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本文通过对中国创投现状的分析,得出发展公司创投是符合中国现状的创投形式.并指出公司创投区别于其他创投在于其在财务价值和战略价值之间,更倾向于战略价值.厘清公司创投中拥有更多资源的国有企业参与创投动力不足的原因,为公司创投进一步发展而找出短板所在.  相似文献   

本文首先运用修正的Jones模型计算了2009—2013年在我国创业板上市的具有创投持股背景的178家IPO样本公司的上市前一年的盈余管理水平,表明在IPO上市前普遍存在着盈余管理行为.然后用回归模型实证研究了这些IPo样本企业的盈余管理程度与创投持股之间的关系。结果发现.创投持股能够在一定程度上抑制IPO的盈余管理。  相似文献   

<正>我国创投基金发展仍面临着市场内部竞争加剧导致盈利压力增大等困境,同时,监管方式和政策调整等外部变化对创投基金运营管理提出了新要求创新宏观调控方式要求发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用。创投基金作为创新金融参与宏观调控的工具之一,体现了市场与政府之间关系的新形态。具体来看,表现为以下三个方面。  相似文献   

颁奖词: 曾经为创业板疯狂的达晨创投,经过九年的沉淀,终于在2008年爆发。九年的历练,九年的坚持,2008年,达晨迎来了春暖花开。了解中国国情、坚持不懈、不跟风,达晨创投成功地实践着自己独特的投资风格。  相似文献   

进入2004年之后,中国创业投资支持企业又掀起了一轮新的冲刺NASDAQ的浪潮,其中包括宏碁创投投资的掌上灵通(NASDAQ:LTON)和华登、汉鼎亚太等投资的中芯国际(NASDAQ:SMIC),一批外资创投因此而获得巨额的回报。伴随着这些利好的消息,欧美主流的创投机构包括3i,Apax,Accel,NEA等都开始进入中国进行投资。  相似文献   

创业板公司创投股东减持行为及收益特点研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对截至2011年3月底的创业板公司创投股东的减持行为及其收益情况进行实证研究。研究发现,超过一半解禁项目的创投股东开始逐步退出,投资收益巨大。创投股东减持行为及收益随创投类型、投资时间、投资成本的不同而存在明显差异,减持收益率小于以市场价格计算的账面收益率。分析表明,解禁后创投股东减持力度较大,符合其退出套现的盈利模式。其中,券商直投的快进快出行为值得关注,而投资较晚、成本较高的创投机构减持意愿较高。另外,用账面收益来衡量创投机构的投资业绩有较大误差。  相似文献   

从IDG资本、上海联创、联创策源、红杉资本等外资创投纷纷在中国扎根,到浙商创投、深创投、达晨等本土创投如雨后春笋般涌现出来,中国作为世界经济增长最快的经济体,其投资价值也令这些追逐财富的创业投资机构趋之若鹜。因为创业投资的出现,为众多有潜力的企业注入了腾飞的动力,因为创业投资的出现,为正在探索阶段的企业成熟了商业模式、规范了内部管理……正是有了这些挥着魔法棒的"魔术师",才创造了无数的资本神话。创业投资,已经成为了中国经济增长过程中不可或缺的重要因素,因为它的长袖善舞,才谱写了跌宕起伏的资本旋律,因为它的出现,才描绘了浓墨重彩的资本画卷。它正如一面镜子,映照了一个个从优秀走向卓越的企业,它更如一面旗帜,指引着中国资本市场从一个辉煌走向另一个辉煌。  相似文献   

今年下半年以来,深交所综合研究所创投课题组对北京、上海和深圳的15家境内外创投机构进行了走访,并与清科创投研究中心合作,发放了创投机构问卷调查表,收回有效问卷75份。分析表明,经过近年来的高速增长,我国创投行业从今年第三季度开始全面收缩,投融资规模大幅下降,对中小企业融资和经济结构转型的支持力度显著减弱,需要引起我们的密切关注和重视。  相似文献   

信息是联系投资家和创业家的桥梁,网络时代的到来为投资家和创业家提供了广阔的发展前景。作为一个专业的风险投资刊物,本刊以传播创投信息追踪创投热点为己仟,致力于推动创业和风险投资事业在中国的发展。为了更好地为读者服务,本刊与上海互联网投资公司、时代连线创业投资网、美国硅谷创投基金、北京大学风险投资学会等机构台作,设立创投信息服务中心,为创投双方提供一个更富有效率的交流渠道。  相似文献   

2006年是深创投的春天。同洲电子的成功上市,成为深创投、甚至是整个中国本土创投行业的标志性事件.其中包括深创投在内的4家VC获得了极大的成就感。  相似文献   

对上海证券交易所和香港证券交易所上市的蓝筹公司的网站中与投资者关系有关的条目进行了调查统计分析,提出了用WBIRX指数来衡量上市公司基于网站的投资者关系工作的发展水平。通过对WBIRX指数和调查数据进行分析发现,尽管上交所蓝筹公司在网站投资者关系建设方面取得了长足的进步,但是在总体水平上还与港交所蓝筹公司有一定差距,同网站投资者关系有关的栏目数量、类别和质量都还有待提高。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of public ownership on the investment strategy of hybrid VC funds. We exploit a unique dataset containing data for all of the venture capital funds in Europe that received financial support from the European Investment Fund (EIF) during the years 1998–2007. The dataset includes 179 VC funds that invested in 2482 companies. We find that the level of public ownership shows a weak negative correlation with the likelihood of observing a write-off and that a higher public share is associated with a longer duration for the investment. The latter effect is more relevant for those investments that generate intermediate financial returns. The results are robust to the introduction of controls at the target firm level and for financial market conditions.  相似文献   

