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本文通过对过去企业战略联盟和当前企业战略联盟发展态势的分析,认为构建学习型战略联盟将成为企业联盟发展的主流,有效构建学习型战略联盟需要从默会知识共享的机理、基于吸收能力的联盟对象选择等方面人手,并提出了提升企业战略联盟学习效果的途径.  相似文献   

价值网络的调整基于价值创造维度和价值管理维度展开,可以分为战略层面的网络核心调整及运营层面的网络成员调整.网络核心的调整包括并购式调整和渐进式调整.网络成员调整方式包括能力型并购、效率型并购、学习型战略联盟和效率型战略联盟.其中,能力型并购与学习型战略联盟对增强价值网络的竞争能力日益重要.  相似文献   

绿色供应链是企业取得国内国际市场低碳准入的重要途径,是提升企业核心竞争力,实现可持续发展的重要手段.本文提出了绿色供应链企业间知识共享战略联盟模式,从帕累托有效协同视角构建了知识共享战略联盟动态合作博弈模型.结果表明:知识共享战略联盟可以提高企业加入联盟的积极性,有效激励联盟内的企业合作进行技术创新,降低联盟运行的风险.最后,从激励监督机制、知识共享的渠道和途径、内外风险三方面提出了构建知识共享战略联盟的对策建议.  相似文献   

战略联盟已成为企业取得竞争优势的有效机制,但动态市场和日益增长的商业成本,使管理者深感从联盟获取价值变得越来越困难.根据行业联盟合作伙伴的不同角色,从企业知识资源的性质及其创造价值的作用,提出基于伙伴角色的联盟企业知识资源交换模型,通过联盟伙伴资源贡献函数评估联盟企业在行业联盟网络中创造的价值.提高联盟学习能力是联盟企业有效转化联盟知识、最大化联盟价值的根本保证.  相似文献   

面对WTO我国企业与国外跨国公司知识联盟探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
知识联盟是战略联盟的一种 ,是从知识角度来分析联盟的动机与内容。广义地说 ,它是指企业与企业或其他机构通过结盟方式 ,共同创建新的知识和进行知识转移。在经济全球化 ,知识经济初见端倪的时代 ,企业竞争的知识观 ( knowledge- based view)是大势所趋。企业知识观强调知识是企业竞争的一项战略资产。从经济学的成本收益出发 ,知识联盟是企业获取新能力和新知识的一种最佳形式。它目标明确 ,组织形式灵活 ,能够创造潜藏性知识移动的条件。跨国公司的先进技术与管理知识使国内企业在作联盟伙伴决策时出现外向偏好。发展中国家企业知识存量…  相似文献   

企业知识联盟的动因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业知识联盟作为战略联盟的一种,对提升企业的核心竞争力有重要意义,正逐渐成为企业间联盟合作的主流趋势. 一、企业知识联盟的涵义 1.知识与企业知识. Davth和Prusak认为,知识是一种有组织的经验、价值观、相关信息及洞察力的动态组合,它所构成的框架可以不断地评价和吸收新的经验和信息.在企业中,知识不但存在于文件和档案之中,还存在于企业的结构程序、运行过程、管理实践及行为惯例之中.知识一般分为显性知识(即事实知识和原理知识)、隐性知识(即技能知识和人为知识)两大类.它具有实践性、隐含性、共享性、不可逆的重复使用性和新陈代谢性.  相似文献   

在知识成为最具战略重要性资源的条件下,知识资本正取代物质资本成为企业竞争力的关键要素.但由于知识的特性,企业仅依靠自身的力量发展所需的知识困难重重,联盟成为一条现实的选择.世界经济全球化、国际分工的深化和科学技术的迅猛发展为联盟的形成营造了一个有力的宏观环境.大学作为社会的"知识库",与企业缔结知识联盟具有天然的优势,本文在探讨了大学-企业(U/I)知识联盟的环境动因和直接动因,并运用N-R关系方法进行了分析,进而对U/I知识联盟做出了经济学的阐释.  相似文献   

