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The change from a centrally planned economy into a market economy is likely to have created a unique situation in economic history. Consequently, no existing economy theory is able to depict the process of transformation. It is argued in this paper that a Kaleckian theoretical approach may provide a starting point for the analysis of the formerly centrally planned economies of Central and Eastern Europe. This approach is applied to Hungary, within the framework of a computable general equilibrium model. A number of policy measures, such as wage constraint, devaluation and mark-up reduction, are considered and their effects on production, inflation and income distribution assessed.  相似文献   

Most studies of the impacts of global warming policy have been performed at the national level. However, national averages obscure the fact that some regions may be affected much more than others. We formulated a regional computable general equilibrium model to analyze the impact of a carbon tax on the Pennsylvania economy. The model incorporates special features relating to labor mobility, trade and energy substitution for this purpose. Our results indicate significant negative overall impacts on the Pennsylvania economy, primarily because it is a major producer and user of fossil fuels, especially coal, and because it is highly industrialized. Sensitivity analyses on key parameters and model assumptions indicate that our results are robust.  相似文献   

In this paper, a multi-regional multi-sectoral computable general equilibrium model is developed by bringing together different strands of theoretical reasoning. These are as follows: input–output analysis, gravity modelling, the theory of intra-industry trade and the theory of general equilibrium under conditions of monopolistic competition. The innovation in this approach is the assumption that, within each sector, a large number of different brands of output are produced. Households like diversity of consumption and diversity of inputs is a productive factor for firms. The number of brands produced in each sector and region is endogenous. A certain amount of fixed costs per brand imposes an upper bound on the number of available brands. Factor markets are perfectly competitive, while monopolistic competition prevails on goods markets. The equilibrium solution of the model closely resembles models which have been applied on an ad hoc basis in regional science before, but it is well founded in modern economic theory now. In particular, trade flows obey a gravity law in equilibrium.  相似文献   

A bi-regional and multi-market computable general equilibrium model that focuses on the agricultural sector of the Philippines' economy in 1987 is constructed. This paper presents the basic structure of the model and carries out some cost-benefit analyses to assess the impact of alternative trade reform policies on the economy. It is found that various liberalization policies can produce large benefits, but any single policy implemented separately may incur intolerable costs. However, a combination of trade liberalization and currency devaluation, coupled with target income support and income tax reform, can achieve balanced results that are beneficial to the economy without worsening income distribution and food consumption of the poor.  相似文献   

This article critically examines the existing conceptualizations of and explanations for the socioeconomic behaviour of poor households in order to lay the foundations of a new model designed to extend the existing resource‐based approach to livelihoods. The proposed model groups ‘household responses to poverty’ into four key types: income generation, income allocation, consumption and investment. In explaining household responses and their poverty outcomes, it focuses on the role of different resources beyond income (e.g. social capital), along with the wider structural forces and household characteristics that influence the availability and benefit delivery capacity of these resources. The new model is shown to provide a theoretically more sophisticated framework with greater explanatory power and empirical applicability.  相似文献   

经济学中一般均衡存在性问题理论述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对经济学中一般均衡理论进行了概述。文中主要介绍了Arrow—Debreu经济模型、均衡存在性定理、存在性涸题在无穷维商品空间上的扩展以及相关工作。  相似文献   

工程总承包模式以设计与施工的高度融合,日益在建筑业受到青睐.但由于政府投资项目中存在有关结余资金上缴国库等规定,容易导致政府投资工程总承包项目下设计优化产生的成果是进行分成或作为结余资金上缴界定不清.鉴于此,本文通过政策文件,并结合政府投资项目特点,分析政府投资工程总承包项目设计优化的情形认定以及在不同结算依据和合同计...  相似文献   

引入"里昂惕夫"生产技术,建立一个超边际-新兴古典一般均衡模型,分析交易效率对最终品的迂回生产结构的影响,以揭示资本市场形成的微观机制.研究显示,随着资本品和最终品的综合交易效率相对于生产者自用资本品的效率的充分改进,资本市场将出现在分工结构中,并对最终品市场产生促进作用;而资本品和最终品的交易效率对经济增长具有交互的正效应.从模型中得出的一项政策含义是:经济增长有赖于更大程度地改进资本市场和产品市场的交易效率.  相似文献   

城市物流正制约着我国社会经济进一步发展。文中基于系统论角度,对城市物流服务网络进行了分解,分析了城市物流服务网络的超网络特征和均衡问题。最后,提出了城市物流低碳运营政策的设计流程,给出了低碳运营政策建议。  相似文献   

王吓忠 《基建优化》2007,28(1):80-84
目前我国住宅市场存在严重的信息不对称,如何进行规制引起多方关注。首先利用房价博弈模型研究我国住宅市场信息不对称下的非理性均衡和精炼优化的序贯均衡,进而探求政府对市场房价经济优化规制后的理性序贯均衡,以此提出政府对住宅产业的规制方式和对策建议。  相似文献   

