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A path model was tested to ascertain the relationships between certain socio-economic and demographic variables, the percentage of household meals prepared and eaten at home (secondary household production), food expenditures, and the household's reported adequacy of food consumed. Significant positive predictors of secondary household production of food were the age of the head and household size. Negative predictors were education of the head, income of the head(s) and number of hours worked by the household head(s). By far the most important predictor was the number of hours worked. The strongest predictor of food expenditures was household size. Other positive predictors were income of the head(s), number of household heads and the degree of urbanization. Negatively affecting food expenditures was secondary household production of food, indicating the ‘saving’ effect of preparing meals at home. The household's reported adequacy of their food was predicted by the positive effect of education of the head, age of the head, tenure, hours worked by the head(s) and number of household heads. Although the number of hours the heads are employed decreased the percentage of meals prepared at home, and the percentage of meals at home negatively affected expenditures, the number of employment hours had no effect on food expenditures.  相似文献   

We consider the relationship between relative price changes and the allocation of labor between households and the formal wage labor market in the context of Vietnam's liberalization of its rice trade in the 1990s. Many individuals in poor economies work within their own household rather than in formal labor markets. We find that larger rice price increases in a community are associated with declines in hours adults devote to work within the household and increases in time spent in the wage labor market. We also observe increased specialization in household economic activities accompanying these shifts in hours towards wage work. Our results are consistent with the idea that a growth in the extent of the market shifts production and labor from households to markets during development, thereby inducing gains from specialization. Thus, the reallocation of labor between households and markets in response to a trade liberalization might be an important component in understanding the link between trade and growth in very poor economies, currently the focus of the Doha WTO negotiation round.  相似文献   

This research examined the amount of time rural and urban children spent in household production activities, and several demographic factors related to that time use. Data were obtained from a multi-state family time-use survey, NE-113 ‘Use of Time in Rural and Urban Families’. Home interviews were conducted with 2,100 families in II states. The sample consisted of 1,045 rural children and 1,026 urban children, aged 6–17. The hypothesis, that the differentials in time spent in household production by rural and urban children will be due to assignment of tasks by sex, was confirmed. Boys spent similar amounts of time in housework regardless of place of residence, while rural girls spent more time than urban girls.  相似文献   

Ordinary least squares multiple regression was used to model time spent in household work by children, aged 6–19, in 2,100 two-parent, two-child households in 11 states. First-born boys and girls and second-born boys and girls were analysed separately. Whether the data were collected on a schoolday was not significant in predicting all children's time in household work. Own age in both linear and quadratic forms was significant in explaining time of first-born boys and second-born girls, while living in a rural area was significant for second-born girls only. First-born boys were found to contribute significantly less time to household work than first-born girls.  相似文献   

Marital satisfaction in a low-income sample in the province of Manitoba in Canada was investigated in this study. The sample consisted of 505 couples who took part in Manitoba's low-income experiment in 1974. Using a single measure of marital satisfaction, both husbands and wives reported high satisfaction. Using multiple regression analysis to examine correlates of marital satisfaction, it was found that the best predictors for couples were companionship, money management and husband's occupation. The best predictors for wives' marital satisfaction were companionship and husband's occupation, and the best predictors for husbands' marital satisfaction were companionship and money management.  相似文献   

Two time-budget studies, from Finland and the U.S.A., were examined across nations and across sexes with regard to household production time in two parent, two-child households. Time-use difference in various household activity categories (basic housework, child- and member-care, maintenance, and shopping and management) were analysed according to respondents' employment status. Three-way analysis of variance revealed that all three variables, nationality, sex and employment status made a significant difference in the time-use mean scores. Part-time employed Finnish men allocated more time to household production than other Finnish men. The equality ratios confirmed that women in both countries carry the heaviest burden in the house-hold work, especially in traditionally female basic housework tasks. In Finnish households the equality ratios were consistently smaller than in the U.S. households indicating a more egalitarian division of household work. Implications for future cross-national time-use research including gender issues are discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluates couples’ time use behaviour with regard to housework in Germany with data from the 2001/2002 and 1991/1992 German Time Use Survey. Despite the fact that women reduced their hours worked within the household context over the past decades, the unequal division of housework between men and women still persists. This study aims both at analysing the determinants of the allocation of time spent on housework, as well as why gender differences in household time use behaviour still exist. With the aid of structural equation modelling, it is shown that the decrease in time spent on housework by women can largely be explained by changes in the effects that wages, household goods consumption and the aspiration for market goods consumption have on time spent on housework. Men’s time allocation behaviour has remained remarkably constant. It is also observed that women’s time allocation behaviour with regard to household work is becoming more similar to that of men.  相似文献   


