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Building on the theoretical framework provided by sociological research on eating practices, family meals, self‐cooked meals and time use, this study examines national differences and similarities in the use of convenience food in Northern Europe. The study draws on two quantitative sets of data, the primary data set (N = 8248) collected in 2012 in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, and the complementary data set (N = 800) collected in St. Petersburg area in 2013. In general, consumers’ attitudes towards convenience food were negative. Time saving was an important motivator for convenience consumption in all countries. The effects of other attitudes were diffuse and factors such as low cost, health effects, and taste of convenience food, affected convenience consumption differently in different countries. In the four Nordic countries women used less convenience food than men. In Finland and in Norway older respondents used convenience food less often than the young. Generally, the use of convenience food was most frequent among those living alone. The effects of education and occupation were small, implying that the phase of life is more important than social stratification in explaining convenience food consumption. In the St. Petersburg data, there were no differences related to social background.  相似文献   

尊敬的王嫁琼校长,尊敬的女士们、先生们、朋友们、与会的全体来宾们: 你们好!我你表俄罗斯以彼得堡国立财经大学和我本人向参加第三届中国北京流通现代化论坛的所有来宾致以诚挚的问候!  相似文献   

一汽红旗、上汽荣威和华晨骏捷等新下线的国产轿车,将参加第五届“中国汽车国际(俄罗斯)巡展”,与其余30多辆中国自主品牌汽车组成编队,行驶在从圣·彼得堡至喀山的公路上。据悉,本届中国汽车国际(俄罗斯)巡展无论在规模、档次还是参展汽车的品牌等方面,均成为历届中国汽车国际巡展之最。  相似文献   

The Malaysian privatization program is perhaps the most ambitious program found amongst developing or emerging market economies. While the program did not immediately flourish, it is characterized by its development of a well structured institutional framework and creative use of a series of highly innovative restructuring and privatization techniques, the most exciting being the Build-Own-Operate and Build-Operate-Transfer methods.  相似文献   

New Zealand's experience with privatization is considered by many to be as near “textbook” as the circumstances of politics and business will permit. Franks' analyzes the privatization strategies followed in radically reforming an economy driven by state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

国家倡导公用事业民营化改革,为民营经济进入国资长期一股独大的自然垄断领域开辟了制度通道,但实践中民营企业仍然面临着种种非政策壁垒、协调与信息障碍.本文从发掘生产力潜能的角度考察,在产权成为可交易要素的市场导向改革路径下,公用事业引入民营投资发展混合经济,认为是通过加速规模经济、创新市场业务、利益内化激励提高企业目标耦合度等方式,可以增进自然垄断企业的经营效率.理论与实证分析表明,公用事业民营化改革在为产业注入生机与活力的同时,也为民营经济的发展壮大孕育了一个更开放的政策环境,构建了一个崭新广阔的市场发展空间.  相似文献   

The Argentine telecommunications system is characterized by its poor quality of service. A deep national economic crisis and a huge fiscal deficit, combined with worldwide changes in the telecommunications sector, lead the Argentine government to the privatization of ENTel beginning in 1989. Herrera provides a detailed account of the economics surrounding the decision to privatize and the privatization program itself.  相似文献   

The 24 studies reviewed here reveal that nine of the 13 primary objectives of the U.K.'s privatization program have substantially been achieved. Privatization has reduced the size and scope of government, reduced political interference in management decisions, freed government funds so they can be used in sectors of the economy other than state-owned businesses, created a free market economy, promoted domestic investment, benefited the economy through higher returns on capital invested in privatized businesses, generated new sources of tax revenue, broadened domestic equity ownership and promoted equity ownership among employees of privatized businesses. Most of the research reviewed concludes that privatization has reduced the government's budget deficit; provided consumers with improved service, better quality, more choices, new products and lower prices; and improved the efficiency and performance of privatized firms. Finally, most of the studies reviewed report mixed results regarding the privatization program's success at reducing government control of business.  相似文献   

Privatization, as a term and as an art, has been growing steadily in importance since the 1980s. But what is it, and how is it actually accomplished? Mastrangelo and McPhail set forth a primer explaining the basic concepts of privatization, and the roles taken on by the “Big Six” accounting firms and, to a lesser extent, consultancies and investment banks.  相似文献   

This article explores the transformation of Kenya Airways from a loss‐making stateowned enterprise (SOE) to a very successful, profitable African airline and its relationship with KLM‐Royal Dutch Airlines. First, it analyzes the circumstances leading to the creation of Kenya Airways and then discusses the managerial and financial problems it encountered from the period it was set up until it was privatized. It also attempts to explain why and how Kenya Airways has been able to use privatization to avert liquidation. In this regard, it explores the benefits of privatization for the airline and the country as a whole and highlights lessons learned from this experience for the privatization process and strategies in Africa. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Our study examines changes in the financial and operating performance of 103 firms worldwide that were privatized through public share offerings during 1993–2003 in both emerging markets and developed countries. The empirical results from the Wilcoxon and proportion tests show increases in profitability, operating efficiency, capital spending, output, and dividend payments as well as decreases in leverage and total employment. Our results indicate that privatization helps improve firm performance in a wide variety of countries, industries, and competitive environments.  相似文献   

公用企业效率低下的问题,是一个世界范围内普遍存在的问题对我国公用企业治理结构的考察表明,尽管相当多的公用企业从形式上已经建立起了现代企业制度,但其各个职能机构却并没有发挥出应有的职能.本文以欧洲的 OECD 国家电信企业为主要研究对象,分析西方发达国家公用企业在民营化进程中治理结构方面所做出的变革措施,以期对完善我国公用企业的治理结构提供经验借鉴.  相似文献   

This study presents the theoritical analysis of expanding the St. Louis equation to incorporate aggregate supply variables and an initial examination of the impact of monetary and fiscal policy is the expanded equation. The regression results suggest that including the producer price index for crude petroleum (COP) with or without a labor strike variable (WS) falls to influence the dominance of monetary over fiscal policy for the 1953I- 76IV period. However, fiscal policy's significance increases while monetary policy's significance decreases for the 1970I-17IV period. The impact of COP is particularly strong in the 1970s while WS is important in the overall period, 1953I-76IV.  相似文献   

This study distinguishes between issuer underpricing and subscriber returns, and estimates their magnitudes for U.K. privatization initial public offers (PIPOs). It proposes and tests empirical models which incorporate theoretical, institutional, and other factors which interact to explain subscriber returns and issuer underpricing. The estimates reveal that, on average, issuer underpricing, which is measured relative to the total equity market value on the first day of trading, is 23.62%, whereas the average raw return available to subscribers is up to 41%. Regression analysis shows that underwriters' commission, market volatility, regulatory situation of the company, proportion of share clawback, and demand for shares taken together explain up to 70% of the variation in issuer underpricing and 64% of subscribers' returns. The evaluation of the long-run performance of PIPOs to assess the extent to which initial gains to subscribers persist for longer periods concludes that U.K. PIPOs, on average, provide long-run holding gains to investors, unlike their private sector counterparts.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of privatization on the purchasing practice of a state-owned steel company in Mexico. It looks first at the changes in the law which affect the relationships of state-owned enterprises with their suppliers. It then presents possible implications of these legal changes for buyer-seller relationships drawn from transaction-cost and institutional theory. Finally, it compares the predicted and actual impact of privatization and draws some preliminary conclusions. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

本文介绍了城市电网规划的基本要求,阐述了城市电网规划中需要做好的工作,指出了如何实现电网规划和城市规划的有效衔接,分析了城市电网规划中应注意的问题,提出了实现城市电网规划的保障措施.  相似文献   

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