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在2005年1月,万事达国际的一份报告就说,中国廉价航空公司业务,有望在未来10年中崛起。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the role of the service sector in revitalising local economies. Using case study evidence from the Fens, the view that services are “parasitic” activities is refuted. Instead, services are shown to contribute positively to local economic rejuvenation not only as “basic” activities which bring income into local economies from outside but also, just as importantly, as locally-oriented activities which stop income from leaking out of the locality. The consequences of this reconceptualisation of services for the nature of local economic policy are addressed.  相似文献   

The government sector,the export sector and growth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A three-sector, two-input growth model is developed which potentially allows for the separate identification of government and export sector productivity differentials and externality effects. Using data from a limited sample of OECD countries (which are the only countries for which reliable capital stock data are readily available), we find that the export sector is more productive than the rest of the economy, but that neither an externality effect nor a productivity differential can be detected in the case of the government sector.The author wishes to acknowledge financial assistance from a Research Grant from the Division of Commerce of the University of Otago which funded the participation of William M. Jones as research asistant in this work. Thanks are due to Annette Godman for secretarial assistance. The referees of this journal made extensive comments on an earlier version of this paper, and the present version is substantially better thanks to them. Remaining errors are, of course, my responsibility.  相似文献   

China has seen a massive higher education expansion, which the literature has dated to the 1999–2008 period with quantitative and qualitative outcomes. However, the consequences for the publication success of Chinese authors worldwide are not well studied. We review the respective Chinese higher education policies and document the dramatic rise in publication success, with a focus on the field of Economics. A substantial set of regressions and robustness checks confirm the understanding that the higher education expansion has indeed let to a substantial worldwide rise in scientific publications in refereed economics journals fueled by the general incentives of the reform, through research collaborations and other quality improving factors.  相似文献   

This article quantifies the growth in the number of professional accountants in British management, charts their influence over the past century, and analyses the causes. It is most likely that Britain initially spawned large numbers of accountants because of the particular nature of its capital market which led to demands for the independent auditing of company accounts. British companies then recruited their accountants from this ever growing pool of professionally qualified auditors and the reason why these accountants rose to the top in British management was probably that the profession provided virtually the only formal management training available in Britain.  相似文献   


In 1866 a Co-operative Society was formed in Thisted on the English pattern. It became the mother society of the Danish Co-operative Society Movement, in the sense that its rules and regulations served as the model for the Co-operative Societies which grew up rapidly after this time. In 1896, after a period of dissension and clashes, these Co-operative Societies succeeded in forming a central organ called the Danish Co-operative Wholesale Society, one of whose functions was to attend to the wholesale business of the Co-operative Societies. It is these 30 years that Preben Dollerup has made the subject of his ‘Social, Economic and Political studies’. This subtitle deserves particular notice. To a certain extent the studies are monographs which have been put together in an attempt to form a whole. This has been done with journalistic skill; however, it cannot conceal the fact that the investigations covering the first half of the period are generally more thorough and reliable than those for the second half. The general effect of the book is thus somewhat unequal.  相似文献   

建设服务型政府是新时期社会治理的新要求,而开展政务服务评估是检验服务型政府工作绩效的必要手段。本文阐述了开展政务服务评估对我国现阶段的重要意义,并介绍了国内外开展政务服务评估的现状和经验,认为政务服务评估朝着评估程序规范化、制度化和法制化,评估主体第三方化,评估客体细分化的趋势发展。最后本文分析了政府服务评估面临的主要问题,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

"两个翻一番"完全能够实现 刚刚召开的十八大提出了两个"翻一番"的发展目标——就是到2020年,国内生产总值较2010年翻一番,城乡居民收入比2010年翻一番. 世界银行前高级副行长、北京大学国家发展研究院名誉院长林毅夫认为,这一目标完全可以实现,因为中国经济依然有维持20年平均增长8%的发展潜力,虽然这8%的潜力挖掘尚需克服诸多挑战与困难.到2020年或者2030年,中国可能会变成一个高收入国家,从而整个经济、社会的结构都会发生相应变化——城市人口可能会超过80%(未来会出现十几个千万人口规模的超大型都市),而农业经济在经济总量中的占比会低于10%.因而未来十年,对中国、美国乃至于世界都是关键的十年.  相似文献   

