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第一条为规范内部审计质量评估工作,提高内部审计工作质量,推动内部审计的职业化发展,制定本办法。第二条本办法所称内部审计质量评估,是指由具备职业胜任能力的人员,以内部审计准则、内部审计人员职业道德规范为标准,同时参考风险管理、内部控制等方面的法律法规,对组织的内部审计52作进行检查和评价的活动。第三条内部审计质量评估的目标是促进内部审计机构和人员遵循内部审计准则和内部审计人员职业道德规范,提高内部审计工作质量和内部审计人员职业胜任能力,  相似文献   

李晶 《财政监督》2004,(8):58-58
一、进一步加强内部审计队伍建设,努力提高内审人员素质审计人员素质的高低是决定审计风险大小的主要因素。一方面,目前我国内部审计人员整体水平不高,综合素质、识别风险、判断正误的能力较差。另一方面,由于我国内审准则、工作规范和职业道德标准方面还是一片空白,许多内审机构和人员缺乏应有的职业规范的约束和指导。所有这些将给内部审计工作的质量、信誉带来负面影响,从而导致审计风险的出现。搞好内部审计工作,关键是要有独立的审计机构,建设好一支高素质的审计队伍。  相似文献   

内部审计准则的国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《审计署关于内部审计工作的规定》已于2003年3月4日发布,自2003年5月1日起施行。根据《规定》,中国内部审计协会制定了《内部审计基本准则》、《内部审计人员职业道德规范》和10个具体准则,它们共同构成了的我国内部审计的职业规范体系。这一内部审计工作的权威性标准,将成为衡量和提高我国内部审计业务质量的重要尺度。本文通过我国内部审计准则与国际审计准则的比较,寻找二者之间的差异,剖析原因,为完善我国的内部审计准则提出一些建议。  相似文献   

对每个职业来说,讲究职业道德的行为都是从业人员负责任的基石。内部审计人员也没有什么不同,为此我们需要对自己高标准严要求。一个最好的例子就是《国际内部审计专业实务框架(IPPF)》,其中包括了定义清晰的《职业道德规范》,涵盖了正直、客观、保密和胜任能力等  相似文献   

董焕萍 《理财》2011,(8):69-70
审计人员职业道德,是指从事审计工作的人员应遵循的、与其职业活动紧密联系的、具有审计人员职业特征并反映自身特殊要求的道德准则和规范。审计人员开展审计工作的能力,取决于审计人员丰富的专业知识、专业判断能力和审计技术方法等,而审计报告和审计查证事项的真实性、准确性、合法性跟审计人员的职业道德素质密切相关。审计机关加强审计人员的职业道德教育,培养审计人员优秀的品质和职业素养,是当前审计工作的重中之重,也是提高审计质量、规避审计  相似文献   

为了规范内部审计的职业行为,促进内部审计法制化、规范化和科学化建设,根据《审计署关于内部审计工作的规定》和《内部审计基本准则》、《内部审计人员职业道德规范》,在已先后发布了第一、第二批准则的基础上,中国内部审计协会此次发布了第三批内部审计具体准则,并规定了2005年5月1日起施行。  相似文献   

审计质量的高低,除了有严格的制度、规范的程序、健全的管理等因素外,很大程度上取决于审计人员职业道德素养。因此,正确认识审计职业道德的本质与内涵、不断加强审计人员职业道德教育、培养审计人员优秀的品质和职业素养具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

所谓职业道德修养,是指从事各种职业活动的人员,按照职业道德基本原则和规范,在职业活动中所进行的自我教育、自我改造、自我完善,使自己形成良好的职业道德品质和达到一定的职业道德境界。审计人员职业道德修养是审计职业道德活动的一种主要形式。认识和掌握审计人员职业道德修养的规律,自觉提高审计职业道德修养,  相似文献   

