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选取400 km以内的城际高速铁路作为研究对象,针对城际高速铁路客票营销在客票类型、服务内容、销售渠道、客票销售管理方面现状及存在不足,提出通过建立旅客大数据库,围绕提升旅行体验和提高收益2个目的,实现客票种类多样化,丰富基础服务内容、推广增值服务,拓展客票的销售渠道,优化票额的智能预分,既要实现全方位的客户营销,还要对旅客实行精细化服务管理,不断完善城际高速铁路的营销策略,从而推动城际高速铁路的良性循环式发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the dramatic improvement in inter-city connectivity by focusing on scheduled passenger air service linking the United Kingdom and Ireland with continental Europe. Between 1996 and 2004, inter-city connectivity as defined by the operation of scheduled non-stop service improved dramatically in two key ways: the number of cities served (increased by 40% from 94 to 135) and the number of city-pairs served (increased by 91% from 224 to 428). A large portion of this increase is attributable to the new generation of low-fare carriers. This improvement in inter-city connectivity benefited a large number of small, provincial towns with no adverse impact on flights out of traditional gateway cities and capitals.  相似文献   

我国高速铁路与世界发达国家相比发展较晚,虽然从20世纪90年代以前就已开始讨论规划建设京沪高速铁路,但直到2l世纪初才开始有实质性的进展.2003年我国建成了第一条客运专线--秦沈客运专线,但它初期开行旅客列车最高速度才160公里/小时,并不是真正意义上的高速铁路.我国真正意义上的第一条高速铁路是2008年8月正式运营的京津城际客运专线.此后,我国通过不断的引进、学习、探索和研究,逐渐形成了日趋成熟的成套高速铁路技术.  相似文献   

我国高速铁路建设面临的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高速铁路建设有几条基本原则:第一是有人口稠密和密集的城市,而且居民的生活水准较高,能够承受高速铁路比较昂贵的票价和多点停靠的条件.第二是拥有较高的社会、经济和科技基础,能够保证高速铁路的施工、运行与维修的需要.第三是高速铁路建设和运行本身应该符合可持续发展的要求,正是因为这一条原则,高速铁路相对汽车和飞机更符合中长距离的客运要求,更节能环保.中国不仅幅员辽阔、人口众多,而且东部城市相对密集,工业经济发达.因此,中国的国情非常适合于高速铁路的建设.  相似文献   

在概述高速铁路品牌化发展的基础上,分析我国高速铁路发展现状,提出我国高速铁路品牌化发展路径,即由产品品牌化向产业品牌化方向发展,同时提出制定品牌发展战略、明确品牌统一管理标准、开展品牌产业内涵建设、构建品牌管理评判体系等我国高速铁路品牌化建设实现途径,以全面提升品牌竞争力。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,日本建成东京至大阪、北海道的客运新干线,车速达210公里/小时,此后,法、英、德等国陆续建成车速达300公里/小时的高速铁路. 2008年10月,我国<中长期铁路网规划>出台.新规划指出:到2020年,全国铁路营业里程达到12万公里以上,建设四纵四横以及经济发达和人口稠密地区城际客运系统等客运专线1.6万公里以上,主要繁忙干线实现客货分线.  相似文献   

高速铁路代表铁路客运的发展方向.分析中国高速铁路供需特征,围绕高速铁路产品质量和服务品质分析经济性、快速性、舒适性、便捷性等核心竞争力,研究其对于积极发挥铁路在综合交通运输体系中的作用,加强与民航、公路等运输方式间的竞争合作,提高运输市场份额的重要意义.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid growth of air freight shipments, much of the existing literature on the geography of air transportation has paid more attention to passenger travel than air freight. The purpose of this paper is to elevate our understanding of air freight by determining which specific variables most influence and shape the geographic distribution of air freight by metropolitan area using stepwise regression analysis. The empirical results suggest a regression model of five independent variables was the most parsimonious solution where the final model accounted for 71.1% of the variation in air freight shipments by metropolitan area (MA). The most important predictor was the traffic shadow effect, where less populated MAs under the traffic shadow of larger MAs tended to generate lower levels of freight. The model also suggested that other key predictors included the employment market share in transportation-shipping-logistics industries, per capita personal income, the number of medical diagnostic and supplier establishments, and above average wages in high technology. Overall, metropolitan markets with diverse and efficient ground support systems, freight forwarders and other transportation services, a more affluent population, an intense agglomeration of medical laboratories and related suppliers, and a well paid skilled workforce engaged in computer systems design and electronic product manufacturing are more likely to ship freight by air.  相似文献   

