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If the goal of achieving education for all is to be met consideration has to be given to how it is financed. States in which there is least primary education are often those with unstable governments and poor tax collection systems. In such circumstances, education for all is often best achieved by partnerships between governments, families and other bodies in both the provision and funding of education.  相似文献   

Expansion of higher education can undermine rather than enhance the value of education for low income families. Less well qualified children of higher income families are the main beneficiaries of the expansion and the value of the qualifications of those who do not participate in higher education can be undermined. The most obvious practical policy that would expand educational opportunity for all would be to treat all adult students equally and give further education institutions and universities comparable, as well as greater, freedom from government control.  相似文献   

对创新教育的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈秀文 《价值工程》2010,29(29):7-7
创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,教育的任务是毫无例外地使所有的创造才能潜力都结出丰硕的果实,培养受教育者的创新能力,应该是教育的本意和灵魂,应该成为当代所有学校、所有教师和所有教学活动的一个基本目标。  相似文献   

学前教育迎来了空前难得的发展机遇,陕西省同全国一样,各级政府纷纷加大投入,规定了一些硬性指标,其中学前教师在未来五年、十年内的数量需求必须早做筹划,科学计算,做到心中有数,以适应未来学前教育大发展的需要。  相似文献   

仇兆存 《价值工程》2014,(36):276-277
为了更好地服务学历继续教育和非学历继续教育学员,地方开放大学应结合自身实际,构建地方开放大学网站集群。地方开放大学可利用这一平台,有效整合信息资源、教学资源和服务资源,消除"信息孤岛"、"应用孤岛",为现代远程开放教育提供更多更好的教学支持服务。  相似文献   

王志晓 《价值工程》2010,29(30):192-192
有人说,教育就是熬一窝粥,不管基础如何,不管个体特征的差异,都放到一起熬,希望把每个孩子都熬成名牌大学生,这已经成为学校、社会、家长评价教育的一个标志。但在瞬息万变的当今社会,面对有一群孩子我们能否考虑要因材施教,也要因材"不教"。我们总想把所有的学生教成我们心目中的样子,把所有的问题生都转化成优秀生,可是,这样的工程好巨大,而且不是有投入就有回报的,我们教师不是神,能力和精力及时间都不允许。既然如此,我们为什么不学会取舍,放这部分孩子自由,教他们学会取舍,让他们重新选择适合自己的路呢?这不就是成功的教育、创新的教育吗?或许也是教育的巨大成功啊!  相似文献   

莫毅杰 《企业科技与发展》2012,(11):135-136,139
继续教育是对在职人员的知识技能进行更新、补充、拓宽和提高的高层次的追加教育。近年来,公路职业教育工作以创建学习型组织为载体,丰富活动内容,取得了很好的效果,职工整体素质得到了普遍提高。公路部门正处在体制和机制改革时期,要想适应新的变革,笔者认为,新形势下职业教育工作要以人为本,更新观念,增强职教学习风气;与时俱进,创新职教机制,提升职工学习动力;适应形势,加强培训,实现职教工作由虚入实。  相似文献   

李苗苗 《价值工程》2010,29(32):296-296
高校开展创业教育,是顺应我国国情教育改革方向。创业教育是我国高校适应世界教育改革与发展的必然出路,是高校全面推进和提升素质教育的重要途径,是高校适应当前就业竞争形势和实现自我发展的需要。本文阐述了创业教育的必要性,高校实施创业教育必须将创业教育渗透到学校教育的方方面面;提出了开展创业教育的相关对策。  相似文献   

郑海萍 《价值工程》2012,31(15):247-248
随着职业教育的蓬勃发展,如何提高高职教育的教学质量是各级教育行政部门和高职院校必须解决的问题,作为高职院校的一名普通教师,笔者主要从多元智力理论这个角度来谈一谈自己的一些粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

顾崧 《价值工程》2013,(17):215-216
网络教育的实施离不开技术支持服务功能的建设。网络教学作为一种新兴的教学形式之所以能够迅速兴起并快速发展,必须承认其具有一定的优势,即只要具备上网条件,就能随时随地进行学习。通过网络教学与传统课堂教学的比较,我们不难看出它有许多优点。网络教育通过开放式学习形式,为学员提供了比较丰富的学习资源和沟通环境,对学员自身掌控学习时间,合理安排工作与学习的关系等方面的确发挥出资源共享优势,因此网络教育逐步得到了广大教师和学员的认可。但是大家又不得不一分为二的看待问题,在看到它的优点的同时也要看到其自身存在的弊端。只有在开展网络教育的过程中不断发现存在的问题,并逐步想办法解决掉这些问题,网络教育才能实现经久不衰,可持续性发展。  相似文献   

