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We examine conflicts of interests arising from the pricing of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) in underwritten dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs). A DRIP is a type of SEO that enables shareholders automatically to reinvest their dividend entitlements in the issuing company's shares. The underwriters have an incentive to sell stock during the DRIP pricing period in order to hedge price risk and/or to reduce the price at which shares are issued. Using individual brokers’ transactions, we show that underwriting brokers engage in an abnormally high level of selling during the issue pricing period. Comparison of pricing period returns between stocks with underwritten DRIPs and a matched sample of non‐underwritten DRIPs shows that significantly more negative returns accrue to firms that have their issues underwritten.  相似文献   

We examine whether the agency cost arising from shareholder‐bondholder conflict is an important determinant of the timing of dividend reduction decisions. Firms forced to reduce dividends owing to bond covenant violations experience lower earnings, more frequent losses, and greater earnings declines around the dividend reduction year than do firms that voluntarily reduce dividends. Relative to voluntary‐reduction firms, forced‐reduction firms have higher debt‐to‐equity ratios and managerial holdings. These findings coupled with the increased dividend payout ratios and lower announcement period returns suggest that financially distressed firms that anticipate poor performance have greater incentives to delay reducing dividends to avoid a wealth transfer to bondholders.  相似文献   

This study analyses the price reaction to stock dividend distributions by firms listed on the Athens Stock Exchange on both the announcement and the ex‐dividend day. It also analyses earnings per share, dividends per share and trading volume in the pre‐ and post‐announcement periods. The findings show statistically insignificant abnormal returns on both the announcement and the ex‐dividend day. The analysis does not reveal any significant change in earnings per share and dividends per share, but it does reveal a significant decline in the market‐adjusted trading volume in the post dividend period. The findings, based on a different institutional environment, expand the empirical evidence on the value effects of stock dividends.  相似文献   

The objectives of the article are: firstly, to identify the principal factors which determine interfirm variation in dividend policy within the UK; and secondly, to examine the effect of dividend policy on company stock-market valuation. This cross-section empirical study is based on a random sample of 60 publiclyquoted British companies, and refers to the year 1970.
The Lintner (1956) model is rejected, in that capital requirements and earnings risk are seen to play an important part in determining dividend policy. The 'dividend neutrality' hypothesis is strongly rejected once risk and profitability-of-retained-earnings are taken into account.  相似文献   

We investigate which factors influence 44,649 employees’ decision to invest in a top retail banking group in France. We have two objectives: (i) to explore factors associated with the amount invested in the plan, and (ii) to explore whether these factors have same associations with the probability of investing more than the incentive pay i.e. being an active investor. Specifically, we focus on four parameters that have been shown to affect participation: liquidity constraints, imperfect knowledge of the plan, asset choice, and transaction costs. We confirm Engelhardt and Madrian (Natl Tax J 57:385–406, 2004) assumptions according to which such factors contribute to explain non-participation. We show that ESPP contributors have very specific and unobserved motivations, as shown with the positive correlations between error terms in the two steps of investment decisions. The existence of unobservable investment motives can be explained by a lower risk aversion, a higher time preference, or a strong willingness to participate to corporate governance.  相似文献   

面对知识经济时代的到来,完善资产评估方法是我国资产评估业的迫切需要.我们惯用的成本法将受到很大局限,要研究采用什么方法才能把知识经济时代的企业价值反映出来,特别是要研究如何使用国际上通行的市场法及其他投资估价方法.  相似文献   

While there has been an abundance of empirical research on the subject of mergers and acquisitions, little research exists on a closely related topic—voluntary corporate selloffs. This study examines the effect on shareholder wealth of the announcement by management of an investment decision to voluntarily sell part of its operations to another firm. Positive abnormal returns are found to occur on the announcement date. However, it is found that such selloffs generally occur after a period of abnormally negative returns, suggesting the announcement is preceded by the release of negative information about the firm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) for the years 1992 to 1998 to study the determinants of saving in the form of voluntary contributions to personal pension plans (PPPs). We first estimate a probit model with selection for the probability of making these voluntary contributions. We then estimate a random‐effects tobit regression for the amounts contributed and compare the results with those of a similar regression for conventional saving. Our findings suggest that voluntary contributions to PPPs are made essentially for retirement purposes, whereas conventional saving is undertaken for precautionary motives. The former type of saving is thus unlikely to offset the latter completely.  相似文献   

The predictability of rights valuation models is tested, viewing the rights as call options. The results show that rights valuation models, on average, overprice the rights. The bias in the model prices of rights found in this paper is opposite to that predicted by Merton. Among several factors considered, possible volatility changes associated with raising capital through a rights offering account for some of the observed pricing deviation. A further regression analysis shows that while the pricing deviation is positively related to both the degree that the rights are in the money and the allocation ratio, it is negatively related to the time to expiration and the daily trading volume of the rights.  相似文献   

