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Transport is a major user of carbon-based fuels, and it is increasingly being highlighted as the sector which contributes least to CO2 emission reduction targets. This paper reports on the findings of the VIBAT London study (www.vibat.org) which considers the role of the transport sector in reducing CO2 emissions in London.The analysis develops a transport and carbon simulation model (TC-SIM) for London. Within this, users are able to consider the implementation of a series of potential policy packages—low emission vehicles, alternative fuels, pricing regimes, public transport, walking and cycling, strategic and local urban planning, information and communication technologies, smarter choices, ecological driving and slower speeds, long distance travel substitution, freight transport and international air. They can select variable levels of application to help achieve headline CO2 emission reduction targets. The roles of carbon rationing and oil prices are also considered. TC-SIM can be played in different user modes: as ‘free riders’, ‘techno-optimists’, ‘enviro-optimists’, ‘complacent car addicts’ and other typical travel market segments, including a ‘free role’. Game playing or scenario testing such as this helps to highlight perceived levels of homogeneity of views within certain cohorts, the development of entrenched positions and the likely success in achieving objectives.The paper develops various policy packages, scenarios and pathways aimed at reducing transport CO2 emissions. It argues that strategic CO2 emission reduction targets are very ambitious relative to current progress, and that we need to act more effectively across a wide range of policy mechanisms, with a ‘high intensity application’ of many of the options, to get near to achieving these targets. A critical issue here will be in communicating and gaining greater ‘ownership’ of future lifestyle choices with stakeholders and the public, and participation tools such as TC-SIM could become increasingly important in this area.  相似文献   

Taxis share a high proportion of urban traffic volume and contribute a large proportion to urban air pollution. This paper addressees this context by exploring urban taxi air pollution emissions and possible reduction countermeasures. Based on a survey of Harbin taxis, we have developed different urban taxi pollution emissions models and considered taxi passenger occupancy and taxi average vacant ratio. To reduce taxi air pollution emission, this paper sets a reduction goal and puts forward three kinds of transport management policies. These are taxi market regulation, introduction of electric and Liquefied Petroleum Gas powered vehicles, and the introduction of dial-a-ride services. The paper provides recommendations for managing urban taxi development using these strategies.  相似文献   

We are witnessing more frequent extreme weather events due to the global warming. There is an urgent need for governments, industries, general public, and academics to take coordinated actions in order to tackle the challenges imposed by the climate change. It is essential to incorporate the environmental objective in the transportation mode selection problem as transportation is a main contributor to carbon emissions. With this in mind, our paper studies the retailer’s ordering and transportation mode selection problem using stochastic customer demand and investigates the optimal ordering and transportation mode selection decisions under different carbon emission reduction policies. Our analytical results reveal that there are some important transportation mode shifting thresholds under different carbon emissions reduction policies. These findings do not only help firms to make optimal decisions under different carbon emission reduction policies but also support policy makers to develop effective policies on carbon emissions reduction.  相似文献   

Aviation emissions will significantly affect climate change with the continued growth of the air transport. This study decomposes the drivers influencing China's civil aviation carbon emissions change in the period from 1985 to 2015. Emission trends are predicted using a Monte Carlo simulation. The results show a peak and reduction in the period between 2016 and 2030. Results also show that air transportation revenue growth is associated with increasing historical carbon emissions, while rising industry energy intensity significantly hampers carbon emissions reduction. The carbon intensity (CI) reduction goals were achieved in the different scenarios before 2020, but the carbon emissions peak target before 2030 can only be achieved under the technological breakthrough scenario (TBS). The reduction of air transport growth rate and promotion of new energy technologies are two essential strategies to reduce carbon emissions in the foreseeing future.  相似文献   

In 2012, a total of 13.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide were emitted by 14 airlines while transporting 72 per cent of international passengers into and out of Australia in 2012. With passenger and cargo traffic growing at between five to six per cent annually from 2013 to 2033, acquiring more fuel efficient aircraft to both renew the existing fleet and to service growth has the greatest potential in reducing emissions over the next 20 years. Our analysis shows that implementing carbon dioxide emissions abatement options such as installing light weight seats, iPad electronic flight bags, winglets, washing aircraft engines and reducing the number of engines used during taxiing, all offer net financial savings when considered over 20 years. Acquiring new fuel efficient aircraft has the biggest impact on emissions reduction. Low interest loans and longer loan repayment periods may incentivise airlines to acquire more fuel efficient aircraft to service traffic growth but other complimentary incentives and penalties are required to influence airlines to replace their current fleet with more fuel efficient aircraft.  相似文献   

