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Social security is commonly viewed as a commitment device for hyperbolic consumers. We argue that such common intuition is not consistent with formal economic theory. In a model where the government can choose either time-consistent or time-inconsistent policies to govern its social security arrangement and credit markets are complete, only a time-inconsistent policy achieves true commitment by hyperbolic consumers. This rules out a traditional social security program as a commitment device.  相似文献   

作为研究型大学的主体,教师的行为受到科研激励机制的影响。大学通过激励机制来规范教师的行为,教师则通过自身的努力获取收益和规避风险。文章基于大学和教师之间的委托代理关系,在不对称信息条件下探讨大学和教师应如何订立科研激励合同。结果表明:当不考虑监控成本时,在最优显性激励合同中加入外控变量可以使得风险成本和激励成本下降,从而降低代理成本。在大学和教师的长期合作中,则必须充分发挥隐性激励合同的作用。  相似文献   

区域化的经济发展为区域高等院校协作提供了现实需求,加强高等教育区域协作已经成为必要,而如何设计有效的激励机制是协作成功与否的关键。本文通过建立地方政府和高校之间的协作机制模型,研究了我国区域高等院校协作中的委托代理问题和激励机制设计问题,并通过对模型的优化得到相应的激励机制。  相似文献   

This paper studies a case when the government levies a payroll tax on the employee (agent) of an enterprise. We use a continuous-time principal-agent framework to analyze the impact of the tax on the employee’s working strategy and derive an incentive compensation scheme. The agent is supposed to be aware of his pre-tax and after-tax salary. Under the theory of behavioral economics, loss caused by taxation is taken into consideration. The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation of principal’s profits is derived. By exploiting the HJB equation, we get several properties of the optimal contract. We also perform comparative statics to show our results. The model suggests that the agent’s utility loss enlarges as the tax rate increases. However, an increase in the tax rate does not always decrease principal’s profits.  相似文献   

供水管理部门与物业管理公司在二次供水过程中有着明显的委托-代理关系,通过对二者的委托-代理关系进行模型构建与分析,得出结论认为物业管理公司的努力程度除受自身的经营管理能力和运营成本的影响外,还需要供水管理部门依据物业管理公司的能力系数、成本系数、风险偏好以及检验费用系数、不可控的环境条件等因素,设计合理的契约合同加强对二次供水过程的监管与激励,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

In models with recursive preferences, endogenous variation in Pareto weights would be interpreted as wedges from the perspective of a frictionless model with additive preferences. We describe the behavior of the relative Pareto weight in a two-country world and explore its interaction with consumption and the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

We provide sufficient conditions for the first-order approach in the principal-agent problem when the agent’s utility has the nonseparable form u(y−c(a))u(yc(a)) where yy is the contractual payoff and c(a)c(a) is the money cost of effort. We first consider a decision-maker facing prospects which cost c(a)c(a) and with distributions of returns yy that depend on aa. The decision problem is shown to be concave if the primitive of the cdf of returns is jointly convex in aa and yy, a condition we call Concavity of the Cumulative Quantile (CCQ) and which is satisfied by many common distributions. Next we apply CCQ to the distribution of outcomes (or their likelihood-ratio transforms) in the principal-agent problem and derive restrictions on the utility function that validate the first-order approach. We also discuss another condition, log-convexity of the distribution, and show that it allows binding limited liability constraints, which CCQ does not.  相似文献   

Following the recent literature on intermediary asset pricing models, this paper argues that the marginal utility of wealth of financial intermediaries can be used to generate enough volatility and counter-cyclicality on the recursive preference-based stochastic discount factor. Hence, a dynamic econometric strategy of an asset pricing model with the market portfolio return and the leverage growth of financial intermediaries allows for a sensible economic estimate of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution. On the contrary, the same framework with alternative measures of consumption produces extremely poor economic results.  相似文献   

We generalize de Castro and Yannelis (2018) by taking into account the use of randomization. We answer the following questions: Is each efficient allocation of de Castro and Yannelis (2018) still Pareto optimal? Are all efficient allocations still incentive compatible under the Wald’s maxmin preferences? We provide positive answers and give applications.  相似文献   

This paper reviews experimental studies on the so‐called “hold‐up problem.” Common features in the experimental design and results are summarized. Most experimental studies show evidence of the hold‐up problem, but to an extent less severe than what standard self‐interest model predicts. Hold‐up occurs at the individual level, but exhibits a less severe pattern than theoretically predicted at the aggregate level. A positive correlation is found between the investment stage decisions and subsequent bargaining behavior. Social preferences largely influence the results in hold‐up games. Remedies that enhance the effect of social preferences can effectively alleviate the hold‐up problem. These laboratory findings are also relevant to real‐life hold‐up situations, but differences in the specific institution and environment may require more variations in the experimental design.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the equilibrium set of a dynamic noisy-signaling model in discrete time. A seller privately knows the quality of her asset. She can exert a costly effort to generate stochastic returns. Buyers stochastically arrive over time and, after observing the history of returns, they make price offers. In our model, the equilibrium behavior of the buyers is discontinuous: they only make acceptable (high) offers if the posterior about the quality is above a given threshold. As a result, the recursive nature of the model replicates the discontinuity, giving the equilibrium continuation payoff a complex self-replicating structure that may take the form of a devil’s staircase.  相似文献   