今年上半年,《审计署关于内部审计工作的规定》(以下简称《规定》)、《内部审计基本准则》(以下简称《准则》)、《内部审计人员职业道德规范》的颁布实施,无疑将促使我国内部审计进一步走上法制化、制度化和规范化建设的轨道。审计署的这一重要举措,一方面对规范内部审计行为,提高审计质量,维护内部审计人员权益,提高内部审计工作的地位和作用将产生重要影响;另一方面,新  相似文献   

张君 《黑龙江金融》2003,(12):38-39
强化中央银行内审职能,是发挥中央银行宏观调控作用的重要前提,而加强内审人员的职业道德规范,提高执法水平,是做好内审工作的根本保证。内审人员的职业道德就是审计职业界各成员应当遵守的行为规范。《内部审计人员职业道德规范》从一定意义上说,对内审人员的定位很高,要求很严,约束很多,对多型化人才的需求很大。冷静思考,认真思忖,反复对照,理论上的规范化要求与现实操作有一定的差距。一、审计质量有差别审计质量是审计工作的生命线,有质量才有生命力,提高内审工作质量与效率是内审机制良性运行的重要保障。《内部审计人员职业道德规范…  相似文献   

内部审计增值目标的提出,为商业银行内部审计向增值型转型指明了方向,增值型内部审计以价值为核心,审计活动更加贴近组织的价值链.本文将价值链理论融入商业银行内部审计增值转型的研究中,尝试建立基于价值链理论的增值型内部审计模式,以期为有效探索商业银行内部审计增值转型抛砖引玉.  相似文献   

从人民银行内部控制审计现状出发,通过借鉴内部控制及审计的主流理论,形成若干观点,提出深化风险导向在内部控制审计中的应用,从审计内容、流程和技术方面给出可行性建议,为有关内部控制审计深化与发展的研究抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

This article provides a commentary on Everett and Tremblay's (2014) analysis of ethics and internal audit by further exploring the role of the internal audit function within Nils Brunsson's model of organized hypocrisy (Brunsson, 1986, Brunsson, 1993, Brunsson, 2002). Specifically, we extend Everett and Tremblay's discussion of internal auditors as ‘moral’ actors and propose that the counter-coupling of an organization's primary outputs–talk, decision and action–provides internal auditors with the necessary tools to carry out conflicting ethical roles within the organization.  相似文献   

Whistle-blowing has received considerable attention in the ethics literature. However, following the collapse of Arthur Andersen in the Enron debacle, whistle-blowing within audit firms has taken on greater importance. Given the profession's requirements to be confidential, independent and to act in the public interest (e.g. Sarbanes–Oxley Act, 2002), there is a need for a model that is specific to the audit profession (e.g. Louwers, Ponemon, & Radtke, 1997), and in particular, that addresses auditors' whistle-blowing intentions. This paper presents a conceptual model on whistle-blowing intentions among external auditors where an auditor's individual factors (attitudes toward whistle-blowing, perceived behavioural control, independence commitment, personal responsibility for reporting and personal cost of reporting) have a direct influence on his or her intentions to whistle-blow, but are moderated by isomorphic factors (perceived organisational support and team norms) and issue-specific factors (perceived moral intensity). Using justice and institutional theories, the proposed model anticipates that whistle-blowing within an audit firm produces both positive and negative consequences to society, the audit firm and the individual whistle-blower. However, where audit firms have adequate formal supporting mechanisms for reporting wrongdoings to internal and external parties, the negative effects and personal costs of reporting will be minimised.  相似文献   

This commentary examines the work of Everett and Tremblay (2014) and their contribution to critical accounting. They examine three key ethical dilemmas that confront modern accounting practice. They examine a set of in-depth interviews, the autobiography of the former Vice President of Internal Audit of WorldCom, Cynthia Cooper, and the documents of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) to shed light on accounting and audit ethics. The dilemmas confronting the accounting profession are complex and multi-faceted, which they place in their socio-economic context using ideas from Pierre Bourdieu. I add ideas from Lovibond (2004),MacIntyre (1984) and McDowell (1993) as well as audit work by Jere Francis. My solution involves accountants acting like the phronemos. The phronemos is Aristotle's term for a wise and ethical person who has the capacity to judge and act appropriately. This ideal of the phronemos is used to examine the ethical ambiguities in accounting that involve analyzing the critical role that accounting curricula, education and pedagogy play in making better judgments. This critical accounting focus was also a focus in Chabrak and Craig's work on accounting education. They examined professional credentialing and professional education. Like Everett and Tremblay, they also point us toward the public interest role of accounting and our societal need for better and informed judgments. The comment concludes with the observation that Aristotle's notion of the phronemos is an ideal type that promotes virtue ethics to address the drift in accounting away from ethics and its public interest role.  相似文献   

