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避免信托重复征税的基本原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重复征税是我国信托税制中存在的最突出的问题。构建信托税制、避免重复征税,必须坚持税制的一般原理与信托制度独特的基本原理相结合,以信托导管原理为理论分析工具,确立以实质课税主义为核心的基本原则。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper explores the relationship between tax-induced dividend clientele theory and the recent changes to the taxation of income trusts in Canada. On October 31, 2006, the Canadian government announced the Tax Fairness Plan ( TFP ) calling for the elimination of the considerable tax advantage enjoyed by income trusts. Generally, distributions from income trusts are now taxed at rates comparable to those imposed on corporate dividends. We examine market reaction to the  TFP  to address three issues: first, whether the valuation effect of a dividend tax increase is consistent with the traditional or the new view of dividend taxation; secondly, whether the market reaction to tax increases has a differential impact on firm value that is related to the tax preferences of taxable, tax-exempt, and foreign investor tax clienteles; and thirdly, whether firms change their dividend policies in response to the preference of institutional investors (tax-based dividend policy effect) or whether institutional investors are sorting themselves across firms based on their dividend policies (investor sorting effect). Our results provide strong evidence as follows. First, the valuation effect in reaction to the  TFP  announcement is consistent with the traditional view of dividend taxation – i.e. that taxes on dividends reduce the net return to investors, increase the firm's cost of capital and lower the firm's ability to access capital markets, thereby discouraging investment and savings. Secondly, we saw that trusts with a larger percentage of their units held by tax-exempt, low-tax, and foreign investors had a higher decline in value when compared with trusts held mostly by ordinary taxable investors. These results support dividend tax clientele theory. Finally, we observed changes in institutional investor clienteles consistent with the investor sorting effect.  相似文献   

对利于援助弱势群体的负所得税制构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国社会中存在着急需援助的弱势群体,这是一个不争的事实。引入社会保障与税收两制度的结合体——负所得税制度,可以弥补现行救助措施存在的缺陷,解决该社会问题。  相似文献   

Why is interest income taxed so much more heavily than other forms of capital income? This differential tax treatment has generated substantial tax arbitrage, resulting in lower tax revenue, efficiency costs, and apparently net gains to rich borrowers and net losses to poor lenders, together suggesting that this tax treatment makes no sense on welfare grounds. In examining this argument more formally, this paper reveals two omitted considerations that can help explain the existing tax treatment. First, the forecasted increase in the market interest rate results in a redistribution from rich borrowers to poor lenders. Yet this redistribution comes at no marginal efficiency cost, starting from a situation with no distortions to portfolio choice, so at the margin dominates further redistribution through the income tax. In addition, information about an individual's portfolio choice reveals information about her earnings ability, even controlling for observed labor income, if those who are more able tend to be less risk averse. By making use of this extra information about earnings ability, the tax system can be better tailored to redistribute from able to less able, for any given efficiency cost.  相似文献   

A Norwegian tax reform committee recently proposed a personal tax on the realized income from shares after deduction for an imputed risk-free rate of return. This paper describes the design of the proposed shareholder income tax and shows that it will be neutral with respect to investment and financing decisions and decisions to realize capital gains, provided that full loss offsets are granted. Thus the tax allows some non-distortionary double taxation of corporate equity income. With an appropriate choice of tax rates, it also solves the problem of income shifting under a dual income tax. JEL Code: H24, H25  相似文献   

高小萍 《涉外税务》2001,(12):18-22
保罗·A·萨缪尔森说:“干预竞争的供求机制是矫正收入分配而同时又会降低效率的一种手段,不论你所企求的收入分配如何.你往往能够利用税收制度来进行收入再分配,这种办法要比狭隘的对于个别市场的干预更有效.”这说明:收入分配领域有其自身的特殊性,一方面它要求市场法则和市场机制对其进行效率方面的调节,另一方面市场法则和市场机制对其公平方面的调节却是失灵的.所以,对市场机制形成的收入分配进行适当的政府调节尽管不是最佳的方法,但却不是不合理的.税收作为政府调节个人收入分配的间接手段,已经成为各国广泛运用的一项重要工具.世界各国根据其不同经济发展阶段的政策目标,采取不同的税收政策来影响个人收入分配,进而达到其经济目的.……  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国劳动要素收入在国民收入分配中比重呈现出先增后减的现象,这引起了国内学者的广泛关注.现有国内文献探讨的核心问题是要素收入分配失衡的原因,而缺乏对税收调节的考察.本文就税收调节要素收入分配的国内外文献进行梳理与评述,并在此基础之上提出研究不足与展望.  相似文献   

