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The Returns to Higher Education in Britain: Evidence From a British Cohort   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use British birth cohort panel data to examine the impact that degree level qualifications and other higher education qualifications have on the earnings of individuals in the medium to longer term. We compare the outcomes of these individuals with those of individuals who had the prospect of undertaking Higher Education but chose not to. Our approach involves 'matching' these individuals according to observed characteristics which we have in the data such as ability, family background and demographics and then comparing outcomes between individuals who proved to HE and otherwise identical individuals who had the opportunity but did not.  相似文献   

Wages in East Germany are persistently lower than in West Germany. We study the micro‐level determinants of this spatial wage gap, using an Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition and rich linked employer–employee data. In total, up to one half of the aggregate wage differential can be attributed to structural differences in worker, establishment and regional characteristics. Regional price and establishment size differentials alone account for one quarter of the wage gap at the median. Price level differentials are even more relevant towards the top of the wage distribution. Towards the bottom, differences in union coverage become more important. Our findings are quite stable over the period from 1996 to 2010.  相似文献   

This paper tests the existence of persistent inflation rate differentials in the euro area by employing linear as well nonlinear unit root tests. Besides linear unit root tests, a two-regime threshold unit root test examines the conjecture that inflation rate differentials follow a nonlinear two-regime process towards a threshold, switching from the persistent regime to the transitory one and vice versa. The results imply that threshold nonlinearity is confirmed in 10 out of the 16 cases. However, we have found unit root regime-switching behavior only in six out of the 16 cases under investigation. This finding implies that these inflation rate differentials were persistent when they were low (regime 1), but transitory when they were high (regime 2). This asymmetric behavior can possibly be explained by the different degree of pressure exercised on governments, which is accompanied with different inflation rate differentials. On the contrary, despite the evidence of nonlinearity, the majority of the inflation rate differentials are found to be monotonically persistent. Our results have strong implications for policy makers. In particular, the documented persistency in the inflation rate differentials might have long-run costs in terms of price and macroeconomic stability.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of country size differentials and Ricardian technology differences on firms’ location decisions using a two‐country, two‐good (homogeneous agricultural good and differentiated manufacturing products), two‐factor (labour and footloose capital) simple new economic geography model. We found that manufacturing firms may agglomerate in a country where the manufacturing sector has a comparative disadvantage. In addition, when country size differentials and Ricardian technology differences exist between two countries, the key factor influencing firms’ location decisions changes according to the level of trade liberalization, from being market size‐dependent to becoming technology‐dependent.  相似文献   

In the United States, different types of capital are effectively taxed at different rates. In particular, effective tax rates on structures have been higher than those on equipments. Eliminating these differentials has been the subject of policy debates. This paper analyzes the consequences of eliminating capital tax differentials using an incomplete markets model with equipment–skill complementarity. The reform improves productive efficiency by eliminating distortions in capital accumulation. It also increases the degree of equality by reducing the skill premium. The reform increases average welfare by approximately 0.11%.  相似文献   

工作特征对性别工资差距的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
补偿性工资是解释性别工资差距的理论之一。本文利用2006年中国综合社会调查(CGSS2006)数据同时考察了人力资本和工作特征的工资效应,并采用Jann(2008)提出的无歧视工资机制的估计方法,对性别工资差距进行了分解分析。研究发现,我国城镇劳动力市场两性的工作特征存在显著的差异,但部分工作特征对工资的作用方向并不符合补偿性工资理论的预期。管理职务上的差异对性别工资差距具有一定的解释作用,但加入大量的工作特征变量后,性别工资差距中总的可解释部分没有明显提高。由此推论,性别歧视可能是形成工资差距的重要因素。促进性别平等和妇女发展必须采取更加积极的公共政策和反歧视措施。  相似文献   

Cross-sectional evidence on price levels is scarce for all countries. However, several studies suggest that there might exist considerable differences in price levels within countries, which has obvious welfare implications. A sample of price levels in 50 German cities in 1993 is used to analyse the determinants of inter-city price level differentials. The most important explanatory variables for price level differentials are population size and density and the average wage level. Using this information, the price levels are predicted in all 440 German districts and aggregated to the state level. At the state level convergence of the price levels to a common mean is found, but at a very low speed. The estimated half-life is about 19 years.  相似文献   