Relationship Marketing is an important approach to the study of exchanges. This approach puts emphasis on the development of trust, satisfaction and relational norms to obtain parties' commitment. However, there are very few studies that consider the different levels the consumer relates with. Moreover, a limited number of marketing studies include variables that are often used in economic approaches such as signalling theory, which can enrich the understanding of commercial relationships. Therefore, the proposed multidisciplinary model relates economic variables—the signals that firms send to the market—and key relational variables—satisfaction and trust—considering three relationship levels of trust and satisfaction—store brands, personnel and stores. Results show a transference process among the three levels of trust and confirm that satisfaction and signals are important antecedents of each trust level.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship of family resources to the wife's time spent in housework. Safilios-Rothschild's inventory of resources was used as a guide in selecting variables to understand utility maximization in time use. Results indicate that the number of hours the wife spent in housework increased as the number of hours spent working outside the home decreased, family size increased and her perception that income was adequate decreased. More time also was spent if she had a chronic health condition which worried her. Implications discussed included those for further research to investigate the relationship of sex roles to housework attitudes and behaviours.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new household panel data approach to study the gender specific effects of exports on labor force participation and household work.We construct a novel measure, the Export Exposure index, by combining information about exports and the respondent's location. The index enables us to address a key identification issue, which is to estimate the effect of exports that is unconfounded by unobserved household characteristics and macroeconomic shocks. We construct a simple model to show that if women have a comparative disadvantage in market work relative to men, and if an increase in exports increases the gender wage gap, Labor force participation of the women would be negatively related to exports. We find that in Indonesia, exports encourage women to substitute their time away from paid labor participation towards unpaid house or family work, but have no statistically significant effect on men, as predicted by our model.  相似文献   

A study of more than 400 food-service managers found that well over one-fourth of the respondents intended to leave their position in the near future—with at least half of those planning to depart the food-service business entirely. Even among the managers who were reasonably content with their jobs in the near term, two out of five thought it was unlikely that they'd stay with their company for five years. The top reason given by the respondents for wanting to leave was salary and benefits. Given previous studies of reasons for turnover, the authors examined the extent of a connection between turnover intention and the following factors: job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and interrole conflict, and such demographic variables as age, tenure, race, and gender. Three of those factors had a significant effect on respondents' intent to leave in the short term: intrinsic job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and age. In each case, the higher the value of the variable (more satisfaction, greater age), the less likely the chances of turnover. Satisfaction also played a significant part in expectations of long-term turnover.  相似文献   

This contribution attempts to identify effects of the type of livelihood of rural family households on their economic behaviour. Economic behaviour is understood to be reflected in the total spectrum of income and allocation of household resources. A holistic approach must go beyond activity in the labour and consumer markets and include non-market (‘informal’) activities of household members, taking into account domestic production of goods and services, interaction within social networks, the use of public and commercial infrastructure, etc. Our study of resource income and allocation as a function of the household's livelihood undertook a comprehensive investigation of both market and non-market resources of the sample households. Results for full- and part-time farming family households, as well as for employee and self-employed households in the non-farm sector were compared. All survey households were comprised of four persons with an ‘intermediate’ level of family income living in disadvantaged rural areas. Apparent, but yet unquantified differences between these socio-professional groups, e.g. with regard to time-inputs into gainful activity, to regularity of income, and to joint accounting of the family and the firm/holding in self-employed households, had lent support to the hypothesis that there are marked differences in resource income and allocation strategies between these socio-professional groups. Survey results revealed, in quantitative terms, large workloads involved with self-employment, fringe benefits from dependent employment and, on the other hand, side-benefits from self-employment, such as the use of business stocks for private consumption. Compensatory effects of the disposition and use of non-market resources with regard to lower incomes was observed, as well as considerable differences between the socio-professional subsamples in strategies for and amounts of capital formation and social security. Furthermore, productive roles within the household, and the household's interaction with its social networks and other public and semi-public entities differed strongly between the socio-professional groups. Variance analysis disclosed that the findings on the above described differences in resource income and allocation between the socio-professional subsamples were statistically highly significant.  相似文献   

Family savings is crucial to long-term wellbeing for all members in a household, particularly in a Chinese context where costs of living increasingly shift from government to individuals. Savings are typically examined as a balance of financial behaviors and spending preferences; however, this study highlights how savings in a family context is also a function of relationship status. Drawing on intra-household bargaining models, we analyze data from the 2014 China Family Panel Studies to examine the extent to which men's and women's relative power in the household explain variation in savings levels across families. Our findings indicate that women's greater bargaining positions (e.g., income and assets) correspond with greater savings for the family. However, such bargaining power constitutes a net negative for family savings when women have both greater relational power and higher spending preferences. We suggest that family savings can and should be understood as an outcome of dynamic bargaining conditions in addition to income factors.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study which examined the extent of the father's involvement in child rearing and traditionally female household work. The quality of life perceived by the husband, wife and oldest child in each family in the sample was assessed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between sources of family income and household expenditure on private, after‐school education for children in secondary schools in Korea in the context of educational ‘credentialism’, which values evidence of college education highly. Data from a survey of 514 parents of secondary school students are used. Estimated ordinary least squares coefficients indicate that the wife's income, but not the husband's, was positively associated with the amount of spending on children's education at private, after‐school programmes. This finding suggests that some married women with children in Korea seek employment in order to earn the money needed for their children's private, after‐school education.  相似文献   

