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This paper explores the importance of incorporating the financial leverage effect in the stochastic volatility models when pricing options. For the illustrative purpose, we first conduct the simulation experiment by using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling method. We then make an empirical analysis by applying the volatility models to the real return data of the Hang Seng index during the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017. Our results highlight the accuracy of the stochastic volatility models with leverage in option pricing when leverage is high. In addition, the leverage effect becomes more significant as the maturity of options increases. Moreover, leverage affects the pricing of in-the-money options more than that of at-the-money and out-of-money options. Our study is therefore useful for both asset pricing and portfolio investment in the Hong Kong market where volatility is an inherent nature of the economy.  相似文献   

This paper determines strike prices of discretely sampled variance/volatility swaps taking into account stochastic liquidity risks and the switching of economic conditions. We adopt nonlinear regime switching volatility to reflect how asset prices are affected by economic cycles, and market prices of assets are discounted according to the level of market liquidity. We then establish a risk-neutral measure under regime switching Esscher transform, so that analytical valuation of variance/volatility swaps can be completed based on the closed-form forward characteristic function. The limiting behavior of discretely sampled variance/volatility swaps is also considered through the investigation of pricing continuously sampled variance/volatility swaps. Finally, based on the results from numerical implementation, we confirm that the new model is very flexible in reflecting different influence associated with common real market observations.  相似文献   

We study the filtering problem for the stochastic volatility model of Heston by using the nonlinear estimation theory. To solve the estimation problem for the stochastic volatility process, we use the random time change method. The derived basic equation for the filtering is the so-called Zakai equation and its numerically realized algorithm is proposed with the aid of the splitting-up method. Regarding the European call option problem, the identification of the market price of the volatility risk is also studied. Some numerical simulation studies are demonstrated to show the advantage of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The recent theoretical asset allocation literature has derived optimal dynamic investment strategies in various advanced models of asset returns. But how sensitive is investor welfare to deviations from the theoretically optimal strategy? Will unsophisticated investors do almost as well as sophisticated investors? This paper develops a general theoretical framework for answering such questions and applies it to three specific models of interest rate risk, stochastic stock volatility, and mean reversion and growth/value tilts of stock portfolios. Among other things, we find that growth/value tilts are highly valuable, but the hedging of time-varying stock risk premia is less important.  相似文献   

We numerically solve systems of Black–Scholes formulas for implied volatility and implied risk-free rate of return. After using a seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) model to obtain point estimates for implied volatility and implied risk-free rate, the options are re-priced using these parameters. After repricing, the difference between the market price and model price is increasing in time to expiration, while the effect of moneyness and the bid-ask spread are ambiguous. Our varying risk-free rate model yields Black–Scholes prices closer to market prices than the fixed risk-free rate model. In addition, our model is better for predicting future evolutions in model-free implied volatility as measured by the VIX.  相似文献   

The paper examines volatility activity and its asymmetry and undertakes further specification analysis of volatility models based on it. We develop new nonparametric statistics using high-frequency option-based VIX data to test for asymmetry in volatility jumps. We also develop methods for estimating and evaluating, using price data alone, a general encompassing model for volatility dynamics where volatility activity is unrestricted. The nonparametric application to VIX data, along with model estimation for S&P index returns, suggests that volatility moves are best captured by an infinite variation pure-jump martingale with a symmetric jump compensator around zero. The latter provides a parsimonious generalization of the jump-diffusions commonly used for volatility modeling.  相似文献   