Climate change is a global problem and across the world there are major difficulties being experienced in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The transport sector in particular is finding it difficult to reduce CO2 emissions. This paper reports on two studies carried out by the authors in London (UK) and Delhi (India). It considers the common objectives for transport CO2 reduction, but the very different contexts and baselines, potentials for change, and some possible synergies.Different packages of measures are selected and scenarios developed for each context which are consistent with contraction and convergence objectives. CO2 reduction potentials are modelled and quantified by package and scenario. London is considering deep reductions on current transport CO2 emission levels; Delhi is seeking to break the huge projected rise in transport CO2 emissions.The scale of policy intervention required to achieve these goals is huge and there is certainly little public discussion of the magnitude of the changes required. The paper argues for a ‘strategic conversation’ at the city level, using scenario analysis, to discuss the priorities for intervention in delivering low carbon transport futures. A greater focus is required in developing participatory approaches to decision making, alongside network investments, urban planning, low emission vehicles and wider initiatives. Aspirations towards equitable target emissions may assist in setting sufficiently demanding targets. Only then is a wider awareness and ownership of potential carbon efficient transport futures likely to take place.  相似文献   

Everyday traffic accounts for a significant share of overall greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon dioxide (CO2). While several solutions have been proposed for decreasing the emissions, a new kind of land use planning is required in order to achieve long-term effects. This study focuses on the effect of large retail store locations in the urban structure on overall CO2 emissions, by using the Oulu region, Finland, as a case study. The aim was to utilize GIS tools to assess store locations in terms of CO2 emissions from private cars used for consumer traffic. In this case, not only are the locations of the existing and planned retail units investigated with respect to population distribution and car ownership, but the analysis is also carried out by regarding any location within the study area as a hypothetical site for a large retail unit. According to the applied method, CO2 values are lowest near the centre of the studied region, the region with the highest population density, although the city centre itself did not turn out to be the most optimal location for a retail store in terms of CO2 emissions. Nevertheless, by generally reducing trip length, a compact urban structure is an important way of achieving long-term cuts in CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

Tourism transport profoundly affects economic growth, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. This study is an attempt to examine the impact of international tourism transportation expenditures, energy demand, foreign direct investment inflows, trade openness and urban population on carbon dioxide emission and per capita income for the panel of 11 transition Economies, over the period of 1995–2013. The results show that per capita income escalates the carbon dioxide emission (CO2), which deteriorates the natural environment. International tourism receipts and international tourism expenditures for travel items are associated with the intensifying CO2 emission and per capita income in the region. The study confirmed the energy-led emissions, FDI-led emissions, FDI-led growth, income-led emissions, income-led energy demand, trade-led growth and trade-led energy demand. The causality results further substantiate the the tourism-led growth and FDI hypothesis in the region. Finally, the variance decomposition analysis confirmed the following results, that is, (i) per capita income is the contributor that least influences CO2 emissions, (ii) urban population influences per capita income and (iii) international tourism transportation expenditures will influence CO2 emissions and per capita income for the next 10-year period.  相似文献   

If the objective of reducing urban road traffic volumes and GHG emissions from traffic is to be achieved, the way in which land use and transport systems in cities are planned and developed needs to change. Despite apparent agreement that this should be done and how it could be done, cities continue to be planned and developed in ways that cause and allow growth in urban road traffic volumes. In this paper we ask how planners frame the ‘transport problem’, and how their framing of the problem affects urban planning, the resulting plans and developments and the urban road traffic volumes. The discussions are based on findings from a case study, a survey and interviews with planning practitioners.  相似文献   

