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The article investigates the relationship between banks, agency costs, and innovation ability of listed firms. The role of banks in affecting innovation is a very important topic especially in China where banks play more important roles than equity markets. We find that banks providing short-term funds to listed non-high-tech firms dampen their innovation ability significantly. However, the relationship between short-term loans and innovation ability in high-tech firms is insignificant. The effects of short-term loans on innovation ability are significantly different between high-tech and non-high-tech firms. Further examination shows that high-tech firms with more short-term bank loans have significantly less abnormal management expenses than non-high-tech firms in the next year. The reduced abnormal management expenses in the next year significantly enhance the innovation ability in the year after next.  相似文献   

Using hand-collected data on purchases of D&O insurance by Chinese listed firms for the period from 2008 to 2019, we empirically find that D&O insurance negatively associates with credit spreads. The negative relationship still holds after conducting a series of robustness tests and is not driven by the eyeball effect. We also show that D&O insurance can reduce credit spreads via the channels of internal controls, external monitoring, information asymmetry and default risk. Moreover, the negative effect of D&O insurance on credit spreads is more pronounced for non-state-owned firms, those located in regions with a low level of marketization or that employ rating agencies with a bad reputation. Our study complements the literature on the credit spreads and corporate governance.  相似文献   

We develop an empirical framework that links micro-liquidity, macro-liquidity and stock prices. We provide evidence of a strong link between macro-liquidity shocks and the returns of UK stock portfolios constructed on the basis of micro-liquidity measures between 1999 and 2012. Specifically, macro-liquidity shocks, which are extracted on the meeting days of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) relative to market expectations embedded in 3-month LIBOR futures prices, are transmitted in a differential manner to the cross-section of liquidity-sorted portfolios, with liquid stocks playing the most active role. We also find that there is a significant increase in shares' trading activity and a rather small increase in their trading cost on MPC meeting days. Finally, our results emphatically document that during the recent financial crisis the shocks–returns relationship has reversed its sign. Interest rate cuts during the crisis were perceived by market participants as a signal of deteriorating economic prospects and reinforced “flight to safety” trading.  相似文献   

In 2006 Germany strengthened the enforcement of mandatory financial statement disclosure for private firms. Since the law enforced disclosure but not its quality, we examine whether firms forced to disclose reduced financial reporting quality, for example to prevent competitors and other parties from inferring profitability, liquidity and other negotiation relevant information in time. We use proprietary data by the Deutsche Bundesbank, which covers information about firms that did not disclose financial statements before the law. Analyses based on differences-in-differences, regression discontinuity and PSM extend prior studies and suggest that firms did not significantly reduce financial reporting quality. These findings are potentially relevant for regulators as they document limits of private firms’ disclosure avoidance and emphasize the benefits of disclosure.  相似文献   

Using a supplier–client matched sample, we study the effect of the 2007–2008 financial crisis on between-firm liquidity provision. Consistent with a causal effect of a negative shock to bank credit, we find that firms with high precrisis liquidity levels increased the trade credit extended to other corporations and subsequently experienced better performance as compared with ex ante cash-poor firms. Trade credit taken by constrained firms increased during this period. These findings are consistent with firms providing liquidity insurance to their clients when bank credit is scarce and offer an important precautionary savings motive for accumulating cash reserves.  相似文献   

This paper assesses whether the primary effect of the global crisis on Eastern European firms took the form of an adverse demand shock or a credit crunch. Using a unique firm survey conducted by the World Bank in six Eastern European countries during the 2008–2009 financial crisis, the paper shows that the drop in demand for firms' products and services was overwhelmingly reported as the most damaging adverse effect of the crisis. Other “usual suspects”, such as rising debt or reduced access to credit, were reported as minor. The paper also finds that the changes in firms' sales and installed capacity are significantly and robustly correlated with different demand sensitivity measures of the sector in which the firms operate. However, they are not robustly correlated with various proxies for firms' credit needs.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether migration and trade can be regarded as complements or substitutes using the data on Turkish migration to Germany for the period 1963-2004. In contrast to previous studies that investigated this question using gravity equations, we conduct our analysis using the cointegration framework. In line with the previous literature, our results support the view that migration and trade are complements.  相似文献   

