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In this prologue to his new book, Curing Corporate Short‐Termism, the founder and CEO of Fortuna Advisors presents a fictional account of a corporate turnaround—a “composite” reflection of the author's many years of consulting experience that dramatizes the pressure to meet near‐term earnings targets and other kinds of “agency” problems facing a public company called Blue Dynamics Corp. The tale begins with the puzzlement of the incoming CEO, Betty Manning, at finding the company's highest‐return business unit starved for investment, even as the low‐return units continue to receive and spend capital with little success. At the core of the company's capital allocation and “underinvestment” problems, she finds a corporate‐wide performance measurement and reward system focused on setting and beating budgets and growth in EPS and ROE. Manning's solution is to divorce the performance and reward system entirely from the budgeting process and implement new annual incentives and target‐setting practices that result in both more reliable budgeting and forecasting and a longer‐term view of value creation. The new measure of economic profit, called BDVA (short for Blue Dynamics Value Added), is based on a customized measure of EBITDA less a capital charge. The adoption of the new measure has the effect of encouraging her team to take a number of decisive steps: make an objective, “fact‐based” case for a strategic acquisition whose price appears to be too high (at least using conventional measures like EPS accretion); pull the trigger on a divestment that appears to have been adding value, but is more valuable outside the firm; and, more generally and most important, guide operating managers toward an ideal balance of overall growth and return on capital.  相似文献   

萧枭 《新理财》2012,(1):62-63
各位CFO朋友:大家好!接到《新理财》杂志社的约稿已经十多天了,迟迟未能动笔,并非仅仅是些许忙的借口,更主要的是,即将逝去的2011年的确不平坦,让人不知从何处下笔。2011年,全球经济跌宕起伏,扑朔迷离,  相似文献   

关于价值创造与价值分配问题不同见解的评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在价值创造和价值分配问题上,目前经济学界存在几种不同见解,如何评析几种不同见解的是非,必须坚持马克思主义的劳动价值论,这是马克思主义经济学的一个常识性问题,在此基础上进行探析和讨论,才能导出正确的结论。  相似文献   

信息技术的普遍应用、金融工具的广泛引进、产品经营范围的多维扩展以及全球经济的一体化,使外贸型企业经营管理的内部条件与外部环境发生了巨大的变化。这种环境的改变,迫切要求企业的财务管理改变传统角色,实现向价值创造型财务管理的转型。苏美达公司财务资产部坚实自身价值创造能力,借助于资金管理、政策把握、自由现金流投资等手段,通过决策支持、管理监督、考核与激励支持或促进公司整体价值创造,其价值创造型财务管理的成功实践对于转型期的中国同类企业财务管理的与时俱进有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study seeks to fill the gap in the existing literature by examining how and whether disclosure of social value creation becomes a part of the legitimation strategies of social enterprises. In particular, using Suchman's (1995) moral dimension of legitimacy theory, this study sets out whether and how disclosures by three global social organisations – Grameen Bank, Charity Water and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – conform to the expectations of the broader community. The study finds that there is an apparent disconnection between disclosure and action by social enterprises. With reference to a few incidents, social enterprises use disclosure as a part of their managerial efforts, rather than to create moral legitimacy. The notion of apparent disconnection between disclosure and real action by social enterprises is evident. The notion is consistent with extant disclosure literature capturing the motivations for the disclosure practices of corporations. The findings of this paper suggest that when an organisation (whether it is a corporation or a social enterprise) faces a legitimacy crisis, it appears to disclose good news rather than bad news, which calls into question organisational moral legitimacy.  相似文献   

Using the insights of current research in corporate finance and financial institutions, the authors briefly present a consistent economic framework for looking at insurance. Shareholders of insurance companies provide risk capital that is invested in financial assets and therefore earns the market return of the assets it is invested in. However, due to the legal and fiscal environment insurance companies are in, they have a competitive disadvantage at investing, and this gives rise to frictional capital costs. The core competence of insurers is in managing the size of these frictional capital costs. Insurers must ensure that they can sell insurance for a price in excess of what they need to produce the cover they sell and compensate the incurred frictional costs on risk capital. It is through the ability to do so that insurers create shareholder value.  相似文献   

新公共管理理论自提出以来,对削减成本、提高效率等起到了重要的作用,但是难以反映政府提供公共服务的其他价值内涵。公共价值管理模式解决了新公共管理理论过于强调技术理性的缺陷,对政府活动、政策制定和服务提供产生重大的影响,政府会计作为信息收集、价值判断和管理矫正的重要工具,其改革应以公共价值为导向,充分发挥其在公共价值创造中的重要作用。  相似文献   

