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The Indian government procures rice from wholesalers or producers at a price below the market price and then distributes it to low-income consumers at a subsidized price. This paper uses a simulataneous equations econometric model to evaluate the effects of this policy on supply/demand of rice in the state of Tamil Nadu, between 1956 and 1985. Results show that production is more responsive to power for irrigation and fertilizer prices than to output prices. Because supply is inelastic, producers bear the burden of the ‘tax’ imposed by procurement even though rice is procured from the wholesaler. Rice distributed by the government displaces rice demanded in the open market, and thus the government distribution of rice has not increased the total consumption of rice.  相似文献   

In order to encourage the involvement of the private sector in importing rice, the Iranian government plans to relax the system of multiple foreign exchange rates applied to importers wishing to supply the domestic market. In this article, the welfare effects of removing the current controls on the rice trade, and a domestic rice coupon program, are evaluated by applying a partial equilibrium analysis to 1961–1999 data. The results show that, as far as foreign exchange is concerned, liberalization of the rice market causes an increase in rice imports, mainly due to a decrease in domestic supply. In welfare terms, the loss in producer surplus from rice market liberalization is relatively high, but most rice consumers, and the Iranian taxpayer, would gain. Overall, gains to consumers and taxpayers are estimated to be higher than the losses incurred by domestic suppliers, and therefore net social welfare at national level can be improved by rice market liberalization in Iran. Issues for further discussion include residual food security roles for the state, and supply‐side adjustments in terms of resource use and higher‐quality production.  相似文献   

云南省核桃产业发展策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以核桃销售终端为切入点,基于云南省核桃消费市场调研数据和统计年鉴静态数据对云南省核桃产业如何健康有序发展进行研究。结果表明:中国核桃市场供给量略小于需求量,核桃产业未来发展空间大;云南省核桃产业发展面临着市场体系不完善、有效监管体系缺乏、深加工技术落后、品牌化进程缓慢、营销模式单一等问题。因此,建议着力打造高品质核桃及其相关产品,构建核桃健康消费市场体系,加强科技资金投入力度以及加快品牌建设,促进云南省核桃产业快速、健康、有序发展。  相似文献   

[目的]粮食安全事关经济健康发展、社会和谐稳定,是防范和化解系统性风险,维护国家安全的重要保障。对粮食安全发展水平进行评价研究是准确把握我国粮食安全发展现状、合理制定国家粮食安全相关政策措施的手段。[方法]随着我国进入新发展阶段,国家粮食安全被赋予新的时代内涵和新的发展目标。文章以我国粮食安全在新发展阶段所呈现出来的内涵和目标为导向,从供给能力、供给结构、绿色发展、经济效益以及基础支撑五个方面出发,构建了包括25个具体评价指标的粮食安全评价体系,并建立熵权TOPSIS模型对我国粮食安全发展水平的演变和现状进行评价研究。[结果]进入21世纪,我国粮食安全水平呈现出先下降后上升的发展态势,且对绿色发展、经济效益和基础支撑的重视程度逐年提升;提升我国粮食安全水平受到资源状况、科技水平、供给结构等因素的制约。[结论]保障和提升我国粮食安全水平,需要重点从耕地资源保护和利用、粮食科技支撑、国内外市场与资源整合等方面发力。  相似文献   

High transaction costs and an absence of institutional infrastructure in developing countries prevent comprehensive enforcement of intellectual property rights and generate obstacles to the adoption of genetically modified (GM) crop technology. Governments of developing countries that are members of the World Trade Organization are faced with two options when licensing GM crop technology: (1) attempt to regulate GM crops to the standards of the Agreement on Trade‐Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) or (2) allow a black market in GM seeds and risk trade retaliation from the GM innovator's host country through a TRIPS trade complaint. This paper develops a conceptual model that frames the adopting country's range of licensing options, including a new levy system, and derives welfare measures for each option. The model illustrates how a levy on GM technology can be a welfare‐increasing policy for developing countries, and the operation of a levy is discussed. The conceptual model is applied to Brazil's soybean market and quantitative economic surplus measures are estimated within a calibrated welfare model for a range of licensing scenarios. The model's results suggest that a levy may interfere with the long‐term prospects for innovators to collect monopoly rents in adopting countries.  相似文献   