Impact investing     
We show that investors derive nonpecuniary utility from investing in dual-objective Venture Capital (VC) funds, thus sacrificing returns. Impact funds earn 4.7 percentage points (ppts) lower internal rates of return (IRRs) ex-post than traditional VC funds. In random utility/willingness-to-pay (WTP) models investors accept 2.5–3.7 ppts lower IRRs ex ante for impact funds. The positive WTP result is robust to fund access rationing and investor heterogeneity in fund expected returns. Development organizations, foundations, financial institutions, public pensions, Europeans, and United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment signatories have high WTP. Investors with mission objectives and/or facing political pressure exhibit high WTP; those subject to legal restrictions (e.g., Employee Retirement Income Security Act) exhibit low WTP.  相似文献   

Venture capital financing is widely believed to be influentialfor new innovative companies. We provide empirical evidencethat venture capital financing is related to product marketstrategies and outcomes of start-ups. Using a unique hand-collecteddatabase of Silicon Valley high-tech start-ups. Using a uniquehand-collected database of Silicon Valley high-tech start-upswe find that innovator firms are more likely to obtain venturecapital than imitator firms. Venture capital is also associatedwith a significant reduction in the time to bring a productto market, especially for innovators. Our results suggest significantinterrelations between investor types and product market dimensions,and a role of venture capital for innovative companies.  相似文献   

This paper models investment duration in the Indian venture capital (VC) market, by industry and exit route. We examined 3416 investment and exit transactions in India during the period 2000–2017 and found that the probability of staying invested for more than ten years was 70%. Exit probabilities were low in most sectors. Investment duration was not positively associated with the investment valuation; rather, it was impossible to exit from the majority of investments because of the illiquidity of the VC market.  相似文献   

We ask whether the typical investor and the aggregate investor exhibit a bias known as the disposition effect, the tendency to sell investments that are held for a profit at a faster rate than investments held for a loss. We analyse all trading activity on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE) for the five years ending in 1999. Using a dataset that contains all trades (over one billion) and the identity of every trader (nearly four million), we find that in aggregate, investors in Taiwan are about twice as likely to sell a stock if they are holding that stock for a gain rather than a loss. Eighty‐four percent of all Taiwanese investors sell winners at a faster rate than losers. Individuals, corporations, and dealers are reluctant to realise losses, while mutual funds and foreigners, who together account for less than 5% of all trades (by value), are not.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of a major Canadian tax reform on the ex-dividend day behavior of companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The results are inconsistent with the hypothesis that price changes on ex-dividend days reflect the relative taxation of dividends and capital gains for the “representative” investor, but are consistent with the hypothesis that ex-dividend day price behavior reflects short-term trading activities.  相似文献   

马宁 《投资与合作》2011,(6):66-69,111
指纹识别技术除了应用于军方外,还在保险箱、考勤机等方面广泛应用。陈晓峰将指纹与支付相结合,促生了新的商机。  相似文献   

Venture capital trusts (VCTs) were introduced to provide private equity capital for small expanding companies and to promote innovation. Investors in initial public offerings are rewarded with tax relief on the cost of lock-up provisions to stabilize the market. This paper examines the market reaction and trading activity around the expiration of lock-up provisions of 148 VCTs listed on the London Stock Exchange from 1995 to 2006. Downward-sloping demand curve theory suggests that an increased supply of VCT shares at the expiry date could shift their value to a new equilibrium at a lower price. Supporting this prediction, we document evidence of negative abnormal returns as well as permanent increases in the price discount relative to net asset value and trading volumes at and around the expiries of the required holding periods of VCTs. In addition, less negative abnormal returns, lower abnormal discounts and lower abnormal trading volumes are associated with VCTs that invest in AIM-listed companies due to lower information asymmetry, that experience lower prior performance due to a less pronounced disposition effect, and that are subject to a shorter lock-up horizon or are offering more generous tax benefits.  相似文献   

1990年岁末,中华人民共和国先后在沪深两地开办了上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所。从此,中国大陆资本市场经历了从无到有、从"摸着石头过河"到交易监管体制不断完善的20年风雨历程。今天,中国沪深两市总市值已位列世界资本市场第二,并伴随着中国经济的高速发展越来越受到全球资本的瞩目。20年,在数千年中国历史的长河中,非常短暂,但是,中国改革开放的30载历史中,这20年的股市发展进程,却深刻影响了中国经济,影响了许多中国人的财富观,同时,也将成为促进未来国民经济结构调整和实现增长方式转换的重要资本力量。但是,比之国际老牌资本市场,中国大陆的资本市场尚有很多与经济发展速度不匹配的问题亟待完善。为此,《国际融资》杂志记者专程采访了原中国证监会主席周道炯  相似文献   

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