This paper analyses existing wage differentials between workers in the public and private sectors and by gender in Spain. This analysis is run throughout the entire earnings distribution and observed wage differentials are decomposed into a part explained by differences in productive characteristics and a part due to differences in returns to such characteristics. Our results show that public sector workers tend to earn higher wages than private employees, although most of this sector wage gap is due to better public workers’ productive characteristics. A wage premium in favour of men is also found in both the public and private sectors, with the gender wage gap greater at the top of the earnings distribution.  相似文献   

This article analyses the services trade impact of recognition of professional qualifications using a unique database compiled by the European Commission. It observes that there is large variation in the number of regulated professions across the EU. The number of recognitions is small relative to total employment in regulated professions. Nevertheless, a robust positive relationship between services trade and recognition of qualifications is found. Recognition stimulates two-way trade between the source and the host country, suggesting that arms-length exports as well as cross-border outsourcing take place. Recognitions in health and education professions are most strongly related to services trade.  相似文献   

国有企业支付了更高的职工工资吗?   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
对职工个人层面的研究表明,股权性质显著影响职工平均工资,但已有文献对于企业层面上股权性质如何影响职工平均工资尚缺乏深入探讨。以1999—2009年间我国A股上市企业为样本,本文深入考察了国有股权性质对职工平均工资的影响。研究结果表明,从整体上看,样本期间国有企业支付了更高的职工工资,而且这一结论在控制了行政垄断、企业规模和职工教育背景等因素之后依然成立。进一步区分国有企业控制级别和职工工资类别后发现,与非国有企业相比,国有企业普通职工工资显著更高。其中,中央政府控制的国有企业普通职工工资显著高于地方政府控制的国有企业,而地方政府控制的国有企业又显著高于非国有企业;国有企业高管薪酬与非国有企业并无显著差异,但中央政府控制的国有企业高管薪酬显著高于地方政府控制的国有企业和非国有企业。上述研究结论有助于理解转轨经济背景下国有股权性质对职工工资的影响,丰富了职工工资的相关研究,并对推进我国国有企业工资体制改革具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

As shown by the intense legislative effort at the European Union level, the mutual recognition of professional qualifications represents an important step towards the completion of the single EU labor market. In this paper we provide the first empirical evidence on the link between intra‐EU mobility and mutual recognition of professional qualifications. Our results show that bilateral EU migration is positively affected by the destination country's rate of recognition of professional qualifications obtained in another EU member state.  相似文献   

Economic geography and wages in Brazil: Evidence from micro-data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper estimates the impact of market and supplier access on wage disparities across Brazilian states, incorporating the control for individual characteristics into the new economic geography methodology. We estimate market and supplier access disaggregated by industry, and we compute access to local, national and international markets separately. We find a strong correlation between market access and wage differentials, even after controlling for individual characteristics, market access level (international, national or local), and using instrumental variables.  相似文献   

基于统计年鉴宏观数据和吉林省劳动力市场状况调查微观数据,采用两步骤回归模型分析吉林省行业间工资差异的成因。结果发现,个人特征对吉林省行业工资回报具有正向作用;行政垄断等行业特征变量对吉林省行业工资差距同样产生正向影响。可见,个人特征和行业特征都是行业间工资差异形成的原因,相比之下,行业特征因素更为显著。因此,政府在调控现阶段行业间工资回报差异方面,更应该倾向于关注行政垄断带来的工资差异。  相似文献   

This paper examines wage differentials at the firm level in Chile and Brazil, using data for 1985 and 1991, and 1987 respectively. The high level of disaggregation in the data available for Chile enables us also to analyze the degree to which wage differentials between individual employers are similar across occupations.
The results of this study reaffirm those of previous research pointing to non-competitive explanations for wage differentials, specifically providing clear evidence that inter-firm wage premia are highly correlated across occupations.  相似文献   