As developing nations look to become more competitive in world agricultural markets, genetically modified (GM) crops are one avenue of pursuit. However, fears of primary export market loss, negative media attention, and adverse government regulations often hinder GM crop implementation and increase GM food risk perceptions among domestic consumers. In this study we analyze consumer surveys of GM food purchase propensity conducted in the developing countries of Romania and China. Through the examination of marginal effects and the drivers of purchase propensity, we find that in spite of demographic and psychographic similarities, consumer willingness to purchase GM foods is quite different between the two samples. Consumer preferences are largely dependent on risk perceptions, which are high in the Romanian sample, but low in the Chinese sample. Additionally, the effect of regressors on GM purchase propensity is invariant across foods in Romania, but distinctly different across foods in China, possibly due to the stated nutritional enhancement (vitamin A) in GM rice. Comme les pays en développement cherchent à devenir plus concurrentiels sur les marchés agricoles mondiaux, les cultures génétiquement modifiées (CGM) constituent une avenue. Cependant, la crainte de perdre les principaux marchés d'exportation, l'attention médiatique négative et les règlements gouvernementaux défavorables retardent souvent l'ensemencement de CGM et augmentent la perception des risques liés aux aliments génétiquement modifiés (AGM) chez les consommateurs nationaux. Dans la présente étude, nous avons analysé des enquêtes auprès des consommateurs sur la propension à acheter des AGM dans les pays en développement, notamment la Roumanie et la Chine. En examinant les effets marginaux et les facteurs de propension à acheter, nous avons trouvé que, malgré des similarités démographiques et psychographiques, la volonté des consommateurs à acheter des AGM variait considérablement dans les deux échantillons. Les préférences des consommateurs dépendent grandement de la perception des risques, qui était élevée dans l'échantillon de la Roumanie et faible dans l'échantillon de la Chine. De plus, l'effet des variables indépendantes sur la propension à acheter des AGM était invariant pour tous les aliments en Roumanie, mais distinctement différent entre les aliments en Chine, probablement en raison de l'enrichissement nutritionnel déclaré (vitamine A) du riz génétiquement modifié.  相似文献   

We investigate consumer demand for genetically modified (GM) rice in urban China, using a relatively large survey of urban consumers in 2013 and the contingent valuation method. Our results show that respondents discount their WTP for first, second and third generation of GM rice by 31%, 34% and 36%, respectively, compared with non‐GM rice, indicating substantial aversion to GM rice by Chinese consumers. The level of consumers’ subjective knowledge of GM rice has a significantly negative impact on their WTP for GM rice, implying that GM rice in China has become a ‘special food’ with an unreliable image.  相似文献   

[目的]随着中国粮食进口不断增加,国内外市场联系越来越紧密。2020年下半年以来,国际市场粮食价格快速上涨,对国内粮食市场产生一定影响,分析国际市场价格上涨的原因和影响对确保国内粮食供应稳定、保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。[方法]文章分析了2019年以来小麦、大米、玉米、大豆4种粮食产品的国内外价格走势,从供需状况、贸易政策、气候变化等因素分析国际市场价格波动的原因,并探讨了国际价格对国内价格的影响。[结果]当前全球主要粮食品种供应充足,库存仍处于较高水平,此轮国际粮食价格上涨主要是受到美国等发达国家宽松的货币政策以及疫情后全球消费逐步回暖的影响;但国际市场价格上涨对中国市场的影响总体有限,国内小麦、大米、玉米价格上涨的主因是国内消费回暖和生猪产能恢复带动的饲用需求快速增长,油用大豆受国际市场的影响较大。[结论]为稳定国内粮食市场,避免国际市场的冲击,中国要进一步提升粮食综合生产能力,强化科技支撑,加强粮食储备管理,健全政策支持体系,并引导居民建立科学的消费观念。  相似文献   


