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关于刺激消费问题的理论反思 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本讨论了当前刺激消费的诸种流行观点所存在的谬误,并对消费经济研究中的一些问题进行了理论反思,力图为今后的消费经济研究和消费经济学的发展提供一个新视角,以提高消费理论的科学性和阐释力。 相似文献
投资、消费和出口是拉动经济增长的三驾马车,在我国现阶段,投资的拉动力尤为明显。因此,采取各种措施,进一步促进投资需求的增长,是保证我国经济持续、健康、快速发展的重中之重。要进一步促进投资的增长,首先必须优化投资环境。从目前来说,主要是拉动消费,进而创造投资空间,提高投资需求。 相似文献
今年温家宝总理所作的《政府工作报告》中提出:“把扩大国内需求作为促进经济增长的长期战略方针和根本着力点”。我们认为:改善农村消费环境,启动农村消费市场,是扩大内需的一个重要切入点和突破口。一、启动农村消费市场是扩内需保增长的重要基础近几年随着国家支农力度的加大,农民的收入有了很大增长,农民消费能力在逐步增强,为启动农村消费市场、扩内需保增长奠定了很好的基础。据测算,当前农民消费每增加1000元,全国就能增加内需9000亿元。因此,占全国人口70%的农民不仅是我国最大的消费群体,也是扩内需保增长的重要推动力。据统计: 相似文献
发展消费信贷是当前刺激消费的重要途径 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1998年社会消费品零售总额增长6.8%,比上年下降4.3个百分点。虽然国有单位固定资产投资增长195%,但因集体和个人投资疲软,全社会固定资产投资增长14.1%。全年出口增长0.5%,比上年下降20.4个百分点。国内消费需求、非国有单位投资需求和... 相似文献
改善农村消费环境 提高农民消费质量 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文首先分析了农村消费环境的现状。指出生态环境恶化、基础设施落后、商品流通体系不健全等因素严重抑制了农民的消费。最后提出改善农村消费环境的对策。 相似文献
随着经济收入和生活水平的不断提高,人们的旅游消费需求日益扩大,而旅游消费环境则是发展旅游消费的关键。贵州作为拥有丰富旅游资源的欠发达省份,在改善旅游消费环境过程中应发挥优势、抓住机遇、克服劣势、规避风险,采取有效措施努力改善旅游消费环境,从而在比较优势不仅明显的市场竞争中后起勃发,以实现贵州省旅游消费的跨越式发展。 相似文献
We study temporary fiscal stimulus designed to support distressed housing markets by inducing demand from buyers in the private market. Using difference-in-differences and regression kink research designs, we find that the First-Time Homebuyer Credit increased home sales by 490,000 (9.8%), median home prices by $2,400 (1.1%) per standard deviation increase in program exposure, and the transition rate into homeownership by 53%. The policy response did not reverse immediately. Instead, demand comes from several years in the future: induced buyers were three years younger in 2009 than typical first-time buyers. The program's market-stabilizing benefits likely exceeded its direct stimulus effects. 相似文献
采访和观察是两个有效并高效的两种消费者行为研究方法.采访趋向于从消费者身上挖掘更深层的信息.观察则更趋向于提供第一手资料显示人们日常生活中的做法.实际上,为了得出影响食物消费因素,观察方法提供了更准确的最有效的教据,它将提供最直接的去除其它影响的信息.本文将运用两种方法研究影响消费者事务消费行为的因素. 相似文献
A program of workshops funded by a matching grant from the California Society of Certified Public Accountants proved to be an effective stimulus to faculty to better utilize computers in the classroom, in research, and for administrative chores. 相似文献
Stimulating the Demand for Insurance 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This article acts as a review and also a guide to policymakers who are interested in understanding the determinants of insurance demand and how it affects general economic development. By providing a synopsis and evaluation of existing empirical research on the development of insurance markets, this article provides a discussion of the factors that promote insurance market development. This article then highlights certain issues that both insurance companies and policymakers can utilize further in their own markets to design future policies that can be geared to promote insurance market development. 相似文献
In this paper, whether and how electronic payment affects households' consumption decisions are discussed. Data of China Household Finance Survey from 2011 to 2017 are adopted to carry out empirical tests. It is found that electronic payment would significantly induce households to consume more in discretionary goods. The potential mechanism lies in that the electronic payment cuts down transaction costs of venturing out or carrying banknotes that may hinder consumption. Using the weather conditions near the household location, this paper finds that the electronic payment would increase a household's discretionary consumption more significantly when the rain is heavy or the sunshine is weak. But necessary consumption like medical care is unaffected. It is found that electronic payment increases consumption more significantly in urban, well-educated and young households. 相似文献
<正> 今后,在较长的时间内,扩大内需既面对很多发展的新机遇,也面临不少新挑战。要进一步扩大内需,促进经济发展,有利条件很多,但是困难也不少,经济结构和经济体制中许多深层次问题有待解决,国际经济环境也有很多不确定因素。同时,扩大内需中也有不少的难点与深层次问题,结构性矛盾和体制性障碍等问题的存在,严重制约着内需稳定 相似文献
在金融危机背景下,中国政府所采取的财税政策虽取得了积极效果,但连续提高出口退税率已初显政策的无弹性,国家财力无法持续支撑大规模财政投资。本文分析认为,财税政策的着力点应放在扩大国内消费需求上,而扩大消费需求必须首先解决国民收入分配失衡的问题。 相似文献
真正健康、自然的增长方式,只能由“真实”且“自然”的需求所驱动、促成,而非名义需求。此“真实”需求无疑应指民众收入增加而自然激发的消费需求、更新换代(所谓消费升级)需求,此“民众”决非仅指金字塔顶端那极小一部分富豪阶层,更应包括最最普通之平民. 相似文献