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Which housing characteristics are important for understanding homeownership rates? How are housing characteristics priced in rental and owner-occupied markets? What can answers to these questions tell us about economic theories of homeownership? Using the English Housing Survey, we estimate a selection model of property allocations to the owner-occupied and rental sectors. Structural characteristics and unobserved quality are important for selection. Location is not. Accounting for selection is important for rent-to-price ratio estimates and explains some puzzling correlations between rent-to-price ratios and homeownership rates. These patterns are consistent with, among others, hypotheses of rental market contracting frictions related to housing maintenance.  相似文献   

We study a benchmark model with collateral constraints and heterogeneous discounting. Contrarily to a rich literature on borrowing limits, we allow for rental markets. By incorporating this missing market, we show that impatient agents choose to rent rather than to own the collateral in the neighborhood of the deterministic steady state. Consequently, impatient agents are not indebted and borrowing constraints play no role in local dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impacts of new housing developments funded with the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), the largest federal project based housing program in the U.S., on the neighborhoods in which they are built. A discontinuity in the formula determining the magnitude of tax credits as a function of neighborhood characteristics generates pseudo-random assignment in the number of low income housing units built in similar sets of census tracts. Tracts where projects are awarded 30% higher tax credits receive approximately six more low income housing units on a base of seven units per tract. These additional new low income developments cause homeowner turnover to rise, raise property values in declining areas and reduce incomes in gentrifying areas in neighborhoods near the 30th percentile of the income distribution. LIHTC units significantly crowd out nearby new rental construction in gentrifying areas but do not displace new construction in stable or declining areas.  相似文献   

There is a strong need for barrier‐free rental housing because of the rapidly aging population in Japan, where the share of barrier‐free rental housing is only 18.24% of total rental housing. We propose a policy to solve the problems associated with supplying barrier‐free rental housing. Our scheme involves a method of funding rental housing with a securities investor, as well as implementing property management and introducing rent subsidies. The plan entails funds being collected to construct barrier‐free rental housing. The housing will generate positive rental profits, which will, in turn, lead to the increase in the supply of barrier‐free rental housing. According to our plan, the low‐income elderly will also have access to barrier‐free rental housing.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to an exploration of the potential causes (as distinct from existence) of social and spatial polarisation. It focuses on the changing provision of low-rent housing in a spatial context, and hence on the role that the private rental market plays in the residential choices available to lower income households. The paper applies multinomial logit estimation to panel data to determine the factors that affect the probability that an existing rental dwelling remains at the same real rent value over the decade from 1991 to 2001, filters down or up or exits from the private rental market. It tests the hypothesis that the outcome is affected by neighbourhood characteristics.  相似文献   

杭州公共自行车景区游客体验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游交通随着旅游业和交通运输业的大力发展,越来越成为影响旅游目的地游客体验质量的重要环节。2008年5月1日起,杭州在全国率先运行公共自行丰租赁系统,将自行车纳入公共交通领域。如今,此套公共自行车租赁系统的使用满意度,尤其是景区范围内的旅游交通游客体验情况,值得学界关注和研究。  相似文献   

Researchers, policy-makers and the media all highlight a crisis in the Australian private rental sector. Often, proposed rental reforms that centre tenants are claimed to cause property owner disinvestment and have a negative impact on the rental market. Recent research which we co-authored found these claims are not substantiated by evidence. In this article, we argue that further reforms are needed to improve the functioning of the rental market for tenants. We examine some of the most contentious issues in rental regulation and assess the evidence of their impacts, drawing from our own research as well as that of others.  相似文献   

We study the rental office market in the Tokyo central business district by estimating hedonic equations for the office rent for 1985–94 fiscal years. This period includes the "Bubble" of asset prices, followed by its deflation. We find that the characteristics related to transportational conveniences are less effective in explaining office rents than the characteristics related to the agglomeration of offices and the amenity characteristics of the office buildings themselves. Using a skewed error-term specification, we show that the discount in rental transactions is not irrelevant. The hedonic office rent indices and possible policy implications are also presented.
JEL Classification Numbers: L85, R32.  相似文献   

