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Prior studies have suggested that the subordinates’ perception of fairness in their organizations’ procedures is related to improvements in the subordinates’ performance. However, the positive relationship between perception of justice and performance may not be a direct one, but is indirect via the intervening variable of participation. It is likely that the importance of maintaining procedural fairness in the organization will lead senior managers (superiors) to select procedures that allow their subordinates more participation privileges in the organization’s affairs because high participative procedures are perceived to be fair. This increase in participation, in turn, is likely to improve the subordinates’ performance. The results, based on a path analytical model and a sample of 83 senior managers, indicate that procedural justice has an indirect effect on performance via participation. On the basis of these results, it is possible to conclude that the importance of procedural fairness in the organization leads to the selection of procedures with high subordinates’ participation, which, in turn, leads to high managerial performance.  相似文献   

Even though managers may build slack into their budgets to enhance their prospects for reward, the literature proposes that there may be circumstances when budgetary slack may be utilized by subunits to provide them with a degree of flexibility in responding effectively to changes in operating conditions. This suggests that the use to which budgetary slack is put, in contrast to any dysfunctional reason for its creation, may have implications for subunit performance particularly when task uncertainty is high. A theory was developed and an empirical assessment was conducted to evaluate whether slack moderates the relation between task uncertainty and subunit performance, paying specific attention to the effects of the task difficulty and task variability dimensions of task uncertainty. The results of the study suggest that slack has a positive role to play in Influencing the relation between task difficulty and subunit performance. There was no evidence, however, that slack and task variability jointly influence performance.  相似文献   

We analyze the effect of CEO tenure on the relation between firm performance and forced turnover. We find that the performance‐forced turnover relation is conditional on CEO tenure. Our results suggest a constant negative relation between firm performance and forced turnover throughout an inside CEO's tenure. Founders are entrenched early in their careers but held accountable for firm performance later in their careers. We find evidence that outside hires experience a probationary period, followed by a period of apparent entrenchment during their intermediate years that weakens later in their tenure. JEL classification: G34, J63.  相似文献   

Abstract In this study we apply recent advances in time-series analysis to examine the intertemporal relation between stock indices and exchange rates for a sample of eight advanced economies. An error correction model (ECM) of the two variables is employed to simultaneously estimate the short-run and long-run dynamics of the variables. The ECM results reveal significant short-run and long-run feedback relations between the two financial markets. Specifically, the results show that an increase in aggregate domestic stock price has a negative short-run effect on domestic currency value. In the long run, however, increases in stock prices have a positive effect on domestic currency value. On the other hand, currency depreciation has a negative short-run and long-run effect on the stock market.  相似文献   

I examine the relation between the magnitude of growth opportunities in a firm and the duration of the firm's equity. Conventional wisdom holds that because cash flows from growth opportunities occur late relative to cash flows from existing projects, firms that can be characterized as growth firms have a higher duration. I adopt the real option approach to the valuation of growth opportunities and show that under certain circumstances the opposite can be true; equity duration can be lower for growth firms. I further show that the relation between equity duration and the magnitude of growth opportunities depends on (a) the magnitude of the duration of assets in place, (b) dominance of the firm in its industry, (c) the magnitude of R&D expenditure, and (d) the volatility of expected cash flows generated by the investment project underlying the growth opportunity. I empirically test these predictions and find the predictions are not rejected, particularly for the utility and banking industries. JEL classification: G31, G12.  相似文献   

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has made minority recruitment a major goal. Minorities, and especially African-Americans, have not been entering the accounting profession in proportion to their numbers in either the general population or the population of college graduates. Two competing explanations have been advanced that attempt to explain this failure@8ihuman capital theory, and structural/class theory. This paper reports on the results of a survey of a sample of 445 African-American accountants that attempts to test the validity of these two theories by assessing the respondents' personality characteristics, job satisfaction and turnover intentions. The distribution of personality type for the sample of African-American accountants was found to be similar to the results of a previous study conducted on groups of Anglos and Hispanics. Additionally, the job satisfaction and turnover intention results for the sample were found to be similar to those reported in previous studies. As a result, the findings fail to support the human capital theory, and implicitly lend support to the structural/class theory. Finally, anecdotal evidence from the respondents in two open-ended questions was examined. It indicated that African-American accountants' failure to advance in the profession was perceived to be attributed to a less than total commitment to diversity and the existence of glass ceilings in many organizations.  相似文献   

The introduction of futures contracts did not alter the regularity in the cash market that results from the Federal Reserve regulation of the bank-settlement process. Although we find a positive preholiday effect in the Fed funds futures returns, we do not find evidence that Federal Reserve regulations cause that effect. Contrary to previous observations for other futures contracts, we find Fridays and preholidays have the largest net volume. We suggest this finding of high volume is consistent with hedging activity by financial institutions before market closings.  相似文献   

We examine characteristics of firms involved in spin-offs and test whether these spin-offs induce changes in investment incentives and economic performance. We find that firms engaging in spin-offs are larger, more highly leveraged, and have higher asset turnover and lower real asset growth than their industry rivals. We also find that spin-offs generate significant increases in real asset growth and cash flow margin on sales for combined firm measures (spun-off firm plus parent firm). The gains result from increases in real asset growth for parent and spun-off firms, and improvements in cash flow margin on sales for parents. Our evidence is consistent with models in which spin-offs create value by improving investment incentives and economic performance.  相似文献   

孟祥林 《金融论坛》2000,5(5):57-61
风险投资是技术创新和金融创新相结合的必然结果,是一种与产业资本运营相结合的金融创新活动.德国属于银行主导型的金融体制,美国属于市场主导型的金融体制,两国的产融结合模式不同.从宏观上看,美国的金融环境为其风险投资的发展提供了有利条件,德国的金融环境在一定程度上对其风险投资的发展有负面影响.具体分析,美、德两国由于其金融环境不同,使得风险投资在资金来源、投资方向退出方式和风险企业的约束与激励机制等方面存在很大的差异.我国目前的金融体系限制了风险资本的来源,同时对风险投资的退出也形成制约.因此,我国风险投资的发展应从增加风险投资资金来源及建立第二板市场入手.  相似文献   

This study examines the moderating effect of tolerance for ambiguity, a personality variable, on the relation between management accounting systems (MAS) design and managerial performance. MAS design was defined in terms of the extent to which managers» use of broad scope MAS information for managerial decision making. The responses of 63 managers, drawn from a cross-section of Australian manufacturing companies, to a questionnaire survey were analysed by using a multiple regression technique. The results indicate that the use of broad scope MAS information interact with tolerance for ambiguity to affect managerial performance. The results indicate that an appropriate «fit» between manager's personality variable of tolerance for ambiguity and the extent of use of broad scope MAS information for managerial decisions will lead to improved managerial performance.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between mispricing in the Black-Scholes option pricing (BSOP) model and volume in the option market. Our results indicate heavily traded call options are priced more efficiently and have lower mispricing errors than thinly traded options. However, this relation shifts significantly on days when call option trading is high. On high-volume days, the BSOP model mispricing errors are significantly larger than mispricing errors on normal-volume days. We believe large increases in volume may reflect new and changing market information, thus making pricing less efficient in the BSOP model.  相似文献   

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