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以往关于尽责性和神经质人格特征对人们分享意愿影响的研究并未达成一致的结论。文章通过两个实验探讨尽责性和神经质对在线品牌社群信息分享意愿产生的影响,并且引入两个社群技术因素(规范激励与结构保障),进一步探讨它们对上述影响的调节作用。结果发现尽责性正向影响信息分享意愿,而神经质负向影响信息分享意愿。此外,在线品牌社群提供规范激励时,相较于低尽责性,高尽责性成员的信息分享意愿会显著提高。而在线品牌社群提供结构保障时,相较于低神经质,高神经质成员的信息分享意愿会显著提高。研究结论能够帮助企业管理者更好地了解消费者在线品牌社群信息分享意愿的差异,以便针对性地对社群进行设计,促进社群成员有更多的信息分享行为。  相似文献   

Rapidly developing technologies have increased the prevalence of innovation content dramatically. LINE is one of the famous social networks in Taiwan. Many innovations have improved people satisfaction and willing to use, but these studies have mostly targeted intention to use technologies, however, are rare thinking of people satisfaction as a mediator during the promotion in LINE, such as stickers. Therefore, there is a need to understand what people intention to propagate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of diffusion theory, playfulness and fashion, and satisfaction on people willingness to propagate the members in LINE. After gathering 235 on online questionnaire survey, Amos was applied to evaluate the proposed model and hypotheses. The analytical results presented that satisfaction has mediating effect and playfulness and fashion have moderating effects. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Targeting young people in their early teens before they have established a smoking habit may be critical to reducing smoking rates. Mass-media campaigns can play an important role in reaching large numbers of young people directly with prevention messages. Given the current level of debate in this area regarding which message theme is most appropriate, this study was conducted to explore young people’s views, attitudes and behaviours towards smoking, and examine young people’s response to different types of message appeal. A qualitative research design was employed and a total of 12 focus groups and 18 friendship pairs were conducted in England with 11-14-year-olds, half of whom were smokers and half of whom were experimenting with smoking. The results indicate that no single anti-smoking message appeal is likely to have universal appeal and that young people’s response to message appeals is mediated by the values they attach to smoking. Implications for future youth smoking prevention campaigns targeting young people in England are discussed.  相似文献   

索福克勒斯的《俄狄浦斯王》是古希腊悲剧的典范,亚里士多德在《诗学》中曾予以高度评价。但是《俄狄浦斯王》所触发的很难说是一种适度的情感,因为悲剧的"突转"所显示出的人和世界的虚无本性并非可被理性所能接受的真相。另外,《俄狄浦斯王》中的乱伦情节有着本体论的意义,即它既是建构文本的推动力量,也带给观众以置身无序的幻灭感受。虚无和无序把人从世界那里分割开来,使其只能作为其自身存在。这种持守自身的存在者是超越的和自由的,却也是已然死亡的和被放逐的,这是持守自身的存在者所不得不有的命运,也是《俄狄浦斯王》的悲剧性之所在。  相似文献   

2007年央企试行国有资本经营预算制度,结束了国有企业多年来只交税收不交利润的历史。国有企业是全民共同所有的企业。因此理应向其所有者——全体人民进行分红。然而,我国现行的国有企业红利分配依然没有走出"取之国企,用之国企"的制度框架,全体人民并不能享有国企红利分配收益。为此,必须明确国企红利"全民分红"的改革方向,并采取配套措施促进"全民分红"的稳步推进。  相似文献   

付群英  姚建 《中国市场》2009,(19):123-124
2008年发生了太多的事件,三聚氰胺等食品安全事件、美国家乐福踩踏事件、湖南郴州腐败案等。每一个事件都不得不让人思考:人究竟需要什么?人为什么会产生这样或那样的行为?同样的需求,为何人们表现出千差万别的行为?以马斯洛需求层次理论为代表的传统理论似乎不能解释这一切。笔者尝试着通过对大量的实例分析及结合多种理论来论述人们产生这样或那样的行为是由于自我利益与社会利益间的博弈结果。  相似文献   

