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大连在产业结构调整中,应正确认识发展休闲产业是回应经济危机对大连经济挑战的重要途径.目前大连由于品牌产品特色不够突出,产品质量不高;适应体闲产业发展的基础设施建设尚未完善;缺乏统一的行业规范以及专业人才的匮乏等因素,阻碍了休闲产业的发展.应从完善城市休闲功能,构建休闲文化体系;加强休闲产品开发,注重品牌意识;加强体闲产业人才队伍建设,提高服务质量及强化行业管理,建立完善保障机制等方面入手,推动大连休闲产业的发展,促进大连产业结构的调整与优化.  相似文献   

休闲产业:概念、范围与统计问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卿前龙 《旅游学刊》2007,22(8):82-85
建立我国休闲产业统计学已成为我们面临的一项重要课题.但由于对休闲产业的理解不同,目前国内学术界对休闲产业所应包括的行业范围尚未达成共识.本文在提出界定休闲产业三原则的基础上,结合国民经济三次产业划分法,将休闲产业划分为休闲第一产业、休闲第二产业和休闲第三产业.  相似文献   

和谐社会是一个生态平衡的动态过程。和谐充满着辩证法,和谐体现着协调与统筹的中庸思想。它包括自然生态的平衡以及社会生态的平衡。同时,和谐社会无处不体现人与自然、人与社会协调和谐发展,从而也体现出人的自然属性和社会属性与自然的统一。  相似文献   

本文运用产业经济学原理,将理论研究与统计分析相结合,研究说明两个问题:(1)基于休闲需求结构分析的城市休闲产业发展导向;(2)基于休闲消费行为分析的城市休闲产品发展导向.研究成果的指导意义在于:试图为城市休闲产业与产品发展指明道路.  相似文献   

李丽梅  楼嘉军 《旅游学刊》2016,(12):126-134
城市休闲化是后工业时代城市发展的一种形态,是休闲时代城市建设与发展的必然反映.文章在提出城市体闲化的概念以及分析国外城市休闲化两个发展阶段基础上,从城市居民休闲时间和行为、城市休闲基础环境、城市居民休闲消费、城市休闲相关产业、休闲对城市发展的影响等5个层面对国外城市休闲化研究文献进行概括与探讨.最后,结合国外城市休闲化发展实践和理论研究,以及我国城市休闲化发展现状,从研究对象、研究范式、实践保障等方面提出相关启示.  相似文献   

宜居应宜闲:论现代宜居城市的休闲融入问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宜居城市应该同时是宜闲城市,因为城市居民日益增多的闲暇时间和收入要求宜居城市充分发挥宜闲功能,宜闲是获得城市居民对宜居认同的重要保证,也是国外评选宜居城市的一个重要依据.但宜闲问题在当前我国宜居城市建设和评价中没有得到应有的重视.我们今后在规划与建设宜居城市时,要正确处理好城市居民居住、生产和休闲的关系.要注意将休闲理念融入城市理念,将"乐闲"规划纳入城市宜居规划,将旅游业发展纳入城市产业发展规划,要重点发展社区休闲.让社区休闲承担起城市休闲的主要功能.  相似文献   

文首文 《旅游学刊》2007,22(9):88-92
本文根据《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》提出的和谐社会建设任务,结合旅游城市建设的实际,尝试性地提出了城市和谐旅游的评价指标及测算方法,并以深圳市为例进行了测算.  相似文献   

城市休闲与休闲城市   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
魏小安  李莹 《旅游学刊》2007,22(10):71-76
随着休闲概念的普及与发展,城市休闲与休闲城市建设成为城市发展的一个前沿课题.本文在研究城市休闲影响因素和城市休闲体系构建的基础上,对建设休闲城市进行了初步探索.  相似文献   

近10年国外城市休闲研究:特征、比较与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
休闲是衡量城市社会文明和居民生活质量的标尺,城市的进步伴随着休闲的发展。基于Elsevier Science Direct数据库,对2000~2010年与城市休闲相关的文献进行检索和分类分析,研究发现,国外对城市休闲的研究多采用理论综述、问卷调查、模型设计与定量评价、GIS数据分析、视频跟踪描述、案例比较说明等方法;研究内容包括城市休闲理论、城市休闲价值与影响、城市休闲主体、城市休闲客体和城市休闲管理与保障等5大研究模块;基于地理学对城市休闲的研究占研究论文总量的25%,主要包括对城市公园、绿地、自然保护区、海滨等休闲空间的规划、开发,休闲项目评价管理等研究;国内外学者在城市休闲定位、城市休闲空间建设方向选择、城市休闲主体研究等方面存在研究内容的差异。城市休闲产业建设、自然与人文休闲空间规划及环境可持续问题、休闲旅游等是现阶段城市休闲研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

近几年,我国旅游行业呈现出全面进步的发展态势,正是基于旅游产业的进步,推动了城市休闲旅游的经济优化进程,如何有效建构旅游资源的优化配置方式,成为了各地区旅游监管部门关注的焦点。本文对城市休闲旅游的理论要素进行了简要分析,并集中阐释了其基本的运行机制,旨在推动地区休闲旅游产业的和谐化进步,以供参考。  相似文献   