The regular and robust collection of traffic data for the entire road network in a given country will usually require high-cost investment in traffic surveys and automated traffic counters. This paper provides an alternative and low-cost approach for estimating annual average daily traffic values (AADTs) and the associated transport emissions for all road segments in a country. This is achieved by parsing and processing commonly available information from existing geographical data, census data, traffic data and vehicle fleet data. Ceteris paribus, we find that our annual average daily traffic estimation based on a neural network performs better than traditional regression models, and that the outcomes of our aggregated bottom-up road segment emission estimations are close to the outcomes from top-down models based on total energy consumption in transport. The developed approach can serve as a means of reliably estimating and verifying national road transport emissions, as well as offering a robust means of spatially analysing road transport activity and emissions, so as to support spatial emission inventory compilations, compliance with international environmental agreements, transport simulation modelling and transport planning.  相似文献   


Low-carbon mobility (LCM) features strongly in debates about the sustainability of cities and their resilience in the face of demographic, economic, and climate change. Transport is a major source of carbon emissions and there are indications that these continue to increase, despite the considerable recent advances in vehicle, engine, and fuel technologies. Reducing carbon emissions from transport may become more difficult, not easier. A particular issue relates to the New World cities, typified by those of North America and Australasia, which largely developed from the latter half of the nineteenth century onward and whose transportation systems were largely based around private vehicle ownership and usage. These cities are typically composed of low-density, dispersed suburbs, which are highly car dependent and resource and carbon emission intensive. This article develops a research agenda directed at determining and testing policy and planning measures relevant to the quest for low carbon mobility in New World cities. It suggests a rich agenda for essential research on LCM. Much of this agenda falls within the realm of the integration of transport and land use, with attention to urban design details to enhance the perceptions of and opportunities to use low carbon transport alternatives. Research topics identified for LCM research include (1) urban design and land use–transport integration (LUTI), (2) low carbon mobility policies directed at achieving widespread behavior change, (3) opportunities for new technology and its application, including requirements for systems and infrastructure, and (4) analysis and tools for informed decision making, including modeling, measurement, visualization, and especially assessment.  相似文献   

Climate change and air quality are two main environmental challenges in metropolitan areas. As road transportation is one of the main contributors, public administrations are facing these problems with a number of complementary policy measures: shift to cleaner modes, new fuels and vehicle technologies, demand management, and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) applied to transportation. Eco-driving is one of the measures that present large fuel savings at individual level. Although these savings are well documented in the literature, few studies focus on how eco-drivers driving patterns affect the surrounding vehicles and the traffic in general, and more particularly what would be the impact when the number of eco-drivers grows. Using a traffic microsimulation tool, four models in urban context have been built, corresponding to the different types of urban roads. Both the base-case and the parameters setting to simulate eco-driving have been calibrated with real data collected through floating vehicles performing the trips with normal and eco behaviors. In total, 72 scenarios were simulated, varying the type of road, traffic demand, and the percentage of eco-drivers. Then, the CO2 and NOx emissions have been estimated through a microscopic emission model. The results show that in scenarios with low or medium demand levels and increasing number of eco-drivers, the effects are positive in terms of emissions. On the other side, with high percentage of eco-drivers and high traffic demand, the emissions rise. Higher headways and smooth acceleration and decelerations increase congestion, producing higher emissions globally.  相似文献   

Accessibility has been conceptualized and applied in different ways, depending on the underlying political objectives. In the context of climate change and ambitious emission reduction targets, environmental concerns have risen high on the political agenda. Existing methods for assessing transport-related environmental impacts typically depend on realized or modeled travel behavior. Many of them do not entail a spatial dimension, ignore the importance of the land use component, lack scenario building capabilities or have limited communication value. Consequently, accessibility analysis and planning could make a valuable contribution towards a low carbon transition, but needs to attune to the specific objective of reducing transport-related greenhouse gas emissions. This paper introduces a novel conceptualization of location-based accessibility, where CO2 emissions are used as a travel cost in place of time or monetary costs. By identifying and assessing options for interventions in the land use and transport system, carbon-based accessibility instruments might serve a number of potential decision-making purposes related to low carbon mobility planning. Carbon-based accessibility of a business park in the Munich region is analyzed in multiple scenarios to demonstrate the application potential of the method. The experiential application focuses on the effects of changes in vehicle efficiency and occupancy rates of both car and transit, but also compares the resulting carbon-based accessibility levels to alternative sites with the transport system unchanged. Applying carbon-based accessibility instruments to real-world planning issues could enhance strategic decision-making processes in the context of climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