Maize is Zimbabwe's staple food. An adequate supply of maize is essential to food security and domestic stability. A series of droughts and government mismanagement of the economy led to a maize production and food security problem in the 1980s. Zimbabwe's maize marketing system was transformed dramatically from a government monopoly to a competitive market system in which prices are determined by market forces in the 1990s. This paper examines the steps that Zimbabwe took towards maize market reform and the benefits of that reform. The movement to a competitive market led to formation of a commodity exchange to improve price discovery and increase price transparency. De-regulation has increased entry and competitiveness from new private sector hammer millers and traders. Farmers, millers, and traders face new profit opportunities and new price and financial risks that have increased management responsibilities. Consumers enjoy lower cost maize meal products and more convenient service. The benefits of the 1991–1997 reforms indicate what could be achieved in the long run if prices are determined by the market, rather than by the government.  相似文献   

Genetically modified (GM) crops are popular in many regions of the world, but their deployment in Africa is hindered by safety concerns and regulatory issues, although the continent is in dire need of boosting its food production. Although consumers' acceptance of GM food has been analyzed in many continents, no such studies have been conducted in Africa. Therefore, a survey of 604 consumers was conducted in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2003, to gauge consumers' awareness of GM crops, their willingness to pay (WTP) for GM food, and the factors that influence their WTP. Consumers' knowledge of GM crops was limited and only 38% of the 604 respondents were aware of GM crops. People in higher education and income groups were more aware than others. Regardless, people were generally appreciative of the technology, and a large majority (68%) would be willing to buy GM maize meal at the same price as their favorite brand. Consumers were, however, concerned about possible side effects, especially on the environment and biodiversity. WTP was estimated using a double‐bounded dichotomous choice model, and the mean WTP was found to be 13.8% higher than the average price of non‐GM maize meal. Perceptions of health risk, and ethical and equity concerns had a negative influence on the likelihood of purchasing GM maize meal, whereas trust in government to ensure food quality had a positive influence on WTP. People with at least some secondary education and those in the high‐income category were more likely to purchase GM maize meal at the same price. The study concludes that, because awareness is still low, appropriate communications are needed to involve the consumer in the debate. Consumers' acceptance in this study was high, but the research needs to be expanded to rural areas, where most consumers live, and other survey methods need to be explored.  相似文献   

Growth in organic food sales is mainly due to consumers becoming more aware of health issues and environmental concerns. Understanding the drivers of organic consumption is crucial to predict future market outcomes. In this analysis, the authors expand previous research by including general and institutional trust variables in addition to consumer attitudes to examine organic food purchases. Food production is unobservable and hence, consumers need to exhibit trust with respect to organic production and certification. A bivariate ordered probit model applied to U.S. survey data confirms that organic purchases are determined by health, nutrition, and taste. In some cases, general trust and trust in media are statistically significant. Trust in institutions that are involved in the organic certification process is not statistically significant. A hierarchical cluster analysis grouping consumers based on trust and attitudes shows that (dis)trust in the organic certification and supply chain does not hinder organic food market growth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine power and conflict relationshios in food distribution channels in Jordan. A random sample of 178 food retailers has been selected from three major cities in Jordan. The results of the analyses indicate that food retailers attribute more power to those wholesalers who provide high quality assistances (noncoercive power sources) and who are perceived as more likely to use punishments (coercive power sources). Also, the food retailers who perceive their wholesalers as likely to use coercive sources and/or provide assistances (noncoercive sources) have more conflict with those wholesalers. The relationships between the actual use of power and both attributed power and conflict were found to be positive.  相似文献   

食品是人类生存的基本条件,而食品的质量安全性则是食品的必备特性。针对食品安全的规制问题,利用静态和动态博弈模型分析食品生产企业与政府规制机构之间的各种博弈结果,说明政府监管成本变化和寻租行为对政府声望的影响,以及政府的监管罚金对食品生产企业成本和食品生产企业声望的影响。  相似文献   

介绍了北奇神品牌的背景及现状,分析了产品的特点,指出产品存在质量不高、数量不足、市场营销策划不周、企业机制不活、人才匮乏等方面的问题。针对产品定位、目标顾客、细分市场、市场测量、营销模式、特色商品营销、宣传体系等七个方面进行了详细的销售体系策划,提出了新的经营和销售理念。提出了产品供应管理、销售商品管理、客户服务管理、财务管理四个方面的管理措施,从而建立起北奇神产品营销及管理的一套完整管理体系。  相似文献   