The urban informal sector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the basis of available information, this paper debunks some of the conventional wisdom concerning the informal sector. This sector is not the major point of entry for fresh migrants from rural areas and there exist large variations in earnings within it. A disproportionately large number of informal-sector workers are (i) very young or very old, (ii) females, (iii) limited in education and (iv) not the primary household earners. Finally, the paper confronts the predictions of a dualistic urban labour market model for trends over time in output, employment, productivity and earnings with the results of a case study of Peru by Richard Webb.  相似文献   


This survey of the history of the North Schleswig savings banks is published in connection with the 150th anniversary of the foundation of Senderborg Bys Sparekasse, Thanks to his connection with the province concerned and his earlier academic work.1 the author is well qualified for a task demanding extensive knowledge and understanding of the special conditions of North Schleswig.  相似文献   

德国经济几次兴衰,产业结构的调整是其经济复兴的一大重点,值得特别关注。本文对德国第二次工业革命前后及二战后两个时期的产业结构调整状况进行描述性分析,探讨各产业部门发生结构变化的主要影响因素,总结出德国产业结构调整的经验。在此基础上结合中国国情,说明其对我国现阶段产业结构优化的启示。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) membership and private entrepreneurship in China since 2002, the year when the party revised its constitution and officially removed ideological discrimination against private entrepreneurs in member recruitment. Drawing on the data from the six waves of a nationwide survey on privately owned enterprises in China from 1997 to 2008, we find that, while very few private entrepreneurs were recruited into the CCP during the decade we examine, the constitutional change had encouraged many party members to enter the private sector. We also show that party members who became entrepreneurs after the 2002 policy shift tended to be more senior than those who had started their business before the constitutional change. Furthermore, our difference-in-difference estimation demonstrates that the phenomenon of party members turning entrepreneurs was more prominent in regions where the level of marketization was lower, legal protection was less available, and local governments were prone to more corruption, since political rents were generally larger in environments with weaker market-supporting institutions. This study suggests that party members in general and especially the elite among them were quick to sense the opportunity and knew how to translate their political influence into economic power.  相似文献   

胡朝举  梁庆文 《特区经济》2010,(11):119-121
股市与经济密切相关,经济发展带动股市发展,而股市的稳健运行也有助于经济发展。我国股市频繁的暴涨暴跌既损害了股市正常功能的发挥,也影响了经济发展。本文从我国股市暴涨暴跌现象描述入手,在分析中国股市暴涨暴跌的危害及其导致原因的基础上,提出了促进中国股市稳健运行的因应策略。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have on China's economic growth. We present a simple and intuitive model of the political process, which predicts a larger state-owned sector will lead to lower growth rates. We then estimate regressions with various measures of and proxies for real output growth using a variety of other factors, including measures of the size of the state-owned sector, as regressors.We find a robust negative relation between the size of state-owned enterprises and the provincial growth rate. The estimates indicate that a decrease in the SOE share of industrial production by 10 percentage points increases real GDP growth the following year by between 0.7% and 1.2%. The average impact of a reduction in the SOE share in employment by 10 percentage points is between 1.6% and 2.3%.  相似文献   

我国新农村建设中的律师服务问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏小强 《特区经济》2011,(11):181-184
律师是参与我国新农村建设的重要力量。其服务具有规范权力运行、保障农民权益和促进经济发展等重要功能。律师应当根据当前农村社会的实际情况,充分了解服务对象的法律需求,运用合适的服务方法,有针对性地提供满足不同涉农主体需要的服务内容。为了确保服务效果和实现服务目的,要求服务主体应当具有良好的个人素质、服务地点应当尽可能在农村、服务收费应当与服务对象的经济状况相适应以及服务目的应当追求法律效果和社会效果的统一。  相似文献   

Summary This paper addresses the question of how to model government behavior. The central thought is that in principle the same behavioral model should apply to the behavior of individuals in the private sector as well as the public sector. The paper starts, therefore, with an outline of the contours of a general model of individual behavior. Use is thereby made of the so-called interest function approach that I developed inOn the Interaction Between State and Private Sector (Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1983) and which is somewhat further elaborated in this paper. The model is subsequently applied to the behavior of the individuals that make up the government organization, bureaucrats and politicians. The potential importance of the approach is indicated by a short survey of the theoretical and empirical results obtained with it so far.  相似文献   

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