Canonical valuation uses historical time series to predict the probability distribution of the discounted value of primary assets' discounted prices plus accumulated dividends at any future date. Then the axiomatically-rationalized maximum entropy principle is used to estimate risk-neutral (equivalent martingale) probabilities that correctly price the primary assets, as well as any predesignated subset of derivative securities whose payoffs occur at this date. Valuation of other derivative securities proceeds by calculation of its discounted, risk-neutral expected value. Both simulation and empirical evidence suggest that canonical valuation has merit.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the Least Squares Monte-Carlo (LSM) approach to American option valuation suggested in Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) is performed. We compare the specification of the cross-sectional regressions with Laguerre polynomials used in Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) with alternative specifications and show that some of these have numerically better properties. Furthermore, each of these specifications leads to a trade-off between the time used to calculate a price and the precision of that price. Comparing the method-specific trade-offs reveals that a modified specification using ordinary monomials is preferred over the specification based on Laguerre polynomials. Next, we generalize the pricing problem by considering options on multiple assets and we show that the LSM method can be implemented easily for dimensions as high as ten or more. Furthermore, we show that the LSM method is computationally more efficient than existing numerical methods. In particular, when the number of assets is high, say five, Finite Difference methods are infeasible, and we show that our modified LSM method is superior to the Binomial Model.  相似文献   

国有土地收购价格的内涵及评估探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立和实施土地收购储备制度,土地收购性质均为强制性的买卖关系,而土地收购价评估值则应具有市场性.国有出让土地和国家划拨土地权力状况的差异,决定了收购价格内涵的差异.土地收购评估只是对原用途的评估,而不应与规划用途或改变用途后的价格联系起来.  相似文献   

路线价估价法是市场比较法的派生方法,特别适用于城市商业街道两侧土地的估价,正确运用路线价估价法的前提是掌握路线价及深度指数的含义、确定方法及变化规律.不同国家及地区路线价所对应标准宗地的条件是不一样的,深度指数的含义及类型也有差别.本文就路线价法的基本原理、路线价及深度指数的确定思路和确定方法进行了一定的分析和研究,同时提出了用临街地价格差来确定袋地评估价值的方法,并分析了用该方法与用袋地深度指数评估结果差异的原因.  相似文献   

This paper adopts the linear information dynamics framework pioneered in Ohlson (1979) and Garman and Ohlson (1980) (and subsequently used in, in particular, Ohlson, 1989, 1995 and Feltham and Ohlson, 1995) for thinking about desirable properties of earnings numbers in the context of the market valuation of firms, where such valuations are fundamentally based on expected future dividends. The first purpose of this paper is to consider the valuation-relevance of clean surplus earnings when there are two distinct components of clean surplus earnings whose evolutions are governed, along with book value and dividends, by a system of linear information dynamics, and dividend irrelevancy holds. The system of linear information dynamics assumed ensures that corporate value is a linear combination of the two components of clean surplus earnings, book value and dividends. One question becomes—under what circumstances are clean surplus earnings (combined with book value and dividends) sufficient for corporate valuation without a knowledge of the breakdown of clean surplus earnings into its separate components? This paper develops the conditions defining these circumstances. At the other extreme, another question can be asked—under what circumstances is one component of clean surplus earnings irrelevant to corporate valuation? This paper identifies some conditions that identify these latter circumstances. The second purpose of the paper is to identify implications of these results for both the traditional arguments about the desirability of measuring earnings on a clean surplus basis and also the more contemporary issues surrounding FRS3. A third purpose is to discuss the implications of the overall analysis for the empirical testing of the relationship between market prices and earnings numbers, and for empirically-justified definitions of maintainable earnings.  相似文献   

Most fundamental analysis studies have focused on fundamentals selected by a data-driven approach on large samples of firms from numerous industries. This paper reports the results of a fundamental analysis of a single industry, the US oil and gas exploration and production industry, using variables identified by industry financial analysts. The results demonstrate a significant relationship between a number of the fundamentals with both the market value of equity and cumulative stock return. The results also suggest that the fundamentals provide incremental information beyond earnings, change in earnings, and book value of equity when explaining equity values and stock returns.  相似文献   

This paper lays out alternative equity valuation models that involve forecasting for finite periods and shows how they are related to each other. It contrasts dividend discounting models, discounted cash flow models, and residual income models based on accrual accounting. It shows that some models that are apparently different yield the same valuation. It gives the general form of the terminal value calculation in these models and shows how this calculation serves to correct errors in the model. It also shows that all models can be interpreted as providing a particular specification of the terminal value for the dividend discount model. In so doing it shows how one calculates the terminal value for the dividend discount formula. The calculation involves weighting forecasted stocks and flows of value with weights determined by a parameter that can be discovered from pro forma analysis.  相似文献   

This study reveals that there are valuation differences in the announcement effects among firms engaged in interfirm asset sales. Even though, in the aggregate, these selloffs result in significant increases in share prices, there is a group of firms that experience no significant increases in shareholder wealth. These are firms that have adopted antitake-over devices prior to announcing corporate selloffs. For these firms, public perception about management's intention has been altered to the extent that the selloffs are interpreted as a way to consolidate the antitakeover position of the management.  相似文献   

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