传统公司课税理论从法人性质角度说明公司负担所得税的合理性,但是这种解释方式受到了现行公司组织形式多样化的挑战。美国之所以对C公司、S公司、有限责任公司和开放式合伙采取灵活多样的所得税制,而不受纳税人是否具有独立法人资格的影响,乃是贯彻应能负税原则使然。在这一理论的指导下,并受国际上减轻经济性双重征税趋势的影响,我国对一人公司应改为采用单一课税模式。  相似文献   

施正文 《涉外税务》2003,1(4):27-28
征税参与原则是指受征税权力运行影响的人有权参与征税权力的运作过程,并对征税决定的形成发挥有效作用。“参与”不同于“参加”或“到场”,它是行为主体一种自主、自愿、有目的的参加,意在通过自己的行为影响某种结果的形成。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore how the government can play a role in affecting the compensation policies of private firms in a manner that complements its income tax policies. We illustrate how this role of the government can be served by minimum wage legislation. JEL Code: H2, D6  相似文献   

在传统的税法界定中,股票期权所得属于工资薪金所得,但它特有的性质决定了对其征税的规则不同于一般工资薪金所得。我国对于股票期权征税的立法规定体现在国家税务总局颁布的4部法规中,规范主要涉及四大问题:对所得的界定、跨国征税中境内所得的划分、所得征税的程序以及对企业应税所得的抵扣。OECD在2004年发布的报告和2005年新出的所得征税范本的注释中,针对跨国股票期权所得征税问题也做出相应回应。借鉴OECD的最新研究报告,应对我国现有制度中潜在的问题进行反思。  相似文献   

This study is the second in a series of studies investigating tax compliance costs incurred by public-listed companies. We found evidence of a size effect which is a predominant finding of similar studies. The size effect was more pronounced when absolute measures of costs were used than when a relative measure, cost/sales turnover, was used. Additional evidence was found of limited success relating to the IRAS's moves to simplify the tax system. Specifically, only large companies with sales turnover exceeding $500m benefited and considerably reduced their overall compliance costs. Most of the decrease was a result of the computational component of compliance costs. This resulted in the gap in absolute costs narrowing between Group 3 and any of the other categories of companies. There was also greater reliance on external professionals, the smaller the company. Views elicited indicate that more could be done to increase accessibility to IRAS publications for Group 1 and Group 2 companies.  相似文献   

全面落实税收法定的政策要求与立法实践,保障着我国财税制度改革能够获得稳定的法律环境。然而,作为税法基本原则的税收法定主义在我国宪法中却未能得到确立,宪法第五十六条显然无法兼容"控制政府征税权"的逻辑基点。为使征税权控制获得根本法层面的正当性,并使宪法内容与改革所追求的社会秩序相适应,梳理和借鉴域外各国的经验模式,应当在宪法的"公民权利义务"章节和"人民代表大会职权"章节做出条款补充,以符合中国实际的小范围修宪的方式,稳妥地实现税收法定原则的宪法植入。  相似文献   

最优所得税理论与我国个人所得税的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最优所得税理论一诞生,就受到了广泛关注。一些学者用不同模型阐述了最优所得税理论。虽毋须严格按照这些模型来设计我国的个人所得税制度,但其模型所体现的税制设计理念或思想对现阶段我国个人所得税制度的设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

信托产品风险与收益的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信托投资公司要在金融体系中确定自己的地位,其发行的信托产品不但要能够吸引投资者,而且要能为公司带来良好的收益,其核心就是信托产品定价问题.基于"信托产品类别-时间"数据组合建立的panel-data模型的实证分析结果显示,目前信托产品风险收益状况并不理想,信托产品在设计时较好地体现了风险收益,在市场上受到投资者的欢迎,但在产品运行期,信托投资公司承担了太多的风险.因此,信托投资公司应注意培育一个理性的信托产品投资市场.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the recent proposals for a co-ordinated capital tax policy in the European Union, focusing on an EU-wide minimum withholding tax on interest income and alternative ways to increase the effective tax rate on corporate profits. The analysis draws on current theoretical and empirical research and views the recent capital tax reforms undertaken by individual member countries as rational adjustments to changing conditions in capital markets. Special emphasis is placed on the constraints for EU tax policy imposed by the possibility of shifting capital income to third countries. The paper concludes that some aggregate efficiency gains can be expected from the EU co-ordination proposals, but additional tax collections will be limited largely to the group of small savers while highly mobile large-scale investors are likely to avoid the EU tax.  相似文献   

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