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We consider a pure exchange economy with incomplete information in which the expected growth rate of endowment is unobservable. The economy is populated by two investors, one is rational, but the other irrationally believes that the dynamics of endowment exhibit procyclical feature. Such different opinions about the dynamics of endowment process produce persistent disagreement between the investors. We show that model-implied riskfree rate is procyclical. Further, the procyclical beliefs not only explain the excess volatility puzzle, but also help to explain the mixed results about the relationship between the investors’ belief dispersions and stock return. Moreover, we uncover that the rational investor prefers to short stock positions in good times as the degree of the other investor’s irrationality increasing.  相似文献   

We construct a incomplete information equilibrium model with heterogeneous beliefs and herding behaviors to identify their joint effects on the dynamics of asset prices. Herding behaviors make investors revise some of their estimations about expected growth rates of goods streams toward to the other one’s by a manner of weighted average of their own forecast and the other’s. As we expected, herding behaviors generate influences on the Radon Nikodym derivative, that is so-called “sentiment” as in Dumas et al. (2009), and in turn not only impact the dynamics of asset prices but also generate influences on investors’ survivals. We also show that introducing heterogeneous beliefs with herding behaviors permits to explain both the Backus–Smith puzzle and the mixed results about the influences of herding behaviors on asset prices. Moreover, we uncover that herding behaviors have positive influences on stocks’ risk premiums.  相似文献   

We develop a dynamic asset pricing model with two investors with money illusions and heterogeneous beliefs about some aspects of the economy. The model is tractable and delivers closed forms for all equilibrium quantities. The study shows that money illusion leads the nominal shock risk to generate spillover effects on the real side of the economy and affects all equilibrium quantities, even without inflation disagreement. We find that bond yields increase, but the stock price decreases, as money illusion increases. Bond yield and stock price volatilities increase with fundamental disagreement, while the latter decreases with inflation disagreement. We also discover that the stock risk premium is inverse-U shaped as inflation disagreement increases. Moreover, we find that the optimistic investor holds positions in real bonds and stocks, and shorts the nominal bond to hedge against the risk of market changes, which is in line with the pessimistic investor’s beliefs.  相似文献   

We present a dynamic equilibrium model with two irrational investors: an extrapolator and a contrarian, whose beliefs regarding the growth rate of dividend stream are biased by their sentiments. The key contribution is to connect two disagreements with the degree of irrationality of investors and to provide novel insights into the predictability of stock return. We show that the higher level of sentiment disagreement is, the more stock price is overvalued. However, the future stock price will decline because the extrapolator’s sentiment will cool down over time. Therefore, the sentiment disagreement negatively predicts future return. At the meanwhile, our model not only shows that the survey expectations about cashflows increase the variations in asset price and dampen the corresponding volatility, but also helps to explain the mixed results about the relationship between the investors’ belief dispersions and stock return predictability.  相似文献   

Building on recent research that highlights the importance of macroeconomic volatility and ambiguity aversion in explaining the dynamics of stock returns, in this paper we propose a dynamic asset pricing model that simultaneously accounts for stochastic macroeconomic volatility and ambiguity, assuming that investors deal with uncertainty about the mechanics of macroeconomic fluctuations using first-release consumption and revisions to aggregate consumption on vintage data. Our results show that the proposed model captures a large fraction of the cross-sectional variation of excess returns for a wide range of market anomaly portfolios. Furthermore, while the price of risk for ambiguity is positive and significant for the vast majority of assets under study, macroeconomic volatility yields ambiguous outcomes, although it significantly increases the explanatory power of the model for specific assets. Our results suggest that macroeconomic volatility and ambiguity complement each other in explaining the cross-sectional behavior of stock returns.  相似文献   

We study multi-period equilibrium asset pricing in an economy with Epstein-Zin (EZ-) agents whose preferences for consumption are represented by recursive utility and with loss averse (LA-) agents who derive additional utility of gains and losses and are averse to losses. We propose an equilibrium gain-loss ratio for stocks and show that the LA-agents are more (less) risk averse than the EZ-agents if their degree of loss aversion is higher (lower) than this ratio. When all the agents have unitary relative risk aversion degree and elasticity of intertemporal substitution, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium and the market dominance of the EZ-agents in the long run. Finally, we extend our results to the case in which the LA-agents use probability weighting in their evaluation of gains and losses.  相似文献   

A univariate real-valued function is said to be completely monotone if it takes positive values and alternate the signs of its higher order derivatives, starting from everywhere negative first derivatives. We prove that the representative consumer’s discount factor of a continuous-time economy under uncertainty is a power function of some completely monotone function of time satisfying certain boundary conditions if and only if it may be derived from a group of consumers having constant and equal relative risk aversion, and constant and yet possibly unequal discount rates.  相似文献   

I introduce a general equilibrium model with active investors and indexers. Indexing causes market segmentation, and the degree of segmentation is a function of the relative wealth of indexers in the economy. Shocks to this relative wealth induce correlated shocks to discount rates of index stocks. The wealthier indexers are, the greater the resulting comovement is. I confirm empirically that S&P 500 stocks comove more with other index stocks and less with non-index stocks, and that changes in passive holdings of S&P 500 stocks predict changes in comovement of index stocks.  相似文献   

Combining the behavioral characteristics of rational uninformed investors with learning information behavior of sentiment investors, this paper establishes a mathematical model about the impact of learning information behavior on the investor's transaction and asset equilibrium price under asymmetric information. Research shows that when rational uninformed investors learn information in the short term, on the one hand, they choose to bet against sentiment investors, thus reducing the influence of sentiment; on the other hand, they occasionally mistake sentiment for information to chase sentiment investors, then amplifying sentiment shocks. Furthermore, sentiment investors can also gain valuable information indirectly by observing the price in the long term. When sentiment investors learn information in the long term, the price fluctuations caused by sentiment and information, informativeness of the price system and market efficiency are no longer dependent on the quality of information.  相似文献   

A new condition is introduced for the existence of equilibrium for an economy where preferences need not be transitive or complete and the consumption set of each agent need not be bounded from below. The new condition allows us to extend the literature in two ways. First, the result of the paper can cover the case where the utility set for individually rational allocations may not be compact. As illustrated in Page et al. [Page Jr., F.H., Wooders, M.H., Monteiro, P.K., 2000. Inconsequential arbitrage. Journal of Mathematical Economics 34, 439–469], the no arbitrage conditions do not apply to an economy with a non-compact utility set. Second, we generalize the arbitrage-based equilibrium theory to the case of non-transitive preferences.  相似文献   

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