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We formulate the notion of “asymptotic free lunch” which is closely related to the condition “free lunch” of Kreps (1981) and allows us to state and prove a fairly general version of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing in the context of a large financial market as introduced by Kabanov and Kramkov (1994). In a large financial market one considers a sequence (Sn)n=1 of stochastic stock price processes based on a sequence (Ωn, Fn, (Ftn)tIn, Pn)n=1 of filtered probability spaces. Under the assumption that for all n∈ N there exists an equivalent sigma‐martingale measure for Sn, we prove that there exists a bicontiguous sequence of equivalent sigma‐martingale measures if and only if there is no asymptotic free lunch (Theorem 1.1). Moreover we present an example showing that it is not possible to improve Theorem 1.1 by replacing “no asymptotic free lunch” by some weaker condition such as “no asymptotic free lunch with bounded” or “vanishing risk.”  相似文献   

Universal Portfolios   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
We exhibit an algorithm for portfolio selection that asymptotically outperforms the best stock in the market. Let xi= (xi, xi2,…, xim)t denote the performance of the stock market on day i, where xii is the factor by which the jth stock increases on day i. Let bi= (bi1 bi2, bim)t, b;ij? 0, bij= 1, denote the proportion bij of wealth invested in the j th stock on day i. Then Sn= IIin= bitxi is the factor by which wealth is increased in n trading days. Consider as a goal the wealth Sn*= maxb IIin=1 btxi that can be achieved by the best constant rebalanced portfolio chosen after the stock outcomes are revealed. It can be shown that Sn * exceeds the best stock, the Dow Jones average, and the value line index at time n. In fact, Sn* usually exceeds these quantities by an exponential factor. Let x1, x2, be an arbitrary sequence of market vectors. It will be shown that the nonanticipating sequence of portfolios db yields wealth such that , for every bounded sequence x1, x2…, and, under mild conditions, achieve where J, is an (m - 1) x (m - I) sensitivity matrix. Thus this portfolio strategy has the same exponential rate of growth as the apparently unachievable S*n.  相似文献   

This study investigates the convergence patterns and the rates of convergence of binomial Greeks for the CRR model and several smooth price convergence models in the literature, including the binomial Black–Scholes (BBS) model of Broadie M and Detemple J ( 1996 ), the flexible binomial model (FB) of Tian YS ( 1999 ), the smoothed payoff (SPF) approach of Heston S and Zhou G ( 2000 ), the GCRR‐XPC models of Chung SL and Shih PT ( 2007 ), the modified FB‐XPC model, and the modified GCRR‐FT model. We prove that the rate of convergence of the CRR model for computing deltas and gammas is of order O(1/n), with a quadratic error term relating to the position of the final nodes around the strike price. Moreover, most smooth price convergence models generate deltas and gammas with monotonic and smooth convergence with order O(1/n). Thus, one can apply an extrapolation formula to enhance their accuracy. The numerical results show that placing the strike price at the center of the tree seems to enhance the accuracy substantially. Among all the binomial models considered in this study, the FB‐XPC and the GCRR‐XPC model with a two‐point extrapolation are the most efficient methods to compute Greeks. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark  相似文献   


The technologies of the Internet and data warehousing are converging. This paper explores the synergies of these two revolutionary technologies. The strategic importance of data warehousing is presented through an examination of the applicable technology, growth of the market, and the factors encouraging that growth. The convergence of data warehousing technology and the Internet is discussed and strategic implications for modern businesses are addressed.  相似文献   

This paper develops and validates, at a confirmatory level, a second‐order scale to measure Responsibility of the University in Employability (RUE). First, the literature on the components of RUE is explored and a formative conceptual model is proposed to underpin its measurement using extant research in the field of organisational responsibility and employability. At the empirical level, the second‐order RUE model considers the reputation of the university, the teaching staff, and the matching activities with employers as components of RUE. This model is based on five empirical studies. The first is a small‐sample study based on the opinions of experts (n = 5) and the rest are based on representative samples of university students (n = 816, n = 1,082, n = 1,088, and n = 1,203). A very good fit between model and data were revealed (CFI = 0.975; RMSEA = 0.039; standardised X2 = 2.676). The results indicate that matching activities with employers and teaching staff generate more RUE than university reputation. Guidelines are offered for managing the responsibility of the university in employability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the rate of convergence of the European barrier call option price given by the CRR binomial model to the Black–Scholes price as the number of periods n tends to infinity. In general the error is of order and we give explicit formulas for the coefficients of and 1/n in the asymptotic expansion of the error. These coefficients depend on the positions of the barrier and strike in the binomial lattice and enable us to give a rigorous explanation of the observed fact that the error is of order 1/n when n is chosen in an appropriate way.  相似文献   

