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In spite of recent economic events which suggest that families are having much difficulty managing their financial resources, little research has focused on spouses' attitudes and behaviour regarding family financial management. This study addressed three questions: (1) What are spouses' attitudes toward and behaviour regarding family financial management? (2) To what degree do husbands and wives agree in their attitudes and report similar behaviour regarding financial management? and (3) What factors effect the attitudes and behaviour of spouses regarding management of their financial resources? While spouses' attitudes were generally supportive of family resource management principles and philosophy regarding financial management, their reported behaviour indicated relatively few families acted on their beliefs. Correlations between husbands' and wives' attitudinal and behavioural scores were positive and statistically significant; however, the modest coefficients indicated much room for disagreement between spouses regarding family management. The family characteristics which were the best predictors of positive financial management attitudes and effective behaviour included: number of years married; completion of a course in consumer education by a spouse; and occupational status of wives.  相似文献   

This research examined the amount of time rural and urban children spent in household production activities, and several demographic factors related to that time use. Data were obtained from a multi-state family time-use survey, NE-113 ‘Use of Time in Rural and Urban Families’. Home interviews were conducted with 2,100 families in II states. The sample consisted of 1,045 rural children and 1,026 urban children, aged 6–17. The hypothesis, that the differentials in time spent in household production by rural and urban children will be due to assignment of tasks by sex, was confirmed. Boys spent similar amounts of time in housework regardless of place of residence, while rural girls spent more time than urban girls.  相似文献   

A model of use-utility of household durables was developed and estimated using survey data. The survey was conducted to identify attributes relating to the efficiency of kitchen work centres. Indexes for the most important attributes were developed and used to compare different selections of equipment. The impact of adding an equipment item was found to vary with the characteristics of the item, the degree of importance ascribed to attributes of the work center and specific functions performed there  相似文献   

Literature on sex roles encompasses numerous studies on the division of responsibility in late-life marriages. Some older wives report that they continue to assume responsibility for mos: household chores and they actually perform most tasks. Other wives claim that following retirement, husbands increase their participation within the household arena. However, the increase tends to be in the level of activity involvement rather than in assuming responsibility for new or non-traditional chores. The trend toward egalitarianism in later life, especially for happy couples, is documented by numerous studies. It appears that while role expectations are less gender-specific among older people, they tend to follow the patterns established during middle-age. However, the research is not conclusive. No analysis has compared different living environments of older couples. A sample (n = 244) or older wives (mean age 72 years) living in two different residential settings were questioned via a mailed survey about their responsibility and behaviours regarding 12 household tasks: cooking meals, washing dishes, doing yard work, washing clothes, maintaining the car, writing letters, scheduling family events, getting or earning money, cleaning house, shopping, undertaking household repairs and making family decisions. High scores suggest a non-traditional approach to sex-role tasks, while low scores suggest egalitarian relationships. The views that wives have of division of responsibility of household tasks is explored: who should take responsibility for tasks and who does the tasks? Variables previously found to influence sex-role beliefs are examined. In particular, relationships between sex roles and marital quality, length of marriage, family income, frequency of interaction with children, residential environment and health are presented.  相似文献   