The economy is expected to continue generating jobs for workers at all levels of education and training; service workers are projected to be the largest group, while professional specialty is expected to be the most rapidly growing group.  相似文献   

高校教师要适应素质教育的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁誉莲 《企业技术开发》2009,28(10):168-168,177
高等学校教师要适应素质教育的要求,首先要认识到素质教育在高等教育中的重要意义,建设一支高素质的教师队伍,提高教师素质教育能力也是素质教育的关键。  相似文献   

快乐经济学认为,快乐幸福是人类一切行为的终极目标,追求快乐幸福应该成为全社会共同关注的话题。开展快乐教育,构建全方位的快乐教育体系,是提升国民快乐幸福的重要手段。  相似文献   

随着全民教育、终生教育理念的推广,成人教育成为时代所必需。如何提高成人教育效率和质量是成人教育成败的关键,而研究式学习是一种以自学为基础的全新教育理念,将研究式学习应用于成人教育的理论和实验教学能够提高学习者以自学能力为主的多种能力和素质。本文以实际教学为根据,提出如何在成人教育理论和实验教学中应用研究式学习,以期为成人教育的教学模式提供新思路。  相似文献   

卢建华 《价值工程》2014,(7):232-233
职业教育学校实行市场化经营,是适应社会主义市场经济机制发展职业教育的关键,也是职业教育保持兴旺发达的必要前提。用市场的观点审视教育问题,将市场经营理念引入教育,使价值规律与教育规律有机地整合,在一个动态的市场系统中来研究,通过SWOT分析方法,为各类职业教育提供其发展战略思路。  相似文献   

日本作为二战中受破坏最大的国家之一,在短短的几十年内,实现了经济腾飞和各方面的飞速进步,特别是教育文化方面,这些都体现在诺贝尔奖项获得上的大放异彩。与日本相对比,中国的现状有着明显的不同和不足,而改善这些不足,完善中国式教育,正是科学文化教育发展的重要步骤。  相似文献   

Using a permanent income hypothesis approach and an income-giving status interaction effect, a double hurdle model provides evidence of significant differences from the impact of household income and various household characteristics on both a household's likelihood of giving and its level of giving to religion, charity, education, others outside the household, and politics. An analysis of resulting income elasticity estimates revealed that households consider religious giving a necessity good at all levels of income, while other categories of giving are generally found to be luxury goods. Further, those who gave to religion were found to give more to education and charity then those not giving to religion, and higher education households were more likely to give to religion than households with less education. This analysis suggests that there may be more to religious giving behavior than has been assumed in prior studies and underscores the need for further research into the motivation for religious giving. Specifically, these findings point to an enduring, internal motivation for giving rather than an external, “What do I get for what I give,” motive.  相似文献   

This research aims to study and analyze the relationship between consumer awareness and consumer protection issues relating to food safety; the researcher defined a set of variables associated to consumer awareness in this research to study the relationship between this awareness and between some of the economic and social characteristics of consumers such as the level of income for the head of household, level of education for the research samples and some other characteristics related to awareness of the consumers. To achieve this goal the researcher prepared a questionnaire for this purpose which been fulfilled from a random sample of Libyan students who are studying at Near East University in various specialist and stages of university study. To analysis these data the researcher has used non-parametric statistical analysis for the previous relationship, due to the nature of metadata where Chi square has been used to study the moral awareness of the relationship between the consumer and all of the level of income and level of education. These results showed the presence of statistically significant relationship between the level of consumer awareness and the level of income and the level of education, the results also showed that there were significant correlation between consumer awareness and all of the level of income and level of education. The study concluded that consumer protection policies should be directed to teach and educate consumers with a focus on lower-income segments of society and in the lower level of education.  相似文献   

徐蔚  高翔  朱颖 《价值工程》2012,31(20):257-258
素质教育作为当前教育改革的重要组成部分,素质化的观念应该渗透到教育中的各个环节。素质教育不仅涉及到教育结构和体制、考试制度和评价标准,而且同样涉及到教育方法以及具体学科的教学过程。英语教学作为东西方文化渗透的重要方式,它的素质化改革有着深远的意义和重要的价值。本文结合了英语教学和素质教育的关键元素,运用模糊层次分析法对英语教学的素质化进行了量化分析。  相似文献   

高职院校应当始终坚持"以德育为首、以育人为中心"的办学思想,与时俱进,不断推进德育工作的创新,通过创新德育教育理念、创新德育教学体系、创新社会实践育人模式、创新职业性德育模式等,使高职德育工作收到良好的实效。  相似文献   

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