为保证高速铁路的高速度、高密度、高可靠性,迫切要求其基础设施的检养修管理更加科学.按照宏观层面的集成管理模式、中观层面的检养修管理集成和微观层面的检养修业务集成在内的高速铁路基础设施综合维修集成管理理念,提出构建高速铁路基础设施综合维修集成管理模型,分析了模型的各子系统的构成要素,以及要素间的相互作用关系,为形成高速铁路基础设施综合维修集成管理体系提供参考.  相似文献   

Docked bike-share programs have proliferated worldwide, but studies find that the distribution of docked stations is geographically unequal. New dockless systems offer more flexibility compared to docked systems, but it remains unclear if dockless systems can address existing geographic inequities. This study examines all 32 US cities with both docked and dockless micromobility (bikeshare and e-scooter) programs and develops three service geography indicators to compare the geographic equity of docked versus dockless systems. We first use Lorenz curves and Gini indices to examine the overall spatial distribution of micromobility; we then use logistic and Tobit regressions to investigate how service geography corresponds to neighborhood characteristics. Results show that the distribution of docked systems is extremely unequal, and that dockless systems greatly reduce geographical inequalities relative to docked. Low-density areas and neighborhoods with low median household incomes, smaller shares of young people, and fewer zero-car households have limited micromobility service. Docked services are less prevalent in communities of color, and the implementation of dockless systems yields mixed outcomes for racial equity. Importantly, designated service areas do not always translate into available micromobility vehicles. Policymakers should use program design and performance metrics to address the mismatch between designated and actual service geographies and to ensure that micromobility services benefit marginalized communities.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how geography and transportation costs influence the decisions by shippers of which port of export to use. Using a large sample of disaggregated shipments originating from several countries in Europe, we show that European logistics networks exhibit a low level of international integration that affects shipping route choice. Furthermore, we find significant differences in shipping behaviors across landlocked and coastal countries, with shippers in landlocked countries avoiding long land transportation, crossing borders readily, and placing more value on transportation infrastructure. These findings have implications in designing port competitiveness strategies and economic development policies in landlocked countries.  相似文献   

Airport hubs’ indirect connectivity is important for any aviation network. Indirect connectivity describes the capacity of airport hubs to provide indirect connections over the airline network. As the Chinese aviation industry has experienced development, this paper offers a comparative analysis of indirect connectivity for Chinese airport hubs between 2010 and 2015. We investigate wave-system structures, weighted indirect connectivity (WIC) and indirect connections of the top ten airport hubs in China. In the spatial analysis, this paper surveys the spatial patterns of indirect connections at four important airport hubs. Beijing-Capital airport has strong indirect connectivity worldwide. Pudong and Hongqiao airports worked together to maximize the spatial coverage of Shanghai. Guangzhou-Baiyun airport has sufficient indirect connections across southern China, and it intends to expand its spatial influence into northern cities.  相似文献   

This paper employs a multi-market oligopoly model to examine the effect of cargo liberalization on competition between all-cargo carriers and mixed passenger/cargo carriers. We find that if home carriers engage in the joint production of cargo and passenger services, whereas foreign carriers produce the two outputs separately, then unilateral cargo liberalization by the home country will reduce home firm profits and increase foreign profits, and raise air fares for passenger travel when foreign competition in the passenger sector is limited. Our analysis suggests that the separation of air cargo and passenger rights might be fraught with difficulty in Asia due to the characteristics of its air cargo market, in which most passenger carriers have substantial cargo businesses and operate “combi” fleets.  相似文献   

In this paper a model concerning substitution and complementarity on the linkage between airport facilities and airlines from the viewpoint of pricing policy is formulated. This model is used to analyze whether airport pricing policies, e.g. to ensure cost recovery, are compatible with competition for transfer passengers. It is found that airports with a high volume of demand can pursue cost recovery and still be the most preferred hub. Airports with a low level of demand will not be the preferred hub, even if the larger airport charges higher taxes to recover costs.  相似文献   