The recent focus on sustainability as guiding principle for economic activity has generated many, and often conflicting, definitions of sustainable economic development. Yet while the terminology may be new, the discussion is not. Rather it parallels the discussion about biases of economic measurement and valuation concepts which have led to the neglect of the domestic and subsistence contribution of female householdership relegated to the informal sector. This paper argues that the selective focus of economics on narrowly defined productive functions has led to the detrimental neglect of sustaining functions without which production itself would be impaired. Informed by feminist theory, three principles are identified which are essential to the conceptual framework of a sustainable production theory. They are: concretion rather than abstraction, connectedness rather than isolation, and diversity rather than homogeneity. Without deterring from the importance of gender (especially in economics), the discussion of these principles of a sustaining orientation of economics is viewed in a broader context of mind-sets. It is argued that to reframe the relationship between production and sustainability as compatible rather than adversarial requires a broadening of theory, inquiry, and methodology. The voices of women who have gone largely unheard in economics are essential in this refraining process.
Zusammenfassung Von der Produktion zur Nachhaltigkeit: Die Betrachtung des Haushalts als Ganzes. Die neuere Betonung der Nachhaltigkeit als Leitprinzip für ökonomisches Handeln hat zu vielen — manchmal uneinheitlichen — Definitionen der nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung geführt. Neu ist bei dieser Diskussion nur die terminologische Seite, die inhaltliche ist es nicht. Vielmehr gleicht sie der Diskussion über unzulÄngliche Konzepte zur ökonomischen Messung und Bewertung, die zu einer VernachlÄssigung des dem informellen Sektor zugeordneten Unterhaltsbeitrages der überwiegend weiblichen haushÄlterischen TÄtigkeit geführt hat. Der vorliegende Beitrag will zeigen, da\ die einseitige Betonung eng definierter produktiver Funktionen durch das ökonomische Denken zu einer schÄdlichen VernachlÄssigung der Unterhaltsfunktionen geführt hat, ohne die die Produktion sehr beeintrÄchtigt wÄre. Ausgehend von feministischer Theorie werden drei Prinzipien identifiziert, die für eine Theorie nachhaltiger Produktion wichtig sind: Konkretisierung statt Abstraktion, Verbundenheit statt Isolation und Verschiedenheit statt Einheitlichkeit. Wenn Produktion und Nachhaltigkeit in neuer Sichtweise nicht mehr nur als gegensÄtzlich, sondern als miteinander vereinbar gesehen werden sollen, so ist dafür eine Ausweitung der Fragestellungen der Theorie und der Methodologie notwendig. Die Stimmen der in der ökonomik weitgehend ungehörten Frauen sind für diese neue Sichtweise sehr wichtig.

The distribution of consumption is the relative ranking of households with regard to their consumption level. This article discusses the possibilities and some of the problems in measuring consumption levels by combining expenditure and household production into one total figure. The feasibility of our approach is illustrated by using data from the Dutch 1980 budget survey and the 1980 time use study. The findings show that this total figure differs more between households of different size than between households by stage of life cycle or by income level.  相似文献   

论家庭消费性生产与家务劳动产品价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘茂松 《消费经济》2002,18(1):62-64
家庭需要是指家庭成员在物质和文化生活中所产生的需求,其实现过程直接产生家庭生产性效用即欲望的满足,以往,人们只是把这个欲望实现过程看成是一种纯消费,其实,消费本身也不是家庭成员生活的最终目的,在消费过程中生产出“满足”家庭生活所要的最终产品才是目的,所以,从“满足”即效用产生这个角度来看,消费的过程也是一种生产的过程,当然,我们在这里讲的消费性生产,并不完全是从“满足”产生的角度来界定的,而是从家庭服务产品的角度来论证的,我们知道,服务业是第三次产业,家庭中直接为生活服务也就是直接为满足人们的各种欲望服务的活动,如做饭、洗衣、带小孩以及家庭文娱活动等,如果请人来做,那么,就构成了社会服务产业,而如果由家庭成员自己来做,以往则认为是家庭纯生活行为,而未被认为是一种生产或产业行为,现在看来,家庭成员所进行的这种家务活动,也是一种消费性的生产活动,因为,它同样要占用时间,要花费直接成本和机会成本,更重要的是它可以对社会服务业进行替代,具有转换形态的价值。  相似文献   

The household life‐cycle stage is a significant contributor to the perception of subjective well‐being; however, the effect of household expenditures of life‐cycles on subjective well‐being has not been thoroughly explored. The life‐course perspective, specifically the study of family/household life‐cycles, emphasizes the understanding of subjective well‐being across the entire life‐span. Accordingly, in the literature subjective well‐being is often studied at different life‐stages considering the influence of variables such as age, cohabitation and fertility. The present study evaluates the level of subjective well‐being across the various life‐cycle stages using a matching method on a Hungarian national sample. This approach is appropriate for studies using observational data because the administration of a true experimental design is usually not feasible for this type of research. The main finding of the article is that controlling for the expenditure structure significantly modifies the effect of life‐cycle on subjective well‐being, which is varied across life‐cycle stages and shown to be highly dependent on household expenditures.  相似文献   