一体化管理体系的建立和实施初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代化企业管理的发展 ,一体化管理体系逐渐成为人们关心的一个热点话题。这是因为近年来各种管理体系认证已经被人们所熟悉和了解 ,获得一种或两种以上的管理体系认证证书已经成为一个企业管理水平的象征 ,但是这些认证在很大程度上是重复进行的 ,因此给企业造成大量的资源浪费。为了实现管理的增值 ,有人提出了一体化管理的概念 ,并在现实中得到了较好的实施。  相似文献   

Older consumers are an important subgroup of the population whose numbers are rising. Intense competition between retailers and changes in patterns of food shopping among consumers in general have led to research that focuses on factors that contribute to older people being disadvantaged. Research in Scotland has investigated the impact of the food retail sector on elderly people and results indicate that elderly people shop frequently and spend a considerable proportion of their income on food. Income, location, transport and the supermarket environment are all potential factors that can contribute to the disadvantage of older people.  相似文献   


Research into green advertising has mainly investigated how green appeals can enhance product attitudes, sales, and brand image. But what happens after people have purchased a ‘green’ product advertised in a green ad? In two experiments, we show that purchasing a green product may have paradoxical post-purchase effects, such that it may lower intentions to engage in subsequent environmentally friendly behaviour (a so-called licensing effect). Importantly, our results show that these post-purchase effects are moderated by environmental identity: only people with a weak environmental identity show these paradoxical post-purchase licensing effects, people with a strong environmental identity are more likely to continue behaving in an environmentally friendly way.  相似文献   

This article investigates the structure of trust in China and compares it with the U.S., using the 2000 and 2005 waves of the World Value Survey (WVS). We analyze two dimensions of trust – trust in people and trust in major companies. It is found that the level of trust has remained stable in China within the 5-year period. On the other hand, trust in major companies has declined dramatically in U.S. while trust in people has increased slightly. The structure of trust in companies is different from trust in people. For both countries, individuals with higher education tend to have a higher level of trust. Individuals who are divorced tend to have lower trust in people. Individuals who think that other people are fair are more likely to trust in people. Preference for competition has a positive effect on trust in major companies. On the other hand, some differences between the two countries are observed. Perception of fairness does not affect trust in major companies in China, while it has a positive effect in U.S. in year 2006. Preference for equality has a negative effect on trust in major companies in U.S. but no significant effect in China. The pattern of trust and its changes over time may reflect differences in market conditions in the two economies.  相似文献   


This study examines how experience with other countries’ foods affects people's images of those countries, as well as the strength of such images. The findings show that foods are effective cultural elements that can enhance country images. People who have eaten a country's foods reveal more favorable country images than those who lack such experiences. Country images are even more favorable when people have more positive and many food experiences. Furthermore, positive country image effects are greater for people in opposite-hemisphere countries than for those in neighboring countries. Finally, people who prefer certain attributes of a country's foods provide more favorable ratings for related product attributes from that country, indicating affect transfer from food experiences to other product categories. These findings have key implications, especially for policy makers and researchers who seek effective ways to improve country images.  相似文献   

Museums make their collections available online to keep pace with developments in how people access and share information. While museums have traditionally understood the notion of public access as part of their institutional remit, in this paper I draw on policy documents and qualitative interviews with Australasian cultural professionals, to examine how the discourse of access might account for the museum’s transformation from a community space to a resource that is beneficial to marketers. I use Google Arts & Culture as a case study, to suggest the terms of public access have altered to adapt to the needs of commercial “digital enclosures.” When people engage with the museum in virtual spaces data are collected. Algorithms work as a set of instructions that make it possible to search, sort and organise the data, linking together people and their online practices in order to enact a form of algorithmic cultural recommendation.  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化进程的加快,养老模式与路径选择问题日益成为社会关注的主要问题。当前,家庭养老功能弱化,社会养老保障体系尚未完全形成,养老问题面临着新的困境。虽然养老模式开始逐渐趋于社会化和多元化,但家庭养老在我国有着很深的根基和不可替代的优势,在应对老龄化的过程中仍有着重要的支撑作用。家庭养老不仅有利于家庭关系的稳定和人力资本的投资,还能节约公共财政和社会资源。家庭养老的困难和危机不仅源于自身,还产生于社会和国家,政府应加大对家庭养老的支持力度,完善家庭养老保障的相关制度,强化家庭养老的社会关系网络,加大"孝"文化的宣传和教育。  相似文献   