High-speed rail in Taiwan: New experience and issues for future development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study aims to identify some possible issues and challenges for Taiwan's High Speed Rail (HSR) system, which was constructed and is operated under a Build–Operate–Transfer (BOT) model. The operational experiences in the initial stage for equivalent systems in Japan, France, Germany, and elsewhere are introduced herein. This study first presents Taiwan's HSR system development and conducts an ex post cost–benefit analysis of this transportation system. Second, unsatisfied ridership is examined to look for possible solutions to increase it. Third, the paper examines the impact of HSR on the intercity transportation market. Finally, the integration between HSR and various existing transportation modes is discussed. Several policy suggestions are included, which are useful for the decision makers of transportation systems’ entrepreneurs, the central government, and the local authorities to derive a comprehensive post-HSR planning strategy for a more integrated transportation system.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential in foreign markets for winter tourism in Norway and discusses the influencing factors explaining why foreign tourists visit and revisit Norway on ski vacations. In a decreasing market, it becomes increasingly important to destination managers and marketers to choose the right marketing strategies and direction. We focus on characteristics that influence and explain why foreign tourists choose to return. More than 3000 respondents from Sweden, Denmark, and Germany were asked for their image of Norwegian ski destinations and criteria for winter vacation selection. We fitted mainly hurdle and quantile regressions to gain consistent and less biased estimates. Stable snow conditions, combining alpine and cross-country skiing, and no fees for the latter are some of Norway's competitive but seldom marketed advantages, and especially towards repeat visitors. Repeaters typically prefer self-catering accommodation and are less price sensitive. Surprisingly, foreign ski tourists are not very interested in other snow-based activities or cultural attractions. Despite repeaters constituting the majority of foreign ski tourists, neither the national development and marketing agency (Innovation Norway) nor local tourist organizations and marketers have a strategy for targeting them. We recommend a shift from profile marketing towards segmented marketing, aimed especially at the repeat-visitor segment.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of food transportation is site and product specific and depends on the direct relation between origin-to-destination distance and logistic efficiency, as pointed out by the relevant literature. This paper analyses a very specific case, comparing the impacts of transportation generated by the logistics of two brands of Italian canned tomato purchased in Sassari (Sardinia, Italy), one extending over the whole continental Italian territory, the other mainly located in the island of Sardinia. Different sale (supermarket chain vs. independent retailers) and shopping (foot vs. car) modalities are also considered. The contributions to global warming, local pollution and traffic congestion are considered.The case study shows that the logistics of the national brand is much more polluting than the regional, not only because of the longer distance between origin and destination, but also because the additional distance that is needed to reach logistic hubs is not compensated by higher load factors. Instead, the logistics of the regional brand is based on a very efficient point-to-point organization. This result is generalizable to all regional supply chains featuring high volumes of product. Results of the case study also depend on: a) the high impact of packaging transportation, because of the very low weight/volume ratio of empty cans; b) the high CO2 emission coefficient of lorries and trailers transportation by ferry (Ro–Ro). The case study also stresses the very high impact of shopping by car.  相似文献   

Increasingly air transport growth raises the question of its impact on the environment. Public authorities and researchers are relying more and more on high-speed trains (HSTs), whose efficiency is supposed to lead to a modal shift from airplanes. However, most transport studies focus on the evolution of demand rather than supply, although it is basically the latter that determines environmental damage. In light of this fact, this paper aims to compare the overall dynamics in the supply of air transport in Europe compared to the HST supply and to examine empirically five city-pairs. The development of high-speed rail remains limited compared to the increase of air services. For a given city-pair, the decline in the number of flights depends on various conditions, including length of the HST journey and the strategies adopted by the airlines. Some carriers reduce their supply in terms of the number of seats but increase the number of flights in order to compete more effectively with the HSTs. Moreover, the competition between low-cost airlines and HSTs should be kept in mind and re-examined in a few years.  相似文献   

This paper estimates time-varying and constant hedge ratios, and investigates their performance in reducing freight rate risk in routes 1 and 1A of the Baltic Freight Index. Time-varying hedge ratios are generated by a bivariate error correction model with a GARCH error structure. We also introduce an augmented GARCH (GARCH-X) model where the error correction term enters in the specification of the conditional covariance matrix. This specification links the concept of disequilibrium (as proxied by the magnitude of the error correction term) with that of uncertainty (as reflected in the time varying second moments of spot and futures prices). In- and out-of-sample tests reveal that the GARCH-X specification provides greater risk reduction than a simple GARCH and a constant hedge ratio. However, it fails to eliminate the riskiness of the spot position to the extent evidenced in other markets in the literature. This is thought to be the result of the heterogeneous composition of the underlying index. It seems that restructuring the composition of the Baltic Freight Index (BFI) so as to reflect homogeneous shipping routes may increase the hedging effectiveness of the futures contract. This by itself indicates that the imminent introduction of the Baltic Panamax Index (BPI) as the underlying asset of the Baltic International Financial Futures Exchange (BIFFEX) contract is likely to have a beneficial impact on the market.  相似文献   

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