Considered in this article is a class of resource dilemma games designed to study interactive decision behavior in the face of both strategic and environmental uncertainty. Groups of n members are asked to share a common resource pool whose exact size, x, is not known. Rather, x is sampled randomly from a uniform probability distribution which is common knowledge. Each group member j(j=1,...,n) requests r j units from the random resource pool. Individual decisions are made independently and anonymously. Preplay communication is prohibited. If (r 1+r 2+...+r n ) x, each member j is granted his/her request; otherwise, group members get nothing. We derive the Nash equilibrium solution for this resource dilemma game, and compare it to an expected utility model originally proposed by Suleiman and Rapoport (1988). We then show that the equilibrium solution accounts for the major qualitative features of experimental results reported in two previous studies.  相似文献   

A survey (n = 151) explored consumers’ experiences with wine-on-tap, a current trend in the U.S. foodservice industry. Wine consumers’ innovativeness (R2 = .49) was explained by wine involvement, opinion leadership, and usage of information sources. Those who recently tried wine-on-tap (n = 43) were significantly more innovative (innovators) than those who never tried it (noninnovators). Furthermore, noninnovators expected to pay significantly less for a glass of wine-on-tap when compared with wine poured from a bottle. Contrary to expectations, the driving force for noninnovative behavior is lack of availability and awareness as opposed to a lack of interest in wine-on-tap.  相似文献   

Asian options are securities with a payoff that depends on the average of the underlying stock price over a certain time interval. We identify three natural assets that appear in pricing of the Asian options, namely a stock S, a zero coupon bond BT with maturity T, and an abstract asset A (an “average asset”) that pays off a weighted average of the stock price number of units of a dollar at time T. It turns out that each of these assets has its own martingale measure, allowing us to obtain Black–Scholes type formulas for the fixed strike and the floating strike Asian options. The model independent formulas are analogous to the Black–Scholes formula for the plain vanilla options; they are expressed in terms of probabilities under the corresponding martingale measures that the Asian option will end up in the money. Computation of these probabilities is relevant for hedging. In contrast to the plain vanilla options, the probabilities for the Asian options do not admit a simple closed form solution. However, we show that it is possible to obtain the numerical values in the geometric Brownian motion model efficiently, either by solving a partial differential equation numerically, or by computing the Laplace transform. Models with stochastic volatility or pure jump models can be also priced within the Black–Scholes framework for the Asian options.  相似文献   

This paper implements a time series econometric model to determine the timing of full convergence of incomes and output per capita and total factor productivity in the North and South of Cyprus, regardless of whether there is a political settlement or not. A significant dimension of the paper is its emphasis on institutional convergence, going beyond econometric or statistical convergence. Our results reveal that North Cyprus needs 17 years to catch up to full per capita income convergence, 16 years for per capita output convergence and 17 years for full total factor productivity (technological) convergence. The time‐series findings demonstrate that statistical convergence is occurring quite rapidly as the North is catching up to the average income and productivity levels of the South, which may confirm evidence of unconditional (beta) or absolute convergence, but there are significant differences between North and South in savings, tastes, population growth and technology. Most significantly, there are institutional differences highlighted in the study with a Two‐sector model of gate‐keeping and rent‐seeking which validates the premises of conditional convergence. Put differently, there are strong forces of divergence hidden behind our statistical findings.  相似文献   

This paper studies stability of the exponential utility maximization when there are small variations on agent's utility function. Two settings are considered. First, in a general semimartingale model where random endowments are present, a sequence of utilities defined on converges to the exponential utility. Under a uniform condition on their marginal utilities, convergence of value functions, optimal payoffs, and optimal investment strategies are obtained, their rate of convergence is also determined. Stability of utility‐based pricing is studied as an application. Second, a sequence of utilities defined on converges to the exponential utility after shifting and scaling. Their associated optimal strategies, after appropriate scaling, converge to the optimal strategy for the exponential hedging problem. This complements Theorem 3.2 in [Nutz, M. (2012): Risk aversion asymptotics for power utility maximization. Probab. Theory & Relat. Fields 152, 703–749], which establishes the convergence for a sequence of power utilities.  相似文献   

We examine Kreps' conjecture that optimal expected utility in the classic Black–Scholes–Merton (BSM) economy is the limit of optimal expected utility for a sequence of discrete‐time economies that “approach” the BSM economy in a natural sense: The nth discrete‐time economy is generated by a scaled n‐step random walk, based on an unscaled random variable ζ with mean 0, variance 1, and bounded support. We confirm Kreps' conjecture if the consumer's utility function U has asymptotic elasticity strictly less than one, and we provide a counterexample to the conjecture for a utility function U with asymptotic elasticity equal to 1, for ζ such that .  相似文献   