We examine the U.S. stock market reaction to the World Health Organization's announcement declaring COVID-19 a global health emergency, with a focus on firms' international exposure. We find that while international exposure through foreign sales, foreign assets, imports and exports are significant and negatively associated with standardized cumulative abnormal returns in the short-run, the effect reverses in the long-run. In the long-run, internationalization contributes to multinational firms being more resilient to economic shocks caused by COVID-19.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of corporate governance on financial firms' performance during the 2007–2008 financial crisis. Using a unique dataset of 296 financial firms from 30 countries that were at the center of the crisis, we find that firms with more independent boards and higher institutional ownership experienced worse stock returns during the crisis period. Further exploration suggests that this is because (1) firms with higher institutional ownership took more risk prior to the crisis, which resulted in larger shareholder losses during the crisis period, and (2) firms with more independent boards raised more equity capital during the crisis, which led to a wealth transfer from existing shareholders to debtholders. Overall, our findings add to the literature by examining the corporate governance determinants of financial firms' performance during the 2007–2008 crisis.  相似文献   

We examine whether supply shocks in the audit partner labor market induce clients to switch audit partners. We argue that audit partners in their early careers (i.e., junior partners) charge low audit fees to attract clients, which induces client firms to switch from senior partners to junior partners when there are more junior partners available. Utilizing the Big4 localization policy, we find that Big4 clients are more likely to replace senior auditors with junior auditors to cut costs after the policy. Furthermore, the results are mainly driven by clients who are charged high fees. Our empirical evidence enriches the understanding of auditor choice determinants and informs the ongoing debates surrounding new regulations for Big4 firms in China.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of a firm's information visibility in the assessment of its default risk. We use press coverage to proxy for firm visibility and find that highly visible firms generally have better credit ratings. The positive association between firm visibility and credit ratings arises because (1) press coverage facilitates the generation and dissemination of firm-specific information to market participants and (2) it disciplines the activities of managers and large shareholders. This positive association becomes stronger for firms with more severe information asymmetry or weaker alternative monitoring systems. Our findings contribute to the accounting literature by providing new evidence on the influence of firm visibility in the debt market.  相似文献   

China’s climb to a trading powerhouse has changed its position in the world and therefore its relationships with other economies. As a result, its sovereign credit risk, which we measure by the pricing of its credit default swaps (CDS), now has the potential to greatly impact other sovereign CDS spreads. Employing a dynamic approach, we find that changes in China’s sovereign risk has strong contagion effects on its goods and service providers, while China is vulnerable to contagion effects from its major importers, suggesting sovereign risk spills over to other regions via the global supply chain. China’s success hurts some of the weaker countries in Europe by competing for their customers, while China faces strong competition itself from its export-focused neighbors. FDI and portfolio investment also affect the CDS relationships between China and other economies.  相似文献   

A key problem facing microlenders is the high level of information asymmetry between them and their borrowers. In this paper, we analyze whether the relationship intensity between microlenders and borrowers helps to overcome existing information asymmetries and how this impacts access to credit and loan contract terms. Using a rich loan-level data set provided by a microlender in Mozambique for the years 2000-2006, we find that access to credit improves and that the loan approval process takes less time when relationships become more intense. Borrowers further profit from a more intense relationship through lower guarantee requirements. All effects are more pronounced the more opaque the borrowers are. These results suggest that longer lending relationships indeed help to reduce information asymmetries and that this is beneficial for microborrowers.  相似文献   

We conduct a controlled experiment with financial professionals to examine more directly whether value and momentum reflect risk factors or mispricing. By eliciting their risk perceptions and return expectations for company stocks, we identify what constitutes a risky investment from the point of investors. Contrary to the risk factor hypothesis, value and momentum stocks are regarded as less risky. However, other factors, such as size and beta, fall in line with their traditional interpretation as risk factors. Consistent with empirical findings, we observe higher return expectations for momentum stocks, raising questions on analysts believing in a risk–return trade-off.  相似文献   