We study the cross-market financial shocks transmission mechanism on the foreign exchange, equity, bond, and commodity markets in the United States using a time-varying structural vector autoregression model with stochastic volatility (TV-SVAR-SV). The price shocks are absorbed immediately in two or three days, suggesting that all markets are quite efficient. A slight mean reversion and an overshooting behavior are observed. Considering the volatility spillover effect, we highlight two properties of volatility shocks. First, the effects of the volatility shocks are released gradually. Reaching peak volatility spillover levels would require five to ten days. Second, the dynamics of volatility spillovers vary tremendously over time. Different types of markets respond to certain, but not all, extreme events. Our findings suggest the need to conduct investor monitoring of current events instead of using technical analysis based on historical data. Investors should also diversify their portfolios using assets that can respond to different and extreme shocks.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine dynamic connectedness and hedging opportunities between the realized volatilities of clean energy ETFs and energy implied volatilities through Time-Varying Parameter Vector Autoregression Model (TVP-VAR) and Asymmetric Dynamic Conditional Correlation (ADCC) GARCH models. TVP-VAR analysis results show that dynamic connectedness increases during turbulence periods. We also determine that clean energy ETFs such as PBW, QCLN, SMOG, and TAN are net volatility transmitters. Surprisingly, OVX is a net volatility receiver, especially with the developments after the Paris Agreement in 2016.As a result of the ADCC GARCH analysis, we determine that the conditional correlation between clean energy ETFs and implied volatility ETFs is asymmetric, and negative information shocks increase the conditional correlation. Although OVX is a cheap alternative for hedging long position risks in clean energy ETFs, VXXLE is more effective than OVX in terms of hedging effectiveness. These findings provide insight for individual and institutional investors, and portfolio managers on how negative and positive shocks change the conditional correlation between assets at different levels.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the Bayesian estimation and comparison of flexible, high dimensional multivariate time series models with time varying correlations. The model proposed and considered here combines features of the classical factor model with that of the heavy tailed univariate stochastic volatility model. A unified analysis of the model, and its special cases, is developed that encompasses estimation, filtering and model choice. The centerpieces of the estimation algorithm (which relies on MCMC methods) are: (1) a reduced blocking scheme for sampling the free elements of the loading matrix and the factors and (2) a special method for sampling the parameters of the univariate SV process. The resulting algorithm is scalable in terms of series and factors and simulation-efficient. Methods for estimating the log-likelihood function and the filtered values of the time-varying volatilities and correlations are also provided. The performance and effectiveness of the inferential methods are extensively tested using simulated data where models up to 50 dimensions and 688 parameters are fit and studied. The performance of our model, in relation to various multivariate GARCH models, is also evaluated using a real data set of weekly returns on a set of 10 international stock indices. We consider the performance along two dimensions: the ability to correctly estimate the conditional covariance matrix of future returns and the unconditional and conditional coverage of the 5% and 1% value-at-risk (VaR) measures of four pre-defined portfolios.  相似文献   

In state–space models, parameter learning is practically difficult and is still an open issue. This paper proposes an efficient simulation-based parameter learning method. First, the approach breaks up the interdependence of the hidden states and the static parameters by marginalizing out the states using a particle filter. Second, it applies a Bayesian resample-move approach to this marginalized system. The methodology is generic and needs little design effort. Different from batch estimation methods, it provides posterior quantities necessary for full sequential inference and recursive model monitoring. The algorithm is implemented both on simulated data in a linear Gaussian model for illustration and comparison and on real data in a Lévy jump stochastic volatility model and a structural credit risk model.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nonlinear relationship between economic policy uncertainty, oil price volatility and stock market returns for 25 countries by applying the panel smooth transition regression model. We find that oil price volatility has a negative effect on stock returns, and this effect increases with economic policy uncertainty. Furthermore, there is pronounced heterogeneity in responses. First, oil-exporting countries whose economies depend more on oil prices respond more strongly to oil price volatility than oil-importing countries. Second, stock returns of developing countries are more susceptible to oil price volatility than that of developed countries. Third, crisis plays a crucial role in the relation between oil price volatility and stock returns.  相似文献   

Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination - Under two frameworks of cross-section and time-series factors, we implement asset pricing models to dissect the abnormal returns in the Chinese...  相似文献   

Research at the nexus of operations management and information systems suggests that manufacturing plants may benefit from the utilization of information systems for collaborating and transacting with suppliers and customers. The objective of this study is to examine the extent to which value generated by information systems for collaborating versus transacting is contingent upon demand volatility. We analyze a unique dataset assembled from non-public U.S. Census Bureau data of manufacturing plants. Our findings suggest that when faced with volatile demand, plants employing information systems for collaborating with suppliers and customers experience positive and significant benefits to performance, in terms of both labor productivity and inventory turnover. In contrast, results suggest that plants employing information systems for transacting in volatile environments do not experience such benefits. Further exploratory analysis suggests that in the context of demand volatility, these two distinct dimensions of IT-based integration have differing performance implications at different stages of the production process in terms of raw-materials inventory and finished-goods inventory, but not in terms of work-in-process inventory. Taken together, our study contributes to theoretical and managerial understanding of the contingent value of information systems in volatile demand conditions in the supply chain context.  相似文献   