Current road safety programs and thinking in Australia are constructed within a paradigm that tends to accept existing cultural arrangements. Such programs therefore, favour symptomatic solutions and technical and/or physical solutions as a way forward. Fundamental redesign of cultural arrangements is necessary in order to challenge the “culture of speed”. Our research is developing a holistic, social ecological model for reconnecting road safety with communities that value quality of life and slower ways of being. Improving road safety through reduction in the volume and speed of motorised traffic is integrally related to enhancing health and fitness, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving neighbourhood planning and community cohesion. In this regard, community-based travel behaviour change initiatives are deserving of much greater attention in the road safety area. As well as these changes at the personal and community scale, policy changes to urban and transport planning that address the broader issues of sustainability in an era of climate change and peak oil can also be linked to improvements in road safety.  相似文献   

The long-term goal of containing average warming below the 2 °C limit requires deep cuts in emissions from all sectors. The fast growing global aviation industry has committed to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon offsetting is an integral element of the sector's strategy. Already, airlines offer voluntary carbon offsetting to those customers who wish to mitigate the impact of their travel. To ensure carbon offsetting can make a meaningful and credible contribution, this paper first discusses the science behind ‘carbon offsetting’, followed by the associated policy perspective. Then, against the context of different aviation emissions pathways, the paper provides empirical evidence of current airline practices in relation to offsetting mechanisms and communication. Building on these insights, the challenges of reducing aviation emissions and using carbon credits to compensate for ongoing growth are discussed. The paper concludes by proposing five principles of best practice for carbon offsetting that airlines can use as a basis to develop credible emissions strategies, and that could inform the sectoral framework currently being developed by leading aviation organisations.  相似文献   

Cities, mobility and climate change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Societies gain enormous benefits from travel, as economies have become more globalised and as the new communications infrastructure allows international networking and travel at a low cost. There has been a true internationalisation of all activities, and travel forms an essential part of that process. However, this mobility is fuelled by carbon, and there is clear scientific agreement that carbon emissions are affecting the global climate with irreversible long term consequences. Transport is the one sector where a reduction in energy use and emissions is proving to be extraordinarily difficult to achieve despite some success in urban areas. This paper focuses on cities, mobility and climate change, highlighting recent trends in both developed and developing countries. It is argued that the current situation is unsustainable, and that transport must contribute fully to achieving carbon reduction targets. An alternative is presented, based on the sustainable mobility paradigm (Banister, 2008) that looks at ways to reduce the need to travel in cities. The belief that high mobility and technology provides the solution is misplaced, as technological innovation can only get us part of the way to sustainable transport, and this may facilitate more travel. There are opportunities for cities to switch to low carbon transport futures, where vision and action are based on a combination of economic, planning and technological innovations working in mutually supporting ways. Potentially, the future is bright for low carbon transport in cities, but the real question is whether there is the commitment and leadership to follow such a path.  相似文献   

In the modern approach to air traffic management (ATM), issues related to air quality and climate protection have led to the introduction of a growing number of new restrictions instead of having these issues be the objectives of actions taken. The aim of the study was to investigate whether it is possible to improve air quality while controlling pollution emission by introducing changes in the organization of air traffic control at the airport. For this purpose, mathematical models of emissions were created. These concern the movement of aircraft near the airport and emission of carbon dioxide and the spread of human health related substances emitted from a landing airplane's engine. The first case refers to the possibility of using different arrival procedures. The second case was to adapt the Pasquill formula by treating landing aircraft as a sequence of point-source emissions. As a result of applying the designed models and software tools, it was proven that both a change in the arrival trajectory and a change of the runway can contribute to a reduction of CO2 emission into the atmosphere. The emission maps created for different aircraft approach profiles show the ability to control the local concentration of harmful emissions. The study clearly shows that the current approach of maximizing throughput is not beneficial to air quality. ATM services should consider the use of other variants of air traffic organization, particularly during periods of reduced traffic.  相似文献   