创造价值是上市公司的根本目的及其具备投资价值的基础.本文采用资本成本收益分析法对1997-2006年十年间我国A股市场上市公司的资本成本和股东要求的资本回报率进行了实证分析,结果表明整体而言,此期间上市公司股东要求的资本回报率平均高于同期银行存款利率与五年期国债利率平均值,但低于银行贷款利率平均值,上市公司创造价值能力低,整体上投资价值不大.文章分析了我国A股市场上市公司资本回报率低的原因,指出增强企业资本成本意识,加速债券市场发展,提高上市公司的整体质量进而提升其创造价值的能力,是提高我国A股市场上市公司投资价值的根本途径.  相似文献   

何瑛  黄洁 《新理财》2014,(4):30-34
创造价值是企业生存的根本,唯有价值创造出来并得以实现,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中占据一席之地,并实现可持续发展。青岛海尔股份有限公司(以下简称海尔)创立于1984年,由最初的一个濒临倒闭的集体小厂,成长为世界白色家电第一品牌,这期间它共经历了名牌战略(1984~1991年)、多元化战略(1991~1993年)、国际化战略(1993~2005年)、全球化品牌战略(2005~2012年)和网络化战略(2012~2019年)5个发展阶段,每个阶段的集团战略都拥有巨大的生命力和创造力。2012年,海尔品牌价值高达962.8亿元,位居中国品牌价值排行榜首位,欧睿国际(Euromonitor International)的调查结果显示,海尔2013年品牌零售量占全球市场的9.7%,第5次蝉联全球第一。如此令人瞩目的业绩离不开海尔集团准确的战略定位、适时的并购重组、成功的营销策略、及时的财务转型和永不止步的现金管理。  相似文献   

4月8日下午,由《首席财务官》杂志社主办、中国CFO百人会承办的"2010中国CFO春季高峰论坛暨2009年度中国杰出CFO评选颁奖晚宴"在北京华彬紫金剧院隆重举行。这一届的杰出CFO评选和本届CFO春季论坛主题为"后危机时代的价值创造"。  相似文献   

雷玉莹 《新理财》2014,(2):110-112
如今的微博已经成为集社会化收件箱、社会化即时通讯、社会化媒体为一体的高度社会化传播平台。在当今的四种互联网主要社交媒体--微博、社交网站、视频分享网站和开放式百科全书中,微博毫无疑问成为后来居上者。据中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)发布的《第32次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,2013年6月,我国微博用户数量增至5.91亿,半年共计新增网民2656万人。互联网普及率为44.1%,较2012年底提升了2.0个百分点。  相似文献   

近年来,媒体不实报道层出不穷,严重损害了公司和投资者利益,但以往文献对此缺乏必要的和应有的关注。本文以2012年开始的《新快报》对中联重科发表的系列不实报道为研究对象,采用案例研究方法,对不实报道的经济后果进行了探究,结果表明:不实报道对目标企业的市场价值产生严重负面影响,短窗口的CAR、长窗口的BHAR、经营业绩、机构投资者持股比例、分析师预测准确性下降。并且,不实报道被证明不实之后,市场价值短期内并没有恢复,在之后的一年内,相关指标持续恶化,这表明媒体不实报道对公司和投资者利益的负面影响严重、广泛且具有长期性,这符合桑斯坦(2010)提出的社会流瀑和群体极化理论。  相似文献   

从价值创造到市值管理:价值管理理论变迁研究评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于企业经营目标对价值管理理论的总体影响,系统梳理了价值管理理论从股东价值管理、利益相关者价值管理到市值管理的变迁过程。作者认为,企业经营目标不但决定了价值管理理论的性质和结构,而且对其从价值创造、价值实现到价值经营的研究路径变迁产生了重要影响。随着价值管理研究路径的融合,在未来研究中完善理论框架,关注管理模式的有效性检验,结合宏观经济、企业组织和公司金融的研究成果将是该领域深化研究的方向。  相似文献   