In responding to the severity and broad scope of the crisis, the Federal Reserve (the Fed) has aggressively utilized both traditional monetary policy instruments, as well as innovative tools to provide liquidity. In this paper, the Fed’s actions are examined in light of the evolution of risk during the crisis. The empirical evidence supports the Fed’s views on the primacy of liquidity constraints in the earlier stages of the crisis and the increased prominence of counterparty credit risk as the crisis evolved in 2008. I conclude that an understanding of the prevailing risk environment is necessary to evaluate when central bank programs are likely to be effective and under what conditions the programs might cease to be necessary.  相似文献   

We examine the association of the business cycle and revenue diversification with the banks’ capital buffer and credit risk for a sample of banks from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region from 1998 to 2018, using 2847 banking firm–year observations. We find that ASEAN region banks react anticyclically in adjusting their capital buffer levels and credit risk. We find revenue diversification benefits and that banks, through revenue diversification, can reduce their credit risk while achieving capital savings when confronting economic downturns. Our results offer support for the Basel III accord. However, the relations revealed are somewhat moderated by the regulatory quality, competition, and phase of the business cycle encountered by ASEAN region banks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify and quantify the importance of endogenous peer effects in the interbank market, allowing for varying degrees of intensity of these peer effects. We base our analysis on a unique dataset that includes all interbank loans that have taken place between 15 banks in the Chilean interbank market representing more than 95% of the market between 2009 and 2016. This approach contrasts sharply with the geographical definition of peers used by most of the literature. As an application of our model, we examine an episode of liquidity shortage experienced by one Chilean bank in the interbank market, with the lenses of our model. We show evidence consistent with a herding behavior of the lender banks which, according to our model, were peers of the stressed bank.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of institutional trading on stock resiliency during the financial crisis of 2007–2009. We show that buy-side institutions have different exposure to liquidity factors based on their trading style. Liquidity supplying institutions absorb the long-term order imbalances in the market and are critical to recovery patterns after a liquidity shock. We show that these liquidity suppliers withdraw from risky securities during the crisis and their participation does not recover for an extended period of time. The illiquidity of specific stocks is significantly affected by institutional trading patterns; participation by liquidity supplying institutions can ameliorate illiquidity, while participation by liquidity demanding institutions can exacerbate illiquidity. Our results provide guidance on why some stocks take longer to recover in a crisis.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the degree of global versus regional financial integration in Southeast Asia during the period 2004–2012. We examine integration in the money and bond markets in Asia by employing a covered-interest-parity-based measure of financial integration. The impact of the 2008 financial crisis as well as the recent regional bond initiatives on the integration process of Asian money and bond markets respectively are specifically investigated. Empirically, we adopt the Phillips and Sul (2007) convergence methodology that has not been previously employed to examine the integration process in Asian money and bond markets. We find evidence of both global and regional integration in the money market pre 2008 but once the crisis hit, the process of global integration comes to an abrupt halt. However, regional integration, albeit at a slower pace, is still clearly evident in the post-crisis period. As for the Asian bond market, evidence of both global and regional integration is found but, in comparison, the latter is more convergent post 2008. Regional integration is stronger when interest rates with longer maturity are considered. In addition, we identify some convergent subgroups of countries and this suggests that a multi-tiered style of convergence is present.  相似文献   

Using a rich dataset from a commercial bank in Albania, we utilize the introduction of a public credit registry by the Albanian central bank in January 2008 as a natural experiment to analyze the effect of information sharing between lenders on (1) access to credit, (2) cost of credit, and (3) loan performance. Our results suggest that information sharing by means of a credit registry does not affect access to or cost of credit, but improves loan performance. Specifically, loans granted after the introduction of the credit registry are 3% points less likely of turning problematic, representing a 35% reduction of the overall sample average arrear probability. We further find that the effect is more pronounced for repeat borrowers and in areas, where competition is weak. This indicates that information sharing among lenders improves loan performance mainly by disciplining borrowers to repay in their concern about future access to credit.  相似文献   

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