This paper examines ethics in the field of internal audit. A set of in-depth interviews, the autobiography of ex-Vice President of Internal Audit of World Com, Cynthia Cooper, and the documents of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) are all analyzed to shed light on the ethics—deontic, teleic, and aretaic—that characterize this weakly autonomous field. The paper further employs work in the field of economic sociology and Milan Kundera's literary ideas to highlight how internal auditors actively moralize markets and embrace a moral will that is ambiguous, if not conflicted. The paper further raises questions about the IIA's present offering of ethics-related resources and its ability to effectively develop moral skill in this field. In addition, and in keeping with our phronetic research approach, the paper provides suggestions aimed at improving the Institute's ethics resources.  相似文献   

This paper examines the recent trend towards the outsourcing of internal audit services to the public accounting profession. Here we draw from two dominant literature perspectives (the sociology of professions literature and the outsourcing literature) to examine this clash between the public accounting profession and the internal auditing profession over the provision of internal audit services. Two major research propositions are postulated from which to consider these issues. These propositions concern themselves with the efforts of both the public accounting profession and the internal audit profession in this outsourcing debate. We examine these professions both in terms of volitional professional behavior (as espoused in the sociology of professions literature) and organizational arguments (inherent advantages and disadvantages of the externalization of work as typically espoused by the outsourcing literature).  相似文献   

注册会计师的职业判断能力直接影响审计意见的质量,文章以注册会计师的职业判断及职业判断模式为基础,从配置专业结构合理的审计队伍、深化职业道德建设、培养和提高执业人员的综合能力三方面提出提升我国注册会计师职业判断能力的相应措施。  相似文献   

The function that accountants fulfil in the economic system is dependent on their ability to maintain the perception of high ethical standards. Building on the idea that birth cohorts, otherwise known as generations, are a useful proxy for the socio‐cultural environment of different time periods, we focus on the so‐called ‘GenMe’, that is, students and young workers born in the 1980s and 1990s. In particular, combining the accounting and business ethics literature, the purpose of our paper is to contribute to an increased awareness of the GenMe perceptions of accountants, with special attention given to ethical aspects. We believe that the perceptions of this age group are particularly crucial for the future of the accounting profession as it is these young people who will either become professional accountants or the accountants' future clients. Using an extensive database of 1,794 questionnaires, results show that the impression of the accountant as a corrupt professional is not dominant among GenMe and seem to suggest the existence of a multifaceted perception of accountants' ethics. Specifically, the factors that contribute to influencing GenMe perceptions of accountants' ethics are level of education, having attended an accounting course at high school level, gender, and belonging to the accounting profession. Finally, our study indicates that there is room for improving public perceptions of accountants' ethics through university courses in ethics, continuing education programs, and focused communication strategies by accounting firms and professional bodies.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework of the internal information technology audit (ITA) process is developed by collecting data from multiple sources using structured group processes. A series of nominal group processes involving information technology auditors, ITA managers, and financial auditors from three different internal audit organizations was performed to generate source data. This data was then coded and analyzed using a constant comparison approach to identify the codes, indicators, concepts, and relationships included in the theory. The results reveal 26 concepts organized into six categories: Audit Organization, Client Organization, Enterprise Environment, Process and Methodology, Target Process or System, and Audit Personnel. Based on the data and the concepts identified ten propositions are suggested. The results are then compared with prior research.  相似文献   

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