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This paper introduces a new forecasting model for VIX futures returns. The model is structural in nature and parsimonious, and contains parameters that are relatively easy to estimate. The forecasts of next day VIX futures returns based on this model are superior to those produced by a linear forecasting model that uses the same set of predictors. Moreover, the profits to a market-timing model based on the proposed forecasts are statistically and economically significant, and are robust to both the method used for adjusting for risk and transaction costs (up to around 15 basis points). In contrast, the forecasts generated by the linear forecasting model are not.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of oil futures price information on forecasting the US stock market volatility using the HAR framework. In-sample results indicate that oil futures intraday information is helpful to increase the predictability. Moreover, compared to the benchmark model, the proposed models improve their predictive ability with the help of oil futures realized volatility. In particular, the multivariate HAR model outperforms the univariate model. Accordingly, considering the contemporaneous connection is useful to predict the US stock market volatility. Furthermore, these findings are consistent across a variety of robust checks.  相似文献   

This paper provides a novel perspective to the predictive ability of OPEC meeting dates and production announcements for (Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate) oil futures market returns and GARCH-based volatility using a nonparametric quantile-based methodology. We show a nonlinear relationship between oil futures returns and OPEC-based predictors; hence, linear Granger causality tests are misspecified and the linear model results of non-predictability are unreliable. When the quantile-causality test is implemented, we observe that the impact of OPEC variables is restricted to Brent Crude futures only (with no effect observed for the WTI market). Specifically, OPEC production announcements, and meeting dates predict only lower quantiles of the conditional distribution of Brent futures market returns. While, predictability of volatility covers the majority of the quantile distribution, barring extreme ends.  相似文献   

This paper aims to improve the predictability of aggregate oil market volatility with a substantially large macroeconomic database, including 127 macro variables. To this end, we use machine learning from both the variable selection (VS) and common factor (i.e., dimension reduction) perspectives. We first use the lasso, elastic net (ENet), and two conventional supervised learning approaches based on the significance level of predictors’ regression coefficients and the incremental R-square to select useful predictors relevant to forecasting oil market volatility. We then rely on the principal component analysis (PCA) to extract a common factor from the selected predictors. Finally, we augment the autoregression (AR) benchmark model by including the supervised PCA common index. Our empirical results show that the supervised PCA regression model can successfully predict oil market volatility both in-sample and out-of-sample. Also, the recommended models can yield forecasting gains in both statistical and economic perspectives. We further shed light on the nature of VS over time. In particular, option-implied volatility is always the most powerful predictor.  相似文献   

To improve the predictability of crude oil futures market returns, this paper proposes a new combination approach based on principal component analysis (PCA). The PCA combination approach combines individual forecasts given by all PCA subset regression models that use all potential predictor subsets to construct PCA indexes. The proposed method can not only guard against over-fitting by employing the PCA technique but also reduce forecast variance due to extensive forecast combinations, thus benefiting from both the combination of information and the combination of forecasts. Showing impressive out-of-sample forecasting performance, the PCA combination approach outperforms a benchmark model and many related competing models. Furthermore, a mean–variance investor can realize sizeable utility gains by using the PCA combination forecasts relative to the competing forecasts from an asset allocation perspective.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a combination of asymmetry and extreme volatility effects in order to build superior extensions of the GARCH-MIDAS model for modeling and forecasting the stock volatility. Our in-sample results clearly verify that extreme shocks have a significant impact on the stock volatility and that the volatility can be influenced more by the asymmetry effect than by the extreme volatility effect in both the long and short term. Out-of-sample results with several robustness checks demonstrate that our proposed models can achieve better performances in forecasting the volatility. Furthermore, the improvement in predictive ability is attributed more strongly to the introduction of asymmetry and extreme volatility effects for the short-term volatility component.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of regime switching in the prediction of the Chinese stock market volatility with international market volatilities. Our work is based on the heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model and we further extend this simple benchmark model by incorporating an individual volatility measure from 27 international stock markets. The in-sample estimation results show that the transition probabilities are significant and the high volatility regime exhibits substantially higher volatility level than the low volatility regime. The out-of-sample forecasting results based on the Diebold-Mariano (DM) test suggest that the regime switching models consistently outperform their original counterparts with respect to not only the HAR and its extended models but also the five used combination approaches. In addition to point accuracy, the regime switching models also exhibit substantially higher directional accuracy. Furthermore, compared to time-varying parameter, Markov regime switching is found to be a more efficient way to process the volatility information in the changing world. Our results are also robust to alternative evaluation methods, various loss functions, alternative volatility estimators, various sample periods, and various settings of Markov regime switching. Finally, we provide an extension of forecasting aggregate market volatility on monthly frequency and observe mixed results.  相似文献   