The current Australian migration program rewards applicants for possessing Australian tertiary qualifications. This study examines whether such qualifications help mitigate the labour market disadvantages faced by immigrants in Australia. The effect of host country qualification on labour market assimilation is estimated by comparing the labour force participation and unemployment of natives with two groups of migrants: those holding foreign qualifications and those holding Australian qualifications. Controlling for factors such as level of education and experience, there is no evidence that Australian qualifications result in better labour market outcomes for migrants.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the occupational placement of immigrants in the US labor market using census data. We find striking differences among highly educated immigrants from different countries, even after we control for individuals' age, experience and level of education. With some exceptions, educated immigrants from Latin American and Eastern European countries are more likely to end up in unskilled jobs than immigrants from Asia and industrial countries. A large part of the variation can be explained by attributes of the country of origin that influence the quality of human capital, such as expenditure on tertiary education and the use of English as a medium of instruction. These findings suggest that “underplaced” migrants suffer primarily from low (or poorly transferable) skills rather than skill underutilization. The selection effects of US immigration policy also play an important role in explaining cross-country variation. The observed under-placement of educated migrants might be alleviated if home and host countries cooperate by sharing information on labor market conditions and work toward the recognition of qualifications.  相似文献   

A cross-section study of 116 sectors of U.K. manufacturing shows that the proportion of females employed in each industry can be explained by variables which stand for the type of work performed in that industry. Females tend to be more represented them men in sectors where work is less heavy and dangerous, but also less qualified, and where the number of part-time jobs prevail. Earnings differentials between non-competing groups (women and men, manual and non-manual workers) are shown to be remarkably similar in the entire manufacturing sector. The level of wages in each industry appears to explain a large part of the variation of salaries.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether union membership reduces gender earnings differentials in the Chinese labour market using an employer–employee matched data set. We have three main findings. First, union membership helps reduce the gender differentials in hourly wage and monthly allowance, but not in monthly basic wage and yearly bonus. Second, ensuring that female workers receive overtime pay is one way by which union membership helps reduce the gender earnings differentials. Third, controlling for firm fixed effects reduces the effect of union membership on the gender gap in hourly wage and monthly allowance, which means that the unobserved firm characteristics might impact the effect of union membership on gender earnings differentials.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a Mincerian wage equation with worker, firm, and match specific effects and thereby complements the growing empirical literature started by the seminal paper of Abowd (Econometrica 67:251–333, 1999b). The analysis takes advantage of the extensive Danish IDA data which provides wage information on the entire working population in a 27-year period. We find that the major part of wage dispersion in the Danish labor market can be explained by differences in worker characteristics. However, the relative contributions of the three components vary across subgroups of workers. The match effect constitutes a non-negligible part of the overall wage dispersion. An analysis of inter-industry wage differentials shows that firm characteristics are more important at the industry level than at the worker level. Similarly, we find evidence that high-wage workers tend to sort into high-wage industries to a larger extent than they sort into high-wage firms within industries. The mobility pattern of workers is related to the quality of the firm and the match. Finally, we find that firms’ wage policies differ across subgroups.  相似文献   

S. Bradley 《Applied economics》2013,45(7):1159-1174
Empirical research on the subject area of occupational choice has generally focused upon outcomes; that is, in terms of occupational attainment, gender and racial segmentation, and male–female earnings differentials. But individual preferences, in terms of which occupation to pursue, are likely to be of equal importance in considering many of these issues. Therefore, this paper is concerned with an empirical analysis of the occupational expectations of minimum-aged school-leavers. A logit analysis is performed to establish what independent variables are more important in determining which labour queue school-leavers join. This is followed by the implications of the analysis for policy makers and practitioners concerned with the youth labour market. The evidence shows that there are clear differences in the occupational expectations of males and females. For instance, female school-leavers are more likely to seek entry to clerical and other non-manual occupations, such as retailing and catering. Males, on the other hand, have a higher probability of seeking entry to craft occupations like engineering and construction. However, account must also be taken of other personal characteristics when considering occupational choice in this context. Indeed, both human capital and other ‘personality’ variables are shown to have a statistically significant influence upon the occupational expectations of minimumaged school-leavers.  相似文献   

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