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In growth theory, foreign investment places a small open economy in the international steady state. In applied growth theory, foreign investment is assumed to shift technology. The present growth model separates foreign from domestic capital and develops the steady state where both capital/labor ratios are stationary. A capital scarce country would attract foreign investment and may arrive at a steady state with perpetual foreign investment. Such a steady state foreign investment host is characterized by low saving and high labor growth rates, and source countries the opposite. Incomplete convergence characterizes economic growth with foreign capital.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the optimal capital accumulation of a small open economy by incorporating the impact of technology transfer that accompanies foriegn ivestment. Assuming that technology transfer depends on the extent of foreign ownership, it is shown that, whenever there is technology transfer through foreìgn participation, the optimal rule suggests that a host country maintain some foreign capital in the steady state. The concept of the foreign capital impact function is introduced to capture possible negative effects in addition to the positive effects of foreign investment. The impact of foreign investment is shown to involve an externality, calling for government intervention for a social optimum. [110]  相似文献   

Does population aging and the associated increase in the old‐age dependency ratio affect economic growth? The answer is given in a novel analytical framework that allows for population aging to affect endogenous capital‐ and labor‐saving technical change. In a steady state capital‐saving technical progress vanishes, and the economy's growth rate of per‐capita variables reflects only labor‐saving technical change. The mere possibility of capital‐saving technical change is shown to imply that the economy's steady‐state growth rate becomes independent of its age structure: Neither a higher life expectancy nor a decline in fertility affects economic growth in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper deals with dynamic adjustment in large economies to changes in the rate of capital income taxation or in the rate of investment tax credit in one country. The framework applied in the paper is a continuous-time, overlapping generations model with two countries. It features population growth and debt non-neutrality. We address impact and steady state effects of capital income tax and investment subsidy changes in the home country on consumption per capita, the capital intensity, and the per capita net foreign asset position in both countries. We also briefly consider individual welfare consequences of these policies.  相似文献   

This inquiry addresses the question of adjustment speed by appealing to a model founded on embodied technical progress and putty-clay capital. It postulates a CES production structure along with static wage-expectations and derives the steady-growth solution. It also derives comparative dynamic properties involving the economic life of capital. Discussion then turns to policy shocks, which disrupt the steady state through separate changes in the rates of saving, progress, and population expansion. Simulations track the responses to those perturbations, disclosing the relationships of adjustment speed to the elasticity of substitution, embodiment rate, capital weight, and changed saving coefficient.  相似文献   

江心英 《经济地理》2004,24(4):464-467
国际直接投资地域结构的时空差异性对忽视东道国因素的传统国际投资理论提出了挑战。文章研究了东道国因素对国际生产资本地域运动的影响,提出了国际直接投资是东道国因素与投资主体三优势综合作用的结果,东道国环境、体制、政策系统的状态特征决定了东道国外资特征等观点,并实证研究了中国改革开放进程与外商对华投资规模和结构的内在互动性。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of sovereign risk on capital flows from rich to poor nations in the context of a two-country model, where Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) creates positive externalities in domestic production. We show that if externalities are large, a developing country never expropriates foreign assets, and behaves as under perfect enforcement of foreigners' property rights, jumping to the steady state in one period. If externalities are absent, a developing country always expropriates foreign assets and, then, there are no capital flows in equilibrium, as occurs in autarky. If externalities are of a medium size, our model can account for scarce capital flows from rich to poor nations, as well as other key features of the data, such as rising-over-time patterns of foreign capital and FDI in developing countries. In addition, the model offers an economic rationale for the FDI restrictions observed across nations.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes to uncertaintly the neoclassical one-sector model by transforming the basic differential equation on the capital labor ratio into a “stochastic” differential equation. The capital-labor ratio and related economic variables become random variables whose probability distributions vary with time, and the paper is focused on the existence of a steady state denfined by the (probabilistic) stationarity of these variables. An application of the results is given for a specific example with a Cobb-Douglas production function and uncertainty on the saving coefficient, the labor-force rate of growth, and the capital depreciation rate.  相似文献   