This paper constructs an aligned global economic policy uncertainty (GEPU) index based on a modified machine learning approach. We find that the aligned GEPU index is an informative predictor for forecasting crude oil market volatility both in- and out-of-sample. Compared to general GEPU indices without supervised learning, well-recognized economic variables, and other popular uncertainty indicators, the aligned GEPU index is rather powerful and can provide preponderant or complementary information. The trading strategy based on the aligned GEPU index can also generate sizable economic gains. The statistical source of the aligned GEPU index’s predictive power is that it can learn both the magnitude and sign of national EPU variables’ predictive ability and thus yields reasonable and informative loadings. On the other hand, the economic driving force probably stems from the ability for forecasting the shocks of oil-related fundamentals.  相似文献   

In March 2018, the US used an immense trade deficit as an excuse to provoke trade friction with China. This study uses the EGARCH model and event study methods to study the impact of the major risk event of Sino-US trade friction on soybean futures markets in China and the United States. Results indicate that the Sino-US trade friction weakened the return spillover effect between the soybean futures markets in China and the US, and significantly increased market volatilities. As the scale of additional tariffs increased, the volatility of the Chinese soybean futures market declined; however, the volatility of the US soybean futures market did not weaken. In addition, expanding the sources of soybean imports helped ease the impact of tariffs on China’s soybean futures market, while the decline in US soybean exports to China intensified the volatility of the US soybean futures market. In addition, while the release of multiple tariff increases has had a short-term impact on the returns of soybean futures markets, the impact of trade friction has gradually decreased.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nonlinear relationship between economic policy uncertainty, oil price volatility and stock market returns for 25 countries by applying the panel smooth transition regression model. We find that oil price volatility has a negative effect on stock returns, and this effect increases with economic policy uncertainty. Furthermore, there is pronounced heterogeneity in responses. First, oil-exporting countries whose economies depend more on oil prices respond more strongly to oil price volatility than oil-importing countries. Second, stock returns of developing countries are more susceptible to oil price volatility than that of developed countries. Third, crisis plays a crucial role in the relation between oil price volatility and stock returns.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of index risk-neutral skewness on subsequent market returns and explores whether this effect will vary with various types of institutional investor sentiment in the futures market. Using index futures returns as the proxy of market returns, the empirical results show that the index risk-neutral skewness has a significantly negative effect on subsequent index futures returns. Moreover, the effect of institutional investor sentiment on subsequent index futures returns varies with various types of institutional investor sentiment. Finally, the effect of index risk-neutral skewness on subsequent index futures returns relies on various types of institutional investor sentiment.  相似文献   

Previous work has highlighted the difficulty of obtaining accurate and economically significant predictions of VIX futures prices. We show that both low prediction errors and a significant amount of profitability can be obtained by using a neural network model to predict VIX futures returns. In particular, we focus on open-to-close returns (OTCRs) and consider intraday trading strategies, taking into account non-lagged exogenous variables that closely reflect the information possessed by traders at the time when they decide to invest. The neural network model with only the most recent exogenous variables (namely, the return on the Indian BSESN index) is superior to an unconstrained specification with ten lagged and coincident regressors, which is actually a form of weak efficiency involving markets of different countries. Moreover, the neural network turns out to be more profitable than either a logistic specification or heterogeneous autoregressive models.  相似文献   

This study used dummy variables to measure the influence of day-of-the-week effects and structural breaks on volatility. Considering day-of-the-week effects, structural breaks, or both, we propose three classes of HAR models to forecast electricity volatility based on existing HAR models. The estimation results of the models showed that day-of-the-week effects only improve the fitting ability of HAR models for electricity volatility forecasting at the daily horizon, whereas structural breaks can improve the in-sample performance of HAR models when forecasting electricity volatility at daily, weekly, and monthly horizons. The out-of-sample analysis indicated that both day-of-the-week effects and structural breaks contain additional ex ante information for predicting electricity volatility, and in most cases, dummy variables used to measure structural breaks contain more out-of-sample predictive information than those used to measure day-of-the-week effects. The out-of-sample results were robust across three different methods. More importantly, we argue that adding dummy variables to measure day-of-the-week effects and structural breaks can improve the performance of most other existing HAR models for volatility forecasting in the electricity market.  相似文献   