随着信息时代的到来与企业自身发展的需要,越来越多的企业希望能够有效地组织员工学习新知识和新技能,把企业发展成为一个"学习型组织",而e-Learning这种全新的学习方式在其学习理念上完全满足时代的要求并且符合"学习型组织"的内涵.因此,e-Learning作为一种构建企业技术和管理创新战略组合的重要手段,作为企业形成核心竞争能力和保持竞争优势的重要因素,已经受到企业管理者和相关学者的广泛关注.  相似文献   

实践中产业联盟有五种类型,包括有研发合作产业联盟、产业链合作产业联盟、市场合作产业联盟、技术标准产业联盟以及社会规则联盟,它们在创新中都发挥着重要的作用.企业是创新的主体,但是单个企业在创新中面临许多障碍,如实力不足、外部性问题、市场不完善等等,企业创新积极性无从发挥.产业联盟是促进企业集成创新的有效工具,不同类型的产业联盟可以从不同的方面帮助企业解决集成创新中的问题.本文以企业作为产业联盟中的行为主体为切入点,通过四种不同的集成模式的研究,包括战略集成、资源集成、知识集成、能力集成来探索企业进行集成创新的新途径、新方法,来提升企业的自主创新能力和核心竞争力.  相似文献   

文章在以知识为核心的企业集群理论和知识联盟理论的基础上,试图通过分析高技术企业集群中知识存量、吸收(学习)能力、人力资源的流动、信任机制、知识复杂性等因素对知识联盟的影响,研究高技术企业集群内部知识溢出、知识保护对知识联盟中学习和合作创新的影响,以此提出适合我国高新区发展的知识联盟模式和相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper argues that a certain amount of partner conflict must exist for knowledge creation to occur in a strategic alliance. We argue that such tensions can generate opportunities for firms to challenges each other's assumptions and paradigms, leading to novel perspective and new solutions. This position is contrasted to existing theories that present conflict minimization as the route to alliance success. The paper exploits the generative or double-loop learning process (Liedtka et al. 1997; Argyris and Schon 1996) to build a model of inter-organizational knowledge creation and explicitly considers the implications for partner interactions. We suggest that knowledge creation often occurs in turbulent and discontinuous environments associated with the tension between alliance partners of different cultural origins. This paradox is critical to understanding the reasons why strategic alliances often fall short in their potential to create new knowledge.  相似文献   

There is wide agreement in analyses of strategic alliances that, regardless of the purpose of the alliance, members of the partner organizations should engage in intensive mutual learning to make the alliance a success. In contrast to this view, the present article shows that in strategic alliances aimed at product innovations by recombining partners' extant technologies, learning between specialists can be reduced considerably without jeopardizing success. This is made possible through four interconnected mechanisms integrated into the concept of transactive organizational learning (TOL): (1) modularization, which allows specialists of different domains to develop modules to a large extent independently of each other and to concentrate communication between themselves on the design of interfaces between modules; (2) storing of knowledge in artifacts instead of in organizational members' memories; (3) localization of knowledge not present in the project team but for which a need has arisen through transactive memory; and (4) knowledge integration by prototyping (i.e., by repeated testing of modules and of interactions between modules until a satisfactorily working end product is achieved). Although these four mechanisms reduce the need for cross‐learning between specialists of different domains, some common knowledge and some cross‐learning between the partners' specialists is still required. Case studies on four of SAP's strategic alliances for product innovation with different partners lend empirical support to this study's concept. The article concludes with implications for practice: Companies should find out whether the TOL mechanisms that reduce time to market are present, to what extent their potential is exploited, and how well they work together.  相似文献   