Temporary Migration, Human Capital, and Language Fluency of Migrants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates human capital investment of immigrants whose duration in the host country is limited, either by contract or by their own choice. The first part of the paper develops a model which distinguishes between temporary migrations where the return time is exogenous or optimally chosen. The analysis has a number of interesting implications for empirical work, some of which are explored in the second part of the paper. The analysis focuses on language capital and tests the hypothesis that country specific human capital investments are sensitive to the duration in the host country's labour market. The results show that the acquisition of language capital is sensitive to the intended duration in the host country.  相似文献   

实施扩大内需战略,实现经济结构调整,促进经济增长,是当前中国经济政策的重要内容,而对中国储蓄率的分析则是扩大内需战略研究的逻辑起点。作为国民储蓄率的重要构成,企业储蓄率的研究尤为重要。本文在对企业储蓄率界定进行调整的基础上,利用统计局工业企业数据库1996—2007年共1886万个企业微观数据对中国企业储蓄率进行分析。研究得出的结论是:(1)中国企业储蓄率依然处于较高的水平,1996—2007年这12年的企业平均储蓄率高达287%(储蓄占工业增加值比重),近几年依然在逐年上升;(2)中国企业储蓄率在绝对水平上始终高于发达国家,但当前企业储蓄率持续增高已经成为一个全球性趋势而非中国的特有现象;(3)民营企业储蓄率整体水平约为253%,低于国有企业和外资企业,但是民营企业储蓄率保持了较高的增长水平,而外资企业和国有企业储蓄率水平则有不同程度的下降;(4)中国企业储蓄率具有明显的行业特征,传统的劳动密集型行业的企业储蓄率相对较低,资金密集型行业的企业储蓄率相对较高。  相似文献   

劳动力转移过程中的高储蓄、高投资和中国经济增长   总被引:70,自引:3,他引:70  
中国的转轨经济具有独特的增长模式,其典型特征就是持续的高储蓄率和高投资率。本文从劳动力转移的角度,解释了这种模式赖以产生的基础。我们认为,剩余劳动力由农业向工业(工业化)、由农村向城市(城市化)、由国有向非国有(市场化)的持续转移是我国经济能够长期、高速增长的关键,而高储蓄率和高投资率既是这种增长模式的必然结果,也是劳动力得以持续转移乃至这种增长模式得以维持的关键原因。为了防止效率低下的金融部门阻碍劳动力的转移,在开放经济条件下,引入纯粹金融意义的国际直接投资也就成为了必然。与此同时,本国金融部门也将持有一个规模逐步扩大的外汇储备。本文的另一个重要结论是,中国经济的增长和波动是统一的。尽管其中的机制有别于真实经济周期理论,但是,“中性”依然应该作为宏观经济政策的基本出发点。  相似文献   

Outward foreign direct investment can affect developing, technology-receiving host countries mainly through tax revenue, technology spillover and the competition effect. With the consideration of these three effects of the outward foreign direct investment on host country, we develop a dynamic game model of interaction between foreign investors and host country from a dynamic perspective, to reveal the dynamic evolution mechanism of the sovereign risk faced by outward foreign direct investment. The result shows that: host governments usually give a specific tax holiday for outward foreign direct investors, and during the period of tax holiday investment decision of investors would be influenced by technology spillover effect, specifically, the greater the technology spillover the slower the growth of investment stock. Once the system reaches a stable state, the host country will impose a tax on multinational corporations. If the equilibrium tax rate of industries or regions which makes it easy to obtain technology spillover is high, then the equilibrium capital stock would be low.  相似文献   

Controlled Openness and Foreign Direct Investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper investigates why a developing country may adopt a partial reform. A country is considered where the ruling elite (referred to as state capital) prevents the entry of foreign capital, and taxes the private sector before reform. A higher productivity of foreign capital always increases the attractiveness of a partial reform under which state capital can control the inflow of foreign capital, but can reduce the attractiveness of a full reform under which the entry of foreign capital is unregulated. Hence, state capital's control over foreign capital may be a necessary condition for the reform to take place at all.  相似文献   