This paper presents an equilibrium formulation of asset pricing in an environment of mixed Poisson–Brownian information with recursive utility. The optimal portfolio choice problem is studied together with a derivation of Euler equation as necessary condition for optimality. It is further shown that the price processes governed by the Euler equation, together with the market clearing conditions, constitute the equilibrium price processes. Closed form formulas are derived for European call options and for other derivative securities in a particular parameterization of the economy. The derived option pricing formula contain many existing models as special cases, and is potentially useful in explaining the moneyness biasedness associated with Black–Scholes model.  相似文献   

This paper provides a novel perspective to the predictive ability of OPEC meeting dates and production announcements for (Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate) oil futures market returns and GARCH-based volatility using a nonparametric quantile-based methodology. We show a nonlinear relationship between oil futures returns and OPEC-based predictors; hence, linear Granger causality tests are misspecified and the linear model results of non-predictability are unreliable. When the quantile-causality test is implemented, we observe that the impact of OPEC variables is restricted to Brent Crude futures only (with no effect observed for the WTI market). Specifically, OPEC production announcements, and meeting dates predict only lower quantiles of the conditional distribution of Brent futures market returns. While, predictability of volatility covers the majority of the quantile distribution, barring extreme ends.  相似文献   

Using daily data from March 16, 2011, to September 9, 2019, we explore the dynamic impact of the oil implied volatility index (OVX) changes on the Chinese stock implied volatility index (VXFXI) changes and on the USD/RMB exchange rate implied volatility index (USDCNYV1M) changes. Through a TVP-VAR model, we analyse the time-varying uncertainty transmission effects across the three markets, measured by the changes in implied volatility indices. The empirical results show that the OVX changes are the dominant factor, which has a positive impact on the USDCNYV1M changes and the VXFXI changes during periods of important political and economic events. Moreover, USDCNYV1M changes are the key factor affecting the impact of OVX changes on VXFXI changes. When the oil crisis, exchange rate reform, and stock market crash occurred during 2014–2016, the positive effects of uncertainty transmission among the oil market, the Chinese stock market, and the bilateral exchange rate are significantly strengthened. Finally, we find that the positive effects are significant in the short term but diminish over time.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of trade on wages in the context of the specific factors model by focusing on the link between trade and the average real wage. A recent paper by Jones and Ruffin (Rev Int Econ, 16:234–249, 2008) shows how one can use the specific factors model to predict how labor should fare from an improvement in the terms of trade. For this purpose, I use annual firm-level data on the manufacturing sector in Ghana during the period 1991–1997. I find that a ceteris paribus increase in the price of exportables in the wood industry would help labor but labor would be hurt by price increases in the food-baker, furniture, textile-garment, and metal-machinery industries.
Gokhan H. AkayEmail:

In this paper, we study financial properties of R&D intensive firms through a continuous-time real-options patent-race model. Numerical analysis in this study shows that intense competition drives a firm to invest more aggressively, which then pushes up its cost of capital and return volatility while introducing negative return correlation with its competitor. Furthermore, we find that a firm's position in competition has important impacts on its financial properties. For instance, a firm's cost of capital is a non-monotonic function of its relative position in the race. In addition, the relationship between cash flow uncertainty and investment can be negative when a firm is far ahead or far behind, or positive when firms are close in the race.  相似文献   

This article examines the extent to which the configuration of HRM practices in bundles and the interactions among them have a significant impact on manufacturing outcomes. Using a unique data set from a survey of a representative sample of the whole Uruguayan manufacturing industry, several hypotheses related to interactions between ability–motivation–opportunity bundles of HRM practices are tested. Analysis of 150 manufacturing plants partially highlights the existence of hierarchy between bundles, being the bundle of motivation‐enhancing HRM practices the most important to explain the enhanced manufacturing outcomes. Based on this bundle of practices, synergistic interactions with both ability and opportunity bundles of HRM practices were observed to explain different performance measures.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between fiscal deficits and per-capita income growth in a panel of 27 European countries, allowing for perceived risks, in terms of fiscal sustainability, associated with additional government spending. Such risks are proxied by the conditional variability of manufacturing production and stock market returns and by the unconditional variability of two survey-based economic-sentiment indicators. To help clarifying how fiscal variables impact on growth and to provide a point of reference for the interpretation of the empirical results a structural growth model is first identified. We find evidence of an asymmetric relationship, in that fiscal deficits give rise to adverse growth effects if they coincide with high uncertainty regarding the prospects of the economy and no significant negative growth effects in the low-uncertainty case.  相似文献   

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