The number of strategic alliances for R&D activities in the biotechnology industry is sharply increasing. Some studies show that each alliance partner type has different alliance motives, resources and capabilities, organizational structures and cultures, and degrees of competition with partners, which can lead to different performances of strategic alliances. In this regard, this study conducts an empirical analysis of the different impact of each type of alliance partner on technological innovation performance and finds the moderating effect of absorptive capacity and potential competition by categorizing strategic alliances for R&D activities in the biotechnology industry into three types: vertical-downstream alliances, vertical-upstream alliances, and horizontal alliances. This study analyzed 206 Korean biotechnology firms and their strategic alliances for a total of 292 R&D activities. The results of the analysis showed that vertical alliances have a positive impact on technological innovation performance, while horizontal alliances have an inverted U-shaped relationship with technological innovation performance caused by the effect of competition. Additionally, it was confirmed that the R&D intensity of biotechnology firms has a moderating effect of increasing the impact of vertical-upstream alliances on technological innovation performance.  相似文献   

Integration of various theories is essential to completely understand and explain strategic alliances in a supply chain. The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework by integrating the features of transaction cost theory, resource-based theory, contingency theory, social exchange theory, and Kelley's personal relationship theory and test the framework through empirical research. The present study addresses the impact of strategic alliance motives, environment, asset specificity, perception of opportunistic behavior, interdependence between supply chain partners, and relational capital on strategic alliance outcomes. Besides, the study has also tested the role of relational capital as a central mediating construct. A sample of 2156 companies representing different industries in manufacturing in Malaysia was selected for the distribution of questionnaire. We tested the structural model using structural equation modeling (SEM). Based on the results, we conclude the following significant relationships: (1) strategic alliance motives and perception of opportunistic behavior on interdependence and relational capital, (2) interdependence on relational capital, (3) environment on strategic alliance motives, (4) relational capital on strategic alliance outcomes, and (4) the mediating role of relational capital. The current study adds significantly to the body of knowledge on strategic alliances and can help managers identify factors that influence the success of strategic alliances and provide a proper direction to develop robust and effective collaborative relationships between supply chain partners.  相似文献   

The need to access knowledge globally is increasingly driving organisations to form international research alliances. When partners in such alliances reside in different nations, respective government policies may impinge on the strategic development and structure of the alliance. In this paper, we discuss the impact of perceived policy stances on the alliance strategy of research and technology institutes (RTIs) and provide a framework for considering possible alliance strategies. We believe that the choice of alliance strategy will depend upon how the RTI 'frames' its government's policy stance. The influence of 'framing' on the development of research alliance strategy is illustrated with a case study of an alliance between a New Zealand RTI and an American high technology firm in the emerging superconductivity industry. The paper concludes with a discussion of how use of the alliance strategy framework may impact on organisational practice and the development and interpretation of government policy.  相似文献   

Building capabilities to manage strategic alliances   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, academics have attributed a large part of alliance success to a firm's ability to successfully manage its alliances, also called its level of alliance management capability. We contribute to this growing body of literature by (1) verifying the impact of alliance management capability on alliance performance and (2) analyzing the drivers of alliance management capability. We measure this capability through four types of alliance learning processes and study how each of these processes affects alliance outcome. Furthermore, we take into account several possible drivers of alliance management capability such as organizational culture, commitment of the top team, alliance experience and the alliance function. We refine the results by examining how these factors affect each of the four learning processes underpinning alliance management capability. Our research model will be tested on a sample of 189 Belgian companies using PLS. We find that the commitment of the top management team is the most critical factor in explaining success with alliances.  相似文献   

Industrial firm boundaries are dynamic, changing with every new alliance or acquisition. As boundaries evolve, managers must develop organizational structures that effectively leverage knowledge. This paper presents and explains the analytical foundation of a typology of community structures, featuring the basic structures of Crew, Séance, and Guru. This typology is applied to three examples of knowledge transfer in industrial marketing. A competence exploitation example examines knowledge transfer between a firm and a subsidiary established primarily for increasing existing product sales in a new market. A competence creation example examines the community structures for utilizing the product and market knowledge of a subsidiary to benefit the firm's new product development decisions. The final example examines the “tech vs. touch” tradeoffs in interpersonal communication and knowledge transfer. The back-to-basics typology of community structures helps stimulate strategic thinking, and facilitates future explorations of knowledge management in industrial marketing.  相似文献   

