPO activity level in the market, and the percentage of insider ownership, while the survival time decreases with increases in the general market level at the time of the offering and the number of risk characteristics. Additionally, the survival time is negatively affected if the IPO is in the computer and data, wholesale, restaurant, or airline industries and positively affected if the IPO is in the optical or drug industries.  相似文献   

In the U.S., and increasingly in other countries as well, IPO securities are marketed to investors in a process known as "book-building"—one that amounts to polling institutional investors to establish a demand schedule for the issue and then allotting stock to individual investors according to the strength of their professed interest. Although book-building methods require use of discriminatory tactics that have attracted strong criticism from investors and regulators, this article defends such practices by demonstrating that book-building is more efficient than alternative methods. It effectively allows issuers to increase the net proceeds of their offerings by making better use of information about market demand conditions.
In the process of explaining the efficiency of the book-building method, this article also offers a plausible explanation for a phenomenon that has long puzzled economists: the systematic underpricing of IPOs. The key to the success of a book-building effort lies in the use of a strategic pricing and allocation policy designed to offset the investor's incentive to understate his or her interest in an IPO. By committing to favor investors who provide strong indications of interest with relatively large allocations of underpriced shares, the investment bank can limit the distortion of investor's incentives in bidding and so increase the level of proceeds the issuing firm can expect to generate from its IPO.  相似文献   

This study extends previous research that shows prestigious underwriters avoided underwriting smaller, more speculative initial public offerings (IPOs) during a post-SEC period, 1966–77. Estimating a logit model with a sample of 1,192 IPOs from 1977 to 1988, we evaluate the effect of offering characteristics and prevailing market conditions on the probability a prestigious investment banker will underwrite an IPO. Similar to previous studies, we find that prestigious underwriters avoid smaller, riskier issues. However, we also find stock market volatility, interest rate volatility, and the strength and profitability of the recent market for seasoned new issues to be important determinants of a prestigious underwriter's decision to underwrite an IPO.  相似文献   

Miller's hypothesis posits that divergence of opinion can lead to asset overvaluation and subsequent long‐term underperformance in markets (such as initial public offerings [IPOs]) with restricted short‐selling. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that early‐market return volatility, a proxy for divergence of opinion, is negatively related to subsequent IPO long‐term abnormal returns. This relation holds after accounting for other factors that previous studies suggest affect long‐term abnormal returns for IPOs (including another proxy for divergence of opinion). Moreover, we find that this relation is stronger in IPO markets than in non‐IPO markets (where short‐selling restrictions are less stringent), again consistent with Miller's hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper is the first to provide evidence on the pricing of initial public offerings of master limited partnerships (MLPs). A sample of fifty MLP offerings from January 1983 through July 1987 is analyzed. No significant underpricing (or overpricing) is found for the sample taken as a whole, although some slight overpricing is found for certain industry subsamples. These findings are in sharp contrast to the pervasive evidence from previous studies that document significantly positive initial returns for common stock initial offerings.  相似文献   

This study provides further empirical evidence on incentives for Australian firms to voluntarily report segment information. Various economic reasons why firms may elect to present segment information have been hypothesised in previous research. Bradbury [1992] and McKinnon and Dalimunthe [1993] found firm size, minority interest and industry membership as significant identifiable characteristics motivating voluntary segmental disclosure. Variables found to be insignificant in Bradbury [1992] which were not examined by McKinnon and Dalimunthe [1993] are tested in this paper. Hypotheses relating to size, financial leverage, assets-in-place, earnings volatility, ownership diffusion, outside equity (minority) interest, overseas association as well as diverse and mining and oil classification hypotheses are empirically examined. Univariate tests and multivariate logit analysis suggest that for a extensive sample of diversified firms, voluntary segment disclosure is significantly related to size, leverage and involvement in mining or oil activities.  相似文献   

Recently in Australia, regulations have been proclaimed requiring companies to make cashflow disclosures in addition to earnings disclosures from 30 June 1992. This paper provides evidence on relationships between earnings and cash flow measures and in so doing examines the external validity of a U.S.A. study of these relationships by Bowen, Burgstahler and Daley [1986]. We also extend their study through an industry analysis of the relationships. Evidence is presented first that shows low correlations between traditional cash flow measures (i.e., net income plus depreciation and amortisation; and working capital from operations) and a more refined cash flow measure (with additional adjustments for changes in non-cash current assets and current liabilities). Second, traditional cash flow measures exhibit high correlations with earnings, while the more refined cash flow measure has a lower correlation with earnings. Finally, traditional cash flow measures better predict future cash flows than models based on earnings or a more refined cash flow measure. The industry evidence, albeit on small sample sizes, shows that the results on the first two issues, but not the latter issue, are generalisable across industry categories.  相似文献   

Firms endogenize the extent of information asymmetry by choosing the optimal level and channels of direct communication with the capital markets. Firms choose more communication when they have a greater potential demand for external financing (characterized by higher growth, less cash, and higher leverage). We demonstrate that a higher level of communication is associated with a higher probability of equity issuance. We further document that the previously observed negative market reaction to seasoned equity offering (SEO) announcements is attributed only to low‐communication firms; high‐communication SEO firms experience no significant adverse market reaction.  相似文献   

This paper provides additional insight into the nature and degree of interdependence of stock markets of the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany, and it reports the extent to which volatility in these markets influences expected returns. The analysis uses the multivariate GARCH-M model. Although they are considered weak, statistically significant mean spillovers radiate from stock markets of the U.S. to the U.K., Canada, and Germany, and then from the stock markets of Japan to Germany. No relation is found between conditional market volatility and expected returns. Strong time-varying conditional volatility exists in the return series of all markets. The own-volatility spillovers in the U.K. and Canadian markets are insignificant, supporting the view that conditional volatility of returns in these markets is “imported” from abroad, specifically from the U.S. Significant volatility spillovers radiate from the U.S. stock market to all four stock markets, from the U.K. stock market to the Canadian stock market, and from the German stock market to the Japanese stock market. The results are robust and no changes occur in the correlation structure of returns over time.  相似文献   

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