Abstract Examination of household economic activities including management, interfamily economic exchange and production as they influence level of living was conducted on samples of men and women. Differences in reported activities as well as perceptions were observed for men and women. Forty-five per cent of the variation in men's satisfaction with level of living was explained by economic and management activities and socioeconomic demographic characteristics, whereas 46% of women's variation was explained by these variables. The paths to satisfaction with level of living were different. Perceived sense of control was an intervening variable between activities/characteristics and satisfaction with level of living for women but not for men. The results support the hypothesized relationships in the family economic model. The results document the possibility for household economic activities as sources of real income to maintain and improve level of living, especially in times of decreased purchasing power.  相似文献   

Whether husbands are increasing their time in household tasks, especially when their wives are employed, has been a topic of debate in recent years. Several studies have found that husbands are participating in more child care now than in the past. But are husbands also doing other tasks now? Is there any relationship between the amounts of time that husbands and wives allocate to various household tasks? Are there any weekday versus weekend differences? A small sample of husbands and wives recorded their time spent in various activities for 7 consecutive days. The findings reveal that wives spent more time in general doing household tasks than did their husbands. Employed wives and their husbands both decreased their total time in household work, compared with full-time homemakers and their husbands. At weekends, however, both employed wives and homemakers decreased their overall time in household work while the husbands increased theirs. The t-test revealed that at weekends there were no significant differences in the times allocated to various household tasks by employed wives and their husbands, and significant differences only in time spent in child care and food preparation/clean-up by homemakers and their spouses. There appears to be a more egalitarian approach by husbands and wives to household tasks at weekends than on weekdays, even when the wives are not employed. Although these findings should not be generalized to the population, they indicate an intriguing possible trend which deserves further investigation.  相似文献   


Prior studies of industrialized countries have found that a definite relationship exists between the stock market returns and macroeconomic variables such as inflation and real output. This paper investigates the effects of changes in the consumer price index on industrial production and stock market returns for China. Six different types of Chinese shares are examined for the period 1994–1998. The results show a very significant positive relationship between inflation and real output. A positive and significant association is found between stock returns and real output in current periods. Inflation seems to have no impact on Chinese real stock returns. These relationships all hold for “B” shares, “H” shares and red chips. China's “A” share returns seem not to be impacted by either changes in domestic inflation or real industrial production.  相似文献   

While home builders traditionally think of customer service in terms of upgrades and mortgage options, home buyers are thought to view the quality of service on a much broader basis. Previous research has identified five dimensions of service quality: appearance, reliability, timeliness, knowledge, and empathy. Home‐buyer satisfaction with service quality is then the result of home builders providing services that are perceived as meeting or exceeding buyer expectations. Although much research has been done regarding home‐buyer satisfaction with service quality, there is still a gap between builders' and home buyers' perception of the quality of service. Builders need to identify and understand home‐buyer needs in order to constantly improve service quality. This paper describes an exploratory study that focused on customer satisfaction with service quality. The objective of this study was to assess the correlations between various factors on home‐buyer expectations and their perceptions of service quality. Demographics considered in this study included age, gender and household income, while transaction characteristics included purchase price, number of occupants and house size. Characteristics such as higher income, higher purchase price, and larger house size appeared to value dimensions such as reliability most highly. Characteristics such as lower income, lower purchase price and smaller house size appeared to value dimensions such as empathy and appearance most highly. Gender, age and household size did not have significant associations with expectations or relative importance, but age and household size were associated with actual perceptions of service dimensions. Understanding the influence of these variables on customer satisfaction with service quality can positively impact home builders through improved reputation and increased local referrals.  相似文献   

The multi‐functionality of computers and the increased accessibility of the Internet have created a demand for computers at home which was previously concentrated in offices. Using the Heckman two‐step model and by combining socioeconomic factors and insights from Becker's theory on allocation of time in the household with information system theories, it was found that: (i) household allocation of resources; (ii) age and gender; and (iii) household social environment are significant in determining computer purchase decisions and its extent of usage in households in Malaysia, a developing information, communication and technology country. Responses collected from 500 computer users were used in the study. Unlike most household technologies, the results also suggested that despite the multi‐functionality of computers, it was perceived as a technology that facilitates the consumption process more than the production process.  相似文献   

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