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Based on the analysis of data for over two million options transactions on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange, we find significant U-shaped intraday patterns in trading volume, transaction size, proportion of trades at the ask or bid, and other variables in the equity options market. These previously undocumented intraday temporal patterns are largely consistent with exogenous temporal influences on transactions volume in anticipation of and following nontrading periods. These patterns are also largely consistent with strategic trading endogenous to the market and are related to interactions between informed and liquidity or noise traders.  相似文献   

The existing literature on the trade news effect on asset prices generally looks at exchange rates and stock market indexes. We focus on individual stocks: the U.S. and Japanese “Big Three” automobile stocks. We examine Japanese automobile American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), not the stocks per se, to avoid the time lag problem. First, we find deficit news shocks, especially the positive shocks, have a negative effect on the Japanese automobile ADRs. Second, we find only weak evidence that the news effect is different under different economic conditions. Third, trade news is found to be a competitive shock to the automakers in the sense of Karolyi and Stulz (1996) . Last, statistically generated U.S.–Japan bilateral trade deficit news and bilateral auto trade deficit news have no effect on the automobile stock in general.  相似文献   

The introduction of futures contracts did not alter the regularity in the cash market that results from the Federal Reserve regulation of the bank-settlement process. Although we find a positive preholiday effect in the Fed funds futures returns, we do not find evidence that Federal Reserve regulations cause that effect. Contrary to previous observations for other futures contracts, we find Fridays and preholidays have the largest net volume. We suggest this finding of high volume is consistent with hedging activity by financial institutions before market closings.  相似文献   

In this study we use the latent variable asset pricing model to examine the pricing of A and B shares in the Chinese stock markets. The hypothesis tested is whether markets for the A and the B shares of the same companies are segmented. We document only one latent variable in both A‐ and B‐share markets. However, the latent risk premiums for the A and B shares are only weakly correlated, indicating the two‐tier markets are loosely related. The weak correlation implies the two markets reflect different fundamental forces. Additional analysis demonstrates that the Shanghai market responds to the Shenzhen market rather than the other way around.  相似文献   

I examine the relation between the magnitude of growth opportunities in a firm and the duration of the firm's equity. Conventional wisdom holds that because cash flows from growth opportunities occur late relative to cash flows from existing projects, firms that can be characterized as growth firms have a higher duration. I adopt the real option approach to the valuation of growth opportunities and show that under certain circumstances the opposite can be true; equity duration can be lower for growth firms. I further show that the relation between equity duration and the magnitude of growth opportunities depends on (a) the magnitude of the duration of assets in place, (b) dominance of the firm in its industry, (c) the magnitude of R&D expenditure, and (d) the volatility of expected cash flows generated by the investment project underlying the growth opportunity. I empirically test these predictions and find the predictions are not rejected, particularly for the utility and banking industries. JEL classification: G31, G12.  相似文献   

In this study we empirically examine the intraday lead/lag relation between S&P 500 futures prices and the S&P 500 index, and whether daily market characteristics are associated with changes in the relation. We estimate daily Geweke measures of feedback and regress time series of these measures on daily price volatility and volume characteristics. Results indicate that the contemporaneous price relation is substantive and that measures of contemporaneous feedback are positively associated with the daily range of the futures price. The primary implication is that the relation between cash and futures prices becomes stronger as futures price volatility increases. As volatility increases, information is being impounded at a faster rate so that futures and equity markets operate more closely as one market. Large futures price moves, by themselves, are not responsible for breakdowns in the stock-futures price relation.  相似文献   

In this paper, the distribution of equity returns on the Tokyo Stock Exchange is examined from 1965 to 1984, and significant and persistent skewness and kurtosis are found. The deviation of security returns from normality declines with increasing portfolio size and appears to be greater than the non-normality evidenced in U.S. security returns. Further, these deviations from normality persist even after controlling for January and firm size effects.  相似文献   

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