世界休闲之都——21世纪杭州城市形象定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据休闲产业的概况、休闲产业对社会和经济的巨大作用以及良好的发展前景 ,从区位条件、休闲资源、历史文化、经济发展等五个方面论证杭州是世界上最适合休闲的城市之一  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine the extent to which post-compulsory education can be viewed as a serious leisure activity. Such links between the fields of leisure studies and adult education have yet to be fully explored, especially from a UK perspective. Although Stebbins (1998) has explored the concept of learning serious leisure through adult education, the concept of adult education as serious leisure has yet to be examined. Since 1995 successive UK Governments have engaged in high profile policy initiatives to encourage ‘lifelong learning’, a somewhat controversial concept which has attracted criticism as well as a significant bandwagon. The principal impetus behind the policy is the perceived need to skill the workforce so that industry can operate in an increasingly competitive global market. Emphasized to a much lesser extent, however, is the wish to create a ‘learning society’ in which continual learning, (including that for non-vocational purposes) becomes integral within society, with a subsequent enhancement of social capital. It is argued that it is through learning as ‘serious leisure’, rather than as vocationally oriented that will be most appropriate for such a policy. In this paper the authors have sought to concentrate on this non-vocational dimension of lifelong learning and to explore the links between the concept of serious leisure and lifelong learning. The paper then draws upon literature from the fields of leisure studies and education policy to examine the implications of ‘lifelong learning as leisure’ for the individual, the community and society as a whole.  相似文献   

Public health interventions to combat COVID-19 can be viewed as an exogenous shock to the economy, especially for industries—such as leisure, recreation, and tourism—that rely heavily on human mobility. This study investigates whether and how exactly the economic impact of government public health policies varies over time. Focusing on the leisure and recreation industry, we use data for 131 countries/regions from February to May 2020 and employ generalized difference-in-differences models to investigate the short- and longer-term effects of public health policies. We find that stricter policies lead, on average, to an immediate 9.2–percentage-point drop in leisure and recreation participation. Even so, that industry recovers in about seven weeks after a COVID-19 outbreak in countries/regions that undertake active interventions. After thirteen weeks, leisure and recreation involvement recovers to 70% of pre-pandemic levels in a place that actively intervened but stagnates at about 40% in one that did not.  相似文献   

刘逸  陈銮  刘子惠  陈逸敏 《旅游学刊》2022,37(2):94-104
产业集聚是经济地理学的经典议题,但现有研究主要集中在制造业和生产型服务业,对基于消费逻辑生长的旅游休闲服务产业关注不足,尚未充分揭示其集聚特征。文章借助地理信息科学领域的空间分析算法,以广州城市休闲娱乐业为例,对城市休闲产业集聚特征展开探索式研究。具体而言,该文基于地理空间分析中的最大团挖掘算法,编制出同位模式,对184249条广州市的休闲兴趣点(POI)数据,计算最为流行的空间共现关联,以此捕捉城市休闲产业空间集聚的基本组合模式,得到如下结论:第一,同位模式可以准确地捕捉出城市休闲产业的集聚模式,休闲产业基本上以三阶为组团单位(即3类业态),在城市空间上呈现出广泛的分布,四阶为组团单位的流行度显著降低,五阶基本不具备流行度。第二,在所有流行团中,美容美发店这类POI的中心度最高,是关联其他休闲业态的最核心要素,而美容美发和餐饮的组合,在三阶、四阶流行团中出现的次数最多,是休闲产业的集聚核,构成了城市各个休闲中心和节点的基本功能。第三,以资源为导向和需要特定产业环境的休闲产业,基本不具备流行度。该研究创新性地将空间同位模式应用到城市休闲产业中,且较为精准地捕捉到现有研究尚难以揭示的休闲产业集聚模式,积极推动了基于海量数据的城市旅游休闲产业集聚研究,其发现能直接为目的地营销、产业行业管理与城市规划提供新的决策支持。  相似文献   

This paper argues that society is saturated with ideas of ‘normal’ ‘healthy’ leisure practice. These ideas reflect an historically specific distribution of power. The case of the hippy convoy and the controversy over the use value of Stonehenge as a leisure resource is examined to illustrate the official ordering of leisure in society and the social reaction to it. The paper concentrates on the events of 1986 leading to the Stoney Cross clearance. The paper concludes by making two general points about the significance of leisure experience in consciousness raising and the importance of deviant leisure for leisure studies.  相似文献   

To relate tourism to leisure theory, this paper first offers a potential conceptual framework to assist in placing leisure in the context of other human behavior. This is done by considering dimensions of both subjective experience and structural environment. The field structured by these two dimensions is then reviewed by examining four more or less extreme positions, although emphasizing that reality will rarely conform to an extreme. The two dimensional field of human behavior is, like all conceptual models, an attempt to understand the immense complexity of reality. Turning to tourism, this framework demonstrates that just as recreation often fails to result in leisure, so the tourism industry may well detract from the positive aspects of the tourism experience, and at the worst, may produce alienation.  相似文献   

Leisure travel has become a major lifestyle in the United States since World War II. This paper describes the social, economic, and technological changes that have been adopted by the industry and society during three eras of travel evolution. A synoptic view of the development of travel is provided by a review of five travel industry components: transportation, attractions, facilities and services, information, and the consumer. Emphasis is placed on the consequences of the adoption of major social and technological innovations that have impacted this vibrant industry and will continue to do so in the future. The paper concludes with eight observations on the present and future status of leisure travel in the United States.  相似文献   

Leisure meanings require serious analysis in examining the role of leisure in society. This is illustrated through an example of the relationship between the mass production of leisure equipment and the creation of personal user meanings by focusing on product styling and the function, imagery and social use of symbolic objects such as the motorcycle. The author suggests that the ideology of leisure can be analysed by examining the connection of leisure forms and meanings, thereby defining the structural boundaries of leisure itself.  相似文献   

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