北京市城乡老年人生活状况和生活满意度的比较   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用北京居民生活状况调查的数据资料 ,对北京城乡老年人五个方面的需求状况及生活满意度做了比较 ,发现在经济状况、医疗状况、照料需求方面 ,城镇老年人的生活条件及满意度都高于农村老年人 ;心理感受方面城乡老年人没有大的差别 ;日常生活条件虽然是城镇较好 ,但农村老年人的满意度更高。总体满意度城乡老年人没有明显差别 ,对此的解释尚需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Individuals in high technology organizations inhabit four different “thought worlds” that shape their perceptions of the problems and opportunities facing the organization. Field people, planning people, technical people, and manufacturing people all have different patterns of allocating their attention and prioritizing issues. We theorize that some executives on the top management team (TMT) reflect the cognitive patterns of the areas that they represent; thus the representation of these thought worlds on the TMT ultimately affects how and when new products are introduced. This perspective integrates the concept of organizational thought worlds with the attention-based view, and we find that field people increase the introduction of products to existing markets while planning people increase products introduced to new markets. Manufacturing and technical people decrease products introduced to new markets. These findings increase our understanding of how the composition of the TMT affects the organizational-wide process of new product development.  相似文献   

Amidst concerns about percentages of households that remain unbanked or underbanked, policy endeavors have emerged to promote financial inclusion by making financial products such as savings accounts readily available. While these endeavors have primarily concentrated on households, young people may be the front lines of financial inclusion because they may be more likely to be banked in young adulthood and beyond when they start off with savings accounts earlier in life. This article addresses young people's financial inclusion by comprehensively reviewing 60 research studies on young people's savings, discussing the role of the family in young people's financial inclusion, discussing financial inclusion from an institutional perspective, presenting policy implications, and identifying gaps in knowledge and opportunities for research. Policies that open savings accounts for young people early in life may be a promising strategy for extending financial inclusion and preventing unbanked or underbanked status later in life.  相似文献   

Quality of aromatic rice was compared by sensory evaluation with ordinary bland rice. Hieri, one of the varieties of aromatic rice planted in Japan was accepted by Indonesian people as well as the persons living in Japan, who are from South-east Asia. Basmati, which has a strong aroma, was nor accepted by Japanese people who have not eaten aromatic rice before. They have the same degree of preference for Jasmine rice as Hieri. This research confirmed that the quality of Hieri is good.  相似文献   

A number of factors must be considered in facility location decisions. Recent research on job design suggests that the effects jobs may have on quality of work life and quality of life in general should be considered in facility location decisions in addition to other normal factors. The present study was designed to examine quality of work life and quality of life factors of residents in a low income and low education area. The intent was to determine what types of jobs might have the most positive effect on people in this type of region. Data were collected from 409 households in a low income/education region. The results showed that people from this region were as satisfied with their quality of work life and quality of life as people in other regions with better jobs, higher incomes, and better general life situations. Results are discussed in light of facility location decisions and types of jobs having the most positive impact.  相似文献   

If people like a product, they will automatically like another product from the same brand even if they do not know anything about it (demonstrated in Study 1). In one sense, this may be a reasonable inference—brands that have one good product may be likely to have other good products. But what if people learn that the second product is actually not good? Explicitly, people act as expected—the second product is disliked based on its negative features. Implicitly, however, people's positive attitude toward the first product still influences their liking of the second (Study 2). This attitude transfer effect (Ranganath & Nosek, 2008) shows that people are able to avoid using the qualities of one product to judge another explicitly. But, implicitly, once an attitude is formed toward a brand's product, other products by that brand will inherit some of the original evaluation regardless of their unique qualities.  相似文献   

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