Recognition of the potentially deleterious implications of inequality in opportunity originating in a skewed asset distribution has spawned considerable interest in land reforms. However, little attention has been devoted to the fact that, in the longer-term, the measures used to implement land reforms, especially rental restrictions, could negatively affect productivity. Use of state level data on rental restrictions, together with a nationally representative survey from India suggests that, contrary to original intentions, rental restrictions negatively affect productivity and equity by reducing scope for efficiency-enhancing rental transactions that benefit poor producers. Simulations suggest that, by doubling the number of producers with access to land through rental, from about 15 million currently, liberalization of rental markets could have far-reaching impacts.  相似文献   

We study competition for high bandwidth services in the telecommunications industry by introducing the possibility of unbundling the local loop, where leased lines permit the entrant to provide services without building up its own infrastructure. We use a dynamic model of technology adoption and study the incentives of the entrant to lease loops and compete “service-based”, and/or to build up a new and more efficient infrastructure and compete “facility-based”, given the rental price.We show that the incumbent sets too low a rental price for its loops; hence, the entrant adopts the new technology too late from a social welfare perspective. The distortion may appear not only on the timing of technology adoption but also on the type (quality) of the new technology to be adopted. We also show that while regulating the rental price may suffice to achieve socially desirable outcomes, a sunset clause does not improve social welfare.  相似文献   

Disclosure of energy performance certificates (EPCs) is often incomplete, which hampers their effectiveness in relieving information asymmetries between landlords and tenants in the housing market. Even when a certificate is available, landlords do not always disclose it. This contradicts the unraveling result, according to which all landlords should disclose quality information unless it is costly to do so. We leverage a cross-sectional dataset of residential rental advertisements from the Belgian region of Brussels to empirically evaluate incentives to disclose an EPC. We find that two fundamental assumptions for the unraveling result are not confirmed in our setting: tenants do not necessarily value energy performance of rental property and do not appear to rationally adjust their expectations when faced with dwellings that withhold their EPC. The paper formulates specific policy advice for reforming EPC mechanisms to increase disclosure rates.  相似文献   

We study the composition of the housing stock across ownership and rental markets in a dynamic model of frictional assignment. Houses are rented or sold to heterogeneous households that sort over quality. Due to matching frictions and an increasing ownership surplus, wealthy households tend to own and lower value housing tends to be rented, even without financial frictions or rental supply constraints. When calibrated to match key housing market features of the average U.S. city, the model is consistent with observed empirical relationships across cities. We study the model's implications for affordability, ownership, and the impact of progressive property taxation.  相似文献   

A multistage economy with durables with finite and with unbounded lives is considered. The importance of the existence of both asset and rental markets is considered. It is shown that without rental markets efficiency may not be achieved and a stationary state that might exist with rental markets need not exist. The meaning of the existence of a 100% backed loan is considered. The roles of gold and land as stores of value and money are considered.Research supported in part by ONR Grant N00014-86-K-0220 and by NSF Grant No. SES-8812051.  相似文献   

The Moving to Opportunity (MTO) experiment randomly assigned housing vouchers that could be used in low-poverty neighborhoods. Consistent with the literature, I find that receiving an MTO voucher had no effect on outcomes like earnings, employment, and test scores. However, after studying the assumptions identifying neighborhood effects with MTO data, this paper reaches a very different interpretation of these results than found in the literature. I first specify a model in which the absence of effects from the MTO program implies an absence of neighborhood effects. I present theory and evidence against two key assumptions of this model: that poverty is the only determinant of neighborhood quality and that outcomes only change across one threshold of neighborhood quality. I then show that in a more realistic model of neighborhood effects that relaxes these assumptions, the absence of effects from the MTO program is perfectly compatible with the presence of neighborhood effects. This analysis illustrates why the implicit identification strategies used in the literature on MTO can be misleading.  相似文献   