This study presents a carbon footprint analysis of renewable energy technology adoption in the modal substitution of high-speed rail for short-haul air travel in Australia. The carbon footprint analysis of renewable energy technology adoption in such modal substitution establishes the efficacy of various renewable energy technologies in assisting CO2 emissions reduction on the Sydney–Melbourne city pair. Renewable energy technology efficacy, captured in the presented low-carbon pathways for high-speed transportation, provides an indication as to the CO2 emissions reduction potential of the technologies under consideration and their impact upon the environmental performance of the air and high-speed rail modes. These low-carbon pathways displayed a reduction in annual CO2 emissions throughout the longitudinal period ranging from moderate to significant. Furthermore, this study examines the cumulative effects of the considered renewable energy technologies upon the annual CO2 emissions production of the high-speed transportation system. A reduction of 56%–69% in annual life cycle CO2 emissions demonstrated the powerful mitigation potential of a combined air and high-speed rail transportation system in conjunction with renewable energy technologies adoption and a modal shift of 60%. Given this significant mitigation potential, the hybridization of the air and high-speed rail transportation systems with associated renewable energy technologies is considered. The effect of such hybridization would result in the formation of an integrated low-carbon, high-speed transportation system underpinned by the concept of “sustainable mobility” at the national level.  相似文献   

Speed reduction measures rank among the most common schemes to improve traffic safety. Recently many urban streets or entire districts were converted into 30 kph zones and in many European countries the maximum permissible speed of trucks on motorways is under discussion. However, besides contributing to traffic safety, reducing the maximum speed is also seen as beneficial to the environment due to the associated reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions. These claims however are often unsubstantiated.To gain greater insight into the impact of speed management policies on emissions, this paper examines the impact on different traffic types (urban versus highway traffic) with different modelling approaches (microscopic versus macroscopic). Emissions were calculated for specific types of vehicles with the microscopic VeTESS-tool using real-world driving cycles and compared with the results obtained using generalized Copert-like macroscopic methodologies. We analyzed the relative change in pollutants emitted before and after the implementation of a speed reduction measure for passenger cars on local roads (50–30 kph) and trucks on motorways (90–80 kph). Results indicate that emissions of most classic pollutants for the research undertaken do not rise or fall dramatically. For the passenger cars both methods indicate only minor changes to the emissions of NOx and CO2. For PM, the macroscopic approach predicts a moderate increase in emissions whereas microscopic results indicate a significant decrease. The effects of specific speed reduction schemes on PM emissions from trucks are ambiguous but lower maximums speed for trucks consistently result in lower emissions of CO2 and lower fuel consumption. These results illustrate the scientific uncertainties that policy makers face when considering the implementation of speed management policies.  相似文献   

Since urban traffic is a major source of CO2 and NOx emissions, cities play a key role averting climate change and combating air pollution. Most researchers agree on the need of designing comprehensive mitigation strategies instead of applying isolated measures. Nevertheless, it is important to understand the specific impact and scope of each measure to look for the most effective synergies among them. In 2004, the Madrid City Council launched a plan to re-design its inner ring-road to move traffic out of the city centre. For safety reasons the planned speed limit for the full-renovated South-West section was finally reduced from 90 km/h to 70 km/h. Besides contributing to traffic safety, this strategy could also be seen as positive to the environment due to the associated reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions. However, lower speed limits have lower rates of community acceptance due to its impact on average travel times at the individual level. This paper conducts an ex-post evaluation of this speed reduction strategy to explore its environmental and traffic performance impacts. The results support the thesis that, in this velocity range, lower speed limits present important opportunities for reducing GHG and air pollution in the section affected by the measure, without substantially altering traffic performance. The implementation of the new speed limit policy produces a 14.4% and 16.4% reduction in CO2 and NOx emissions respectively, while global travel time remains virtually constant and the saturation rate decreases slightly. Besides, this cost-effective measure reveals great potential to reduce air pollution in highly populated urban areas located next to urban highways. This work provides local policy makers and city managers with useful insights regarding potential co-benefits of traffic optimization and speed reduction management to reduce mobile source emissions in urban environments.  相似文献   

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