A path model was tested to ascertain the relationships between certain socio-economic and demographic variables, the percentage of household meals prepared and eaten at home (secondary household production), food expenditures, and the household's reported adequacy of food consumed. Significant positive predictors of secondary household production of food were the age of the head and household size. Negative predictors were education of the head, income of the head(s) and number of hours worked by the household head(s). By far the most important predictor was the number of hours worked. The strongest predictor of food expenditures was household size. Other positive predictors were income of the head(s), number of household heads and the degree of urbanization. Negatively affecting food expenditures was secondary household production of food, indicating the ‘saving’ effect of preparing meals at home. The household's reported adequacy of their food was predicted by the positive effect of education of the head, age of the head, tenure, hours worked by the head(s) and number of household heads. Although the number of hours the heads are employed decreased the percentage of meals prepared at home, and the percentage of meals at home negatively affected expenditures, the number of employment hours had no effect on food expenditures.  相似文献   

The joint venture arrangement continues to emerge as a dominant business format in developing countries. However, it has a high propensity for partner conflict, dissatisfaction and failure. This study examine U.S.-Saudi joint ventures by developing and empirically testing a model of partner satisfaction whose conceptual framework is rooted in the marketing channels literature.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical techniques were used to explore two major conceptual issues in consumer behaviour research involving social class: (1) the importance of income, as compared to social class, in determining household behaviour, and (2) the effect of the status of wives on the behaviour of their households. A subsample of expenditure data, collected from 5,994 husband-wife families, as part of the 1973 Consumer Expenditure Survey, was used in the analysis. The dependent variable was expenditures for household services. The independent variables included total consumption expenditures (a proxy for income), the status of the wife, the status of the husband, family type, location, and characteristics of the dwelling. The results of an Ordinary Least Squares regression procedure demonstrated that total consumption expenditures were the most important variable in determining expenditures for household services. The size of the effect of the status of the wife was comparable to that of the status of the husband. In both cases, the effect was significant but small.  相似文献   

本文选取1990-2019年国家统计局公布的数据,运用柯布-道格拉斯生产函数模型来反映居民储蓄率和常住人口城镇化率、少儿抚养比、老年抚养比之间的关系。最终发现:1990-2019年,在常住人口城镇化率呈现快速单调递增的前提下,少儿抚养比一直呈现下降的趋势,并最终稳定在一个较低的水平状态;老年抚养比则一直呈现较为缓慢的增长趋势;居民储蓄率呈现波动性上升的趋势,并最终稳定在一个较高水平区间呈现震荡上升的状态。基于此,本研究提出:需要积极转变人口思想——从人口数量转变到人口质量;需要注意到人口年龄结构和城镇化水平的变化对经济活动所造成的影响。  相似文献   

Does the widely accepted espectancy-disconfirmation model apply to situations within a financial services context? Or could it be, due to specific characteristics of services, that a different model applies? This paper addresses these questions and tests the relationships between consumer expectations, performance, disconfirmation, .satisfaction and repeat purchase in a lisrel model. The results would suggest that the relevancy of disconfirmation is fairly apparent and that expectations have only an indirect influence on satisfaction where financial services are concerned. The performance level of financial services however has a strong positive direct effect on satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between perceived justice, emotions, and satisfaction during service recovery (SR). The current research work proposes a model analyzing the direct effects of justice on satisfaction, along with its indirect effects, via emotions. A field study that captures consumer perceptions of actual SR situations in the cellular-telephone sector tests the model. The paper investigates the relative effects of the dimensions of perceived justice on satisfaction and the emotions triggered by SR. Results indicate that all three justice dimensions affect satisfaction, with procedural justice showing the strongest relative influence, as well as being the only dimension affecting the emotions. Results also show that negative emotions mediate the effects of justice on satisfaction with SR (SSR).  相似文献   