As countries increasingly strive to transform their economies from agriculture‐based into a diversified one, land rental will become of greater importance. It will thus be critical to complement research on the efficiency of specific land rental arrangements such as sharecropping with an inquiry into the broader productivity impacts of the land rental market. Plot‐level data for a matched landlord–tenant sample in an environment where sharecropping dominates allow us to explore both issues. We find that pure output sharing leads to significantly lower levels of efficiency that can be attenuated by monitoring while the inefficiency disappears if inputs are shared as well. Rentals transfer land to more productive producers but realization of this productivity advantage is prevented by the inefficiency of contractual arrangements, suggesting changes that would prompt adoption of different contractual arrangements could have significant benefits.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of neighborhood welfare participation on individual welfare participation, that is, the endogenous neighborhood effects. Endogenous neighborhood effects generate social multipliers. Few existing empirical studies on neighborhood effects distinguish between endogenous neighborhood effects and exogenous neighborhood effects, that is, the effects of neighborhood characteristics. This article constitutes an early attempt to identify and estimate endogenous and exogenous neighborhood effects separately. I construct an instrumental variable for neighborhood welfare participation rate based on the variation in welfare benefits and neighborhood demographic composition to address the reflection problem and the omitted neighborhood variables problem. A two-step method is proposed to separately estimate endogenous and exogenous neighborhood effects. The results show that neighborhood welfare participation plays an important role in a woman’s welfare participation both before and after the welfare reform in 1996.  相似文献   

I study the welfare and distributional consequences of introducing the student‐proposing deferred acceptance in a model where schools have exogenous qualities and the benefit from attending a school is supermodular in school quality and student type. Unlike neighborhood assignment, deferred acceptance induces nonpositive assortative matching where higher type students do not necessarily choose neighborhoods with better schools. Student types are more heterogeneous within neighborhoods under deferred acceptance. Assuming an elastic housing supply, deferred acceptance benefits residents in lower quality neighborhoods with more access to higher quality schools. Moreover, more parents will “vote with their feet” for deferred acceptance, other things equal, than for neighborhood assignment.  相似文献   

Despite numerous hedonic studies on the value of clean air in developed countries, the lack of similar studies in less developed countries has raised the question as to whether clean air also matters in developing countries' megacities. As an attempt to fill this gap, we apply a hedonic property value analysis, the method commonly used to infer the value of clean air in developed countries, using the combination of data on housing rental prices and their characteristics from the Indonesian Family Life Survey, and data of the ambient level of six different pollutants in Jakarta, Indonesia. The result indicates that, in the cases of lead, total hydro carbon (THC), and SO2, air pollutants have a negative association with property value; i.e., housing rental price. The relationship is at 5% level of significance for lead and 10% level for THC and SO2. This paper estimates that per family value of clean air in Jakarta ranges from US$28 to US$85 per μg/m3.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of eco-labeling on rental rates, sale prices and occupancy rates. The consensus emerging from previous studies appears to be that investors in and occupiers of eco-labeled buildings obtain a bundle of benefits related to lower operating costs, reputation benefits and productivity higher. In this study, a hedonic model is used to test whether the presence of an eco-label has a significantly positive effect on rental rates, sale prices and occupancy rates of commercial office buildings in the US. The results suggest that office buildings with Energy Star or LEED eco-labels obtain rental premia of approximately 3-5%. Dual certification produces an additive effect with rental premia estimated at 9%. Respective sale price premia for Energy Star and LEED labeled office buildings are 18% and 25%. The sale price premium for dual certification is estimated at 28-29%. An occupancy premium could not be confirmed for LEED labeled office buildings and only a small positive occupancy premium was found for Energy Star.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to identify tax arbitrage opportunities in the field of rental housing in France and the USA. We conducted tax simulations for investments made in the USA or France. We compared total net rental incomes, capital gains and present investment values based on different tax regimes. Our results show that rental housing in the USA under the Effectively Connected Income classification serves as the best option, as it generates the highest present investment value. We performed several robustness exercises and we showed that our results are strengthened in cases of stronger price appreciation in the USA than in France and in cases of high landlord tax brackets.  相似文献   

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