In Final Offer Arbitration the arbitrator has to choose between two prices – salary offer a and demand b, presented by two negotiating sides. This situation is common e.g., in Major League Baseball since 1974, for players with at least three years experience. We model the arbitrator's decision process as follows. First, the arbitrator chooses an appropriate sum Z. Then he selects the one among a and b which is closer to the ‘proper sum’Z. The final amount selected is Y . Based on the history of n cases, the information available is the triplets {(Y i, a i, b i) : i= 1, 2, . . . n}(the {Z i} are hidden). It is assumed that the {Z i} are random variables with a distribution which depends on an unknown parameter q and the challenge is to estimate q. Furthermore, since each case had different merits and characteristics, the resulting distribution is case-specific. Thus, our model allows the inclusion of explanatory variables. The statistical algorithm which we shall use is the Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithm. In the paper, the statistical model is introduced in detail and the application of the EM algorithm to the available data is explained. Two numerical examples illustrate the use of the EM algorithm in estimating the arbitrator's hidden judgements.  相似文献   

It is well known that, under a continuity assumption on the price of a stock S, the realized variance of S for maturity T can be replicated by a portfolio of calls and puts maturing at T. This paper assumes that call prices on S maturing at T are known for all strikes but makes no continuity assumptions on S. We derive semiexplicit expressions for the supremum lower bound on the hedged payoff, at maturity T, of a long position in the realized variance of S. Equivalently, is the supremum strike K such that an investor with a long position in a variance swap with strike K can ensure a nonnegative payoff at T. We study examples with constant implied volatilities and with a volatility skew. In our examples, is close to the fair variance strike obtained under the continuity assumption.  相似文献   

We consider a sequence of financial markets that converges weakly in a suitable sense and maximize a behavioral preference functional in each market. For expected concave utilities, it is well known that the maximal expected utilities and the corresponding final positions converge to the corresponding quantities in the limit model. We prove similar results for nonconcave utilities and distorted expectations as employed in behavioral finance, and we illustrate by a counterexample that these results require a stronger notion of convergence of the underlying models compared to the concave utility maximization. We use the results to analyze the stability of behavioral portfolio selection problems and to provide numerically tractable methods to solve such problems in complete continuous‐time models.  相似文献   

Consumer behavioural scientists such as economists and marketing researchers are interested in the degree to which global convergence is occurring with respect to various consumer behaviour dimensions, particularly the extent that consumption patterns in products appear to evolve and become more similar across different parts of the world. With increasing internationalization and cultural cross‐fertilization, the traditional societies of the world are converging in many ways. The strategic marketing of flavoured alcoholic beverages is a particularly interesting example of this evolutionary process to convergence. Consumers in countries of different cultural originations are developing preferences for the same products and show increasing sign of converging around global product identity. This article presents the results of a study analysing the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

We analyze the convergence of the Longstaff–Schwartz algorithm relying on only a single set of independent Monte Carlo sample paths that is repeatedly reused for all exercise time‐steps. We prove new estimates on the stochastic component of the error of this algorithm whenever the approximation architecture is any uniformly bounded set of L2 functions of finite Vapnik–Chervonenkis dimension (VC‐dimension), but in particular need not necessarily be either convex or closed. We also establish new overall error estimates, incorporating bounds on the approximation error as well, for certain nonlinear, nonconvex sets of neural networks.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to gain an understanding of Irish consumer attitudes towards ready meals and current sodium issues in Ireland. A questionnaire was distributed to 357 consumers via convenience quota sampling to a range of nationalities in both rural and urban/city areas of Ireland. The survey revealed that a high proportion of respondents (45%; n = 161) were worried about the amount of salt they consumed. Despite this, 58% (n = 207) stated they never look at the sodium/salt contents on nutritional labels with 68% (n = 244) claiming that sodium/salt contents would never affect their buying choice. The survey also uncovered that 76% (n = 270) of the Irish consumers surveyed consider ready meals to be high in sodium and 80% (n = 285) consider them to be an unhealthy option. Despite this, 50% (n = 179) of the respondents consumed a ready meal at least once a week with a further 17% (n = 59) consuming them two to three times a week. Of those who did consume ready meals, 78% (n = 191) chose them due to their convenience. A total of 75% (n = 269) of all the respondents said they would choose a chilled ready meal over its frozen counterpart. The reason for this being attributed to the fact that chilled ready meals were perceived to be healthier (44%; n = 158) and of better quality (54%; n = 194) than their frozen counterparts. Results from this study highlight the need for concerted actions involving consumers, manufacturers and retailers to reduce sodium levels in Irish ready meals, as despite being reasonably aware of the sodium issue consumers were not making informed choices to reduce sodium/salt consumption.  相似文献   

There have been long-standing calls to better educate the public at large on risks of drowning; yet limited evaluation has taken place on current resources in circulation. The purpose of this qualitative research is to develop an understanding of the content in currently circulated drowning prevention resources in the United States. Data points (n = 451) consisting of specific content within 25 different drowning prevention educational resources were analyzed using document analysis methods; a grounded theory approach was employed to allow for categorical development and indexing of the data. Results revealed six emerging categories, including safety precautions (n = 152), supervision (n = 109), preventing access (n = 57), safety equipment (n = 46), emergency procedures (n = 46), and aquatic education (n = 41). Results provide an initial insight into the composition of drowning prevention resources in the United States and provide a foundation for future research.  相似文献   

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