Despite recent volatility and constraints in secondary market funding, analysts have ascribed substantial value creation to the securitization of commercial mortgages. Such value creation likely emanates from liquidity enhancements, regulatory arbitrage, price discrimination and risk diversification by pooling and tranching, gains from specialization in origination, servicing, and holding of mortgages, and the like. Indeed, such value creation would be consistent with past accelerated growth in the mortgage- and asset-based securities markets and the sizable profits earned by secondary market intermediaries. In this paper, we estimate the pricing effects of commercial mortgage securitization. We do so by applying loan level data from 1992–2003 to compare the pricing of conduit and portfolio loans held in CMBS structures. In contrast to portfolio loans, which are held for investment by originating institutions, conduit loans are originated for the sole purpose of sale and securitization in the secondary market. If securitization creates value, it should be evidenced in the relative pricing of conduit loans sold into CMBS pools and in a lower cost of capital to loan originators. We estimate a reduced-form model, in which the interest rate spread between commercial mortgages and comparable-maturity treasury securities varies with loan characteristics, capital market conditions, and conduit loan status. Estimation results indicate that securitization of conduit loans leads to an 11 basis points reduction in commercial mortgage interest rates. We assess robustness of results via hazard model tests for omitted variables and originator-specific effects. We further estimate a simultaneous equations model that accounts for the potential endogeneity of mortgage loan terms to the mortgage-treasury rate spread. Results of that analysis suggest a larger 20 basis points reduction in loan pricing among conduit loans sold into CMBS structures.  相似文献   

The Umbrella Partnership REIT (UPREIT) structure has become the dominant form of organization for U.S. REITs. We examine the utility of this corporate structure from a new perspective, finding evidence that convertible securities issued by UPREITs in payment for properties acquired from private sellers often function as instruments of corporate control, aligning the interests of new executives acquired in the transaction with those of the purchasing REIT’s shareholders. We also find evidence that these financial arrangements are used to signal information regarding the firm’s future prospects. We use a sample of 53 public–private mergers 1995–2001, in which the acquirer is a publicly traded REIT. We find that wealth effects from central managerial changes are positively related to the degree to which payment takes the form of convertible equity units of UPREIT subsidiaries, and to the minimum lock-up period for those units prior to conversion. The positive effects of longer lock-ups are evidence that financing structure can be used to reduce agency and information costs related to managerial restructuring in public–private mergers.  相似文献   

李凤云 《新金融》2003,(1):17-19
随着我国经济、金融体制改革的不断深化以及加入WTO的日益临近,金融市场的竞争,尤其是对优质客户的竞争日趋激烈.作为一项金融体制创新,客户经理制因打破了传统的营销服务模式,倡导了以客户为中心的经营新概念而显示了极强的生命力与巨大的发展空间,引起了金融同业的广泛关注.  相似文献   

Adopting a monitoring perspective, this study aims to explain how and why firms provide web‐based disclosure about their value creation and its underlying processes. We rely on the balanced scoreboard approach to measure disclosure. Our results suggest that costs incurred by capital markets' participants as well as monitoring by the board and the media drive disclosure. Moreover, we argue and document that a firm's disclosure is actually a part of its governance configuration and influences some board processes.  相似文献   

基于EVA的商业银行经济资本管理与价值创造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
只有为企业带来超过资本最低回报要求的业务,才真正为企业创造了价值,而那些创造收益水平低于资本最低回报要求的业务,实际上是在消耗企业的价值,因而价值最大化是银行经营最终目标。银行经济资本管理可以为银行创造价值。以EVA作为价值创造能力衡量指标,经济资本管理为银行创造价值路径有四个:绩效考评、战略制定、产品定价和资产组合选择。  相似文献   

大学生价值的创造和提高依赖一定的主客观务件。客观上,现代社会为大学生提供了良好的文化环境和多样化的发展机遏,高等教育也越来越在教书育人、管理育人、服务育人方面增强实力;主观上,大学生需要在思想、智能、心理、体魄方面锻炼自己。  相似文献   

资产负债观下,会计核算和报告的重心更加关注资产增加及由此引起的所有者权益(净资产)增长,以实现企业新增价值创造。资产负债观在企业价值创造中的影响表现为确立了资产负债表的核心地位、全面收益计量的核算模式、企业价值创造的目标和手段以及企业战略管理的重要地位。资产负债观在企业价值创造中的应用,包括构建财务管理战略,有效控制风险,合理配置资源,实现新增价值创造;建立价值创造决策信息支持系统,规范交易事项处理,落实财务报告目标;顺应战略管理要求,适应复杂环境变化,为企业核心竞争力战略奠定基础。  相似文献   

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