经济学中的经典假说"资源诅咒"往往表现为自然资源开发中区域经济层面的"资源地贫困"与微观经济层面的"采掘企业超额利润"同时存在的"财富悖论"现象.通过运用全部采掘业占工业总产值的比重来度量资源丰度、用城市家庭人均可支配收入增长来度量经济发展水平、使用2001年-2005年的省际面板数据对资源开发与地区经济发展水平之间的相关性及其传导作用机制进行实证检验,证实了我国内部地区层面存在"资源诅咒"效应.资源开发收益在企业微观层面的各利益主体之间和政府区域层面的资源区与受益区之间的收益分配不公,是导致资源开发的财富悖论不可忽视的原因.  相似文献   

运用结构向量自回归(SVAR)模型,对中国1978年至2009年农业、制造业、金融业收入增长的内在机制进行研究,结果表明:农业收入对生产率和发展速度冲击的反应是发散式反馈效应,生产率与农业发展速度的变化导致农业收入有一个较小且短期的收入增长,之后农业收入出现大幅度的波动;制造业收入对生产率和发展速度冲击的反应是一个收敛式反馈效应,制造业生产率与发展速度可以稳定地长期地提高制造业收入水平;金融业生产率与行业发展速度引起行业收入长期大幅度的波动,金融衍生工具可以在一定程度上克服波动的负面影响。  相似文献   

陈涛 《价值工程》2013,(36):5-7
当前行业收入差距不断扩大已经成为一个危及我国社会和谐的突出问题,西方发达国家在工业化进程中也曾出现过类似情况。了解和梳理国外关于行业收入差距现状、影响行业收入差距的因素、行业收入差距测度方法、收入分配制度效率的相关文献,有助于对研究我国行业收入差距问题提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

This paper considers a generalization of the open Leontief model, by endogenizing the input coefficients on the basis of the neoclassical multi-sectoral produc-tion function. The adopted production function is of the two-level CES type, which is quite effective for avoiding the multi-collinearity problem. As a result, the estimates obtained are quite stable, satisfying the quasi-concavity conditions of the production function for all the sectors. Comparative statics based on the Jacobian of the excess supply function for each commodity market reveal that, owing to the factor substitution the effect of an increase in the final demand on the level of the production is significantly smaller than that which occurs in the open Leontief model with fixed input coefficients.  相似文献   

Recent work on social status led to derivation of a new continuous distribution based on the exponential. The new variate, termed the ring(2)-exponential, in turn leads to derivation of two closely related new families of continuous distributions, the mirror-exponential and the ring-exponential. Both the standard exponential and the ring(2)-exponential are special cases of both the new families. In this paper, we first focus on the ring(2)-exponential, describing its derivation and examining its properties, and next introduce the two new families, describing their derivation and initiating exploration of their properties. The mirror-exponential arises naturally in the study of status; the ring-exponential arises from the mathematical structure of the ring(2)-exponential. Both have the potential for broad application in diverse contexts across science and engineering. Within sociobehavioral contexts, the new mirror-exponential may have application to the problem of approximating the form and inequality of the wage distribution.  相似文献   

文章采用边坡工程计算中常用2种方法——有限元强度折减方法和极限平衡法,全面地分析应力应变与渗流耦合下边坡的稳定性,并且通过实例对比,重点研究边坡在渗流耦合作用下2种方法的优缺点,以及适应性。  相似文献   

李敏  顾俊 《价值工程》2012,31(34):299-300
研究2005-2009年卫生部门五级综合医院的发展。研究表明,卫生部医疗卫生服务体系构建完成,五级综合医院发展强劲,运营和市场占有能力前景广阔。应加强成本预算、控制成本支出、提高管理水平,县市级医院应充分利用资源;大型医院与县级医院结对帮扶,定期送医送技术;控制总医疗费用,承担更多社会责任。  相似文献   

The fungibility of organizational slack provides firms significant latitude in addressing both internal and market pressures. A vast literature suggests that slack influences firm performance; however, the empirical record is mixed, and the underlying mechanism linking slack to performance remains ambiguous. We address these issues by theoretically expanding the slack–performance model to include mediation. Specifically, we develop and test a model in which a firm’s competitive behaviours direct the utilization of slack toward the realization of firm performance. Our meta‐analytic‐based structural equation model supports partial mediation, showing that competitive behaviours provide some resolution to the conflicted understanding of how slack affects performance. Further, we provide value to the slack literature by consolidating the evidence for the effects of various types and forms of organizational slack. Beyond providing robustness to our theoretical model, doing so offers a more complete understanding of how operationalizations of slack and performance outcomes matter.  相似文献   

收益法在上市公司重大资产重组中得到广泛使用,其评估结果的高增值率一直受到研究者的关注.以软件信息行业2013—2018年的90个重大资产重组事项为样本,详细分析各项评估参数,对比评估报告预测和实际利润实现状况,发现90份评估报告收益预测模型单一、收入预测依据简略、折现率预测主观性较强,存在比较明显的高估的现象.并据此提...  相似文献   

随着市场经济体制的不断发展,采用经济手段治理环境正成为中国在环境管理领域内的改革方向。因此,本文通过拓展Alfred(1983)建立的一个排污费分析模型,将其纳入到在一般均衡的框架内,分析了排污费对行业产出的不确定性影响。本文认为,中国的排污收费改革不会对中国各行业的产出造成显著的影响,并认为中国可以在环境领域内尝试更多的、更有力度的经济政策工具。  相似文献   

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