Looking at the rate at which organizations/firms are entering into strategic alliances these days, one can understand and/or appreciate the increased research in the area of strategic alliances. The tremendous amount of research on this type of interorganizational cooperation, more or less, have one thing in common. Thus, all seek to increase our knowledge and/or understanding of the potentialities, as well as the challenges inherent in the formation of strategic alliances. What is missing in the existing literature on strategic alliances is an emphasis on the importance of the interacting parties' (i.e., parties in any strategic alliance) interconnected exchange relationships with third parties (i.e., actors who are not officially regarded as partners in an alliance). There is a lack of empirical studies on the nature of and the extent to which networks (third parties) may affect and be affected by the achievement of goals pursued by some focal strategic alliance partners. The paper presents case studies that shed light on this issue. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to deepen our understanding of the relevance of third parties in a strategic alliance formed between specific focal actors. One important conclusion of the study is that the achievement of the focal actors' goals is affected, in large, by third parties.  相似文献   

We examine how the learning, along several dimensions (environment, task, process, skills, goals), that takes place in strategic alliances between firms mediates between the initial conditions and the outcomes of these alliances. Through a longitudinal case study of two projects in one alliance, replicated and extended in another four projects in two alliances, a framework was developed to analyze the evolution of cooperation in strategic alliances. Successful alliance projects were highly evolutionary and went through a sequence of interactive cycles of learning, reevaluation and readjustment. Failing projects, conversely, were highly inertial, with little learning, or divergent learning between cognitive understanding and behavioral adjustment, or frustrated expectations. Although strategic alliances may be a special case of organizational learning, we believe analyzing the evolution of strategic alliances helps transcend too simple depictions of inertia and adaptation, in particular by suggesting that initial conditions may lead to a stable ‘imprinting’ of fixed processes that make alliances highly inertial or to generative and evolutionary processes that make them highly adaptive, depending on how they are set.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to investigate how innovation networks can be used to deal with a changing technological environment. This study combines different concepts related to research and development (R&D) collaboration strategies of large firms and applies these concepts to R&D alliance projects undertaken by Nokia Corporation in the period 1985–2002. The research methodology is a combination of in‐depth semistructured interviews and a large‐scale quantitative analysis of alliance agreements. For the empirical analysis a distinction is made between exploration and exploitation in innovation networks in terms of three different measures. As a first measure, the difference between exploration and exploitation strategies by means of the observed capabilities of the partners of the contracting firms is investigated. The second measure is related to partner turnover. The present article argues that in exploration networks partner turnover will be higher than in exploitation networks. As a third measure, the type of alliance contract will be taken; exploration networks will make use of flexible legal organizational structures, whereas exploitation alliances are associated with legal structures that enable long‐term collaboration. The case of Nokia has illustrated the importance of strategic technology networks for strategic repositioning under conditions of change. Nokia followed an exploitation strategy in the development of the first two generations of mobile telephony and an exploration strategy in the development of technologies for the third generation. Such interfirm networks seem to offer flexibility, speed, innovation, and the ability to adjust smoothly to changing market conditions and new strategic opportunities. These two different strategies have led to distinctly different international innovation networks, have helped the company in becoming a world leader in the mobile phone industry, and have enabled it to sustain that position in a radically changed technological environment. This study also illustrates that Nokia effectively uses an open innovation strategy in the development of new products and services and in setting technology standards for current and future use of mobile communication applications. This article presents one of the first longitudinal studies, which describes the use of innovation networks as a means to adapt swiftly to changing market conditions and strategic change. This study contributes to the emerging, but still inconsistent, literature on explorative and exploitative learning by means of strategic technology networks.  相似文献   

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