通过对全国改革开放以来农产品市场营销理论和体系发展分析,采用比较分析发达国家和地区农产品营销体系运行优势的方法,针对宁夏枸杞产品营销体系的现状、薄弱环节和存在的问题,首先明确了建设宁夏枸杞营销体系的指导思想、规划目标和具体措施,最后通过健全政府宏观调控体系,充分发挥行业协会的作用,加大枸杞加工企业的营销力度等微观宏观层面提出对策。  相似文献   

对近期与中长期中国粮食安全的再认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
粮食安全始终是国家经济、社会稳定与发展的基础,突如其来的新冠疫情在影响中国与全球经济发展的同时,也引起社会各界对粮食安全问题的广泛关注。本文分析了中国粮食安全保障现况、近期各界关注粮食安全的主要问题和未来面临的挑战,并预测中长期主要粮食供需变动趋势。分析表明,近期和中长期中国口粮绝对安全,未来饲料粮(玉米和大豆等)进口将逐渐增长以保障国内畜产品的供给安全;而笼统的粮食安全概念往往误导社会各界和政府。口粮安全、饲料或畜产品安全是中国粮食安全已至食物安全的关键问题。最后,本文提出保障国家粮食安全的相关政策建议。  相似文献   


Rice being a staple cereal, government purchases paddy (unhusked rice) from the primary wholesale markets in the surplus agrarian Punjab State and milled rice is distributed through the public distribution system in rice deficit States. Commission agents (CAs) in the primary wholesale markets that operate on a fixed commission basis constitute a strategic link between farmers and the procurement agencies/millers. To ensure adequate supplies of paddy for their own businesses CAs advance trade credit to the client farmers who need a regular flow of credit (during both the seasons annually that is not always possible to raise from the formal sources) for the purchase of operational inputs, on farm investments and various consumption purposes. So mutual interdependences, hereditary characters of the business enterprises and close proximities have enabled the chain partners to build up close personal relationships in the repeat business transactions. Farmers sell paddy through the preferred CAs during the post-harvest period, and personal relationships play a pivotal role in chain coordination while captive relationships ensure timely payments. For advancing trade credit, CAs' preferred choices are the medium and large sized farmers due to lower risks while the small sized farmers are less preferred because of their weak asset positions and payment uncertainties that increase the operational costs of trade credit. CAs make amicable adjustments to the utmost so that farmers do not shift away from their preferred CAs. CAs do not share any market risk, however, when paddy payments from the government to farmers get delayed they at their personal levels meet the requirements for cash contingencies of the client farmers. Knowledge gained from this study provides managerial and policy insights on the supply chain management mechanisms for the supplies of an essential input and its timely recoveries.  相似文献   

梁嘉欣 《现代食品》2020,2(4):57-58
食品安全问题会对人们的健康产生直接影响,研究最近几年的食品安全问题发现,政府与社会对于食品安全的关注度逐渐提高。为了真正保障食品安全,需要做好对应的食品检测,提高食品检测工作质量,进而为人们创造一个健康的生活环境,满足社会对于食品检验的要求。  相似文献   

本研究对云南省南华县野生食用菌流通市场进行实地调研,通过对流通市场的环节、主体、渠道、结构四个方面的调查分析,试从该地区野生食用菌流通市场的不足出发,探索从增强野生食用菌资源市场体系的意识;制定法规、检验标准,规范流通市场;探索"产地直销"模式;建立野生食用菌的信贷市场,增强流通主体的实力四个方面发展壮大云南省野生食用菌的流通市场。  相似文献   

Contractual arrangements between farmers and traders aiming at providing input/credit in return for output selling have been widely studied in the literature on agricultural economics. Nonetheless, there is one issue, which is barely mentioned in the literature: how to enforce the contract terms when traders offer credit in cash rather than input advances? This article aims to describe an innovation in farming contracts, used by fresh fruit and vegetable wholesalers in Turkey, which involves a kind of private voucher system. Drawing on original data collected from wholesalers—a segment in the supply chain hardly covered in the literature—we investigate the factors determining contract adoption using a two‐limit Tobit model. Our results suggest that this private voucher system contributes to supply chain coordination and facilitates smallholder farmer participation in export and supermarket channels, which are growing rapidly in this developing country.  相似文献   

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