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In this study, we examine the static and dynamic connectedness between the conventional Chinese stock market and commodity futures (aluminum, gold, copper, steel rebar, natural rubber, and zinc). Our results show that both steel rebar and gold receive whereas zinc and copper transmit changes across all quantiles. However, spillover behavior of aluminum, natural rubber, and CSI 300 vary across different quantiles. Our results have implications for investors who are considering a mix of Chinese conventional stocks and commodity futures in their portfolios. Our findings also provide insights for investing under different market conditions by providing results for static as well as dynamic connectedness between CSI 300 and the commodities market. 相似文献
This paper examines the asymmetric volatility connectedness amongst the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (DJIM) and the Brent crude oil, gold, and silver markets. We use the Diebold and Yilmaz methodology to examine asymmetric volatility connectedness associated with bad (negative semi-variance) and good (positive semi-variance) volatility in these markets. We identify significant volatility connectedness between the DJIM and commodity markets, with the DJIM and Brent oil markets being the largest net contributors of spillovers. Furthermore, the evidence on semi-volatility connectedness displays asymmetric behavior. Bad volatilities are associated with net transmission of spillovers to other markets, except for silver. Our results have significant implications for investors dealing with the DJIM and commodity markets in terms of asset management and diversification. 相似文献
Simon Benninga 《Journal of International Money and Finance》1985,4(4):537-552
This paper derives optimal hedging and production rules for an exporting firm which faces both commodity-price and foreign- exchange-rate uncertainty. The size of the commodity hedge is independent of the properties of the foreign-exchange market. However, the optimal foreign-exchange hedge depends on the commodity hedge and the properties of the commodity forward market. The firm's production decision is independent of its objective function if both forward markets exist, but depends on the consumption beta of the unhedgeable risks in the absence of one or both of the markets. 相似文献
金融家聚会金融展 展会定于上午十点开始,但九点刚过,现场便已人流如织.展览大厅内,各家金融机构推出的新业务、新产品纷沓亮相,引人驻足.大屏幕演示、多媒体查询、现场讲解、知识竞答等各种宣传手段纷纷上阵.更令人欣喜的是中国人民银行行长戴相龙,中国保险监督管理委员会副主席魏迎宁,中国银行业协会会长、中国农业银行行长尚福林,中国国债协会会长田一农,中国财务公司协会副理事长章钢柱以及各商业银行、保险公司、证交所等单位的领导参加了开幕式. 相似文献
2007年12月,国际清算银行发布了季度报告,对次贷危机威胁下的全球金融市场进行回顾,报告显示,市场遭受持续的信用恐慌打击,主要工业经济体的国债收益率显著下降,衍生品市场创下最繁忙记录,国际银行业跨境债权增长由急变缓(截至2007年6月末)。 相似文献
Against the backdrop of the exponentially growing trend in green finance investments and the calls for green recovery in the post-COVID world, this study presents the time-frequency connectedness between green and conventional financial markets by using the spillover models of Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) and Baruník and Křehlík (2018). Covering a sample period from January 01, 2008, to July 31, 2020, we aim to explore the dynamics of connectedness between conventional and green investments in fixed income, equity, and energy markets. Additionally, we determine the role of market-wide uncertainty in altering the connectedness structure by performing a subsample analysis for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic crisis period. Our results show that competing energy investments are not connected, and there is only one-way spillovers from the conventional bonds in the fixed-income investments. Additionally, we observe a low (high) intergroup connectedness for conventional (green) investments. Moreover, the frequency-based analysis shows that connectedness between these competing markets is more pronounced during the short-run. The subsample analysis for the pandemic crisis period shows similar results except for the disconnection between bond markets in the short-run frequency. Our time-varying analysis shows peaks and troughs in the connectedness between climate-friendly and conventional investments that suggest different global events such as the Eurozone Debt Crisis and Shale Oil Revolution drives the association between alternate investments. Similarly, we observe an enhanced connectedness during the recent COVID-19 period, suggesting that financial stability would be a significant factor in determining the smooth transition to green investments. 相似文献
2011年,美元指数先跌后升;美元、欧元和英镑短期利率上升,日元短期利率基本走平;主要国家中长期国债收益率先升后降;全球主要股指先升后降。 相似文献
2012年,美元指数总体小幅走低,年中一度走高;主要货币短期利率明显下降;主要发达国家中长期国债收益率总体下降;主要股指大幅上涨。 相似文献
2010年,美元对欧元、英镑先升后降,总体走强,但对日元贬值幅度较大;美元、欧元和英镑短期利率上升,日元短期利率下降;主要国家中长期国债收益率探底后小幅回升,总体降幅较大;主要股指振荡上涨。 相似文献
I conduct an empirical investigation into the pricing of subprime asset-backed collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and their contagion effects on other markets. Using data for the ABX subprime indexes, I find strong evidence of contagion in the financial markets. The results support the hypothesis that financial contagion was propagated primarily through liquidity and risk-premium channels, rather than through a correlated-information channel. Surprisingly, ABX index returns forecast stock returns and Treasury and corporate bond yield changes by as much as three weeks ahead during the subprime crisis. This challenges the popular view that the market prices of these “toxic assets” were unreliable; the results suggest that significant price discovery did in fact occur in the subprime market during the crisis. 相似文献
We explore how a relatively small amount of heterogeneous securities created turmoil in financial markets in much of the world in 2007 and 2008. The drivers of the financial turmoil and the Financial Crisis of 2008 were heterogeneous securities that were hard to value. These securities created concerns about counterparty risk and ultimately created substantial uncertainty. The problems spread in ways that were hard to see in advance. The run on prime money market funds in September 2008 and the effects on commercial paper were an important aspect of the crisis itself and are discussed in some detail. 相似文献
本文从国际货币体系和危机发生国两个角度,总结了布雷顿森林体系瓦解后发生的新兴市场国家危机的原因,并认为资本大进大出引起泡沫的生成与破灭是危机发生普遍机制。我国应积极推动国际货币体系的改革,密切关注国际资本走向,掌握好恰当的改革顺序,提高资源配置效率,处理好金融自由化、开放与审慎监管之间的关系。 相似文献
Tom Bernhardsen Arne Kloster Elisabeth Smith Olav Syrstad 《Financial Markets and Portfolio Management》2009,23(4):361-381
This article guides through the measures implemented in Norway in order to dampen negative effects stemming from the financial
crisis. We also discuss some features of the Norwegian money market and the liquidity system in Norway. From the point of
view of central banks, the widening gap between money market rates and the key policy rate has been one disturbing element
of the financial crises. We develop a simple model, which illustrates how developments in forward exchange premiums can provide
insight as to why money market premiums differ across currencies. The model shows that the excess supply of term liquidity
in dollar relative to the excess supply of term liquidity in other currencies has an impact on the domestic money market premium
relative to that on USD. 相似文献
2010年1月,受投资者避险情绪升温影响,美元对主要货币总体走强,具体来看,美元对欧元、英镑走强,对日元走弱。因各主要经济体中央银行继续保持宽松的货币政策,美元、欧元、日元短期利率微降,而英镑短期利率因意外强劲的通胀数据而出现微升。主要国家中长期国债收益率总体下降;全球主要股指冲高后大幅回落。 相似文献
2012年一季度,美元指数振荡走低;美元、欧元、英镑短期利率下降,日元短期利率基本走平;主要国家中长期国债收益率振荡走高;全球主要股指振荡走高。 相似文献
2012年2月,美元指数走低;美元、欧元、英镑短期利率下降;主要发达国家中长期国债收益率总体振荡走高;全球主要股指振荡走高。 相似文献