While its importance in marketing is never questioned, customer satisfaction has rightly been described as “a complex and elusive phenomenon.” The search continues for factors/variables that determine its presence and magnitude. This paper examines the affective aspect of customer satisfaction in the globally important, but highly competitive airline industry. Two major forms of affective state of the consumer are examined, namely: (i) mood, and (ii) quality of life. Findings show that both tend to have significant influence on the level of satisfaction with services in the airline industry. However, some elementary services tend to be more influenced than others by these affective states of the consumer. Implications, and managerial applications of the findings for augmenting customer satisfaction in the airline industry are discussed.  相似文献   

Two time-budget studies, from Finland and the U.S.A., were examined across nations and across sexes with regard to household production time in two parent, two-child households. Time-use difference in various household activity categories (basic housework, child- and member-care, maintenance, and shopping and management) were analysed according to respondents' employment status. Three-way analysis of variance revealed that all three variables, nationality, sex and employment status made a significant difference in the time-use mean scores. Part-time employed Finnish men allocated more time to household production than other Finnish men. The equality ratios confirmed that women in both countries carry the heaviest burden in the house-hold work, especially in traditionally female basic housework tasks. In Finnish households the equality ratios were consistently smaller than in the U.S. households indicating a more egalitarian division of household work. Implications for future cross-national time-use research including gender issues are discussed.  相似文献   

We advance understanding of the embedded role of the family household in governing firm performance in an impoverished setting. Drawing on bricolage theory, which articulates how individuals make do with resources at hand, we suggest that family household diversity facilitates creativity while family household shared business experience facilitates routinization. While initially performance enhancing, unfettered creativity and overroutinization have detrimental effects and thus expect the highest levels of performance to occur at moderate levels of family household diversity and shared business experience. We find general support for our hypotheses using a large sample of firms and families in impoverished Indian households.  相似文献   


This survey examines consumer satisfaction with the informational value of magazine and television advertising. Three significant conclusions are indicated by the data: (1) consumers are more satisfied with the informational value of magazine advertising than television advertising; (2) blacks are more satisfied with the informational value of both types of advertising than whites; and (3) middle-income are more satisfied with the informational value of both types of advertising than are low - and high-income.  相似文献   

Some Dissatisfaction with Satisfaction: Universities, Values, and Quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article moves beyond the narrow discussion of the applicability of Total Quality Management to the university which has amounted to a debate over whether business has something to teach the university about customers and satisfaction. The article goes at the matter from a different direction as it investigates what business can learn from the university about quality.  相似文献   

The pace of aging in China is accelerating, from the introduction of family planning to the liberalization of the two-child policy, with a growing proportion of families in the 4–2-1 structure. With filial piety in mind, most adult children will live with their elderly parents and share income and expenditure. Concurrently, due to the inadequacy of the social security system, a heavy supplementary burden of supporting the elderly has been placed on adult children. Based on data from the 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017 Chinese Social Survey (CSS) of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), this study analyzes the objective factors affecting household elderly support expenditure using the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation method. It also examines the crowding-out effect of elderly support expenditure on the consumption of different types of households through a panel generalized method of moments (GMM) approach. Finally, the crowding-out effect of elderly support expenditure is discussed in a sub-sample according to the number of households needing to support the elderly aged 60 and above. The empirical results illustrate that there is a crowding-out effect of elderly support expenditure on household consumption, and the magnitude of the crowding-out effect varies for diverse consumption. Our study reveals that the crowding-out effect of elderly support expenditure on core consumption is the largest in a sample with different numbers of elderly persons in families. The empirical results for the sub-sample show that the larger the elderly population, the stronger the crowding-out effect of elderly support expenditure on core consumption and the less pronounced the effect on marginal consumption.  相似文献   

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