To forecast the covariance matrix for the returns of crude oil and gold futures, this paper examines the effects of leverage, jumps, spillovers, and geopolitical risks by using their respective realized covariance matrices. To guarantee the positive definiteness of the forecasts, we consider the full BEKK structure on the conditional Wishart model. By the specification, we can flexibly divide the direct and spillover effects of volatility feedback, negative returns, and jumps. The empirical analysis indicates the benefits of accommodating the spillover effects of negative returns, and the geopolitical risks indicator for modeling and forecasting the covariance matrix.  相似文献   

This article uses the stock market regional indexes of 31 provinces (include Province-level municipalities and Minority Autonomous Regions) in mainland China as a sample, and constructs an inter-regional volatility spillover network of China’s stock market based on the GARCH-BEKK model. Through network centrality analysis, Diebold and Yilmaz's spillover index method and block model analysis, we comprehensively analyze the risk contagion effect among different regions in China’s stock market. The empirical results show that: (i) The risk contagion intensity (risk reception intensity) in various regions of China’s stock market has a typical “core-periphery” distribution characteristic due to regions’ different levels of economic development. (ii) There are obvious risk spillover effect in China’s stock market, among which the economically developed regions along the southeastern coast of China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, are the main risk transmitters, while the economically undeveloped regions in the Midwest of China, such as Xinjiang, Xizang, Gansu, Nei Menggu and Qinghai are the main risk receivers. (iii) Each region is divided into 4 blocks according to their respective roles in the risk spillover process in China’s stock market. Block 1 that is composed of the economically underdeveloped regions in the Midwest is the “main benefit block”, it acts as a “receiver”. Block 2 that is composed of regions with strong economic growth vitality in the Midwest is a “Bilateral spillover block”, it both plays the role of “receiver” and “transmitter”. Block 3 that is composed of developed regions along the southeast coast, it acts as a “transmitter”; Block 4 that is composed of the relatively fast-growing regions in the Southwest is the “brokers block”, it serves as a “bridge”. The results of this article can provide some reference for investors in financial institutions and decision makers in financial regulators.  相似文献   

We examine the volatility spillovers among various industries during the COVID-19 pandemic period. We measure volatility spillovers by defining the volatility of each sector in the S&P 500 index and implement a static and rolling-window analysis following the Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) approach. We find that the pandemic enhanced volatility spillovers, which reveals the financial contagion effects on the US stock market. Second, there were sudden, large changes in the dynamic volatility spillovers on Black Monday (March 9, 2020), much of it due to the energy sector shock. These findings have important implications for portfolio managers and policymakers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the critical role of volatility jumps under mean reversion models. Based on the empirical tests conducted on the historical prices of commodities, we demonstrate that allowing for the presence of jumps in volatility in addition to price jumps is a crucial factor when confronting non-Gaussian return distributions. By employing the particle filtering method, a comparison of results drawn among several mean-reverting models suggests that incorporating volatility jumps ensures an improved fit to the data. We infer further empirical evidence for the existence of volatility jumps from the possible paths of filtered state variables. Our numerical results indicate that volatility jumps significantly affect the level and shape of implied volatility smiles. Finally, we consider the pricing of options under the mean reversion model, where the underlying asset price and its volatility both have jump components.  相似文献   

Using daily data from March 16, 2011, to September 9, 2019, we explore the dynamic impact of the oil implied volatility index (OVX) changes on the Chinese stock implied volatility index (VXFXI) changes and on the USD/RMB exchange rate implied volatility index (USDCNYV1M) changes. Through a TVP-VAR model, we analyse the time-varying uncertainty transmission effects across the three markets, measured by the changes in implied volatility indices. The empirical results show that the OVX changes are the dominant factor, which has a positive impact on the USDCNYV1M changes and the VXFXI changes during periods of important political and economic events. Moreover, USDCNYV1M changes are the key factor affecting the impact of OVX changes on VXFXI changes. When the oil crisis, exchange rate reform, and stock market crash occurred during 2014–2016, the positive effects of uncertainty transmission among the oil market, the Chinese stock market, and the bilateral exchange rate are significantly strengthened. Finally, we find that the positive effects are significant in the short term but diminish over time.  相似文献   

Because unsatisfactory measures of the monetary policy transparency were used, the existing literature found mixed empirical results for the relationship between the monetary policy transparency and risk/volatility. This paper extends the literature by using a recently developed monetary transparency index [Kia’s (2011) index] which is dynamic and continuous. Furthermore, the existing literature ignores the fact that market participants can be forward looking and, therefore, not policy invariant. This study also finds that the agents in the market are not policy invariant and the more transparent the monetary policy is the less risky and volatile the money market will be.  相似文献   

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