我国的对外经济主要体现在外贸、外资和外汇三个方面。本文分析了近年来我国外汇储备加速增长带来的日趋严重的负面影响及其背后的体制和政策性原因,同时指出,化解我国对外经济领域矛盾的关键在于调整外贸、外资和外汇战略和政策,即从单一追求外贸顺差的发展战略向实施开放式的综合平衡式的外贸发展战略转变,从过度依赖“引进来”的利用外资战略向“引进来”与“走出去”相结合的资本战略转变,从强制结汇制向意愿结汇制转变。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of financial integration in a stochastic endogenous growth model of two economies in which heterogeneous agents face fixed costs of productive investment. The removal of investment barriers may enable a poor country to escape from a state of low and unstable growth by leading to large capital inflows and by raising the number of agents who invest in productive capital. However, since the two economies are characterized by increasing returns to capital and since financial integration may lower the saving rate, it is also possible that both countries' growth prospects worsen.  相似文献   


The influence of foreign direct investment (FDI) on host country‘s economic growth is a widely explored issues in the existing economic literature. This study attempts to examine the role of foreign direct investment, capital formation, and expansion of female education on economic growth of Japan during the period 1971–2014, using time series observations. The study further makes a comparison regarding the association with FDI and economic growth with South Korea, another major OECD economy of Asia The study utilises the auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds approach to cointegration to examine the long run causality association among the variables. Today, for sustainable economic development the social and institutional policy issues are important. The paper explores one such social issue, namely gender and economic prosperity. This paper has novel contributions in the current research on time series, econometric analysis for the following reasons: (1) it has investigated the relationship between economic growth, foreign direct investment and capital formation in a gendered differential framework (utilising the role of human capital formation among men versus women; (2) the study covers a long period and more recent time period (till 2014), which concurs with the upsurge of world FDI movements and (3) the study also explores the major structural breaks of the two economies and how economic growth is impacted thereof.  相似文献   

Foreign capital has become increasingly important in financing investment and growth in developing countries. Foreign capital flows, however, can be volatile as is evident from the recent financial crises. It has also recently been noted by researchers that there is little systematic empirical evidence that foreign capital contributes to the economic growth of developing countries. In this context, this paper attempts to theoretically reevaluate the borrowing behaviour of a developing economy that relies on foreign borrowing for its capital formation. In particular, this paper investigates the implications of different lending policies of international financial institutions. It is found that no matter whether the borrowing interest rate increases with the level of foreign debt per capita or with the foreign‐capital/total‐capital ratio, the economy always moves toward the stationary state. The result holds even when the representative agent regards the interest rate given as constant. This implies that foreign borrowing does help economic growth, irrespective of lending policies of international financial institutions.  相似文献   

中国工业化进程中政府起到了重要作用。本文立足于新中国工业化历程,在动态经济学框架内,讨论政府通过对劳动密集型产业征税而对资本密集型产业扶持来推动工业化的问题。在理论模型的基础上,通过数值模拟,分析了稳态下税率与各经济部门的资本、产出以及社会总资本、总产出存在的倒"U"型关系,并且对税率与政府税收之间的倒"U"型关系进行了讨论。本文认为政府对劳动密集型产业过度提取不仅不利于劳动密集型产业发展,也不利于经济总量与政府税收的增长,甚至不利于资本密集型产业的可持续增长。本研究与结论部分解释了历史上我国优先发展重工业难以维系的原因,并部分揭示了当前亟需调整经济结构的内在机理。  相似文献   

Economic freedom (freedom from the intervention of government) is essential for doing business, so economic freedom of both the home country and the host country are important for bilateral foreign direct investment. However, though some literature has investigated the role of host country's economic freedom in bilateral direct investment, no literature has studied the role of home country's economic freedom. This paper has studied this issue in a gravity model with a sample of 155 countries. This paper has also employed some effective estimation techniques of gravity model to incorporate the zero observations and adopted quantile regression method. The findings indicate that economic freedom of both the home country and the host country are positively correlated with bilateral direct investment, and the economic freedom of home country has even stronger explanatory power for foreign direct investment. Hence, promoting the economic freedom may encourage more outward foreign direct investment than inward direct investment.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new approach, termed as the stock approach, to calculate the steady‐state output loss caused by public debt in neoclassical growth models. The novelty of our stock approach is that it provides a closed‐form solution to the steady‐state output‐debt relationship. The main conclusion of the paper is that the steady‐state burden of public debt is country‐specific in neoclassical growth models and it decreases with the private saving rate and increases with the population growth rate, with the exception of the special case where Ricardian equivalence holds.  相似文献   

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