As growing sales of insurance contracts with a saving feature, an issue of sharing investment outcome gets the attention of insurers and policyholders. This paper focuses on a systematic way of finding the sharing mechanism for an optimal contract design in such a way that a policyholder and an insurer maximize their expected utilities. We adopt the policyholder and the insurer as a principal and an agent, respectively, and regard a share of the investment performance as an incentive for the insurer to elicit efforts. As a result of this setting, the moral hazard issue generated from the insurer is unavoidable. For the purpose, the Holmström (1979)’s principal-agent model with limited observability of the insurer’s action plays a leading role in resolving a pie-cutting problem. Under our model assumption, the sharing mechanism states that a portion of the outcome belonging to the insurer is a nondecreasing function of the excess of the portfolio return over a benchmark return when the two parties are risk-averse. In particular, the sensitivity of the sharing portion has an S-shape curve which is consistent with the insurer’s risk propensity.An empirical study based on companies’ portfolio attributes and crediting rates verifies that our theoretical findings are consistent with statistically significant results. In particular, we confirm that the bargaining power of the insurer has a considerable impact on the sharing mechanism as it is theoretically important.  相似文献   

Luxury bequests impart systematic effects of age to an investor's optimal allocation: the expected percentage allocation to equities rises throughout retirement. When bequests are luxuries the marginal utility of bequests declines more slowly than the marginal utility of consumption. This is essentially lower risk aversion. As a retiree approaches death, her expected remaining lifetime utility is increasingly composed of bequest utility, and thus generates progressively lower risk aversion. A retiree responds by increasingly favoring the higher-return risky asset. Compared to standard preferences, luxury bequests elevate a retiree's average exposure to the risky asset, but the difference is small in early retirement.  相似文献   

Work intensity is of central importance for organisational performance, as well as workers' health and well‐being, yet its determinants at the workplace‐level remain underresearched. This article addresses this gap by examining consequences of working time adjustments for work intensity and the role of control over scheduling in influencing when working time adjustments have stronger effect on work intensity. Working hours are analysed on three dimensions: duration, distribution and flexibility. Analysis uses the European Working Conditions Survey (2005–2015) and a sample of employees from EU28 countries. Findings reveal that work intensity is closely related to the timing of work. Working long days or weeks, at night, on weekends, and with changes in hours imposed by employers is associated with more intense work. Moreover, the impact of non‐standard hours on work intensity differs depending on who (workers or employers) has control over their scheduling.  相似文献   

路文娟 《价值工程》2014,(13):19-20
带式输送机是煤矿生产必不可少的生产设备,然而随着工作面的结束,胶带的回收则是一项费力、费时的工作,此种简易的收放带装置则能通过盘车载着绞车,再用四根单体液压支柱支着顶板固定实现胶带的快速回收,不仅省时省力,避免胶带用人力回收造成的破损,而且移动方便,造价低,回收胶带成卷整齐。  相似文献   

We build big data retail trade indicators for Spain using high-dimensional card transaction data from one of the country’s biggest banks. The resulting indicators replicate the dynamics of the Spanish retail trade indices (RTI), regional RTIs (Spain’s autonomous regions), and RTI by retailer type (distribution classes) released by the Spanish National Statistics Institute. The new indicators not only have a higher frequency (daily data) and higher geographical and sectorial breakdown but are also shown to improve nowcasting and forecasting power for the official RTI, making them key variables to monitor consumption.  相似文献   

时差式超声波流量计是过程自动化仪表与装置中的重要仪表之一。文章介绍了时差式超声波流量计的工作原理、特点和应用技术,重点阐述时差式超声波流量计在实际应用中的安装及使用方法。  相似文献   

时差式超声波流量计是过程自动化仪表与装置中的重要仪表之一。文章介绍了时差式超声波流量计的工作原理、特点和应用技术,重点阐述时差式超声波流量计在实际应用中的安装及使用方法。  相似文献   

蚁群算法解决有时间窗的车辆优化调度问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
有时间窗的车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows,VRPTW)属于NP-Hard问题,严格的时间约束使VRFTW非常复杂。应用蚁群算法(Ant Colony Algorithm,ACA)思想来解决VRPTW。对已有蚁群算法解决车辆路径优化问题(VRP)的模型进行改进,对算法中相应的转移规则和轨迹更新规则进行了重新设定,改进了算法转移策略和信息素更新策略。给出了算法的实现步骤。通过算例分析,将计算结果与遗传算法(GA)和粒子群算法(PSO)作了比较,对模型和算法的正确性、高效性、适用性进行了验证。实验结果表明,ACA可以快速、有效求得VRFTW的优化解,是求解VRFTW的一个较好方案。  相似文献   

根据应急抢险救灾物资需求时效性强的特点,定义了考虑时间因素和需要量满足程度的时间满意度函数,建立时间满意的多目标应急物资运输问题的数学模型。针对数学模型,设计了序贯式算法,并利用LINGO软件编制程序进行了求解。最后通过一个实例验证了数学模型的科学性和算法的有效性。  相似文献   

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